Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 163 Deduction again, the new technique finally appeared

Chapter 163 Deduction again, the new technique finally appeared
This time, after the Bai family determined the future development plan, they took action with lightning speed.

In just a few days, all resource allocation and personnel selection were completely implemented.

A lot of money was thrown out, all of which were used to buy medicinal materials circulating in the market, and a large number of young clansmen were also called to the Bai family's other courtyard to receive the guidance of martial artists invited by the Bai family to practice.

As the Bai family's actions unfolded vigorously, soon, several other families in Qingshan County who had some connections with the Bai family discovered the strange behavior of the Bai family.

In the current situation where all major forces are scrambling for territory, the Bai family not only failed to expand their own development, but also shrunk their territory, using all their resources to train new warriors.

This situation can't help but make these families feel surprised. In the next few days, they held meetings one after another to discuss the purpose and reason of the Bai family's action.

However, after guessing and guessing, they didn't guess why the Bai family would do this. The Bai family seems to have lost their minds. Under the current situation, not only are they not making money, but they are still spending money. It is completely different from the development strategy set by their family.

It's not that it's wrong for the Bai family to cultivate warriors, but that there is no conflict between cultivating warriors and expanding their territory. Why didn't the Bai family do both at the same time.

Is the head of the Bai family really stupid?

However, the Bai family has developed for so many years and has strict rules. The formulation of this development strategy cannot be decided and implemented by a single person at all. Therefore, this must be the result of consultations between several decision-makers of the Bai family.

So, are the decision makers of the Bai family all out of their minds?

Obviously this is impossible.

If not all are stupid, what is the real reason for this incident?
This is what they most want to know at the moment.

All of a sudden, among the several families connected with the Bai family, all kinds of news were flying all over the sky, but none of them was confirmed to be true.

This also caused some people to be unable to sit still after waiting for a few days, and began to move around.

This afternoon, in a certain courtyard in Qingshan County, because of the recent abnormal behavior of the Bai family, two old men who hadn't seen each other for a long time also rarely got together and talked in a low voice.

"Old Liu, you must be hiding something in the Bai family. This time, they didn't send any news back?"

"Haha, Patriarch Wang, I think you may have misunderstood me. Since we moved to Qingshan County together, all the dark sons of our Liu family who stayed in other families have already been recalled, and now I am in your family. There are no sources.

On the contrary, Master Wang, it seems that you still have a source of news in the Bai family. How about it, has anyone from your side sent any news this time?Can you share it with your brother. "

Facing the inquiry from the Patriarch of the Wang Family, the Patriarch of the Liu Family just laughed and fooled around.

Although it is said that the four major families in Yishan County no longer have the same competitive relationship as they did in Yishan County at this time, there are still some things that cannot be discussed casually.

After all, maybe one day the relationship between the two parties will deteriorate, he is not so stupid, now go to have a heart-to-heart talk with the other party.

What's more, this time, the dark son he buried in Bai's house didn't send back any useful news at all, so he really didn't know anything, which was no different from having no source of information, which was why he refused to admit it outright.

Of course, if the dark son of the Liu family buried in the Bai family really came back with news that could pose a huge threat to their family, then he would not hide it pedantically.

It's just that this time the news was indeed strictly guarded by the Bai family, and he didn't hear any news.

"Hey, brother, what are you talking about? If I get the exact news, can I not tell you? I'm also at a loss. I don't know what happened to the Bai family. "

On the other side, seeing Patriarch Liu throwing back the question, Patriarch Wang also waved his hand to express that he didn't know anything.

However, after his observation, he was convinced of what the head of the Liu family said. It seemed that not only the Wang family didn't know the reason why the Bai family did this, but the Liu family also didn't know the reason.

In this case, can the two be united?

While thinking, the eyes of Patriarch Wang and Patriarch Liu suddenly met.

At the same time, although the two did not have any conversation, they both understood each other's meaning in this short moment and reached an agreement.

Looking at each other with a smile, the head of the Liu family said, "Oh, speaking of it, I haven't seen the third brother of the Bai family for a long time. It just so happens that you came to me today. It's better to hit the sun if you choose a day. Do you want us to go there together today?" Visit?"

"Okay, it just so happens that I don't have anything to do today, so it's rare that you are interested in going out, and we will go together." Without any hesitation, Patriarch Wang agreed without hesitation.

Looking at each other and smiling again, the two walked out hand in hand, and walked towards the Bai family courtyard together.


On the other side, Li Ye left Qingshan County after breakfast and came to a wilderness.

And the purpose of his going out this time is also very simple, that is to find a place where there is no one to deduce the exercises.

After deducing the exercises last time, he obtained 200 million points of yin force from Qingzhe and Lanser respectively. Anyway, these yin force points are of no use on the panel, so it is better to directly Use it to improve yourself.

Therefore, this time he decided to use up all the 200 million yin energy points, in order to be able to deduce his new exercises.

After lingering in the sky and making sure that there were no traces of humans around, Li Ye slowly landed on the ground, sat cross-legged in the wilderness, and looked down at the panel.

[Yin value: 2000000]

"Deduce the skills." Concentrating on the panel, Li Ye muttered in his heart, and the next moment, the familiar figure appeared in front of him again.

With the burning of a large amount of yin energy, the scene in front of Li Ye also changed.

Light and shadow intertwined, the head of the figure was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning crossed the sky, and suddenly a thunderbolt landed on top of his head.


The thunder and lightning hit his body, and the figure trembled crazily, but his eyes were still closed tightly, without any reaction.

But Li Ye knew that the figure must be doing some kind of attempt that he still can't understand.

Although he couldn't see anything because he didn't have any external performance, Li Ye knew in his heart that this attempt must be related to the formation of skills.

The fact was just as Li Ye expected, at this time, the figure had no energy to pay attention to his physical injuries. When the lightning fell from the sky and struck him, he focused all his attention on his own magnetic field. over perception.

After all, for normal people, even in thunderstorm weather, if they don't carry metal equipment on their bodies, it is difficult for the thunder to fall on them out of thin air.

But for Li Ye, the situation he faced was not like this.

Li Yezao had already discovered a phenomenon, that is, his probability of being struck by lightning was many times higher than that of ordinary people.

At the same time, the figure with the same physical fitness as Li Ye was also in the same situation.

At this time, the shadow is researching the reason for this phenomenon, and how to use this situation to practice.

As time passed, the thunder in the sky kept falling, and the figure kept closing its eyes to perceive the changes in its own magnetic field.

But after just a few thunderbolts, the figure's body cracked, and it disappeared in front of Li Ye in just one breath.

The next moment, the figure appeared again, and Li Ye knew in his heart that the first goal had failed, and now it was time for the second goal.

However, Li Ye was not worried at all. After all, deducing the exercises would not cause any harm to his body, and it didn't matter if he succeeded or failed.

Even if it doesn't work this time, at worst, he will continue to hunt the Dao and Ming clans in the future, and come back to the deduction after getting the Yin power value.

Anyway, as long as he has enough yin energy, sooner or later he will be able to deduce this technique.

What's his is his after all, so you can't run away.


The thunder fell again, and the figure also maintained the posture of sitting cross-legged as before, letting the thunder bombard the flesh.

As time passed, the human figure's body became scorched black again, full of cracks.

But in the blink of an eye, the figure returned to its original shape in front of Li Ye's eyes again.

Repeatedly, with the continuous burning of Yin energy, the figure's attempt was repeated several times.

Until a certain moment, the figure suddenly opened his eyes, and he finally caught that slight change in his own magnetic field, but the price he paid was that this body was once again on the verge of being scrapped.

In the next moment, Li Ye's eyes blurred, and a blurred figure returned to its original shape again, and all the injuries on his body disappeared.

The scene was repeated, and another thunderbolt fell. At this moment, the figure keenly sensed the resonance between its own magnetic field and the magnetic field of heaven and earth.

The moment Lei Ting locked onto him, he also understood the relationship between the human body's magnetic field and the heaven and earth's magnetic field.

Life is originally conceived by heaven and earth, and it is a child of one world.

Absorb the nutrients between heaven and earth, and grow up slowly.

At the same time, as the child grows up, the connection between himself and the world becomes deeper and deeper, and the bond becomes tighter.

And this is reflected in the resonance between his own magnetic field and the magnetic field of heaven and earth, which is what Li Ye is facing at this time.

When his physical body transformed and he was able to perceive his own magnetic field, his own magnetic field also established a close connection with the magnetic field between the sky and the earth, which is why he is now prone to lightning strikes.

However, there are disadvantages to this scene, as well as advantages.

After establishing a strong relationship with heaven and earth, he can also use the power of heaven and earth to practice and improve himself.

For example, when he was on the thunderstorm desert island before, he borrowed the arc of thunder to practice.

However, relying on external force is not the right way after all, the real practice should not be faked, it depends on oneself.

It's just that Li Ye didn't know how to use the power of heaven and earth to cultivate by himself, so he could only use tricks.

But now, the human shadow's attempt gave Li Ye a hope, a hope that he could practice through the power of heaven and earth by himself.

After he perceives the connection between his own magnetic field and the magnetic field of heaven and earth, he still needs to find out how to use the magnetic field to practice.

After all, sensing the magnetic field connection can only allow him to perceive the timing of the thunder's fall one step in advance, and it cannot help him use the thunder to practice.

However, although sensing the magnetic field connection is not a practice method, it does not mean that the step of sensing the magnetic field connection is not important.

Li Ye is a person who has received a modern scientific education. Unlike the illiterates in this world, he clearly knows that the speed at which thunder falls is the speed of light.

If he waited for the thunder to land before reacting, it would be impossible for him to react immediately.

Only by judging the timing of the thunder in advance can we react in time and practice with the help of the thunder.

As time slipped by, Li Ye kept watching the figure's next move without blinking.

This time, the figure will react every time the thunder falls, but how to use the thunder to practice has become the second problem.

Fortunately, Li Ye's successive 400 million points of yin power were not for nothing. After many attempts, Yingying finally seemed to have found a way to use the thunder to practice.

In front of Li Ye, when the thunder fell again, the magnetic field around the figure suddenly spun.

As the magnetic field rotated, an extremely strong centrifugal force was generated. Thunder was actually attracted by this centrifugal force and fell to the side of the figure.

Not only that, the thunder suddenly exploded when it landed next to the figure, turning into a piece of thunder that enveloped the figure's body, but it didn't land on the figure.

Subtle arcs of lightning danced around the figure. As the figure unfolded, strands of it were sucked into the figure's body, and turned into strands of destructive and vital energy absorbed by the figure's body.The next moment, the figure's physical fitness began to slowly improve.

Time passed, and as the entire thunderbolt was absorbed by the figure, the figure let out a long breath.

A fine piece of thunder was spat out by the figure with a "cracking" sound, and the figure stopped the movements of his hands, stood up slowly, and carefully understood the changes in his body.

"It's done." Although the deduction was not over yet, Li Ye knew clearly in his heart that the deduction of this exercise should be completed after seeing the whole thunderbolt being sucked into the body without any injuries.

Time passed, and another thunderbolt fell, but it was once again attracted by the centrifugal force of the magnetic field around the figure.

Seeing Lei Ting circling around the figure's body, but he couldn't touch the figure's body anyway, a smile appeared on the corner of Li Ye's mouth.

It shouldn't take long before this deduction will end.

And the situation was just as Li Ye expected, when the thunder was sucked into the body of the figure again, the figure also slowly disappeared before Li Ye's eyes.

In the next moment, a huge wave of memories flooded into Li Ye's mind frantically.

Magnetic field perception, magnetic field deflection, body training actions, thunder absorption, body strengthening...

A large amount of memory was absorbed by Li Ye, and the practice method of this whole set of exercises was completely controlled and digested by Li Ye.

At the same time, a new exercise appeared on Li Ye's panel.

(End of this chapter)

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