Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 172 Mountain Village, Information, Ancestral Artifact

Chapter 172 Mountain Village, Information, Ancestral Artifact
Langya County, the original site of the small county town where the old man Tong lived, has completely collapsed to the ground at this time.

On the surrounding ground, pedestrians from south to north are everywhere, not only warriors from various forces, but also traders come when there is demand.

A nearby village with little damage was converted into a market in a very short period of time for the rest of the warriors who came to shop for treasure.

There are not only B&Bs and restaurants remodeled from peasant houses, but even some shady industries have moved in within a very short period of time.

It has to be said that in terms of making money, no matter which world people are in, they are full of talent points.

When Li Ye came to this small village, he was even a little stunned.

This popularity, this level of commercialization, if Li Ye didn't know that this was a certain village in Langya County, he would have thought that he had accidentally stumbled into a certain commercialized ancient town in his previous life.

However, no matter how prosperous the village was, it was only a place to rest for a short time. Li Ye was just stunned for a moment and stopped caring about these things. Instead, he wandered around the village, constantly collecting information about the underground ruins.

Although the underground ruins have only been published for half a month, this small village is already full of news about the ruins.

The news may be true or false, and what Li Ye needs to do is to separate the real information from the many chaotic news, and then summarize it as a reference for himself to enter the ruins.

Although Li Ye had already transformed into a top powerhouse in the middle of Youpin, he still didn't dare to take it lightly in the face of the sudden appearance of the ruins.

Because along with the advent of the ruins, there was another piece of news that was not true or false spread throughout the surrounding counties, that is, before the earthquake struck, a giant bear had been floating in the sky above the county.

However, after the county town fell to the ground, the giant bear never appeared again, so the later warriors could not confirm whether the giant bear was real or a phantom in the eyes of the people in the city, and with the passage of time, now Most people regard it as an illusion that accompanies the disaster.

After all, how can there be such a big bear in this world, and it is also a giant bear that can step on the void and fly freely, isn't this a fairy tale!

Of course, these are other people's ideas. For Li Ye, he absolutely believes that there is a giant flying bear in this world.

When he learned this special information, he immediately thought of the giant bear who walked out of the misty sea and called himself Bai Qing.

He even had 90.00% certainty in his heart that he could confirm that the giant bear that the people in the city saw was either Bai Qing, or the same clan that went ashore with Bai Qing.

When Li Ye returned to land from the thunderstorm deserted island in the East China Sea and saw that nothing had happened in Qionghai County, he thought that the other party had completely given up and no longer planned to go ashore.

But he never expected that during the two months of his retreat and practice, Bai Qing had already gone ashore, but the other party did not go to Qionghai County or Qingshan County, but went directly to Langya County in the west up.

Although there is no direct evidence to prove it at this time, Li Ye can already confirm in his heart that the land subsidence this time is by no means accidental, but a big movement caused by Bai Qing.

Otherwise, it would not be such a coincidence that after Bai Qing appeared in this county, an earthquake occurred here.

But at this moment, Li Ye still didn't know why Bai Qing made such a big noise, where the other party was hiding after the earthquake, and what was he secretly preparing for.

Therefore, for his own safety, Li Ye would definitely not enter the underground ruins without making any preparations.

Walking on a dirt road temporarily opened by the mountain village, Li Ye randomly found a teahouse and sat down, ordered a cup of herbal tea that was double the price outside, and then quietly listened to the voices of the whole mountain village.

A large amount of information about the underground ruins reached Li Ye's ears. Soon, after sorting out and distinguishing, he had a preliminary understanding of the underground situation at this time.

The so-called underground ruins are a huge underground palace.

The buildings in the underground palace are all very tall. After seeing it, you will understand that it is not a place for human beings to live.

Therefore, the appearance of the underground palace this time also exposed a message, that is, there are intelligent race civilizations other than humans in this world.

Maybe it's gone now, but at least it definitely existed.

Li Ye learned from the known information so far that the entire underground palace occupies an unknown area, and it is not clear what good things are inside, but many rare treasures have been found in the outer areas that have been opened at this time And some precious metal ores exist.

At the same time, here, Li Ye also confirmed that the widely circulated news was indeed false, and no one had obtained from the underground ruins the follow-up cultivation methods of warriors after becoming a saint.

The real situation is that someone has obtained a skill in the underground ruins, but it is not a martial arts skill practiced by human warriors at all, but a skill practiced by alien races. Human warriors cannot use it to practice directly. as a reference for practice.

But even so, this technique is still very valuable to some big forces, because it is said that some aspects of this foreign practice technique share the same concept as the martial arts technique they are currently practicing.

At present, there is clear news that this technique has been obtained by the top power in Langya County, Qingfenggu.

I heard that Qingfenggu paid a considerable price to that team of adventurers in order to obtain this technique.

But even so, Qingfenggu did not think about taking it by force. After all, the ruins of the underground palace have just appeared in the world. Who knows what good things will appear in the future. Only by making a good posture now can we gain the trust of more adventurers.

Otherwise, if they provoke public anger, even if they are the top forces in a county, they will not be able to withstand the anger of a large number of warriors.

In addition to the treasure skills in the underground palace, Li Ye also learned about the dangers contained in the underground palace.

The entire underground palace is shrouded in a huge barrier, but maybe the underground palace has existed for too long, or for other reasons, in short, the adventurers who entered the underground palace found that in this huge barrier There are tiny cracks in many places.

From these cracks that sometimes exist and sometimes disappear, people can enter a certain unit area of ​​the underground palace to hunt for treasure without any danger.

But if you don't go through these cracks, but go straight in, then no matter whether you are a mortal or a holy warrior, none of you will come out alive.

As time passed, Li Ye sat in this tea shop for a whole day. If the shopkeeper knew that the people who could come here were warriors he couldn't afford, Li Ye would have been kicked out by the shop long ago.

After all, Li Ye only ordered a cup of tea, but he refused to leave all the time. When did the shopkeeper see this kind of person? Those who didn't know thought that Li Ye was going to spend the night here.

At sunset, Li Ye finally got up and left the tea shop. The shopkeeper grinned when he saw the piece of silver left by Li Ye.

Good man, really good man.

With such a large amount of money, he might not be able to earn it by selling tea for a whole day. Sure enough, it was the right choice for him not to offend the other party.

And after staying in this village for a whole day, after learning all the information he should know, Li Ye finally started his own actions.

With his back turned to the peripheral light of the setting sun, Li Ye walked towards the location of the underground palace step by step.

Every time he took a step, his figure became a bit blurred, and at the same time, the extremely strong aura on his body gradually faded away.

At this time, if a transformed practitioner looked at him, he would definitely find that the magnetic field around Li Ye was no longer perfectly round and uniform, but became as chaotic as ordinary people, as if he could not see his own magnetic field.

Although the sun had already set at this time, people were still coming and going around the entire underground palace.

In an open space next to the underground palace, a large number of fighters and traders are conducting transactions.

Many of the items brought out by the other warriors from the underground palace just now were bought by these merchants with a lot of money.

Looking at the transaction scene in full swing in front of him, Li Ye thought to himself, "No wonder."

No wonder he heard frequently in that mountain village that the transaction prices of certain items had increased, and the transaction prices of some items had dropped instead, but he hadn’t seen a few transactions in the mountain village at all. Just next to the underground palace.

Walking in this small temporary trading place, Li Ye glanced casually, and saw several stalls selling precious medicines such as dragon's blood grass.

It has to be said that this time the existence of the underground palace has brought rare precious medicines monopolized by the top forces to the public, and the prices of top precious medicines like Dracaena have also plummeted.

It's not because the efficacy of these herbs has weakened, it's because there are too many outputs in the underground palace.

Just in the outer area of ​​the underground palace where these adventurers are now active, these herbs grow all over the ground like weeds.

People who didn't know these herbs at first really thought they were just weeds. It wasn't until a martial artist with knowledge of herbal medicine entered the underground palace and secretly took these herbs out and was discovered that these medicinal materials in the underground palace were completely exposed.

While walking, Li Ye nodded.

This trip was indeed the right one. Although the things in the outer area are of no use to him now, Li Ye believes that there must be good things he needs in the inner area of ​​the underground palace.

Stopping and stopping, Li Ye soon came to the edge of the tiankeng where the underground palace was located.

Above the surface, a huge crack with a length of hundreds of kilometers abruptly appeared on this plain.

Looking down, Li Ye saw the ruins of the county town after it fell.

And not far from the ruins, a large majestic palace towers deep underground, and it has existed for an unknown number of years.

Many stone pillars in the underground palace are inlaid with huge night pearls, and the light emitted illuminates the entire underground palace.

After looking at it for a while, Li Ye no longer hesitated, and immediately jumped, fell lightly into the ground, and came to the gate of the underground palace.


At the same time, on the other side, in the Misty Sea, Bai Qing and Bai Lie finally returned to the territory of the Baitian Clan in the Misty Sea after a long journey of half a month.

Seeing that he was about to arrive at the place where he grew up, Bai Lie thought about it, and decided to discuss with Bai Qing what to say when he went back.

After all, Bai Qing's status in the clan is much higher than him, and he is also the leader of this operation. In any case, Bai Qing must have contributed a lot to the successful completion of the ultimate goal of this trip, but he is different .

Bai Qing's evaluation of him can be said to directly determine the rewards given to him by the clan this time, so as proud as he is, when he is about to go back and report the results of this trip, he can't help but start to worry about gains and losses.

Seeing Bai Qing who was expressionless and thinking about something along the way, Bai Lie asked slowly, "Bai Qing, how are you going to report to the patriarch when you go back this time?"

Bai Qing seemed to be distracted, and after hearing Bai Li's voice, he was dull for a long time before turning his head to look at Bai Li, "What should I say, of course I'm telling the truth."

After a pause, Bai Qing regained his sanity and added again: "Don't worry, when we return to the clan, I will definitely not conceal your contribution when I report this action.

After all, this time we were able to accomplish the goal so quickly, and at the same time, we also found out the distribution of forces in the area where the ancestral land is located. It can be said that you have the first-class credit for this matter, and I will definitely ask for credit for you in front of the patriarch. "

"Don't say that, in fact, I only did some basic work under your command, and the first-class work is still yours."

When returning, Bai Li didn't want to talk about it anymore, so he changed the subject and asked curiously: "What exactly did we go to the ancestral land to get this time, and why did we make such a big commotion in the end?"

Li Ye was right in guessing that an earthquake occurred in the area where the county seat is located, and it was indeed a good thing Bai Qing did to sink the whole into the ground.

On that day half a month ago, when Bai Li drove the people in the county to leave on the surface, Bai Qing went through various methods of verification, and finally locked the location of the place they wanted to find when they left the Misty Sea this time.

What surprised him was that this location happened to overlap with the county seat.

At that time, Bai Qing suddenly understood that after 1 years of vicissitudes, the large palace that once stood on the mountain had already sunk into the ground.

After confirming the location, Bai Qing didn't hesitate anymore, and directly sneaked into the ground, came to the underground palace, and took away the target they came out this time, the ancestor artifact of the Day Warcry Clan, the Blood Vessel Sky Wheel.

A racial core ancestor that can purify the blood of the day family and enable the blood to awaken at a deeper level.

He looked up at Bai Lie, thought for a while, and Bai Qing still didn't tell him what he took from the underground palace.

After all, when the patriarch came out, the patriarch repeatedly explained that this matter is absolutely not allowed to be told to any of the same clan.

Immediately, Bai Qing shook his head and replied: "Let's go, go back to the clan early, and we can have a good rest. I haven't closed my eyes yet."

After the words fell, Bai Qing's speed increased a bit again, and Bai Li behind him saw this, and hurriedly followed.

Soon, an underwater palace came into their sight.

(End of this chapter)

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