Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 150 Imagining the magnetic field and changing the battlefield

Chapter 150 Imagining the magnetic field and changing the battlefield

[Yin value: 0]

First of all, what caught Li Ye's eyes was a big zero egg.

This time's practice deduction completely consumed his 220 million yin force points.

And obviously, even after consuming 220 million yin energy points, his technique still hasn't been fully deduced.

After all, just looking at this skill requires a thunderous environment to improve, one knows that it is an incomplete skill, not to mention that there is no concept of magnetic field involved in this skill.

In Li Ye's vision, in the future, after this exercise is truly and completely deduced, there is no need to practice in a dangerous environment such as thunderstorms, but to use the small magnetic field of the human body to counter the large magnetic field of the sky and the earth.

The magnetic field of heaven and earth is a melting furnace, and the fire is used to refine real gold. The melting process is the process of Li Ye's body's ascension.

And when this technique is practiced to the final stage, it can even compete with the small magnetic field of the human body and the large magnetic field of the world.

Even, in the end, the small magnetic field of human body surpasses the large magnetic field of heaven and earth.

That is, the physical body is a planet, which is connected with the great magnetic field of the universe.

As for the more distant physical body, that is, the universe, Li Ye didn't dare to think about that kind of state now, nor did he want to think about it.

After all, it is useless to think about it, this kind of realm is too far away from him now.

At this time, the first thing he should do now is to deduce this exercise first, and the rest will have to wait until later.

After reading the module of yin value on the panel, Li Ye turned his attention to the column of exercises.

Sure enough, as he expected, there were no new exercises in the column of exercises.

He had already expected this situation. Although the situation at this time was different from the first time he used Yin energy to deduce the bronze man pile, it could still be used as a reference.

All of them have not deduced a complete exercise, but they can also improve the realm of physical cultivation.

Although the cultivation method of the bronze man pile had already appeared on the panel that time, in essence, he did not get the follow-up cultivation method.

However, at that time, he was able to slowly improve the proficiency of the bronze man pile by relying on the set of "copper pillar" movements he deduced, and it was the same this time.

After looking at the other modules on the panel again, and seeing no change, Li Ye slowly floated up into the sky and flew towards Qingshan County City.

Next, he will start to solve the affairs of Qingshan County. If the affairs here are not resolved, he is not at ease and just leaves like this.

Time passed, and soon the night passed.

In the early morning of the next day, after Li Ye had breakfast with Li Tiejiang, he flew straight to the north.

But this time, he couldn't pass by as blatantly as before, otherwise he would have troubles in vain if he was discovered.

Soon, Li Ye came near the northern battlefield, landed slowly, and ran northward on land.

While running, a circle of black magnetic field lines around him also began to change from order to disorder under his control.

Since you want to pretend to be a low-level warrior, you have to pretend a little bit.


"Kill!" There was a terrifying roar on the battlefield, and the human warrior and the beast collided again.

This time, not only fierce beasts, but also a large number of humans and demons appeared on the battlefield.

But even so, they did not have an advantage. There are too many warriors of the human race in the battlefield.

Not only the warriors from Qingshan County are here, even the warriors from Qionghai County and Langya County have come to support them.

Judging from the scene at this time, the number of fighters on the human race side is almost double that of the beast side.

Moreover, all the non-leakage level warriors in the battlefield are all wearing full-body steel armor. Even if they are accidentally hit by a human demon, the sharp nails of the human demon will be resisted by the steel armor.

At this time, the remaining limbs and arms on the battlefield piled up into mountains, and blood flowed into rivers.

A large number of corpses of ferocious beasts and monsters fell on the ground, and no one cleaned them up. Near each of the piled up corpses, there were scenes of several warriors besieging and killing a ferocious beast or monster.

In fact, at the beginning of the war, the side of humans, monsters and beasts still firmly held the upper hand.

However, after so many days of consumption by both sides, a large number of beasts and humans died, and the support from the big counties on the human side continued, the human race finally began to gain the upper hand, and the war slowly began to develop in favor of the human race.

After all, there are a fixed number of beasts and humans and monsters in Sunset County, but the human race is in trouble, and all sides support it.

What's more, when the war is tense, there are still a large number of holy warriors on the human side.

Under the powerful combat power of the holy warriors, the real Mingzu did not take action, and these followers of the Mingzu were not opponents of the holy warriors at all.

When Li Ye arrived near the battlefield, a large-scale battle had just ended.

A large number of humans, demons and beasts were beheaded, and the human side was cleaning the battlefield and retreated to the line of defense to rest.

Li Ye just walked around the battlefield casually, and he was able to judge the situation of the two sides at this time, but this also made Li Ye feel confused.

It shouldn't be.In Li Ye's heart, the war between the two sides should not have gone this way.

After all, if the Ming clan did not have enough confidence to occupy Qingshan County, why did they launch this war and pull out all the family members transformed from the entire county to die.

It can't be said that the Ming clan didn't expect the power of the human race to be so powerful.

Although there is such a possibility, the probability of this is really too small.Li Ye didn't believe it at all.

He felt that this was a conspiracy on the part of the underworld than that it was a mistake on the part of the underworld.

Deliberately let these loved ones die in order to achieve a certain purpose.

But what exactly is the purpose of the Hades?Li Ye racked his brains and couldn't figure it out.

Coincidentally, above the sky, the two Taoists, Qingzhe and Qingping, were also speculating about some conspiracy of the Mingzu that was hidden in the dark and did not show up.

After all, the Terran side now has the upper hand.

The following situation is unlikely to get better and better for the Mingzu, it will only get worse.

So what is the backhand of the Hades?

Qingping lowered her head to look at the battlefield on the ground, frowned and asked Qingzhe: "Why do you think the Mingzu did this?"

"I don't know either. Although the two of us have been observing here, I still haven't found any problems." Qingzhe shook her head and replied, "Did you find anything?"

"I didn't either, but..." Although Qingping didn't notice any abnormalities, at this moment, there was a faint feeling of depression in her heart that was rising.

After thinking for a while, Qingping said again: "I don't think it's enough to just observe in the sky like this. We should find the answer in a different way. Either there is no back-hand at all, or the back-hand is hidden deep in the sky." place.

But the first possibility is very small. We have dealt with the Mingzu side for so many years, and I don't think they will do such a thing.So, there is only one answer. "

"What is it?" Qingzhe said cooperatively.

"They hid their backhand in a place where we can't find it." Qingping said very firmly: "Where do you think we can't find it?"

"Sunset County? No, there's another place that's out of our control." It seemed that he suddenly remembered something.Qingzhe suddenly widened her eyes and looked at Qingping. "Could it be underground?"

Qingping nodded, and said, "That's right, it's underground. These followers of the Ming clan are no longer living beings. If they were hidden deep underground, we wouldn't be able to detect them at all."

"But..." Qing Zhe frowned, and asked in doubt: "But the human warriors under these backhands should be able to think of it. After all, although there are not many animals in nature that can burrow into the ground, there are also many. Human race must This possibility will be considered.”

"No, you forgot, Qingzhe. The Ming clan is not the only one that exists. What about the evil spirits they transform? You have never seen evil spirits appearing during this period of time, right..."

When Qing Ping spoke, her face became serious.

During this period of time, the evil spirits have not appeared, and they are probably holding back some big moves. Fortunately, they reacted in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Now that he has taken precautions, the rest of the matter will be easy to talk about.

The biggest disadvantage of ghosts and ghosts is that they can't show up in the sun at all, so they just need to be vigilant at night.

On this day, Li Ye had been wandering around the battlefield, and he also found that there were no evil spirits on the battlefield.

However, because he had never been on the battlefield before, he didn't know the development trend before the war, and he couldn't be sure whether the facts were as he thought at this time.

However, looking at the number of ferocious orcs who are still alive on the side of the Ming clan at this time, one can know that if there is no follow-up turning point, then this battle will soon be over.

Even if there is a follow-up reversal, it will also enter the climax of this war.

So, no matter what, in Li Ye's judgment, this race war is coming to an end.

That being the case, he can't leave Qingshan County at all during this period of time.

Otherwise, if the human side really lost, then he would not know where to find Blacksmith Li when he came back.

In the next few days, Li Ye frequently appeared near the battlefield.

Of course, he didn't approach the battlefield rashly, but chose a nearby mountain to watch the battle.

And the situation on the battlefield was just as Li Ye had expected. With the death of most of the humans, demons and ferocious beasts, on a certain night, a sudden change occurred.

This night, there was fog near the battlefield...


At this time, the war between the human race and the Ming race has stopped.

A large number of human warriors retreated to the rear barracks to rest, and only a small number of warriors remained on the front line of defense.

And they didn't notice at all that at this moment, the corpses of a large number of ferocious orcs in the battlefield began to melt, turning into long snakes of flesh and blood, and began to walk along an inexplicable trajectory.

Long snakes snaked around, connected end to end, and in the blink of an eye, a huge, complex, and mysterious map appeared on the battlefield.

In the next moment, the mist descended and drifted away with the wind. It expanded to the entire battlefield in a very short time, and then spread towards the southern barracks.

And as the mist spread, translucent ghosts also floated out from the depths of the ground, with invisible sharp howls from their mouths, spreading in all directions.

"Ah!" This wave of evil impact bears the brunt of the warriors who are still on the front line of the battlefield.

Countless ghosts rushed towards them.

In just a few breaths, the faces of a large group of warriors turned blue, their bodies became stiff, and they lost their breath.

At the same time, a lot of roars came from the barracks, and all the warriors who were resting were awakened by this terrifying cold aura.

"Enemy attack, there are enemies!"

"where is it?"

"Why did Lao Zhang die? Where is the murderer?"


"Be careful, I can't hit it, what is this..."

As the evil spirit descended with Yin Qi, the entire military camp was in chaos. People were like headless flies, not knowing what to do.

After all, in the face of enemies that cannot be attacked at all, one can only watch the evil spirits attack them.

It was just a wave of shock from the evil spirits, and all the warriors in the barracks who were lower than Huaifan died.

Facing a terrifying monster like Xie Chong, if the physical body has not gone through the stage of metamorphosis, there is no way to even resist it.

What's more, the barracks are full of such ghosts at this time, and even the transformed warriors were killed by several evil spirits in a very short period of time.

As a large number of warriors in the barracks died, the human side finally recovered and gathered around a group of holy warriors.

In the face of the holy fighters holding divine weapons, the evil attack was finally stopped.

Although a large number of evil spirits were still attacking the human warriors, as the holy warriors began to exert their strength, the gray or black shadows all turned into ashes and disappeared between the sky and the earth.

But before the human warriors could breathe a sigh of relief, another terrifying change appeared. As the fog spread, five terrifying figures appeared in the sky at the same time.

Like five black suns hanging high in the sky, as pieces of black snowflakes fell to the ground, terrifying radiation also followed.

The flowers, plants and trees above the ground also began to mutate at this moment, becoming more abstract, distorted, and aggressive at the same time.

I don't know what method these five Mingzu used to cross directly from Sunset County to the battlefield in Qingshan County. This result is really unexpected for the human side!

They didn't even know that they had to face this terrifying existence.

A new round of mutations soon appeared among the human warriors.

But at this moment, two groups of dazzling blue lights erupted in the sky.

At the same time, five blue or purple halos suddenly appeared on the ground, offsetting the terrifying radiation.

"Haha, I've been waiting here for you for a long time. I didn't expect you to have the courage to leave Sunset County. Since you have all come here, then don't go back and stay here."

A wild laughter resounded from the ground. Obviously, not only the Ming clan, but also the Dao clan have made a lot of preparations for the Ming clan's backhand, and it seems that the Tao clan's preparations are more complete.

(End of this chapter)

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