Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 145 The past of the sword fairy, the war is coming

Chapter 145 The past of the sword fairy, the war is coming
Misty sea, at this time Li Ye had already dived into the sea.

Under the surface of the sea, schools of fish surrounded him, just like the storm of fish schools in previous life diving movies.

However, if the diving enthusiasts from the previous life encountered the storm of fish schools here, they would be swallowed up by the fish schools in the blink of an eye.

After all, the fish schools here are all carnivores, with sharp teeth and sharp mouths, and their lethality is much stronger than the so-called piranhas in the previous life.

However, when these poor little fish met Li Ye, they couldn't show their fierce power at all. Even if the magnetic field in the sea was chaotic, Li Ye couldn't activate the magnetic field to kill the fish.

But Li Ye just swung the double hammers at will when diving, and the fish schools died in large numbers.

And some fish that slipped through the net couldn't bite Li Ye's skin at all when they touched him.

Just like that, Li Ye dived non-stop with a burst of fierce aura, and soon passed through the huge school of fish, but encountered another sea beast.

As time passed, the water in this sea area became more and more red, and bursts of bloody breath spread in all directions.

And Li Ye finally killed all kinds of sea beasts, and gradually sneaked into the bottom of the sea.

When his feet touched the ground, even Li Ye couldn't help but let out a long breath.

There are really too many sea beasts in this misty sea. Although these sea beasts do not pose much threat to him, the constant killing has brought him great mental pressure.

Although he was not facing the same kind, but he had killed a lot, and he still felt a little nervous.

Standing on the ground at the bottom of the sea, looking at the dark and deep water, Li Ye couldn't help but wonder where the place of inheritance is.

But at this moment, a faint light suddenly lit up in his arms.

If it was under the sun, then this ray of light might be ignored, but this is a dark seabed, and this ray of light immediately attracted Li Ye's attention.

Stretching out his hand to grope in his bosom, Li Ye took out a jade talisman.

This is the certificate to enter the inheritance place of Ziyue Sword Immortal.

At this time, in the white and transparent jade talisman, bright silver threads glowed, moving quickly to form a new pattern.

The next moment, Li Ye's feet trembled, and a hill in front of him suddenly began to shake violently and cracked.

"This is..." Li Ye fixed his eyes and saw a blue light emerging from the crack in the hill.

The blue light was unusually soft, exactly the same as what I saw in the water mansion at the bottom of the lake that time.

Li Ye knew in his heart that this was the place where Ziyue Sword Immortal left behind in the sea of ​​mist.

Immediately, he walked over.

brush!A light blue halo suddenly exploded, and in the next second Li Ye saw a stone room similar to the water mansion at the bottom of the lake.

Similar in size and layout, the only difference is that there is no psychic sword here, and the stone pillars are not trays with animal skins and jade charms.

Looking at this place of inheritance, although Li Ye felt that the model should be similar to the stone room at the bottom of the lake, after thinking about it, he still didn't enter rashly. Instead, he stepped back and caught a half-meter-long sea fish and threw it in.

"Papa..." The sea fish landed in the stone room, its tail slapping the ground vigorously, without any abnormal reaction.

Li Ye stood outside the stone room, quietly watching the lively sea fish, but still did not make any further movements.

After a while, suddenly a gleam of light flashed in the stone room, the movement of the sea fish stopped abruptly, and the vitality disappeared instantly.

But at this moment, Li Ye breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the stone room slowly.

That's right, this is the inheritance place of Ziyue Sword Immortal.

After all, Ziyue Sword Immortal once said that if there is no jade talisman in the place of inheritance, the person who enters will die. If the sea fish has been alive, he would not dare to enter.

As Li Ye stepped into the stone room, suddenly, a voice rang in his ears.

"Future inheritor, when you came here, I should have died..."

died?Isn't this nonsense, Li Ye couldn't help complaining in his heart.

3000 years have passed since Ziyue Sword Immortal was active.

Even the metamorphoses of Youpin have a lifespan of only a thousand years, how could Ziyue Sword Immortal live to this era.

But... Li Ye suddenly realized that Ziyue Sword Immortal probably didn't know when the latecomer came here.

Therefore, Ziyue Sword Immortal must have died soon after creating this place of inheritance, and also anticipated the inevitability of his own death.

Is it the end of life, or the serious injury, or some other reason?
Li Ye's brain was spinning crazily, and at the same time, the voice rang in his ears again.

"Aliens from outside the sky are secretly controlling this world, absorbing the luck of the entire human race. As a soldier of the human race, I must do my best to fight for a way out for the human race!"

As Ziyue Sword Immortal's voice kept ringing, Li Ye's heart set off a huge wave.

Ziyue Sword Immortal is not a warrior, but an envoy of divine soldiers!
At the same time, she is not from this continent, but came here accidentally from the Shenbing Continent, which is the Southern Continent.

And the news he got in the stone room at the bottom of the lake was completely wrong.

"I, Shi Mengyue, learned swordsmanship at the age of three, practiced painstakingly for fifteen years, achieved great success in swordsmanship, and communicated with heaven and man."

"After traveling to the mainland, he was invincible among his peers. After twenty years, he was named Ziyue Sword Immortal."

"Another ten years, invincible in the world, lonely as snow, so I entered the sea of ​​mist, seeking a breakthrough."


A long paragraph, only the first sentence is correct.

It is true that Shi Mengyue learned swordsmanship at the age of three, and has achieved great success in swordsmanship.

But the truth only ends here, and the information behind it is all wrong.

3000 years ago, after Shi Mengyue had mastered the art of swordsmanship, she came to the shore of the Misty Sea to kill sea beasts and prepare materials to refine her own magic weapon.

As a result, an accident happened while hunting the sea beast, and the sea beast escaped from the trap.

In desperation, Shi Mengyue could only chase after her.

Although she finally got the material she wanted, she was completely lost.

Immediately afterwards, he was attacked by various sea beasts and fled for his life in a panic.

It was half a year later when she went around and found the coast again, and when she landed this time, she found that she had come to this continent.

Therefore, she is not from this continent at all, but a cultivator from the Southern Continent.

Not only that, but she also transformed her soul in this continent, and was promoted to the Youpin Divine Soldier Envoy, earning the title of the only Saint Warrior in this continent.

Standing quietly in the stone room, Li Ye's heart was ups and downs, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

No wonder Ji Qiu acted so exaggeratedly after knowing that he had transformed into a warrior.

It turns out that there is no other person in this world who has transformed through the path of a warrior, but he is actually the first one.

What is the first warrior in 3000 years to break through to sainthood? He is the only warrior who has broken through to sainthood since the beginning of the world.

Before that, the way of warriors would not work at all!
After a while, awakened by Shi Mengyue's continuing statement, Li Ye regained his composure and listened carefully again.

After the breakthrough, Shi Mengyue began to travel on this continent, and at the same time learned about the top forces of all parties on this continent.

Mystery, birth, information circulated only among the nobility.

The most important thing is that it is not a magic soldier at all, but another path!
After she learned about visualization, Taoism and other professional vocabulary, she couldn't help remembering that she saw a piece of secret information about one side in the war 1 years ago when she was in the Southern Continent.


An extraterrestrial race that occupies the world by devouring the luck of the human race in the world.An extraterrestrial force that occupies half of the world, forcing the human race to leave the southern continent.

In order to prevent the Dao Clan from unscrupulously devouring the luck of the Human Clan, and for the faith in her heart, Shi Mengyue finally left the inheritance, and then chose to die generously.

Too much information.

Li Ye blinked, listening to Shi Mengyue's words, he couldn't help feeling shocked.

It turned out that Shi Mengyue died after taking the initiative to attack the Taoist forces after leaving the inheritance.

Obviously, she knew that she was not an opponent before going, but she still chose to go.

What kind of feelings is this, Li Ye asked himself, he would never be able to do it.

Not to mention going to death, even if he put himself in a dangerous place, he would feel embarrassed.

Because of this, he admired Shi Mengyue even more in his heart.

After understanding the general life of Shi Mengyue, the next step is the most important harvest at this time.

That is the inheritance of Shi Mengyue, the practice method of the magic weapon envoy!

On the other side, the central area of ​​Chen Country, Sunset County.

As night fell, in the mist, the group of demons began to open their scarlet eyes, and walked toward the south with neat steps; the herd of beasts not far away also began to roar to the sky and run south.

Compared with humans and monsters, the beast tide was disorderly, but the speed was much faster.

At the same time, the human team guarding outside the fog also discovered movement at the border of the fog.

Outside the mist, in the jungle, a dark-skinned, burly man saw the tumbling mist and saw the shadowy shadows inside, his expression changed drastically, and he turned his head and shouted: "Captain, captain, something is wrong, The mist seems to be moving!"

"What's it called? Let me see what's going on." The captain of this team of scouts opened his eyes and looked towards the north casually.

He didn't think that there would be any problems in the fog. After all, the fog had appeared for a long time, and there was no special reaction.

The reason why they are guarding here is just to prevent it from happening.

But when he turned his head to look at the mist, his expression changed drastically, and he shouted: "Run away, run away separately! We must pass the news back to Qingshan County!"

I saw a group of ferocious beasts bursting out of the mist and rushing towards them.

Before he got close, a terrifying and fierce aura rushed towards his face, making him feel suffocated.

At this time, the other members of the team also discovered the change in the border of the mist, and immediately started running southward.

At this time, no one would say that they stayed to resist the beast tide. After all, their scouting team only had ten people, which was not enough for these monsters to squeeze their teeth.

"Captain, you are the strongest and fastest. If you survive, come back to the county and help me see my mother!" One of the tall team members suddenly shouted loudly.

The captain turned his head and saw a three-meter-high black shadow appearing behind the team member. It was a mutated cheetah!
In the next moment, half of the players disappeared into the mouth of the mutated cheetah.

"Damn it!" After scolding angrily, the scout captain turned his head and continued to run away sullenly.

He knew in his heart that he could do nothing but escape.

Even if he was a metamorphosis warrior, he could only run for his life and did not dare to look back.

If she turned around, she would be directly overwhelmed by the herd.

He tried his best to escape and pass the news back to the army behind.

As time went by, the members of the scouting team sacrificed one by one, and the army patrol finally appeared in front of the captain.

Immediately he shouted loudly: "The monster is coming, the fog is shaking, the monster is coming out, the monster is fighting out of the fog."

Seeing the embarrassment of the leader of the scouting team, and hearing his call, the patrol team dared not neglect, even if they rang the gong for warning.

"Dang, clang, clang..." A gong sounded, spreading to the barracks behind, and the whole barracks immediately began to move.

They know that war is coming.


This place is located in the northernmost part of Qingshan County. It was a wasteland before, but at this time, a winding earth wall appeared.

This is the battlefield specially prepared by Qingshan County for this war.

Even Li Ye knew about the situation in Sunset County, how could Danxia Mountain, the actual controller of Qingshan County, not feel vigilant.

As early as the situation in Sunset County spread to Qingshan County, Danxia Mountain called the army of the entire big county and warriors from various forces to join in the north.

The most important task of these fighters and soldiers gathered from all counties in Qingshan County is to block the monsters emerging from the mist here, and prevent these monsters from attacking the city in the south.

At this time, after hearing the sound of the gong, a large number of warriors rushed out of the barracks, formed a loose formation and went straight to the north.

They are all free warriors living in Qingshan County, either from gangs or escorts.

The power is not big, the strength is not strong.

And their only function is... scouts and cannon fodder!

At this time, the army didn't know the news ahead at all, only the sound of the gong sounded, and they were the ones who went to investigate the specific news.

And after this group of loosely disciplined warriors rushed out of the barracks first, groups of well-disciplined and neatly formed warriors also began to gather and head north.

At the same time, on a high platform in the barracks, several figures were standing on the edge of the high platform looking north, talking a lot.

"Why are they all beasts? Could it be that these beasts did what happened in Sunset County?"

"How is it possible? Didn't Master Xiao from Danxia Mountain say that they are alien races from outside the sky. I guess these beasts were just driven out by the other party to attack our formation."

"Ridiculous, it's just a herd of livestock..."

Suddenly, the voice stopped abruptly.

At the forefront of the contact between the beast tide and the human fighters, the running patrol members were directly thrown down and killed by one after another beast shadows, but the beast herd did not stop at all, and went straight to the south, straight to the earth wall...

(End of this chapter)

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