Chapter 154 Years of Practice, Thunder Injury

The roar of thunder was deafening.

Li Ye stood on the ground, with thousands of thunderbolts hanging above his head, constantly chopping down.

However, every thunderbolt would be diverted away by the lightning rod when it struck down, and it couldn't fall on him at all.

And those shattered lightning arcs that were close to his body could only hurt his skin before being sucked into his body, and couldn't really cause fatal injuries to him at all.

Time passed, and Li Ye practiced here for a day and a night.

The sun set and rose again, and Li Ye finally stopped what he was doing, and in a short while, he came outside Lei Hai.

At this time, the two large boxes placed outside had all been opened, and the insides were filled with the tonic dragon's blood grass.

He randomly picked up a dragon's blood grass and threw it into his mouth, chewed it twice and swallowed it into his stomach.

Dragon's Blood Grass is an excellent medicine for replenishing qi and blood in this world. Even a dying old man can live for a week with a leaf of Dragon's Blood Grass in his mouth.

Not to mention that for warriors, this is the top practice resource.No secret medicine for cultivation is as strong as a dragon's blood herb in nourishing the body.

Li Ye has a big box full of this kind of treasure that all forces regard as top-level strategic reserve resources.

These are all the precious medicines he obtained from Flying Fish Martial Arts before, and only the accumulation of countless generations of Flying Fish Martial Arts can make up this big box.

At that time, he deliberately took all the medicinal materials with great tonic effects, such as those with detoxification, healing and other medicinal materials, he didn't need them at all.

After all, in terms of his physical fitness, ordinary poisons and injuries would not pose a threat to him at all.

The poison and injuries that could threaten him cannot be cured by this level of medicinal materials.

If the outside world sees Li Ye's box, it will be completely crazy.After all, the dragon blood grass that many warriors have seen in their lifetime is also counted by plant.

However, Li Ye didn't care about it at all. For him now, the dragon's blood grass was not a precious thing at all, and these dragon's blood grass could barely maintain his daily cultivation needs.

After swallowing a dragon's blood grass, Li Ye closed his eyes and felt the energy replenished in his body.

Frowning, he picked up three dracaena plants and threw them into his mouth again.

This kind of medicine is regarded as a top-level treasure medicine for a holy warrior, but for him, one plant can't fully replenish his consumption.

After taking a total of four dragon's blood grasses, Li Ye nodded in satisfaction.

The next moment, with a movement of his footsteps, he passed through the gap where the thunder fell, and appeared next to the lightning rod again.

The practice continued, and Li Ye's physical fitness was also slowly improving.

Although slow, it has been growing continuously.

In the following time, he kept this rhythm of practicing, taking medicine, and practicing again, and kept going back and forth between Leihai and overseas.

Time passed, and seven days passed in the blink of an eye.


On the other side, when Li Ye had just arrived at this island, in the mysterious space of Danxia Mountain in Qingshan County, Huang Yu had just slowly told the news that Qingzhe and the others had all died in Danxia Mountain.

But she just mentioned that Qingzhe and the others were dead, when she heard a "click".

Seeing that cracks began to appear around this space, Huang Yu quickly persuaded: "Qing Ming, please calm down, we don't want such a thing to happen."

"How can I be calm? You tell me that even when Sunset County fell, the entire clan there hadn't been wiped out. Now you tell me that Qingshan County just fought a war to stop the Mingzu from going south. How can I accept that none of the entire Danxia Mountain has come back?"

At the very center of this space, a white-haired old man just didn't deliberately restrain his aura, which caused the entire space to tremble violently.

Although Huang Yu and the others had already guessed Qing Ming's reaction after passing the news back, they still couldn't help crying secretly.

After all, this kind of thing is too bizarre and exaggerated. How could it be such a coincidence that only the forces of Danxia Mountain were wiped out.

But anyway, what they had to say had to be said.

Immediately, the others heard Huang Yu say: "Qingping and the three of them died in the battle, because the Mingzu side hides a very powerful formation, which can increase their strength by a small amount, so... …

However, Qingzhe was suddenly attacked and killed after we separated, so we suspect that the Mingzu can not only break through the limit of this side of the world, but also have a way to leave the Mingzu and move freely.

Although this method may have certain restrictions, but today is Qingzhe, and tomorrow it may be the rest of us, so let's stop worrying about the previous things now, and discuss what should we do when we face the Mingzu next. how to do it. "

"Hmph, care about? If I care about it, you guys don't even think about leaving today." Qingming's face turned livid, and he snorted coldly, "Our Danxia Mountain has no spare power to help other forces now, you just need to give me whatever you have discussed. Just pass on one copy, and I don’t care about the rest.”

This time, Danxia Mountain was hit second only to Sunset County. After all, if they wanted to bring new partners into this world, they had to wait for the birth of new human seeds.

In the following long period of time, he was completely unable to do anything, and he didn't even know who to call for help when something happened.

"Qingming, don't be arrogant. This matter is a matter for our entire Taoist clan. Don't be emotional. You know, under our ancestors, no matter which side we belong to, we must work together. In this way In order to gain the upper hand in this world war.

Even if it's not for us, but just for your own consideration, I hope you can try your best to think about what we should do next. "Huang Yu said slowly.

"Heh! For my own sake? I'm just waiting for the Mingzu to come here, to see if they dare to come over. If this dojo is destroyed, I can at least go with three Mingzu."

Qingming obviously no longer intends to pull with them anymore. After all, they will not be able to participate in the following activities in Danxia Mountain. The most important thing for them to do next is to recruit new blood and cultivate new soul talisman seeds as soon as possible. Only in this way can we gain some advantages in the more and more tragic wars in the future.

"You..." Huang Yu wanted to say more, but was held back by another companion.

"In that case, then we won't bother you anymore. We will give you a notice after we discuss it." After the companion finished speaking, he pulled Huang Yu out of the space.

Seeing this, the two Taoists from Raging Flame Villa also walked out together.

In the space, seeing the five leaving hand in hand, Qing Ming couldn't help sighing leisurely, turned around and looked at a certain hidden space, his face was full of entanglements.

In fact, he is not without backhands, he has also prepared a container for himself, and is going to transfer his soul to use when the life of the body he is using now reaches its limit.

For more than 1 years, he has used some kind of secret technique to change his body time and time again, and he has persisted until now.

However, this also resulted in the inability to establish a close connection between his spirit and body, and he could only stay in this space forever.

As long as you go out, you will be targeted by this world immediately.

Although the entire Danxia Mountain urgently needs a new Taoist descending to alleviate the embarrassing situation at this time, Qing Ming decided to wait for the new soul talisman seed.

After all, this body is the key to maintaining his lifespan. If there is any problem again, then he will not be able to live again when his lifespan expires.

Maybe 1 years is too long, he didn't realize that after 1 years of ups and downs, his thoughts have become no longer as pure as before, but have become selfish.

Compared with the interests of the entire race and forces, he will regard his own interests as more important...

At the same time, above Danxia Mountain, Huang Yu was questioning his companion why he pulled her out just now.

However, when her companion expressed her thoughts, Huang Yu was unusually silent.

"Qingming has changed, don't you see it? Just like Huang Zhong, in their eyes, the interests of the race are more important than their own interests."

"Yeah." Huang Yu couldn't help but nodded, she thought of Huang Zhong of the same force, who also stayed alone in this world for 1 years, and also became very strange.

They are different from the Dao race like themselves who have been staying on their mother planet. Their beliefs about race and ancestors have long since become less pure.

But they can't say anything, after all, when the race evacuated from this side of the world, they were asked to stay.

and so……

"Hey, let's go back. After we go back, we need to have a good discussion about what we should do next." With a long sigh, Huang Yu slowly shook her head and said.

"Let's go." The companion responded and flew westward.

That's Langya County, where Lieyan Villa is located, where they are going to discuss how to deal with the Mingzu.

If they are attacked by the Ming clan in the future, they can no longer be beaten so weakly.



A thunderbolt fell, and arcs of electricity rushed across Li Ye's body, and Li Ye was slowly sucked into his body again.

But Li Ye didn't react at all, and completely absorbed the thunder and lightning in just one breath.

Seeing the thunder that kept falling inward and hitting the scorched ground, Li Ye thought for a while, then pulled out the lightning rod while the thunder and lightning stopped and walked forward for tens of meters again.

Just when he inserted the lightning rod into the soil, suddenly several thunderbolts fell down at the same time, hitting the top of the lightning rod.

A much larger electric arc than before jumped on Li Ye's body, and at this moment Li Ye was stunned by the electric shock.

However, he regained control of his body in just a few breaths. Dang even waved his limbs again, and began to practice again in combination with the special breathing method.

Time passed, and at a certain moment, without Li Ye noticing at all, the data on his panel suddenly changed.

【Flesh body: 10.0→Flesh body: 10.1】

After seven or eight days of practice, Li Ye's physical attributes were finally improved again.

Although his progress rate has dropped a lot compared to before his physical transformation, this is also understandable.

After all, the stronger the strength, the more difficult it will be to improve.

However, his lifespan has also doubled compared to before the transformation.

With the support of enough longevity, Li Ye has enough confidence to improve his strength again and complete a new round of transformation.


We often feel that when we are concentrating on a certain thing, time often passes quickly, and a day has slipped away without paying attention.

The same is true for Li Ye. When he is concentrating on his practice, time seems to be sped up, and a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Li Ye had completely adapted to the position 300 meters away from the boundary of the thunderstorm range.

Next, it is to go deeper inward again.

But even though Li Ye's strength had also improved, he still felt a great pressure.

The thunder that went further inside was even more violent, thunder after thunder fell on the ground continuously like raindrops, without any gaps at all.

Li Ye stared ahead, fully concentrated, seized a gap between breaths, and finally rushed inward for a distance of 50 meters.

At the next moment, the thunder in the sky suddenly turned around in the air as if they had met their prey, and struck towards Li Ye.

Gritting his teeth, Li Ye had quick hands and quick eyes, and immediately inserted the lightning rod into the soil.

The next moment, violent thunder fell, and a large amount of electric current rushed towards him at the same time. Li Ye groaned directly, and a large area of ​​scorched black marks appeared on his body.

A strong stabbing pain hit, fortunately he had gotten used to Thunder's numbness during this time, otherwise he would have been frozen for at least a second.

He never thought that he would suffer such a big loss just after he came to this position.

At the same time, this was also the first time he suffered a very serious injury during the time he was cultivating here.

Without any hesitation, seeing that the second wave of thunder was about to fall, Li Ye retreated with one step, and then retreated to a hundred meters away. Another step left the range of this thunderstorm.

Looking at the lightning rod still left in the sea of ​​thunder, Li Ye sighed softly. He didn't have time to pull out the copper rod just now, but retreated backwards on a conditioned reflex.

Now I want to enter again, but I can't enter at all.

However, he also discovered that with only a copper rod to attract Thunder, he couldn't stay at the position after 300 meters, so even if he could go in again, he couldn't gain a firm foothold.

For this situation, he still had to think of another way.

For example, build a few more lightning rods to shunt the thunder.

What's more, he was still injured at this time, and he just took advantage of this time to recuperate.

Glancing again at Lei Hai, who seemed to be in a state of rage that never stopped, Li Ye immediately turned around, grabbed a handful of herbs and swallowed them, then picked up the compass and flew west.

(End of this chapter)

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