Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 149 Cultivation Deduction, Great Harvest!

Chapter 149 Cultivation Deduction, Great Harvest!

After Bai Erye's goal was achieved, he didn't stay any longer, and after sitting for a while, he said goodbye and left.

Blacksmith Li originally wanted to keep him for lunch, but seeing that Li Ye didn't nod, he didn't dare to stay, so he just shied away and left the courtyard.

In the afternoon, Li Ye met Chen Feng and Sun Yao who lived next door.

I have to say that the two of them are lucky this time, because they have not fought anyone since they came to Qingshan County, and the identity of the warriors has not been revealed.

Therefore, this time the war mobilization did not find the two of them.

Otherwise, as "casual cultivators", they would be pure cannon fodder on the battlefield.

After seeing the two of them, even if Li Yedang directly explained a few words to the two of them, in the following time, as long as it is not necessary, try not to reveal his identity as a warrior.

Li Ye is too lazy to stand up for the two of them because of this kind of thing. After all, there must be the Taoist clan of Danxia Mountain behind this war. He doesn't want to be exposed to the other party's sight now, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, the two of them can only be asked to keep a low profile and try their best to keep a low profile.

Fortunately, Li Ye's weight in the hearts of the two is high enough. After Li Ye finished talking about the current situation, the two of them should express their opinions. In the next time, they will never show the strength and speed of a warrior, and they will only be a power Bigger ordinary people.

Li Ye was also very satisfied with the performance of the two of them.

At this juncture, if the two of them could not cause him any trouble, then Li Ye wouldn't mind guiding them on their cultivation and rewarding them with some secret medicines needed for their cultivation.

In the following time, Sun Yao respectfully asked Li Ye about his difficult problems in practice.

Although Li Ye has never practiced the martial arts techniques of Sun Yao and the others, Li Ye has a high-level view and knows everything, so Li Ye understands all of Sun Yao's problems.

Then Li Ye pointed out Sun Yao's problems one by one and corrected them.

The afternoon passed quickly, and Sun Yao and Sun Yao also left after having dinner. Li Ye was finally free and began to think about the inspiration he suddenly got on that deserted island in the East China Sea.

Whether the harsh environment of nature, the practice method of the magic soldier, and enough yin energy can be deduced into a new body training method, Li Ye can't guarantee that it will be able to do it now.

However, if you don't try it, how will you know if it will work? Anyway, he has so much yin force now, it's a waste to leave it alone, and there is no other use for it.

And there is another situation that gave Li Ye great confidence. There was a saying about the magnetic field in the previous life. If the physical body is too strong, there will be thunder to hit you. This is the reason why the magnetic field of the physical body attracts the magnetic field of heaven and earth.

Can this situation be used as a reference when deducing the exercises?

Li Ye has deduced the exercises so many times, and he has roughly figured out some key points in the deduction of the exercises.

Ideas, scientifically achievable ideas are important.

If Li Ye imagined it out of thin air, it would be useless even if he imagined it in a wild way.

After all, those thoughts are all taken for granted, and they do not conform to the basis of reality at all, so how can they deduce something useful.

Therefore, the basic condition for deriving exercises is to have a path that can go through.

The use of Yin force value deduction method is to use a lot of Yin force to quickly go through this road and turn ideas into reality.

Therefore, when deriving exercises, the most important thing is enough basic information and a path that can be realized.

So what does Li Ye have at this time?
The inheritance of the Divine Soldiers and his own attempts in Leihai of Huangdao are the basic information.

The conjecture about the magnetic field in the previous life and using the physical body as a magic weapon to forge with the mighty power of heaven and earth is a possible way to realize it.

At this moment, he already has the two important factors, so what are you waiting for?
Yes, so what are you waiting for?Li Ye got up immediately and flew out of the city.

He didn't know if the deduction of the exercises would cause any disturbances, but being cautious, Li Ye chose to go to a place without people to try the deduction this time.

Outside the city of Qingshan County, in a wild forest, Li Ye landed slowly, and came to a lake beach in a forest.

There are beautiful mountains and clear waters here, and there is no one there. Only the howling of wild animals from time to time comes from a distance, causing waves of commotion in the dark night.

Li Ye looked around for a few times at the surrounding environment, and after confirming that there were no human beings, he decided to deduce the exercises here.

Sitting cross-legged, Li Ye first recalled in his mind the content of forging and upgrading the divine soldiers in the inheritance of the divine soldier, and then he called out the panel and looked at the value of Yin power on the panel.

[Yin value: 120 million]

"The deduction of the exercises is based on the forging exercises of the gods, combined with the magnetic field and the mighty power of heaven and earth, and deduces the exercises in the direction of body training!"

After silently reading his request in his heart, Li Ye waited quietly.

He believes that no matter whether he can succeed in deduction this time, he will definitely gain something.

Swish!For a moment, the familiar figure appeared before his eyes again.

This time, the figure was even clearer in his eyes.

Although the face is still blurred, the figure is clearly visible.

At this time, Li Ye had a feeling that the figure of this figure was similar to him...

However, Li Ye didn't feel that there was a problem with this. After all, he used Yin energy to deduce the skills, so there was nothing wrong with this figure even if it was exactly the same as him.

Maybe it would work better that way?He doesn't know either.

The next moment, the yin value on the panel began to burn crazily.

210 million, 200 million, 190 million... 150 million, 140 million...

At the same time, not only the figure in Li Ye's vision began to move.

And the first movement of the figure was to strike the iron.

The divine weapon forging technique is to first forge the divine weapon embryo, and then use various methods to transform the divine weapon to produce various magical abilities.

At this time, the figure was practicing the magic weapon forging technique.

Various metal materials were forged by the figure to remove impurities, and then smelted into the embryo of a divine weapon.

At the beginning, the embryos forged were completely unqualified, but gradually, Yingying became familiar with the forging techniques, and the quality of the embryos forged became higher and higher.

In the end, when the figure was able to forge a very high-quality divine weapon embryo stably, it stopped.

At this step, Li Ye could fully understand that the figure was forging magic weapons, but what did this have to do with the body training method he wanted.

Could it be that the shadow wanted to beat the flesh body as a magic weapon?

Although Li Ye conceived this way, he didn't really want to hit himself with a sledgehammer. What he wanted was just such a concept.

In the end, when it comes down to practice, it's still a set of body training exercises...

And at this moment, the figure also started the next move.

After resting for a while, and recalling the process of forging the divine weapon several times, the figure moved again.

But this time, the human figure used his own body as a magic weapon, holding a sledgehammer and beating the body vigorously. At the same time, the breathing rhythm of the mouth and nose began to change.

stunned!Li Ye was really dumbfounded watching the movement of the figure at this time.

He never imagined that the figure was really hitting himself with a sledgehammer as he had imagined, this...

At this time, in front of Li Ye's eyes, the figure was still swinging the sledgehammer. After several blows fell on his body, the figure began to close its eyes and concentrate, sensing the changes in its body.

Some changes are for the better, and some changes will cause serious damage to the figure.

Of course, Li Ye didn't know these details. He would not be able to know this kind of emotional experience until the deduction was over and the memory was transmitted.

But at this time, he didn't interfere with the figure's movements. Since he chose to use Yin power to deduce the exercises, he was already mentally prepared to accept various results.

At the same time, he also believes that the panel won't let him hit himself with a sledgehammer so foolishly...

In the picture, after experiencing these changes, the figure began to adjust the landing point of the sledgehammer and the way of exerting force.

As time passed, a hammer fell on the body of the figure, and the figure gradually figured out the advantages and disadvantages of this divine soldier's body forging.

Finally, the figure stopped the movements in his hands, stood up, and began to fight a new set of boxing techniques.

Seeing the movement of the figure, Li Ye's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, the previous actions were only familiar with the magic weapon forging technique and the changes of the experimental magic weapon forging technique on people, and the real essence of kung fu deduction is still here.

Movements appear one by one, and with the new breathing rhythm, the figure is constantly feeling the changes in the body, so as to adjust this set of movements according to its own changes.

Through the perception of oneself, each movement is corrected by the figure, including the rhythm of breathing also changes accordingly.

This set of movements of the figure has also become more and more coherent and full of rhythm.

But what Li Ye didn't know was that although this set of movements could be regarded as a new body training method, the effect of this set of exercises on his physical body at this time was not obvious, and it even couldn't make his physical body transform again at all.

There has been progress, but not much.

However, the formation of this set of movements is not the final state of this set of exercises. With the finalization of the movements, this time the figure did not rest at all, and the picture in front of Li Ye had a new change.

But this time, the changes are not limited to the figure, but at the same time, the entire environment around the figure has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Thunder roared, and lightning pierced through the sky.

"嗤啦~" A bolt of lightning struck the figure's head with lightning speed.

In the next instant, the entire upper body of the figure was turned into charcoal, and the lower body also became pitch black.

After a while, the thunder disappeared, and the figure fell to the ground straight up.

Looking at this figure in a daze, a big question mark appeared in Li Ye's heart. What's the situation?The figure was struck to death by this lightning?
Seeing that the picture in front of him began to change, and the completely undamaged figure reappeared, Li Ye had the answer in his heart. The figure was indeed directly struck to death by the lightning just now.


Fortunately, when he was on the deserted island in the East China Sea, he just stayed on the periphery of the thunderstorm honestly, otherwise he should have become a nutrient that nourishes the earth now.

For him now, the power of heaven and earth is still too terrifying to bear.

The picture unfolded again, this time, the sky was still billowing with thunder, but there was an extra metal copper pillar beside the figure.

The sky thunder strikes, and after the thunder that originally went straight to the figure fell, it was naturally attracted by the copper pillar and landed on the copper pillar.

In the next instant, fine arcs of lightning landed on the figure, and there were streaks of jet-black marks on the flawless white skin.

However, this degree of trauma will certainly not cause too much damage to the figure.

After all, the physical strength of the figure at this time is the same as that of Li Ye in reality.

Within a few breaths, the damaged skin of the figure recovered as before, but at the same time, another thunderbolt also fell.

But this time, when the arc of thunder landed on the figure again, the figure had already begun to perform the finalized movements.

Swish!Thunder arcs were sucked into the body by the figure, and inside the body of the figure that Li Ye couldn't see, a large number of cells were stimulated by the thunder, and began to multiply and divide rapidly.

At the same time, each unit in the cell is also undergoing rapid metamorphosis.

However, this metamorphosis came to an abrupt end, because the thunder inhaled into his body was exhausted.

But despite this, the shadow can also perceive the effect of the new set of movements combined with the thunder body forging.

Significantly improved!This way of practice is also a very efficient strength improvement for the physical body of the figure at this time.

In the following time, the image in Li Ye's eyes was that thunderbolts fell on the copper pillar and split apart.

A large number of fine lightning arcs landed on the figure's body, then disappeared quickly, fell again, and disappeared again.

A series of dark marks appeared on the figure's body, and then disappeared, but the speed of disappearing was obviously not as fast as it appeared.

Gradually, there were more and more black marks on the figure's body, and even the skin on the surface of the body began to crack.

I don't know how long it took, when the figure's body was pitch black and full of cracks, the thunder finally disappeared, and at the same time, the figure also stopped the movements it had been insisting on.

In the next moment, the figure suddenly trembled, and the dark and cracked epidermis was separated from the body, and underneath was a layer of clean and flawless new skin that exuded a faint gleam!

Li Ye stared, and he keenly felt the transformation of the figure's body.

After molting, the physical strength of the figure has improved significantly!

Although he doesn't know how much he has improved, but this kind of result is completely acceptable to him.

As long as there is improvement, it is a good start.

Even if the deduction this time is not perfect, then he will slowly save some dark energy in the future and continue the deduction.

At the same time, a huge wave of memories began to rush into Li Ye's mind.

This memory includes the technique of forging the divine weapon, the experimental process of using the forging technique of the divine weapon on the body, and the set of actions deduced from the experimental process.

In addition, what is even more precious is the whole process of the transformation of the human figure's physical body under the rolling thunder.

With this experience, Li Ye will avoid a lot of detours when he tries it himself in the future.

And this shortcut not only saves him from wasting some time, but also saves him from dying, thereby avoiding many fatal dangers.

Feeling the memory in his mind, the corners of Li Ye's mouth began to rise.

For him, the harvest this time is not insignificant.

Next, as long as he can find a suitable environment and have enough energy to replenish, then his physical body can quickly undergo transformation.

Although this kind of environment was hard to find, he already knew a suitable place!

For him, Leihai, a deserted island, was a perfect natural body training place.

There, he will start a new round of transformation.

But these are things for later, he is more concerned about the changes on the panel now.

Calling up the panel silently in his heart, Li Ye immediately looked at the module of Yin force value on the panel...

(End of this chapter)

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