Chapter 166
The sun was shining brightly and there were no clouds in the sky. The sun hung high in the sky, like a big ball of fire, emitting light and heat unscrupulously.

At this time, on the ruined land, two figures, one big and one small, were facing each other, with a high momentum, and no one gave way to the other.

The small figure was nearly two meters tall, with lightning eyes and slender limbs. It was Li Ye who had rushed over from Qingshan County.

Opposite him, a giant black-armored crocodile more than ten meters high and one hundred meters long slowly opened its bloody mouth and let out a violent roar at Li Ye.

"Roar!" There was an explosion in the sky, and the air around Li Ye completely froze in the next moment.

The sound of terrifying air flow surged, and amidst the sound of "咻咻咻", Li Ye unconsciously came to the giant crocodile in the blink of an eye.

In front of him was the metallic fangs of the giant crocodile. Standing at Li Ye's current angle, he could even see the esophagus of the giant crocodile. An extremely strong stench kept coming into Li Ye's nose. A bout of nausea.

"Boom!" I stepped on the ground hard, and the ground shook suddenly.

Taking advantage of the slight shaking of the giant crocodile's limbs and the moment when the airflow around it changed, Li Ye paused, took the opportunity to step forward, and punched the giant crocodile's fangs fiercely.

"Boom~" There was a sound like metal colliding, and Li Ye used his strength to stay away from the giant crocodile again and appeared on its left side.

As the sharpest and strongest hunting weapon of the giant crocodile, it was obvious that its fangs had not suffered any damage, but Li Ye's body, which had been strengthened and transformed several times, was also not damaged at all.

Not only that, compared to the giant crocodile's [-]-meter-long body and slightly clumsy movements, Li Ye, who was only two meters tall, looked extremely agile in front of the giant crocodile.

With just a dodge, Li Ye once again came to the blind spot of the giant crocodile's sight, and at the same time used his hand instead of a knife to open the soft belly of the giant crocodile, which was not tough.

Blood gushed out like a gush, and while Li Ye dodged again to avoid the tail of the giant crocodile, he came to the other side behind the giant crocodile.

The wound in front had just healed, and a new wound appeared on the giant crocodile on the other side.

In this way, Li Ye kept changing his figure, appearing in every blind spot of the giant crocodile, leaving deep wounds on the giant crocodile.

At the same time, with the previous lessons learned, Li Ye never faced this giant crocodile head-on again.

So much so that the giant crocodile's ultimate move, the confinement suction, never had any effect on Li Ye.

As time went by, although the giant crocodile's recovery ability was extremely strong, Li Ye's attack frequency became higher and higher, and its lethality became stronger and stronger.After more than half an hour, the giant crocodile raised its head violently, let out a mournful cry, and then fell heavily to the ground.

After nearly an hour of continuous consumption, the giant crocodile was consumed to death by Li Ye.

Looking at the giant crocodile that lost its heartbeat and breath, Li Ye stopped at a blind spot where the giant crocodile could see and let out a long breath.

Such a large body really has extremely strong vitality. If it was replaced by ordinary humans of the same level, Dao clan, they would have died after being attacked by Li Ye for more than half an hour. Even if they have a few lives, it is not enough to consume it .

However, even though the giant crocodile's vital signs had all disappeared in Li Ye's eyes, he still didn't dare to relax his vigilance just like that.

Standing on the ground not far away, Li Ye looked at the giant crocodile, his eyes moved, and appeared in the direction of a side of the giant crocodile again.

In the next moment, without any hesitation, Li Ye straightened his right hand, slashing like a knife, and he cut a long wound on the skin of the giant crocodile again.

The crimson and foul-smelling blood gushed out again, but this time it didn't have the gushing feeling like before, instead it flowed out slowly like a shallow stream.

Li Ye saw it in his eyes, and he knew very well in his heart that the blood in the giant crocodile's body was about to flow out.

Next, Li Ye stood aside and watched the giant crocodile's blood flow quietly, without any other movement.

Obviously, he just wanted to bleed the giant crocodile first, and wait for the blood to flow from the giant crocodile before talking about other things.

After all the blood in the body has flowed out, even if this giant crocodile has other backhands, it will be powerless to use it again.

However, things obviously will not go as Li Ye wished, and this giant crocodile after its physical transformation will not die so easily.

'Fake death' is an innate supernatural power of this giant crocodile. Once it is used, it will show a death that can be faked.

Because of this supernatural power, the giant crocodile escaped several fatal situations and even killed its opponents before it transformed.

But this time the giant crocodile obviously found that this supernatural power didn't work. Even though it was 'dead', this little enemy still showed no sign of letting down its vigilance.

This made its empty brain unable to understand why the enemy this time behaved like this.

After all, it is the first time it has encountered an opponent like a human, and it has no idea that this race lacks everything else, except that it does not lack old and cunning enemies.

Since practicing martial arts, Li Ye, who has been fighting with his own kind, has already cultivated a cautious heart.

Steady and not wavering, these four words are Li Ye's highest criterion for life and work.

Therefore, this time the giant crocodile was completely planted.

Quietly, the giant crocodile opened its eyes suddenly, turned around, and swept towards Li Ye with its thick and long tail.

However, Li Ye kept his mind tensed, always waiting for the possible counterattack of the giant crocodile. How could it be so easy for the giant crocodile to attack him.

With just a light dodge, Li Ye disappeared from the sight of the giant crocodile again.

But this time, he did not simply cut open the skin of the giant crocodile to bleed the giant crocodile, but appeared at the end of the giant crocodile's tail.

When the giant crocodile's tail flick was exhausted, Li Ye suddenly stepped forward and hugged the giant crocodile's tail to his chest.

In the next moment, Li Ye's muscles tensed up, and the veins on his neck bulged.

"Get up!" With a loud shout, Li Ye's arms suddenly exerted strength, and he directly swung the giant crocodile up.

The giant crocodile drew an arc in the sky and hit the ground heavily.

The ground collapsed, and a puff of smoke rose and spread in all directions. The next moment, Li Ye picked up the tail of the giant crocodile again, swung it around in the air, and smashed it to the ground.

"Boom, boom, boom~" In the following time, Li Ye grabbed the giant crocodile and swung it up non-stop, before hitting the ground heavily.

There were bursts of roaring sounds, and streams of blood flowed from the giant crocodile's seven orifices and dripped onto the ground. Gradually, the vitality that disappeared and appeared on the giant crocodile disappeared again.

But this time Li Ye didn't stop at all. He treated the giant crocodile like a big toy, and didn't stop until the anger in his heart completely dissipated.

At this time, the body of the giant crocodile had already been torn to pieces by the shock force after wave after wave, and most of the black scales had fallen off.

Seeing the giant crocodile that should be considered completely dead this time, Li Ye took a deep breath and let it out slowly, finally showing a sunny smile on his face.

Taking a step forward, Li Ye appeared on top of the giant crocodile, squatted down and gently supported the giant crocodile's neck with both hands.

The next moment, Li Ye suddenly inserted his hands into the skin of the giant crocodile's neck, and tore it to both sides, tearing off the giant crocodile's head.


In the evening, Li Tiejiang greeted Mrs. Du, and then went to drink tea and listen to books at the teahouse where his young father-in-law was.

It's funny to say that Mrs. Du's father is more than ten years younger than Li Tiejiang, but now the two sides meet without any embarrassment.

Different from the huge controversy caused by the marriage between young and old in the previous life, in this world, this kind of situation is a good talk.

After all, most of the scenes of old couples and young wives appear in the homes of rich and powerful people. These people control resources, control speech, turn their hands into clouds, and turn their hands into rain. What they like will inevitably become a good thing in the eyes of the public .

After a while, Li Tiejiang appeared in this teahouse that he often visited, and saw his little father-in-law preparing for the next talk at a glance.

They smiled and greeted each other, and the two did not address each other as father-in-law and son-in-law, but continued to call each other Old Li and Old Du.

After all, Tiejiang Li was so much older than old man Du, he didn't have the face to call him father-in-law.

Although the two stood together, ordinary people would definitely think that old man Du was old, but he couldn't deceive himself, he wasn't that shameless.

"Old Li is here? Is your daughter okay recently?" Old man Du greeted Li Tiejiang with a smile. The daughter he was talking about was Mrs. Du.

"She is preparing dinner at home now. I have nothing to do, so I will come here to listen to your book for a while, and I will go back to have dinner later." Li Tiejiang replied with a smile, and began to urge: "Hurry up and talk about it." I would like to hear the story of Zhang Youji falling off a cliff, achieving magical powers by chance, and finally avenging his blood through years of hard work."

This was the first passage Li Tiejiang heard from Old Man Du, and it was also his favorite passage.

Before that, he had always dreamed that one day he would be like the protagonist Zhang Youji in the story, one day he would learn magic skills, and finally return to Qionghai County to avenge the dead relatives, so he liked to listen to this passage very much.

As for now, because Li Ye has reported his great vengeance, his wish for many years has been fulfilled, so he is in a different mood when he listens to this passage again.

Cool!The coolness of fantasies reflected in reality, every time I listen to old man Du talking about this book recently, Li Tiejiang feels very comfortable in his heart.

It was a strong and refreshing feeling with the pores all over his body wide open. Goosebumps all over his body were raised, and his mood was agitated. He kept telling the ancestors of the Li family that 30 years later, his apprentice would be Li. The family took revenge.

A moment later, at Li Tiejiang's strong request, old man Du was very proud of his son-in-law, and once again told the story of Zhang Youji's road to revenge.

At the same time, on the other side, Mrs. Du at home finally put dinner into the pot in a trance.

At this time, she finally couldn't bear the throbbing in her heart anymore, and she came to the bedroom and looked straight at the wooden box in the corner.

Stretching out her hands, she lifted the top cover of the wooden box tremblingly, and Madam Du knelt down, staring at the gold bars, and fell into a daze again.

Although Li Tiejiang told her a lot today, to reassure her, don't think too much, and don't feel pressure, but how could she do it? After all, this is a huge fortune that she has never seen since she grew up. .

Although this wealth was right in front of her right now, she still had a very strong feeling of unreality in her heart.

It seemed that all of this was a dream, a dream of getting rich because she lived a hard life.

Because there is a storyteller's father, although Mrs. Du has not experienced any education, she has learned much more than ordinary people from her childhood.

As early as a long time ago, she began to fantasize about marrying into an aristocratic family as a wife, holding a lot of wealth in her hands, not worrying about food and clothing every day, and being served when she goes in and out.

But the fantasies in her girlhood did not come true. She married an ordinary craftsman and lived a very poor life.

The peddler didn't become a big businessman either, and in the end he died young, which caused her to be called a broom star and kicked out of her husband's house.

Originally, she had accepted her fate, she was not worthy of being a person in the book, but she didn't realize it, after she married an old man who was older than his father, her dream really came into reality...

"How could it be real? Am I really not dreaming?" Madam Du murmured to herself as her rough fingers stroked the cold surface of the gold bar gently: "If this is really a dream, I hope I never dream." will wake up."

Smiling foolishly, Mrs. Du suddenly stood up and walked towards the stove in the outhouse.

"No, the vegetables in the pot are mushy, it's over now!"


Holding the head of the giant crocodile in his hand, Li Ye flew high into the sky again and continued to fly south.

On the ground, the ferocious beasts seemed to have allocated their own territory. Li Ye could clearly see the ferocious beasts evenly distributed in the forests, swamps, fields, villages, and cities of Qionghai County from above.

There was a distance of more than 200 miles between each of the beasts, and they did not move, just lying on the spot, not sure if they were sleeping or doing something.

This strange phenomenon could hardly prevent Li Ye from suspecting that these ferocious beasts were preparing to settle down where they were currently.

Looking at the situation of the beasts at this time, Li Ye was filled with joy.

If this is the case, that would be the best. After all the beasts have their territory, they won't wander to Qingshan County anymore.

However, Li Ye is still unable to confirm whether all the fierce beasts have occupied the territory and will not leave.

He has no way of handing over this job to anyone, so he can only investigate it himself.

In the following time, Li Ye flew back and forth across Qionghai County to ensure that these beasts were really 'settle down'.

As time passed, Li Ye gradually visited the entire south-central area of ​​Qionghai County, and the joy in his heart could not be suppressed completely.

These sea beasts who landed from the sea are really no longer heading north, which is undoubtedly great news for the human side!
(End of this chapter)

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