Chapter 153 Lei Hai Body Training
On this day, Li Ye didn't do anything else, and devoted all his energy to forging the 'lightning rod'.

But this time when he forged the lightning rod, he obviously discovered his abnormality.

His forging skills are many times stronger than before.

All kinds of forging techniques are at your fingertips, and the whole process is easy to handle.

This copper pillar didn't use any special material at all, but it was comparable to the two Zhenhai Hammers in his hand in terms of toughness and hardness.

Li Ye believed that if better materials were used when forging this copper rod, he might be able to forge the embryo of a divine weapon.

But this is just a simple 'lightning rod', so Li Ye didn't force the embryo of the magic weapon, as long as it is easy to use.

And this kind of achievement is the additional gain brought by the last deduction of the new exercise.

Although the new exercises have not yet been fully deduced, he is already thoroughly familiar with the inheritance of the magic soldier.

Time passed, a day passed quickly, and the 'lightning rod' needed for Li Ye's practice was also forged.

The copper rod is about ten meters long, with thin legs and a cylindrical shape. The whole body is yellowish red with copper luster.

Li Ye was also very satisfied seeing the results he had completed after spending a day in a small test.

This copper stick is more than enough for the simple practice of guiding lightning.

On the other hand, Blacksmith Li also knew that Li Ye would leave Qingshan County after forging the copper rod, so when Li Ye rented a blacksmith shop and started forging, he stayed by his side.

Its reputation is that if Li Ye does not do well, he can also point out Li Ye.

However, after Li Tiejiang saw Li Ye's current forging ability with his own eyes, he never mentioned giving advice to Li Ye again.

He has been playing iron all his life, so of course he can clearly judge whether Li Ye's craftsmanship is good or bad.

Therefore, he can also be more sure that the techniques and skills Li Ye used to forge this long copper rod this time are completely different from what he taught Li Ye, but they are more delicate, profound, and even magical.

However, when Li Ye was forging copper rods during the day, he did not choose to disturb Li Ye. He stayed until he got home at night, and then he couldn't help asking: "Xiao Ye, your current this what happened?"

Of course Li Ye knew what Li Tiejiang was referring to, but he didn't intend to tell Li Tiejiang about some things about the Divine Soldiers.

Sometimes, deception and concealment are also a kind of protection. After all, Li Ye doesn't need Blacksmith Li to fight side by side with him, so it's better not to know anything, so the pressure will be much less.

Immediately, Li Ye said: "Master, this is a forging method that I accidentally learned when I was in Qionghai County. If you are interested, I will teach you when I come back next time. This time the time is right." It's too late."

"Hey, I didn't want to learn." Li Tiejiang's expression was twisted, and his right hand was gently waved to express his refusal. He obviously felt that learning skills from his apprentice was a bit embarrassing.

Li Ye saw through Li Tiejiang's thoughts at a glance, and said with a smile, "That's right, Master, I said something wrong. Let's discuss and study together. There is nothing we can't learn."

"Hmm... If that's the case, let's discuss it together when you come back?" Li Tiejiang wiped the thinning hair on the back of his head, his expression still a bit unnatural.

"Yes, just to discuss." Li Ye nodded vigorously, did not listen to Li Tiejiang's polite words, and directly arranged: "Master, it's settled like this. We will start discussing when I come back, and I will go first."

"Hey! You should go now." Blacksmith Li asked eagerly.

"Well, time waits for no one." Li Ye looked at Li Tiejiang's old face, hugged him by the shoulder, and said softly, "Master, take care, next time I come back, I will definitely stay longer."

"Go out and pay attention to safety, and be careful in everything." Li Tiejiang raised his palm hesitantly, patted Li Ye's back lightly, and said, "Let's go."

"Goodbye, Master." After waving his hand, Li Ye picked up the copper stick and left the courtyard.

But this time, he didn't bring the double hammers.

After all, he went out this time to cultivate, and he had an extra copper rod in his hand, so he couldn't hold the double hammer.

Farewell to Li Tiejiang, facing the night, catching the evening wind, Li Ye soared straight up into the sky, and headed south quickly.

He wanted to enter the sea from near the high mountain in the extreme east of Qionghai County, otherwise he was afraid that he would not be able to tell the direction in the sea and miss that deserted island in the end.

More importantly, he still has a large amount of rare treasure medicine left somewhere in Qionghai County. This time, he plans to bring all the medicine materials with him to support his practice consumption this time.


Swish!A faint light streaked across the sky, and Li Ye entered the sea directly from the east of Qionghai County without any pause.

At this time, he was holding a copper pillar in his left hand, a copper plate in his right hand, and two huge wooden boxes on his back.

It's not like going to practice, but more like a traveler moving house.

Flying out of the land, the overwhelming fog came oncoming. At this time, the surroundings were dark and the sun had not yet risen. Li Ye couldn't tell the direction by relying on the sky.

But luckily he came out this time with the 'compass' of this world.

In the middle of the sea, the mist is lingering. If there is no means of positioning, it is easy to deviate from the direction.

Therefore, after knowing that there is no way to distinguish the direction by himself after going out to sea, he decisively looked for the 'technology' of this world to solve this problem.

Looking at the copper plate on his right hand, Li Ye determined his position according to the direction pointed by the pointer, and then continued to fly east.

Along a straight line, when the sun rose from the eastern sea, a touch of crystal white finally appeared in front of his eyes, which was a beach by the sea.

A light flashed in Li Ye's eyes. He had seen this beach before. The last time he returned to land from the sea, this small island was the last thing he passed by.

It seems that as of now, he has not deviated from the direction.

Li Ye continued to fly east after passing through the island, which was only a few tens of square kilometers in size.

After passing through several islands again, he finally landed on the large island he named Jilei Island. At the same time, the thunder sea covered with dark clouds in the distance also appeared in front of his eyes.

The practice site he had been dreaming of for a long time had finally arrived.

Slowly falling at the boundary of the thunderstorm range, this time, Li Ye boldly walked in.

However, after only a few tens of meters, he stopped.

Although he already has a lightning rod in his hand, it is not appropriate to go too far.

After all, the scale of this thunderstorm is very large, and he doesn't know if he can withstand it if he goes deeper, so he still needs to try a little bit.

Inserting the copper stick in his hand into the soil, Li Yejing stood beside the copper stick, waiting for the thunder to come.

But at the next moment, a thunderbolt suddenly struck him, and was attracted by the copper pillar, at the same time, a series of fine lightning arcs also shot towards him.


Arcs of light danced crazily on his body, and Li Ye also moved accordingly.

A set of body training movements adapted from the magic forging technique was slowly performed from his hands, and in the next moment, all the lightning arcs were sucked into his body.

The destructive power of the thunder and the vitality in his body came and went, tit for tat. Between this cycle of destruction and repair, Li Ye's physical strength also began a new round of improvement...

(End of this chapter)

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