Chapter 158

This time, the chaos caused by the sea beast swept across the entire southern area of ​​Qionghai County in a very short period of time.

And due to various reasons, people or animals on the mainland did not have time to make any preparations, and began to face this terrible disaster, so that the cities within the territory of the former giant whale gang were facing the first wave of disasters. When the sea beast impacted, it turned into pieces of ruins.

Now a large number of disaster victims are fleeing to the north. At this moment, no matter their status, men, women or children, everyone is desperately trying to survive.

In this case, there are too many brilliance and ugliness of human nature appearing in various places.

It was still the small county town to the east of Qionghai County. Li Ye looked at the energetic young people and suddenly felt that he seemed old.

Although he is only in his early 20s, his state of mind is completely different from that of young people now.

It seemed that from the moment he woke up on the 'Li Ye' of this world, the carefree and optimist that only belonged to young people had all disappeared.

The unfamiliar environment in reality, the uncertain future, and the ever-present sense of crisis all caused him to undergo a drastic transformation in a short period of time.

"Thank you, Master, where are we going next?" Xiao Huo asked Li Ye again after calming down his excitement.

"I'll take you to Qingshan County in the north. I lived in a forest near the junction of the two counties for a while. You should go there for a while and see the future situation of Qionghai County before making further plans. "Li Ye thought for a while and replied, "After Xiaohuo, you have to take good care of your friends."

"Yes, Master, I understand. Master, please wait here for a while, we will pack up the things in the blacksmith shop and leave." After Xiaohuo finished speaking, he began to call the other seven friends to pack up the things that needed to be taken away.

Li Ye looked at these busy figures, shook his head and said with a smile: "Take your time, don't worry, all the things that can be taken away in the blacksmith's shop are sorted out and packed up, and you want to continue learning forging skills when you get there. , but the conditions are not as good as they are now.”

"Understood, Master." Xiaohuo knew that it would not be as easy to get iron ore and other raw materials in the future, so he immediately decided to bring all the ores in the blacksmith shop.

But a few minutes later, when they packed all the things in the blacksmith's shop into boxes, they couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay, speechless as they looked at the stacked stacks of large boxes in the blacksmith's shop.

How can they take away so many things?

Especially half of these boxes were filled with metal ore, not to mention the other seven, even Xiao Huo could barely lift one.

Gritting his teeth, Xiao Huodang immediately said: "Which box is the forging equipment in? You guys are responsible for taking away the box containing the equipment, and I will carry the box containing the ore.

We don't want these ordinary iron ores. This time, let's take away the important precious metal ores first. As for the remaining copper and iron ores, let's stay here and see what happens later. "

Although Xiao Huo knew that they would never have the chance to come back here again, at this time, it was time to break, and the things that could not be taken away had to be discarded. After all, they couldn't ask Master to help carry these boxes.

But at this moment, Li Ye suddenly said: "Stop after packing up, I will take you away."

Before he finished speaking, a circle of black lines that no one else could see suddenly spread from Li Ye's side.

The black thread swept across the other eight people, linking to the black magnetic field around them. At the same time, a steel wire rope was also wrapped around the boxes on the ground.

In the next moment, an invisible magnetic field fluctuation spread, and Xiao Huo and the others suddenly found that they were all floating.

Gradually, they flew away from the blacksmith shop, flew into the air, flew higher and higher, and then drew an arc in the sky, leaving to the north.

"Master, this, this, this..." High above the sky, Xiao Huo stammered uncontrollably.

It was the first time that these young people flew into the sky, these young people should have been very excited, but at this time they were full of horror and did not dare to say a word. Only Xiaohuo managed to adjust his posture because he was familiar with Li Ye. Emotions, half a sentence.

"It's okay, as long as you practice hard every day, you can fly into the sky and escape from the ground in the future."

Li Ye said with a smile and stopped talking. The courage that Xiao Huo had summoned just now was gone, and he didn't dare to ask any more questions at this time.

Soon, everyone landed slowly at the junction of Qingshan County and Qionghai County. When several young people stepped on the ground with both feet, they let out a long breath at the same time and knelt down on the ground with their feet limp.

Standing on the high mountain, Li Ye looked to the south.

At this time, the people of Qingshan County have not yet felt the chaos from the sea in the south, so it is still calm.

But now the entire Qionghai County has fallen into turmoil, it is hard to say when this chaos will spread to the entire Qionghai County, and then affect Qingshan County and Langya County to the north of Qionghai County.

Li Ye thought in his heart that he would stop the chaos from spreading, but he couldn't.

It's not that he doesn't want to do it, but with his current strength, he can't do it alone, and he can't stop all the sea beasts by himself.

And asking him to cooperate with the Tao clan is simply impossible.

Therefore, Li Ye can only watch these monsters crawling out of the sea and wreaking havoc on the land.

In this troubled world, all he can do is protect the people he cares about.

But in places that Li Ye didn't know, what he wanted so much to do at the moment was really being realized!


The southernmost part of the Misty Sea is also a long coastline.

At this time, on this coastline, dozens of strong human races in various armors are fighting with the sea beasts that climbed up the coastline.

Divine soldiers exuding various brilliance flew in the sky, bombarding the sea beast, causing deep wounds.

"Master, these sea beasts are crazy, why did they come ashore all of a sudden!" At this time, a young man was manipulating his azure blue sword to shoot at the huge lion not far away, while turning his head to the one beside him. asked the middle-aged man.

This huge lion is more than [-] meters tall, covered in dark purple scales, with a lush purple mane on its neck, a bloody mouth, red pupils, and a long spiral golden horn on top of its head.

The golden horn is more than five meters long, covered with mysterious and complicated dense patterns, and occasionally there is a glimmer of light, as if this golden horn is not just a long horn in one place.

"And why are there such things as lions in the sea? Could it be that the ancestors of lions on land also came from the sea!" Seeing his divine sword bombarding the golden-horned lion, it caused a string of sparks, only breaking a few pieces After the scales no longer had the motivation to move forward, the young man shouted helplessly.

"No, they're not crazy, and they didn't come from the sea." The middle-aged man shook his head, and explained bitterly: "Usually I ask you to read more books but you don't read them, but if you read the book World War After you finish, you won’t ask such questions that everyone knows except you.”

"Ah..." The young man scratched his head in embarrassment, and said with an aggrieved expression: "Master, you know that I can last seven days and seven nights in the blacksmith's shop, but if I go to study, I can persist for an hour at most." I was so sleepy that I couldn't bear it, and fell asleep naturally."

"Forget it, after so many years, I still don't know what kind of virtue you are?" Sighing helplessly, the middle-aged man explained: "This purple-maned golden-horned lion was originally a fierce beast on the northern land. It's just that in the world war 1 years ago, in order to avoid being hunted by alien races, the whole clan fled to the endless sea.

So, they're not invading land, they're just coming home.But they came to the wrong place, the Shenbing Continent did not belong to them, this is not their hometown!
By the way, the Endless Sea is the sea of ​​mist in front of you. There was no fog above the sea 1 years ago, so this sea was called the Endless Sea 1 years ago. "

"Ah, alright, but can creatures like lions still survive in the sea? After dealing with this sea beast invasion, I'm going to catch a few black iron lions and throw them into the sea." The half-knowledgeable Nodding his head, the young man said with a thoughtful expression.

"Xuanqing, your brain is broken, you still forgot to bring it out in the villa!" The beard of the young man beside him, that is, Xuanqingqi, was raised, and the middle-aged man said with hatred: "Even if it is Throwing you into the sea, you can survive forever, why can't this purple-maned golden-horned lion.

You are just a soul-transformed ghost warrior. After transformation, you can breathe through your pores, and this purple-maned golden-horned lion is a super fierce beast after physical transformation. What does the sea and land mean to it? the difference! "

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man once again shouted angrily, "Go!"

The next moment, a bright sword light suddenly shot out from his mouth.

The sword light rose against the wind, and it turned into a [-]-meter-long giant sword in just one breath, smashing down on the head of the purple-maned golden-horned lion!
The edge of the sword light suddenly emitted a sharp luster, and at the same time, the complex and dense pattern of the long horns on the head of the purple-maned golden-horned lion also shone with a dark luster.

The two collided, confronted each other, and began to stalemate.

"Heavy!" The middle-aged man spoke again. At this moment, the giant sword seemed to have turned into a mountain, and hit heavily on the head of the purple-maned golden-horned lion.


An unusually clear sound spread, and at this moment, the long horns of the purple-maned golden-horned lion began to crack and shatter.

Seeing that something was wrong, the purple-maned golden-horned lion suddenly turned around and wanted to escape back into the sea.

But the middle-aged man sneered, "I want to leave even though I'm here, what kind of place is my teacher Guangyuan here!"

The next moment, the sword light seemed to teleport, and appeared on top of the purple-maned golden-horned lion again.

"Shua!" A dazzling ray of light lit up in the sky, and the epee fell. The purple-maned golden-horned lion that had just returned to land was split in two from head to tail, and hit the ground heavily, without breathing.

"Master is awesome!" Seeing that Shi Guangyuan killed the [-]-meter-tall lion with a single strike, Xuan Qing clapped his hands excitedly and shouted. "Master, why didn't you pass this trick on to me? I never thought that you, the old man, would keep a hand in accepting disciples."

"Naughty animal! Can you speak a human language! If you can understand what I teach you, I will thank the ancestors of our Shenjian Villa."

Originally, he was still quietly enjoying the achievement at this moment, but Xuanqing said such a disastrous word the next moment, and Shi Guangyuan couldn't help but be impressed by Xuanqing's anger that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

"Hey, master, don't be angry. I'm joking with you. I know I'm not capable enough to learn this. Oh, why are you so serious." Seeing the anger on Shi Guangyuan's face, Xuan Qing quickly He explained, "Calm down, calm down, if your old man gets mad at me, then I will be a sinner of our Shenjian Villa."

Seeing Xuan Qing's playful smile, Shi Guangyuan couldn't express his anger, but instead smiled helplessly.

The apprentice I choose, of course I know what kind of virtue he is.

He has seen this hippie smiling face for more than ten years, and it has never changed, and now there is nothing he can do about Xuan Qing.

Shi Guangyuan: "You, you, you can do this at home. After you go out to practice alone in the future, you can't be out of shape like this."

Xuan Qing: "Understood, Master, I have always kept what you said in my heart. When I go out, I represent not only myself, but also our Excalibur Villa. So you can't do everything according to your own temper, you must be dignified , be bold, and don't lose the face of our Shenjian Villa. You see, I remember correctly."

"Hmph." Hearing Xuan Qing's words, Shi Guangyuan snorted coldly, but his expression improved a lot.

Although Xuan Qing seems to be out of shape all day long, he is still very reliable when going out on behalf of Shenjian Villa, which is why Shi Guangyuan has always indulged Xuan Qing in this way.

If Xuanqing was really the kind of person who disrespected teachers, ancestors, lawless, and unscrupulous, he would have put Xuanqing in the prison of Shenjian Villa long ago, and he would not trust Xuanqing like he does now.

On the other side, while the two were chatting, the fighting in other places gradually stopped.

In this battle, most of the Youpin Divine Soldiers in the entire Divine Soldiers Continent were mobilized, and the results obtained were also very impressive.

All the monsters in the sea that landed on the Shenbing Continent were all intercepted by the coastline, and none of the monsters broke through their blockade and rushed into the depths of the land.

Not only that, among the sea beasts that landed on land, only a few were strong, and the fast-running beasts returned to the sea. Most of the beasts stayed on the land forever, and became the foundation for them to continue to improve their magic weapons. precious material.

One south and one north, the two continents are also facing the invasion of giant beasts in the misty sea, but the final results are completely different!
(End of this chapter)

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