Chapter 151 The war was won, but also lost

At the same time, on the other side, on a mountain peak far away, Li Ye also saw the changes in the battlefield.

He was alerted as soon as the fog spread, and he was too familiar with this kind of fog.

Not to mention that he saw the mist of the underworld that almost covered the entire county in Sunset County some time ago. When he was in Qingshan County, he had experienced this kind of sudden fog covering an area.

This is, the realm of the underworld has descended on the battlefield.Will the Ming Clan also come along with them...

Thinking of this result, Li Ye was suddenly shocked. After all, the sudden change this time was too sudden.

He thought that there would only be ghosts and evil spirits appearing as the back-hand of the Hades, but he never thought that the real Hades might also appear on the battlefield.

What about the humans who are still on the battlefield?This was Li Ye's reaction.

After all, he knows how terrifying the real Hades are. No matter whether they are flawless or holy fighters on the side of the human race, they are nothing more than ants in the eyes of the Hades.

Maybe it's because the Ming clan had just arrived, and all the human fighters who were still on the battlefield would be wiped out.

Of course, Li Ye guessed wrong on this point.

Even if there is no arrival of the Dao clan, the human fighters will not die, because the Ming clan will transform and use the enemy.

Under normal circumstances, facing opponents who are helpless, the Hades will change the genes of the creatures to mutate their bodies and become their favored ones.

Even though Li Ye had experienced this before, he didn't suddenly realize it.

Of course, there is no difference between a human being transformed into a favored person by the Hades and dying.

After all, people have lost their rationality and memory, and there is no difference between them and beasts.

But just when Li Ye was thinking about whether to go to the battlefield or immediately return to Qingshan County City to take Li Tiejiang away, suddenly, several groups of blue and purple lights appeared in the sky and the ground at the same time.

Even the fog that covered the entire battlefield couldn't stop the dazzling light from these halos.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, four blue and three purple, a total of seven halos, Li Ye knew very well that each halo on the battlefield represented a Taoist clan.

Seven against five, this time the situation was reversed, and the Dao clan had the upper hand.

Seeing this, he also had no next move for the time being.

After all, there are five Ming clans and seven Dao clans in the battlefield. If he alone attracts the attention of both sides, he will be in danger.

And at this moment, on the other side of the battlefield, seeing seven Taoists appearing at the same time, the faces of the five Hades above the sky also became gloomy.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to be prepared." Among the five Ming clans, the Dao clan standing in the center saw the sky and the earth surrounding them, but his face didn't change at all. He just smiled at the other four. Mingzu said: "It seems that this time we have a tough battle to fight, how about it, are you afraid?"

"Haha, General, what are you talking about? But there are only seven Taoists. I'm afraid that I've just warmed up and they won't be able to do it."

"That's right, you have to save a few more for me at that time. Last time I didn't kill them, the group of trash ran away. I hope I can kill a few more this time."

At this moment, upon hearing the words of the leader of the Hades 'general', the other four burst out laughing.

Obviously, they didn't care about the number of people on the other side, they were few, and they didn't pay attention to these Taoists at all.

After all, this time they spent a large county's life to arrange this enchantment similar to the 'underworld'.

This enchantment is the most successful enchantment spell by the Ming clan in the past 1 years. If the Tao clan thinks that this is an ordinary descending from the underworld, then they will give these Dao clan a big surprise. .

On the ground, being so despised and ridiculed by the Ming clan in the sky, the face of the Tao clan who spoke just now has completely darkened.

"Anyone can say what you say, don't wait until you start to become a soft-legged shrimp." After the owner of the wild voice finished speaking, his face turned completely cold, "What are you waiting for? Wait for them to do it first ?”

After finishing speaking, he flew directly into the sky, and at the same time, his body turned into a rising sun, and the fire snakes swept towards the five Hades.

At the same time, all kinds of strange lights emerged from the bodies of the other six Taoists, and a series of magic spells either shot towards the Ming tribe, or shot towards the mist in all directions.

Obviously, the Taoists know very well that the Mingzu cannot be directly exposed to this piece of heaven and earth. Without the existence of the Underworld, the Mingzu would not even be able to move freely.

And this underworld that has just been arranged is the biggest flaw of the underworld side.

Of course, this is just a flaw in the minds of the Taoists. The five Hades didn't even take a look at the magic technique of attacking the mist. The Dao clan fought together.

The battle in the sky started completely, but at this time, neither of the strong men on the two sides paid much attention to the underground human warriors.

For them who are superior, the human race is nothing but cannon fodder.


Time passed, and a quarter of an hour passed quietly.

Li Ye has been standing still watching the collision in the fog, and at the same time waiting for the result of the battle between the two sides.

Although whoever wins and loses on both sides, as long as there is loss, it is a good thing for him.

But if possible, he still hoped that the Tao clan would win this time.

Because he hopes that Qingshan County can find peace, instead of falling into war or dying.

After all, this is his hometown, and Li Tiejiang still lives here.

If the Tao clan loses, they will have to move again.

Although he has no shortage of secular money at all, no matter where he goes, he can enjoy the best life.

But always being displaced like this, although he had nothing to do with it, Li Tiejiang couldn't bear it.

Long-distance travel is the most exhausting human spirit, and it is better to avoid it if it can be avoided.

But it was clear that the direction of the war was completely out of his control, and suddenly, one of the seven halos of light shattered.

"This... is really trash!" Li Ye never expected that the Dao clan, which has the majority, would be the first to reduce its staff, and it only took a short quarter of an hour.

Is there such a big difference in combat power between the Taoist clan and the Ming clan?Li Ye couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Although he had fought against two alien races before, in his feeling, the gap between the two is not that big...

What's more, this time it was five against seven, and the Tao clan still lost miserably!
What happened in the mist?
On the other side, in the mist, the hearts of the remaining six Taoists are also full of question marks.

What's the situation, why are these five Mingzu so fierce.

Just now a Taoist in Danxia Mountain was just inattentive, forcibly withstood the joint blow of three Mingzu, and fell directly.

At this moment, seeing an old friend die suddenly in battle, Qing Ping stopped attacking for an instant.

"You..." Looking at the power of the five Mingzus whose every attack was far more powerful than theirs, Qingping couldn't help shouting loudly: "Be careful, the strength of the five of them has reached the middle level of Youpin!"

"Impossible!" The next moment, the others retorted.

Yes, logically speaking, this is simply impossible.

They all know that this side of the world is in a process of slowly changing. At this time, the highest combat power that this side of the world can accommodate is the first stage of Youpin, so no matter how much their real strength is, what everyone shows is the same. a grade.

But now you come to tell me that the opponent's five Hades can all play a small segment higher than them, how do they accept it.

The clever ones were still trying to feel the restrictions imposed on them by the power of heaven and earth while parrying the attack of the Hades. Sure enough, the restrictions did not loosen in any way, and the strength they could display remained unchanged.

However, barely resisting the berserk attack from the Mingzu side, they felt that what Qingping said was true, otherwise how could there be such a difference in combat strength between the two sides.

But how did the Hades do it?
"Haha." On the side of the Mingzu, a red-eyed bald head more than 60 meters high laughed loudly, "Since you are here, then don't leave. This time, none of you can escape. Struggling to the death, it is best to be able to escape." Let me have a little more fun."

Ignoring this arrogant Mingzu, the remaining six Taoists were not stupid people, but in a short while, they knew the reason why the strength of the Mingzu could break through the limit of heaven and earth.

Under their feet, that huge enchantment technique.

This is definitely not a simple descent from the underworld, but a special formation that can enhance their strength.

1 years ago, the Ming clan didn't come up with this formation, so this was their first encounter, and they didn't have the slightest bit of vigilance.

But it's too late to say anything now. Fortunately, they also have a backup, otherwise they would all have to stay here.

If they were all here, then the surrounding Qingshan County, Langya County, and Qionghai County would all be over.

At this point, their followers should have arrived.

At the same time, on the other side, Li Ye clearly saw three yellow halos rising from the south of the battlefield, heading straight for the place shrouded in fog.


"Go and destroy the formation on the ground. The main body of the formation is at the front line of the northern battlefield. We can't get away. You go."

Before the three groups of yellow halos entered the mist, a mighty voice came out from the mist.

After the three groups of yellow light heard the sound, Dang even bypassed the fog and landed on the north side of the battlefield.

And at the moment when the man who spoke just now was distracted, the three Ming clans suddenly changed the direction of attack, abruptly withstood the blow from the Dao clan next to them, and killed the Dao clan directly.

Another group of purple light went out, and at the same time, the fog began to become misty and thinned out.

"A group of despicable guys, they can't beat seven to five, and there are three helpers behind them." Seeing that the formation they arranged was beginning to crumble, the Mingzu side also became anxious, and at the same time, their attacks became more and more violent.

They all know that after the formation is destroyed, their strength will not be enhanced by the formation.

And more importantly, before the fog dissipated, they had to return to the underworld of Sunset County, otherwise they would be targeted by this world, and they didn't want to experience the feeling of being slammed by the thunder sea.

Moreover, this time the Taoist side already knew their hole cards, and they don't know when they will have such a good opportunity.

It was their negligence, they never imagined that when seven Taoists had already appeared, three backups were ambushed outside the formation.

What else can they say, they can only say that the family is too stable this time!They did not lose wrongly.

That being the case, it would be one more Taoist to kill.

After all, their strength is still in the middle of Youpin at this time, five against five, and the Taoist side can't stand it at all.

In the next instant, two groups of blue lights went out again.

"Qingping! Qingzhu!" A mournful roar resounded through the sky, and at the same time, the mist that shrouded the land completely dissipated.

Distant starlight travels through an infinite distance, and once again falls on the heads of the only three remaining Taoists, and the five Hades also dissipate as soon as the mist disappears.

They won this battle, but they seem to have lost completely.

Although they repelled the attack of the Ming clan and saved the territory of Qingshan County, four of their companions fell in this battle.

If the later accomplices did not destroy the formation arranged by the Mingzu in time, the last three of them would also perish here.

After all, the fewer and fewer they survived, the faster the remaining partners will die.

At this time, three clusters of yellow light also flew over from a distance.

One of the yellow lights looked at the only three remaining Taoists, and asked aloud: "What's going on? Why are there only three of you left? Are there any big killers on the Mingzu side?"

"No." At this time, Qingzhe was in a very depressed mood, and didn't want to pay attention to the three of them at all. They were still surrounded by purple light, and the Taoist from Lieyan Villa in Langya County explained in detail what happened to them before.

The three groups of yellow light couldn't help being surprised when they heard that there was still such a formation that could isolate part of the power of heaven and earth and liberate the original strength hidden on the side of the Mingzu.

Knowing that this time one person fell from Lieyan Villa and three companions fell from Danxia Mountain, they could only smile wryly, and said to Qingzhe, "My condolences."

"It's okay, I'm going back to report the situation this time, goodbye."

After finishing speaking, Qingzhe didn't stay any longer, and flew directly towards Danxia Mountain.

And seeing Qingzhe leave, the Taoists of the other two forces also bid farewell to each other and left separately.

It's just that they didn't notice at all that there was a figure on the high mountain in the distance watching their every move.

Seeing a cloud of blue light flying towards him alone, Li Ye thought for a while, then waited until the blue light flew over his head, and followed directly.

In fact, Li Ye didn't know if this was a good opportunity, but it was a rare opportunity to meet a Taoist who had just experienced a big battle and was alone, so he wanted to give it a try.

What if it gets blocked.

Blocking a Luodan Dao Clan can not only weaken the overall strength of the Dao Clan, but also gain Yin Energy again.

Proper win-win, okay...

(End of this chapter)

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