Chapter 152 Do It Boldly, Leave Early

Above the sky, a ray of blue light streaked across the sky and went straight into the distance.

And on the ground, behind the blue light, there was a tiny figure following closely behind, staring at the figure in the sky ahead while running.

If Qingzhe turned her head and looked down, she could see that the figure running below was faster than her flying speed.

However, because the three people who came with Danxia Mountain all died in this battle, she is now in a trance, and has no intention of paying attention to the surrounding environment.

What's more, in this world, apart from those Hades who hide in the Nether Realm and cannot see the light, and the sea beasts who are far away in the sea of ​​mist, there is nothing else that can threaten her safety.

At this time, her mind was full of thoughts, after returning to Danxia Mountain, how to explain to Qing Ming who stayed behind in Danxia Mountain but couldn't get out at all.

You must know that there are only four of them in Danxia Mountain's generation of condensed soul talisman practice seeds, and it is unknown when new seeds will appear later.

But now that the other three people are all dead, she is the only Taoist in Danxia Mountain who can move freely.

What should she do next...

Swish!An arc of light suddenly rushed straight up from the ground, and she felt it very quickly.

"What are you? You want to kill me too!"

Qingzhe quickly restrained her complicated thoughts, turned around suddenly, waved the light between the sky and the earth to condense into a sword, and slashed downward.

In mid-air, Li Ye's eyes were like a torch. When he saw Qingzhe found him, he no longer concealed himself, and immediately let go of all his speed and rushed towards her.


The ear-piercing sonic boom sounded, and Li Ye's speed was raised to another level. At the same time, the sledgehammer in his left hand was thrown out, and hit heavily on Qingzhe's condensed lightsaber.

"Kaka~" A series of cracks appeared on the lightsaber, and the entire sword body suddenly shattered into pieces and drifted away.

At the same time, Li Ye also stepped forward to Qingzhe's side, "That's right, I'm here to kill you!"

"You are... the magic soldier of the human race? How did you pass through the sea of ​​mist?" After seeing Li Ye smashing her condensed lightsaber with a single hammer, Qingzhe stepped back and began to try to trap Li Ye. night words.

She thought very clearly in her heart that it doesn't matter if Li Ye accidentally crossed the sea of ​​mist and came to this continent by himself.

However, she was afraid that the human race in the southern continent would find a route through the sea of ​​mist, and the situation of their Tao race would be very bad.

There were the Ming people before, and the god soldiers of the human race later, and they were caught in the middle of the Tao race, and their advantages turned into disadvantages in an instant.

"Haha, that's right, our Shenbing Continent has already crossed the Misty Sea and officially landed from the direction of the East China Sea. If you don't want to suffer, you should surrender honestly and stop making fearless resistance."

Li Ye persuaded Qingzhe to give up resistance, but his subordinates were not soft-hearted at all, and instead became more ruthless.

The violent beating of the heart drives the blood throughout the body to flow rapidly.

At this moment, Li Ye's explosive power suddenly increased, and he came to Qingzhe's side in a flash.

And at the same time as Li Ye swung out the hammer, Qingzhe's whole body shone brightly, and the dazzling light made Li Ye's eyes blur.

In the next second, the light and dark changed, the light disappeared, and then disappeared, and Qingzhe who was still in place just now.

"Hmph." A cold snort sounded, and Li Ye swung out more than a dozen hammers at this moment.

Each hammer hit the air in front of him heavily.

"Boom~" At this moment, in this part of the sky, it was as if the gods were furious, and thunder exploded.

The sound of violent air vibrations sounded, and vibration ripples spread in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, Li Ye saw the spreading air ripples approaching a hundred meters in front of him, and was blocked by an invisible figure.

"Why did you want to run away when we first met, why don't you stay and chat with me."

"No!" When Li Ye appeared behind Qingzhe in a flash, Qingzhe finally gave up running away, turned around, and looked at Li Ye with a ferocious expression, "Since you are chasing after you, then give me go to hell!"

In the next moment, lightsabers suddenly appeared from Qingzhe's body and came in front of Li Ye.

"Ridiculous." Li Ye didn't even look at the endless lightsaber suddenly issued from Qingzhe's body, but just smashed it down with a hammer.

Anyway, the moment he saw the lightsaber, he couldn't dodge it. If that's the case, why do he hide?
Besides, this level of attack probably wouldn't even pierce his skin. Is Qingzhe planning to tickle him?

The speed of the lightsaber was obviously much faster than Li Ye's swinging the hammer. In just an instant, clusters of lightsabers came in front of Li Ye and stabbed towards his body.

"Die." This move was Qingzhe's trump card. Seeing that Li Ye hadn't reacted at all, and the lightsaber had reached her body, she laughed heartily.

However, when the front tip of the lightsaber touched Li Ye's skin, but did not penetrate into the flesh at all, but broke directly, the smile on the corner of Qingzhe's mouth suddenly froze.

"What the hell? Why is it so hard!" The smile on Qingzhe's face suddenly froze, and Li Ye's hammer was about to fall on top of her head.

At this moment, the expression on her face was extremely funny.

"No! Spare me!"

Before he could let out a loud roar, Li Ye's hammer had already fallen.

"Crack~" This hammer smashed Qingzhe's entire body into pieces, and at the same time, Li Ye flew away towards the south in a flash.

He knew that there were other Taoists nearby who hadn't gone far. If the movement of their fight just now attracted the attention of the few Taoists who had just left, then he would be in danger next time.

Therefore, Li Ye didn't stay at all, turned around and ran away after killing Qingzhe.

And behind him, a cluster of crimson flames suddenly rose, and the flames wrapped Qingzhe's soul.

The wailing sound spread from a distance, it was Qingzhe's endless curse on Li Ye.

But in the blink of an eye, the flame disappeared into the sky with the green sting.

At the same time, there was an extra reminder on Li Ye's panel.

[Kill the Taoist clan in the first stage of Youpin*1, gain Yin Power*1000000]

Qingzhe died completely, and he also got 100 million yin power points again,
This time the operation came to a successful conclusion, and Li Ye won a win-win situation.


brush brush~
In the sky, purple or yellow halos appeared in the sky where Li Ye and Qingzhe fought.

But at this time, there was no one in the sky, and nothing existed anymore.

"I seem to have heard Qingzhe's cry for help just now. I wonder if you heard it?" Seeing that the companions from Raging Flame Villa also came here, Huang Yu's cold voice sounded from the middle of the three yellow halos, and asked the opposite person Purple halo.

"That's right, I also vaguely heard Qingzhe's cry for help, that's why we rushed over here. Could it be that something happened to Qingzhe too?"

Looking around a few times, several halos noticed the flesh and blood froth slowly falling to the ground in the air, as well as the broken green clothes, and everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"Qingzhe is dead..." After seeing those broken blue cloth strips, Huang Yu was sure that Qingzhe was indeed dead, but who did it?
They only separated for a short quarter of an hour, and Qingzhe was directly killed.

Could it be that those Mingzu didn't actually retreat to Sunset County, but were still hiding nearby?

"What a ruthless method, Qingzhe's soul was also completely exterminated, it was not exposed to the world at all, but was exterminated quietly, it should be done by those Mingzu.

It seems that the Ming clan not only has formations that can improve their strength, but also a method that can leave the realm of the underworld. Although this method must have some restrictions, but despite this, in comparison, in the past 1 years, our Dao clan One side is still making too little progress.

And when we go out to do missions in the future, we can no longer go out alone. If we are caught by the Nadir and left alone, it will be dangerous. "

The five figures looked at each other, and understood each other's thoughts at the same time. They could not act alone anymore, and the five of them had to go together.

Otherwise, one of them might become the next victim. Although they still don't know who the next victim will be, they are not prepared to separate at all.

And they can't directly return to their forces now, after all, Qingzhe is dead, but the news about this war has not been sent back, they want to pass the news of Qingzhe's death back to Danxia Mountain.

But how do you tell the other party this, do you want to say that all four of your companions sent by Danxia Mountain died in battle this time?

Although this is true, it is too tragic...

Even they couldn't bear to look at the face of the guardian of Danxia Mountain who was bitter and bitter.

Although they don't know who the other party is yet, they can already guess the other party's expression after hearing the news they sent back.


On the other side, Li Ye was running fast on the ground, heading towards Qingshan County City.

At this time, he still didn't know that the Ming clan had taken the blame for him.

Of course, he wouldn't care if he knew it, instead he would let out a long breath.

If someone blamed him, he would be so happy.

Right now, his strength is still unable to officially go to the front of the stage, so it would be best if he could hide it now.

All the way to Qingshan County City, Li Ye jumped from outside the wall into the city with just a light leap.

Back in the small courtyard, seeing that the sky had not yet brightened, Li Ye sat down directly in the garden and began to replay today's battle.

In fact, he took the initiative to attack this time today, which is a bit risky, not stable enough.

But it was rare to meet a Taoist who was alone, and he still didn't want to miss this opportunity, so he took the risk.

But even though he knew that the other party was walking alone, he still followed him for a long time, and confirmed that Qing Zhe was indeed the one who did it alone.

In this battle, his biggest advantage was the lack of information. The opponent didn't know that he was a body metamorphosis person, so he would relax his vigilance at the last moment when the sneak attack succeeded.

If Qingzhe knew that he had transformed from a physical body, then she would probably run away the first time she saw him, and not give him a chance to get close.

And he estimated that Qing Zhe would even run away and call the teammates who had just separated before when he just saw him.

Of course, Li Ye didn't know at this time. Fortunately, he left in time. If he delayed for a while, he would be stopped by the remaining Taoists.

At this time, he made up his mind in his heart that he must keep the secret that he is a body metamorphosis well hidden.

After he has finished practicing the inheritance of the Divine Soldiers, he can reveal himself as a Divine Soldier.

As for the lineage of martial arts, he will hide it as the deepest hole card, and will only reveal it if he is sure that he can kill the enemy, or when he faces a danger that he cannot deal with.

But even though he has the hole cards, he can't drift away. After all, if you walk a lot at night, you will always meet ghosts.

"The next time you encounter this kind of situation, you must not relax your vigilance and be negligent because of your experience." Li Ye first warned himself a few words in his heart, and then began to think about the impact of this war on the situation behind Qingshan County .

The Ming clan must have withdrawn to Sunset County, after all, the underworld in Qingshan County has disappeared, and if they stay in Qingshan County, they will be struck by lightning.

That being the case, Qingshan County should not be in chaos for the next period of time, and it is time for him to leave.

He had been looking forward to the thunderstorm environment in the East China Sea for a long time, as well as the improvement effect brought about by the exercises deduced by spending 220 million Yin power points.

But before going to the East China Sea, he still had one more important thing to do, which was to forge a long copper rod to serve as a lightning rod.


In the early morning of the next day, when Li Ye told Li Tiejiang that he was leaving again, Li Tiejiang obviously stayed for a while, and then asked doubtfully: "Xiao Ye, didn't you say that you would stay for a few months this time? Why did you suddenly leave?" Got to go."

Uh... Li Ye was indeed planning to stay in Qingshan County for a few months before, because at that time he thought that the war between the Ming clan and humans would be a tug of war.

But he didn't expect that the war would be over within a week of his return.

That being the case, there is no need for him to stay any longer.

However, this kind of reason cannot be explained to Li Tiejiang. He can only find other excuses to answer Li Tiejiang's doubts: "Master, I have a new inspiration in my practice recently. If this inspiration can be realized, then I will The strength will usher in a new breakthrough, so I need to go out and experiment with inspiration."

"Ah..." Hearing Li Ye's reason, although Li Tiejiang felt lost in his heart, he didn't want to stop Li Ye, "If that's the case, well, when will you leave?"

"I want to forge a long copper rod, and I'll leave after I forge it out." Although he was reluctant to part with Blacksmith Li, Li Ye knew in his heart that this was not the civilized society of his previous life.

In this world, if you don't have power, you can only be crushed to death like ants.

Just like those human races on the battlefield, life and death are only between the thoughts of both the Ming clan and the Tao clan.

Therefore, in this life, he has already made up his mind that he will keep climbing to the peak of strength until he is invincible in the world!

Only then could he truly relax and do what he wanted to do...

(End of this chapter)

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