Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 157 Changes in the Misty Sea, the Beginning of the Eight Dragons

Chapter 157 Changes in the Misty Sea, the Beginning of the Eight Heavenly Dragons
"Boom boom boom!"

The waves were churning and spreading in all directions.

Hundred-meter-tall sea beasts walked out of the sea of ​​mist and landed from various coastlines in Qionghai County.

Where the sea beasts settled down, the sand and rocks collapsed, and the earth shook.

The sun shone on the sea beasts, the scales on the surface had a metallic luster, and the fangs protruded from the ferocious mouth.

"Hiss~" opened its huge mouth, a roar resounded through the sky, and a giant sea snake covered in black scales and nearly 150 meters in length slammed into the huge sea cliff next to the coastline.

"Boom." A huge impact sounded, and a large number of cracks appeared in the middle of the sea cliff, and it began to crumble.

On the sea cliff, a warning bell sounded immediately in a quaint attic.

"Lan Se, go out and see what's going on. What happened outside? Why did the alarm bell go off?" In the independent space on the top floor of Wanghai Pavilion, Lan Xun, who had been sitting quietly with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Lancer in the corner.

At this time, something unexpected happened outside. When he couldn't leave here, Lancer was the only one who could use the entire Wanghai Pavilion, so Lancer could only deal with it when something happened.

"Okay, I'll go out and have a look." Lan Se immediately got up and walked out when he heard Lan Xun's words.

This space is independent of this world, and it's not a big deal that they can't perceive the outside situation at all, so if they want to know what's going on outside, they can only go out and see.

While walking, Lancer also said: "Lan Xun, how is our new batch of seeds growing, it's an eventful time, you have to hurry up."

"It's being cultivated, don't worry, but the quality of this batch of seeds is not high. Although our apprenticeship has expanded a lot this time, I guess there are only three or four mature seeds in this batch." Looking at Lan Se's back, Lan Xun replied.

"Okay, I see." Nodding his head, Lancer stepped out of the door of this space.


"What's the matter, what's the noise like this?"

Walking out of the independent space, Lancer couldn't help reprimanding a group of panic-stricken apprentices.

Of course, he didn't care about the situation of these people at all, he was just expressing his dissatisfaction with being interrupted to practice because the alarm bell rang.

But in the next moment, his expression changed drastically.

The entire Wanghai Pavilion is shaking violently, and at the same time, the sea cliff below the attic is also making a "cracking" sound, as if it will fall over in the next moment.

"Lord Lancer, there are sea beasts under the sea cliff, especially huge sea beasts." At this time, a young man with a frightened expression pointed to the outside of the sea cliff and said tremblingly.

"Sea beast? Did the sea beast come ashore?" Lancer's body was full of blue light, and he suddenly floated up into the sky, looking at the sea.

Sure enough, a ferocious sea snake was raising its upper body, stretching out its long snake letter to him, roaring non-stop.

"My lord, what should we do now? Should we leave the attic first? This sea cliff seems to be collapsing soon." By the fence of the attic, several apprentices also saw Lancer's appearance at this time, and they couldn't help asking in surprise .

They didn't have a backbone before, so they acted very panicked. Now that they saw Lancer, they also regained their senses and began to think about how to save themselves.

"Wait here. It's just a little sea snake. I have nothing to be afraid of. Now you all go back to your room and don't go out until you receive my notice."

After Lancer finished speaking with a cold face, he rushed towards the sea snake with his whole body.


On the other side, a day later.

"Clatter~" On the island, Li Ye suddenly heard a violent sound.

After thinking for a while, he soared into the air and came to the shore of the island.

At this time, a huge crab was landing next to the coast.

Looking at the huge mutated crab with a width of [-] meters and a carapace glowing with a faint blue luster under his feet, his brows were tightly furrowed, and his heart was full of doubts.

What's going on here, how can there be sea beasts coming ashore.

Could it be that when the thunderstorm spread before, the riots in the entire Misty Sea also began to intensify?
Now that sea beasts have landed on his island, what about the land where he lived before?Are there more sea beasts that have come ashore?

Taking a deep look at the big crab that started to wreak havoc after landing, Li Ye turned around and flew west.

If it was other time, he would still be interested in fighting this big crab to see how much his strength had improved during this time.

But now, he was thinking about things on land, and he was in no mood to waste time with this big crab.

His little apprentice was still in Qionghai County. This time the sea beast landed, the entire Qionghai County would be thrown into chaos, and the county where Xiaohuo was located could not be avoided.

With Li Ye's understanding of Xiaohuo, Xiaohuo would definitely not leave unless it was absolutely necessary.

Therefore, for Xiao Huo's safety, he also went there to take Xiao Huo away.


At the same time, in the small county town to the east of Qionghai County, Xiaohuo did exactly what Li Ye had imagined. When everyone else was about to leave here and flee northward, he still went against the flow of people and walked towards the blacksmith shop.

"Brother Huo, Brother Huo, the adults in the city have already left to the north, when are we leaving?" In the crowd, a teenage boy in clean sackcloth couldn't help jumping when he saw Xiao Huo. feet shouted loudly.

While shouting, he waved his hands vigorously, so that Xiao Huo could see him.

"Mice, why are you here? What are you doing?" After seeing the little boy, Xiao Huo pulled him to his side and asked in a low voice.

"Brother Huo, the people in the city are leaving to the north, when are we leaving?" Mouse gasped for a while, then said to Xiao Huo again.

"You guys go, I won't go, I want to stay." Xiao Huo shook his head and replied with a firm face.

"Brother Huo, are you crazy! The monsters from the south are coming soon. Do you want to stay and kill those monsters at this time? Just because we can't compete with sea beasts at all, you know, even The people on Bibo Island have also fled north, no matter how powerful we are, we can't compare to Bibo Island."

Seeing that Xiaohuo said that he would not leave, Mouse immediately became anxious.

If you don't leave at this time, but choose to stay, then it is no different from sending you to death for nothing.

With his IQ, he couldn't figure out why Xiaohuo chose to stay.

"You guys go, take the kittens with them. I won't leave, I want to stay and wait for my master. If I leave now, I won't be found when my master comes back later. So I can't go no matter what .”

Although sweat was profusely on the face of the mouse beside him, Xiao Huo still shook his head and turned around, walking towards the blacksmith shop.

"Brother Huo, Brother Huo." Seeing that Xiao Huo really decided not to leave, the mouse immediately followed and said, "Brother Huo, since you won't leave, then we won't leave either. Anyway, this life is yours." Yes, I will stay and die with you!"

"What are you talking about? Hurry up and find the little cats and the others, and take them to the north and leave here." Xiaohuo stopped, grabbed the mouse by the collar, and said loudly.

"No, not only I won't leave, I believe that if you know that you stayed and didn't leave, the little cats won't leave either, and we all won't leave."

Seeing that Mouse's face was firm and unwavering, Xiao Huo couldn't help but fell silent.

What the mouse said was correct. Based on his understanding of the mouse, the kitten, and other partners, if he knew that he had not left, then these people would not leave either. He had this kind of confidence.

After all, Mouse and the others were partners who grew up with him and survived together in this county.

These companions have been around him since he was a child, looking for food together under his leadership, and sleeping together in the abandoned yard.

And after Xiao Huo was accepted as a disciple by Li Ye, Xiao Huo used most of the money in his hands to help these childhood partners.

Therefore, this also led to the high prestige of Xiaohuo among this group of partners, and everyone regarded him as the leader.

"Let Kitty and the others gather at the blacksmith shop. Even if we don't leave the county, we have to think about where to hide. Let's discuss it together first." After a long silence, Xiaohuo spoke again and explained. "Of course, if someone wants to leave, you must not stop them, just let them go."

"Yes! Brother Huo, I'll go right away." Seeing that Xiao Huo promised to let them all stay, the mouse couldn't help being filled with excitement, and immediately shouted loudly. "Brother Huo, don't worry, no one will leave. Everyone has decided a long time ago that we will live together and die together, right?"

"Okay, you go now. Mouse, remember, I'll emphasize again, don't force anyone to stay, let everyone choose to stay voluntarily. After all, I don't have any qualifications to ask others to accompany me to die. "

After waving to the mouse, Xiao Huo turned around and walked towards the blacksmith's shop after speaking.

He is going to pack up his things now, prepare everyone's foothold and the next survival supplies.

"Understood!" Behind him, the mouse said again, and then got into the crowd and ran towards their small base.

At this moment, they couldn't even imagine what kind of monster they would face if they stayed here.

Although there are many rumors everywhere, it is not one-ten-thousandth as terrifying as the real sea beast.

After all, that is a higher life whose life has undergone metamorphosis!

In the eyes of transformed beings, living creatures cannot escape their perception no matter how hidden they are. Even those sea beasts have no intelligence, but they still have the most basic hunting instincts.


When Li Ye came to the sky above this county, he saw that all the people in the entire city were moving north.

The flow of people is like a sea, crowded together, but there is no communication, just bowing their heads and rushing on their own.

Slowly falling not far from the blacksmith's shop, Li Ye pushed open the door of the blacksmith's shop, and saw seven boys and girls of about the same age standing around Xiaohuo, chirping and talking.

"Brother Huo, should we go to Master Li's house in the east of the city next? Master Li and his family have already left. I heard that their family built a very large cellar, which should be enough for us to sleep in."

"No, Brother Huo, I think we should go to the north of the city and hide near the north gate of the city. If something is wrong, we can go out directly from the north gate of the city."

"Brother Huo, I..."

"Brother Fire!"

"small fire……"

Swish!A small fire instantly attracted everyone's attention.

I didn't hear other people calling Brother Xiaohuo, who is so blind to call Xiaohuo like that.

But after they turned around in unison, they found that a stranger had entered the blacksmith's shop at some point.

"Who are you and what are you here for..."

Before the kitten could finish speaking, it was interrupted by Xiaohuo.

"Master, you are back." Xiao Huo said softly as he walked up to Li Ye with his head down.

"Well, I came here this time to take you away. The sea beasts in the Misty Sea have begun to land on land, so we can't stay here any longer."

Nodding his head, Li Ye first explained the purpose of his visit this time, and then asked again: "By the way, Xiaohuo, who are these people?"

"Ah, these are the partners I grew up with..." Xiao Huo hesitated for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Master, can you take them with you too?"

Seeing that Li Ye was silent, Xiao Huo hurriedly said: "Master, the mice are very good people, sensible and capable. You can ask them to help you if you have anything in daily life, just run an errand."

At this time, the seven teenagers stood there with their heads down, without saying a word.But the tightly clenched hands revealed their uneasy hearts.

Brother Huo's master came to take Xiao Huo away, so what about them, where should they go.

But after hearing Xiaohuo's words, several people raised their heads instantly, their eyes filled with surprise and hope.

Brother Huo actually pleaded with his master, begging to take them with him, but would Brother Huo's master agree?

For a big man like Brother Huo and Master Huo, people like them should not be able to catch the other party's eyes at all.

Yes, for Li Ye, these teenagers and girls are really too ordinary.

If he is just looking for some servants, servants, if he asks, there will be as many ordinary people as there are.

But looking at Xiao Huo who had been bowing his head in front of him, and the seven pairs of expectant eyes behind him, Li Ye's heart suddenly softened at this moment.

"Xiaohuo, can you guarantee that they will listen to you?"

"We can!" Before Xiao Huo could speak, seven crisp voices sounded at the same time.

At this time, Xiao Huo also said firmly: "Master, Mouse and I grew up together. No matter what happens these years, we have always been together and never gave up on any partner. So, I believe they will not be sorry. my business."

"Okay, remember what you said today, and you will be responsible for what happens in the future." After hesitating for a moment, Li Ye nodded and agreed.

Hearing Li Ye's words, the eight young people cheered at the same time.

"Thank you Master!"

"Thank you sir!"

"Thank you sir!"


A few little guys shouted everything, and for a while, the voices in the blacksmith shop became completely chaotic.

(End of this chapter)

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