Chapter 167 The Day Clan, Thunder Body Training
In the southernmost part of Qionghai County, on a sea cliff by the misty sea, Li Ye sat cross-legged on the head of a giant crocodile, looking at the sea to the south.

After a long time of investigation, he can now confirm that the situation in the south-central Qionghai County has completely stabilized.

The sea beasts have settled down in Qionghai County one after another, so the threat to Qingshan County will be much smaller.

However, there is still an extremely strong uncertainty in the current situation, that is, it is not known whether there will be a strong external force that will destroy the current situation, such as the Taoist forces that come from the north, or climb again from the sea. The new beast that came out.

Li Ye didn't care whether the Taoists came over or not. After all, even if the Taoists entered Qionghai County from the north, they would kill the sea beasts by hand, and they would not drive the sea beasts north.

But Li Ye paid great attention to whether there would be new sea beasts crawling out of the misty sea.

For Qionghai County's extremely fragile balance, any powerful beast crawling out of the sea would break it.

And as long as the balance is broken, there will definitely be fierce beasts continuing to march northward, which will be another tragic disaster for human beings.

Therefore, Li Ye came, and he appeared in the southernmost part of Qionghai County, with the purpose of finding and intercepting new sea beasts as soon as they came ashore from the sea.

"Wow~" The waves are choppy, and the tide is ebbing and flowing.

Li Ye was like a statue, sitting quietly on top of the giant crocodile, motionless.

Time passed, the sun sank into the sea, and the sky gradually dimmed. Li Ye, who had remained silent all this time, finally opened his eyes at a certain moment and stood up.


This night, the Misty Sea seemed to start to swell violently again, and the tide kept rushing up to the shore, beating against the reefs along the coast.

As the waves rushed to the coast one after another, a soaring aura gradually floated from the depths of the sea to the surface of the sea.

The air suddenly became quiet, and an invisible terrifying existence seemed to emerge on the beach by the sea, and it was slowly collapsing!

At this moment, a faint light suddenly appeared in Li Ye's eyes, and he looked at the sea with piercing eyes.

In Li Ye's eyes, he could clearly see a black shadow slowly emerging from the sea water.

As the black shadow gradually surfaced, an aura that was much stronger than before rushed over.

At this time, Li Ye's eyes were full of solemnity. This sea beast gave him a completely different feeling from those sea beasts he encountered before. Not only was it powerful, but more importantly, the eyes of this sea beast seemed to be filled with wisdom of light.

This situation is very inconceivable in Li Ye's eyes, because before him, whether in the misty sea or on land, all the beasts he saw did not have real wisdom, at most they had Some simple intellectual instincts.

But the huge snow-white bear that appeared in front of Li Ye at this time was full of sizing and thinking in the eyes looking at Li Ye.

Needless to say, a clear feeling appeared in Li Ye's heart. This giant bear can understand human words...

"Go back, this is not where you should come." Seeing the giant bear tentatively moving forward, Li Ye frowned and said immediately.

If possible, he would not be willing to be an enemy of this fierce beast that was suspected of having advanced intelligence, but if he really stood on the opposite side, Li Ye was not very afraid.

Before the fight, who will win and who will lose can't be sure.

Facing Li Ye who stood up, the giant bear first took a deep look at the head of the giant crocodile under Li Ye's feet, and then roared wildly at Li Ye.

Along with the roar, a wave of mental thoughts also came out from the giant bear's eyes.

At this moment, although Li Ye didn't understand animal language and had never communicated with bear creatures, he somehow understood what the giant bear was saying.

"Human beings, you can't stop us, so let's back down honestly, don't be like praying mantises trying to stop the wheels, and die for these things that can't be done in vain!"

"We", this is what Li Ye focused on immediately.

This shows that the giant bear did not come alone, or that although the giant bear came alone this time, there must be a huge group of forces behind it.

Immediately after that, there was the giant bear's eye-catching metaphor. The idiom "mantis arm is a cart" was used by a fierce beast in a variety of ways.

And this made Li Ye more alert, knowing how to use metaphors and idioms, this giant bear is still a beast, how is this different from their intelligent race like humans.

Immediately, Li Ye's face changed, and he no longer had the previous frivolity, but asked solemnly: "I don't know your name yet, I'm a human race, Li Ye!"

"The clan of the battle roar of the day, Bai Qing, the human race, after 1 years, the clan of the day will finally return to their ancestral land on the earth. This is an inevitable fact, and it is something that no one can stop. So , Human Race, you should get out of the way, or you can block here by yourself, but you will die in vain."

Hearing what the giant bear said, Li Ye couldn't help but feel a sinking heart.

There is really a powerful force behind this fierce beast. Just looking at the momentum and wisdom of this giant bear, Li Ye can understand in his heart that this force should not be so simple.

But facing the threat of this giant bear, is he really going to get out of the way now?
It's better to drag it for a while, and then let the giant bear go ashore when it can't be dragged any longer.

After thinking about it, Li Ye still didn't want to give up this opportunity so easily.

Shaking his head, Li Ye replied again: "Bai Qing, sorry, even though this continent is the ancestral land of your Day Warcry clan, I still have no way to agree to let you go ashore.

Now the situation in the entire Qionghai County has just reached a balance. If there is a new reshuffle, the county towns in the north of Qionghai County and the nearby Qingshan County will inevitably appear.
New chaos, something I will never allow to happen.

So, I'm sorry, you'd better leave first, relying on yourself alone, you won't be my opponent, let's fight again after the clansmen behind you come together. "

Taking a deep look at Li Ye, Bai Qing didn't make any impulsive moves, but instead turned around and retreated back into the sea.

However, although the giant bear receded, a long roar came from far below the surface of the sea, "This time, the Baitian clan will definitely return to their ancestral land. This is something that no one can stop. 1 The Tao race before could not do it, and the human race 1 years later would not be able to do it either.

Human beings, we are all beings in this world, we all have a common enemy, don't die for these problems in vain, I really hope that by the time I reappear next time, you have already left..."

Bai Qing left just like that, very resolutely and quietly, without causing any disturbance.

But even though the goal was achieved, Li Ye's face was very ugly.

In fact, Li Ye didn't have the confidence to defeat and kill the giant bear, but the giant bear didn't know it.

Because Li Ye carried the momentum of killing a ferocious beast, and did not retreat one step in front of Bai Qing, Bai Qing felt the pressure in his heart and had to retreat.

If it knew that Li Ye spent a lot of time killing this giant crocodile, it might not have the slightest awe of Li Ye in its heart.

After all, it would be much easier to kill this giant crocodile than Li Ye.

They are a clan of battle roars during the day, and they are also a big force in the northern area of ​​the Misty Sea. They usually hunt these transformed sea beasts as food.

But when it reappears on the Misty Seaside next time, it can't be itself, and another partner will inevitably appear to come together.

After Bai Qing left, Li Ye sat down again, continuing to wait for sea beasts that might appear in the misty sea.

Time passed, until the sun rose, and no new sea beasts appeared again, which made Li Ye heave a long sigh.

Judging from the current situation, the situation in Qionghai County should not change much in a short time.

But despite this, the future is still full of crises, and this crisis is so powerful that even Li Ye himself feels very powerless.

Sitting quietly on top of the giant crocodile, watching the long coastline and the turbulent waves in the sea, Li Ye thought of the previous plan again.

I thought I could slowly realize my foundation bit by bit, but now it seems that there is still no time to wait, and there is no delay at all.

Although there are some things that he doesn't need to deal with immediately, the plan that should be listed is to make plans as soon as possible.



At a certain moment, the sky was suddenly overcast with clouds, and there was a loud thunder.

In the blink of an eye, the early morning sky was covered by a curtain of heavy rain.

There was thunder and thunder, lightning and thunder. At this moment, the sudden change of weather attracted Li Ye's attention in an instant. At this time, Li Ye no longer had the mind to think about the following things.

Li Ye has been waiting for the arrival of a thunderstorm ever since the new body training method 'Tianxin Body Training Jue' was successfully deduced.

At this moment, the thunderstorm weather he had been waiting for for a long time was finally arrived, and Li Ye couldn't help but be filled with excitement.

Slightly floating in the air, Li Ye kicked the huge giant crocodile's head off the sea cliff with one kick, and then slowly fell down, standing on the sea cliff, waiting for the thunder and lightning to arrive.

"Boom!" Another sound of thunder exploded in the sky, and the dark clouds began to surge violently. At this moment, Li Ye's mind was extremely concentrated.

A premonition suddenly appeared in his heart, and Li Ye followed his instinctive reaction in the next moment, and the magnetic field around his body began to rotate and change with the thought of a thought.

"Shua!" A white line that runs through the sky and the earth suddenly lit up in the sky, and the next moment, a violent thunderbolt fell on top of Li Ye's head.

However, before touching Li Ye's body, he was attracted by the constantly rotating magnetic field around Li Ye, and began to revolve around Li Ye non-stop.

At the same time, as the thunder and lightning kept spinning around Li Ye, a wave of centrifugal force tearing towards Li Ye's body also quietly emerged.

The emergence of centrifugal force made the thunder surrounding Li Ye no longer able to maintain its shape, but turned into pieces of thunder arcs and lightning fragments.

The next moment, Li Ye spread out his hands again as if slowly but quickly. With the complicated breathing rhythm, the thunder fragments and arc light around him were also absorbed into Li Ye's body little by little.

As the thunder entered his body, Li Ye once again felt the stimulation of the power of thunder on his body for a long time.

At this moment, a large number of cells in Li Ye's body began to frantically absorb the thunder that kept pouring into Li Ye's body, and phenomena such as transformation, proliferation, and division continued to occur.

With the constant changes of the cells, what is displayed on Li Ye's body is the slow increase in physical strength, resilience, toughness and other attributes.

Although it is not fast, it is better than the long flow of water.

Li Ye was very satisfied with the effect of this technique.

At the same time, Li Ye's eyes blurred, and new reminders quietly appeared in front of his eyes.

[Effective practice once, proficiency in Tianxin body training +10]

[Tianxin body training skill proficiency: 10/10000]

"It's done!" Sensing the improvement in physical fitness and the new prompts on the panel, Li Ye couldn't help showing a flying smile at the corner of his mouth.

From the deduction of this exercise until now, this is the first time Li Ye has tried this exercise in the real world.

If there were no mistakes, and this body training technique was successfully reproduced in the real world once, the big rock that had been hanging in Li Ye's heart slowly fell into his stomach.

After that, he no longer needed to find a special thunder environment like the thunderstorm desert island to practice.

No matter where he is in the future, as long as there is a thunderstorm, he can use this weather to practice.

Even in the future, as his strength becomes stronger and stronger, he is very likely to be able to recruit thunder to come to his side during the day to help him start his cultivation.

"Boom!" Li Ye had already swallowed the thunderbolt into his body, and the thunderous sound of the thunderclap had just sounded and reached Li Ye's ears.

The emergence of this situation immediately made Li Ye's eyes narrow, and infinite vigilance arose in his heart.

Perhaps someone else would sense the thunder falling first, and then hear the thunder, and might not have any reaction.

Even when he was on the deserted island with thunderstorms, Li Ye faced the falling thunder light and the thunder sound resounding in the sky every day, but he never noticed this problem.

But this time, Li Ye suddenly reacted.

As his strength gradually improved, the way he perceived the outside world gradually needed a new round of adjustments.

If you still rely on your ears, you may not be able to keep up with the opponent's pace at all when facing the existence whose speed exceeds the speed of sound, and you will not be able to catch the opponent's figure.

Therefore, Li Ye suddenly realized that he might need to develop a new way of perceiving the world.

As for this method, Li Ye now has a preliminary idea and some experience.Next, you only need to slowly experiment, try, or deduce, and you will create it completely...

 Calvin, I'm late today, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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