Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 164 Tianxin body training, sea beast follow-up

Chapter 164 Tianxin body training, sea beast follow-up

Under the night, Li Ye stood up slowly, quietly comprehending the essentials of this practice.

It took him a long time to completely digest the memory in his mind and fully control this exercise.

And at this time, he finally got out of that state of concentration and looked at his own panel.


Looking at the new prompt message that appeared on the panel, Li Ye secretly said in his heart, "Sure enough."

Sure enough, a new technique appeared; sure enough, all the yin energy was used up again.

Thinking about the process of deducing the birth of this exercise and the way of cultivation in his heart, Li Ye finally made a secret decision in his heart.

"Tianxin body training art."

Because this exercise needs to be practiced with the help of the power of thunder between heaven and earth, Li Ye finally decided to name this exercise 'Tianxin Body Refining Art'.

And just after Li Ye made a decision in his heart, the five words "unnamed exercise" on the panel also quietly changed, becoming the name of the exercise.

In the wilderness, Li Ye looked up at the sky.

At this time, the sky was blue and cloudless, and there was no sign of thunder and rain.

Although Li Ye felt helpless about this, there was nothing he could do.

Although at this time he really wanted to try the practice effect of this new exercise, but it was hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, so he had no choice but to give up.

After all, at this time, his own magnetic field is still unable to shake the magnetic field of heaven and earth to attract thunder, and now his practice still needs to rely on the changes of the natural celestial phenomena, that is, he needs to wait until the thunderstorm weather before he can practice the Tianxin body training art.

Seeing that he couldn't wait for the thunderstorm to arrive, Li Ye turned around and walked towards Qingshan County City.

Now I can still catch up with the lunch at home when I go back. If I stay outside for a while, I'm afraid it will be past lunch time.

Although Li Ye no longer needs to eat to satisfy his hunger, this habit of eating is still preserved.


Time passed, and three days passed in a flash.

After a few days of fermenting, the news about Qionghai County being attacked by a sea beast coming ashore finally spread to the surrounding counties and counties, and all the people in the counties and counties became panicked for a while.

A large number of news about sea beasts invading the land and Qionghai County becoming a mess spread throughout Qingshan County.

After receiving the news, the various forces couldn't help but hold a high-level meeting again and began to discuss countermeasures.

Is it fighting, waiting, or retreating?

In the lobby of a mountain villa in the north of Qingshan County, several white-haired old men and middle-aged men are discussing the next move.

However, for Qinglong Villa, which has just experienced a tragic war, even the owner of the villa has folded in, it is obvious that most people are not willing to experience another war.

Facing the news from Qionghai County, a white-haired old man immediately shook his head and refused: "We have just ended a war, and now we can no longer bear the second war, let alone those sea beasts have not come to our Qingshan County, my suggestion is to ignore it and wait and see.

In case those sea beasts just occupy Qionghai County and stop invading northward, then why do we provoke them?They were provoked, and it was us who were unlucky in the end. "

"Second Elder is right. The best way for us now is to stand still. The territory of our Qinglong Villa is all in the northern part of the county. To put it bluntly, even if those sea beasts came to our Qingshan County later, there is also a place in the south. The power of the region and the power of the main county are facing each other.

We can completely hide in the back to see the situation, maybe we can still see the scene where both Tianjianzong and Sea Beast are hurting each other in the south.At that time, we may still have the opportunity to take over the southern region, and then our Qinglong Villa will be the boss of the entire Qingshan County. "Hearing what the first white-haired old man said, another old man next to him couldn't help but stroked his beard and nodded in approval.

"Stop dreaming, and become the boss of Qingshan County. It seems that Danxia Mountain does not exist at all in the eyes of the third elder."

Seeing several old men nodding one after another, a middle-aged man in armor couldn't help showing a hint of disdain, and retorted: "Also, do you understand the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold? What if the Tianjianzong in the south can't stop those sea beasts? At that time, do we have to wait until the Heavenly Sword Sect is destroyed before we make a move?

I think we have to take action, and we have to discuss countermeasures with Tianjianzong and Qingshan County Lieyan Army in advance, reach an agreement, and work together to face this difficulty.I think, if my eldest brother is alive, he will definitely agree with me to do this. "

"Don't mention your elder brother. Lord Longshou has always been adhering to this philosophy to do things. Look where he is now, and he can't even find his bones. It is the lesson of your elder brother, so we can't mix in these things." In the middle of the matter, otherwise this would be another catastrophe for our Qinglong Villa.

Even if we win the battle later, but all the warriors sent over are dead and never come back, then you say that we have lost so many warriors, whether we have won or lost. "

When the strong man mentioned the former Lord Longshou of Qinglong Villa, the second elder who was the first to speak suddenly became furious.

It's okay if the strong man doesn't mention it, as time goes by, he can always digest those sad emotions by himself, but now that the strong man doesn't open any pot and lifts which pot, then he doesn't need to save face for the other party.

You know, it was Longshou who insisted on going his own way at the beginning, that Qinglong Villa sent a large number of warriors to the north to intercept the monsters going south.

In the end, all the monsters were stopped, but in that racial war, none of the warriors they sent from Qinglong Villa came back alive, and all of them died in that war.

Among them was his favorite grandson, his grandson was only in his twenties, and he closed his eyes forever without leaving a single offspring. How could he accept this result.

Now there are not many young backbones in their Qinglong Villa. If they send people to support the south, then his other grandson must also be sent to the battlefield.

Therefore, this time, he wanted to mess up the matter no matter what, and he would never allow the sad scene of a white-haired man sending a black-haired man to happen to him again.

Not only that, when the second elder said those words in anger, the faces of the other people in the hall also became ugly.

Speaking of which, in the previous war with those monsters in Sunset County, the backbone of every family they were present died.

It's not just the Second Elder who grieves, but they too.

However, the strong man's thoughts are obviously completely different from those of others. Facing the second elder's anger, the strong man immediately stood up and looked at the second elder with rounded eyes, and shouted: "Only your disciple died in that battle." Well, don't say my elder brother didn't come back, neither my son nor nephew came back.

That's what to do if we don't go up to those monsters. Should we wait for those monsters to reach our door and then take up the sword to resist?Or just give up the lair and leave here? "

"Axiong, calm down, don't talk yet." At this time, an old man who hadn't said a word before glanced at the strong man and motioned him to sit down first.

At the same time, he looked at the second elder who seemed to be about to speak, and shook his head. "Second brother, don't say a few words. One family doesn't talk about two different languages. The friendship between us all these years has long been that you have me, and I have you. Arguments are arguments. Don't break the rules and hurt me." love."

"Yes, First Elder." Facing the First Elder, Ah Xiong lowered his head to signal that he understood, and the Second Elder on the other side also closed his mouth and stopped speaking.

At this time, the elder also said again: "I don't agree to go south to support Tianjianzong."

Seeing that Xiong stood up again, he waved his hand again to stop what Xiong was about to say, "As for the reason, Xiong, please allow me to speak slowly."

"Okay, I believe you will give me a reasonable explanation." After humming, Ah Xiong closed his mouth and stared at the elder with wide eyes.

"Don't worry, I know." The Great Elder first sighed leisurely, and then said: "Last time, Aaron said that he would send warriors north to intercept those monsters going south. The villa is at the forefront of the monster's way down south.

If we didn't stop those monsters on the border of Sunset County, when those monsters went south, our Qinglong Villa would also be the first place to encounter those monsters, so we had no choice but to go.

But this time is different, sea beasts have to go through more than half of Qingshan County to reach us on their way to the north. Before us, there were dozens of forces, large and small, in our south.Therefore, I think this time we don't need to send troops and resources like before. Even if we must send out later, there is no need to lead this war again.

Moreover, this is only the difference in the situation of the two wars. More importantly, as the second child said, our Qinglong Villa can't afford it.The last war was traumatic for us at Qinglong Mountain Villa. We simply cannot bear that kind of tragic war again. "

The Great Elder's words were well-founded and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, even the hot-tempered Ah Xiong couldn't help but fell silent after hearing it.

As for the others, after hearing what the Great Elder said, they immediately expressed their agreement.

"I agree with the Great Elder's point of view."

"I agree."



He waved his hand to signal the others to shut their mouths. The Great Elder looked at the silent Xiong and said again: "Xiong, you know that I took the lead in supporting Aaron in the last war, and I am worse than you for Aaron's death." Be sad. He is my only disciple after all.

However, I cannot endorse your opinion.I have lived in the villa all my life, everyone here is my junior, I can't send them to die with my own hands.

You can say that I am narrow-minded, or that I have no righteousness in my heart, but in any case, in my case, compared with the collective interests of the entire human race, my eyes will focus more on the interests of our villa.

On this point, I hope you can understand.After all, you also grew up in the villa, and all the people living here are your relatives and friends, why would you sacrifice your friends for those strangers..."

Silence, after a quarter of an hour of silence, Ah Xiong said in a low voice: "Great Elder, Ah Xiong understands."

After finishing speaking, Xiong got up and left the hall, came to a high mountain, and turned his gaze to the south.

At this time, similar scenes appeared in various forces in Qingshan County. They had just experienced a racial war, and many forces could no longer withstand another war.

What's more, they directly started the preparations before the relocation. They didn't want to face the sea beasts at all, and they were directly preparing to leave Qionghai County.

As a result, facing the landing of sea beasts in the south this time, many forces have decided not to participate in this war in the early stage before they understand how strong the sea beasts are.

If Li Ye was here and heard their discussion, he would definitely laugh out loud.

These people are too ignorant. They don't know what kind of monster their imaginary enemy is. It is an existence that is many times more terrifying than the monsters and beasts in the battle in Sunset County.

Even if the entire Qingshan County stood together against the same enemy, it would be nothing more than a mantis' arm as a cart for the sea beast, and it would be given to the sea beast to fight its teeth.


In Qingshan County, Li Ye was walking on the street, and soon heard the discussion in the teahouse and tavern.

At the same time, he couldn't help thinking of Xiaohuo and his party who lived at the junction of Qingshan County and Qionghai County.

If the sea beasts really continue to march north, then Xiaohuo and the others will face a dangerous situation again.

Headache, Li Ye felt a headache when he thought about the days to come.

In this continent, the strength of the human race is too weak. Whether it is the arrival of the Hades or the landing of sea beasts, the human race has no resistance at all.

The human race can only pin their hopes on the Taoist forces in various major counties, which makes Li Ye feel very ridiculous.

What's even more ridiculous is that several forces on the Dao side were crippled in the last war. This time, they didn't make any effective resistance to the sea beast invasion. They could only watch the sea beasts wreak havoc on Qionghai County. .

At this time, Li Ye couldn't help thinking seriously, what should he do if the sea beasts really invaded Qingshan County.

Do you want to take blacksmith Li away?He is tired of this life.

Since he came to this world, he has brought Li Tiejiang to change two cities.

At this time Li Tiejiang had already married a wife in Qingshan County, and he didn't want to change to a third one.

And Xiao Huo and the others, he didn't want Xiao Huo and the others to follow him around.

Not to mention the future, as time goes by, he will inevitably have more and more bonds in this world. Does he have to move with a group of people every time he faces this situation?
He is tired!

At this moment, Li Ye suddenly had a plan to establish a party.

First find a suitable place to settle down completely and ensure the safety of those around you.

Then he focused on practicing, and slowly walked from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, announcing his existence to the world.

In the end, stand on top of the world and trample all the alien races under your feet.

Step by step, he wants to bring this sick world back to life!
(End of this chapter)

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