Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 173 No Omission Squad, Entering the Underground Palace

Chapter 173 No Omission Squad, Entering the Underground Palace

Soon, Bai Qing and Bai Lie arrived at the submarine palace, where they met the patriarch of the Warcry Clan during the day.

And at this time, when the patriarch asked about the details of this operation again, Bai Qing didn't hide any more, and told everything that happened during this operation.

Including the disappearance of the human gods, the appearance of the Tao, the current situation of the underground palace at this time, the changes in the underground palace after the inheritance of the ancestors was taken away, and so on.

In the words, he also explained Bai Lie's contribution in detail, and let Bai Lie behind him put a hanging heart in his stomach.

After the words were finished, seeing that the patriarch was deep in thought and did not respond, Bai Qing opened his mouth again, took out the blood chakra from the abdominal space and handed it to Patriarch Bai.

Until this time, Bai Lie finally saw the thing that they traveled thousands of miles across the ocean to return to their ancestral land.

Seeing the bloody chakra in front of him, Patriarch Bai was shocked and finally woke up from his contemplation. He took the chakra and looked at it carefully.

After confirming that the details of the wheel are the same as those recorded in the inheritance memory, the patriarch Bai Yi squeezed out another drop of blood and dripped it on the wheel.

In the next moment, the roulette suddenly lit up with a dazzling light, and at the same time, a line of complicated small characters also appeared on the surface of the roulette.

[Race: Warcry of the Day, Bloodline Level: Level 48, Inherited Memory: [-]%]

Seeing the words on the roulette, the chief of the Baitian clan couldn't help being stunned. As the strongest of the entire Baitian clan at this time, his stats were so unsatisfactory, which made him shiver.

Is his strength too weak, or his blood is too heterogeneous, or the ancestors of ancient times are too powerful.These doubts suddenly appeared in his mind.

However, looking at the two curious juniors in front of him, Patriarch Bai Tian didn't say much, he just waved his hand and said, "You two have been traveling outside for so long, you have worked hard, now go back and rest."



Underground, outside the underground palace, Li Ye looked at the translucent barrier in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a wave of doubt in his heart.

Speaking of which, it is not the first time that he has seen this kind of enchantment. He has seen it in the water mansion in Qingshan County, the inheritance place of Ziyue Sword Immortal in the sea of ​​mist, and in the attic of Wanghai Pavilion. This enchantment.

This kind of enchantment seems to be a method often used by all major races and forces 1 years ago, but up to now, all the knowledge about enchantment has disappeared in history, and I don’t know where I can find it now. Learn about this.

On the other side, when Li Ye was looking at the enchantment and thinking, he didn't know that he was being watched by the adventurer next to him.

The warriors who can survive here are all shrewd people. Just looking at Li Ye's dazed look, he can guess that Li Ye is a novice and his first time here.

This kind of "silly white sweet" is a newcomer that all teams like. Not only is he full of enthusiasm, but he is also the best person to act as cannon fodder when encountering danger.

Not to mention the faint sense of oppression exuding from Li Ye's body also told everyone that his strength was quite good, and he would not usually hold back the team.

Soon, after a small group nearby discussed in a low voice for a while, a hot figure wearing a skin tube top and tight shorts walked out of the team and walked slowly towards Li Ye. come.

"Little brother, is this your first time here? My name is Lanzhi, do you want to go on a big adventure with my sister?"

On the side, seeing that someone had already sent an invitation to Li Ye, the other teams couldn't help but feel regretful. They were quick and slow, and they were preempted by others.

As for Li Ye, although he was indeed immersed in his own thoughts just now, with his strong physical fitness, these deliberately suppressed conspiracies around him seemed to him to be whispering in his ear, even if he didn't If you deliberately eavesdrop, you can hear clearly.

But he didn't bother to pay attention to these clowns. He just shook his head and refused, "I'm sorry, I just want to act alone, so I won't team up with you."

"Oh little brother, it's your first time here, and you still want to act alone. Let me tell you, it's really dangerous to enter the underground palace alone. Didn't you see that we all entered in a team?

Let me tell you, don't think that there is no danger after entering the enchantment. In fact, there are still many details in it that we have not explored clearly, including the news that is circulating outside, which is actually true and false. to believe.

After all, if you think about it in another place, if it were you, you would not want to share the information you have worked so hard to find out with others.

Also, although no monsters or other enemies have been found in the underground palace, no one can guarantee whether there will be any in the back. If you act alone, what if you encounter them.Doesn't that mean that every day should not respond, and that the earth and the earth will not work?

So, little brother, you have to believe me, forming a team is the best way to explore the underground palace. Seeing Li Ye's refusal, the woman hurriedly persuaded her earnestly, as if putting herself in his shoes.

Not only that, Lanzhi's hands also pulled Li Ye's sleeves familiarly, and a gleam of water suddenly appeared in his eyes, full of temptation.

Looking at this woman who was posing in front of him, Li Ye sighed helplessly in his heart. He was such a goddamn ghost, he didn't say anything, but the other party said a lot in one breath, completely blocking his rejection. Well, since these people are so sincere, then he will reluctantly agree to them.

What's more, Bai Qing and the Taoist clan are probably hiding in the dark to observe the adventurers in the underground palace. If they enter the underground palace together in a team, they can have an extra layer of camouflage and prevent themselves from being exposed to them too early.

With a slight smile, Li Ye nodded and raised his shoulders, motioning for Lanzhi to let go of his hands first, and then said: "Well, since you are such a sincere invitation, it would be too unkind for me to refuse, I agree, then let's When are you leaving?"

"Come with me first. I'll introduce you to a few friends first. From now on, we will all be teammates who act together." While talking, Lanzhi's arm behind his back also began to swing quickly.

Not far away, Lanzhi's teammates saw Lanzhi's actions, and immediately understood what Lanzhi meant, and walked towards Li Ye with a smile.

After a while, several people became familiar with each other's names, and Li Ye also knew the names of Lanzhi's three teammates.

A bearded man with a large shield is called Gesang, a young man with a soft and tender complexion and a full moon double knife is called Yin Xu, and a tall man with a huge bow and arrows on his back is called Yin Xu. ten directions.

These three people, together with Lanzhi, are a well-known bounty team in Langya County. More importantly, the four of them are warriors of the flawless level. It is already quite a rare existence, let alone go one step further, and it is even rarer.

Therefore, even in this underground palace, the four of them are quite powerful existences, which is why the others gave up directly after the four of them invited Li Ye.

After a short exchange of greetings, when Li Ye asked again when he would enter the underground palace, Lanzhi smiled and nodded at Gesang, and Gesang said, "Anyway, there is a night pearl shining in the underground palace, and it has always been on. Get in now.

And with the addition of Brother Li, our strength is stronger than before. Why don't we go to plot 13 this time to try it out. What do you think? Do you have any different opinions? "

At the same time, Lanzhi also explained to Li Ye with a smile: "The so-called No. 13 plot is an undeveloped area outside the underground palace. The barrier there seems to have become loose in the past two days. Someone also saw a fleeting crack beside the barrier.

Therefore, many teams are now focusing on this plot, and some teams even directly lay the ground near the 13th plot, just to rush in the next time a crack appears. "

"Oh, how are these numbers defined?" Li Ye was not very interested in whether he could enter Lot 13, but was interested in the person who marked, distinguished, and defined different areas.

In this kind of chaotic expedition, someone would take the initiative to do these things, which made Li Ye curious about the purpose of doing these things.

But unfortunately, although the marks of these land plots have been circulated, the first person to name these areas has been hiding in the dark and has never shown his head, so Lanzhi and the others do not know who the other party is.

This group of adventurers has thought about not using the other party's mark and title, but redefining it by themselves, but because the adventurers who come here have direct or indirect conflicts of interest, no one accepts the other, and in the end This mark, which had been handed down from the beginning, was accepted and adopted by all.

After learning about this situation, Li Ye couldn't help becoming more interested in it. He was very suspicious that the other party had predicted this result from the beginning, but Li Ye needed time to observe slowly why the other party did this. and guesswork.

After crossing the topic of plot marking, Gesang once again explained some precautions to Li Ye, and then led the team to the distance.

Soon, the five people arrived in front of Lot 13, and Gesang couldn't help telling Li Ye again: "If we have a chance to go in this time, you must not act without authorization when the time comes, and everything must be obeyed, so that we can Keep you safe."

"Okay, I see." Nodding with a smile, Li Ye agreed indifferently.

He knew that among the various places in the underground palace, the closer to the core, the more precious the things inside. To be honest, Li Ye really didn't like the things in the outer area.

Therefore, he never thought of grabbing anything from others.

His purpose of joining this team has always been only one, and that is to let these few people cover him, so that he will not be easily noticed by the enemies hiding in the dark.

If these people don't plan to cooperate with him well, but have the idea of ​​cheating him in their hearts, then he doesn't mind changing teams.

In the following time, the five people stopped talking, and instead stood in five positions to observe the changes in the enchantment.

Time passed, and an hour passed quickly, but there was no change in the five positions of the five people.

But just when Gesang was about to arrange for a few people to change positions, the feminine man named Yin Xu suddenly exclaimed: "Boss Ge, come quickly, there seems to be something wrong here."

An exclamation instantly attracted the attention of the other four, and even the other teams nearby also looked over.

However, they didn't lean over directly like Li Ye and the others. They just looked at them with flickering eyes, and they knew at a glance that they wanted to wait for them to enter before following them in.

Because of Gesang's advance explanation, Li Ye came to Yin Xu's side as soon as Yin Xu shouted, and at the same time, his gaze was cast on the barrier.

Sure enough, there was a three-meter-high gap in this enchantment at this time, and the inside of the gap was chaotic. Even with Li Ye's eyesight, he couldn't look down on anything.

At the same time, the aperture of the gap is also slowly shrinking. According to Li Ye's estimation, it only takes ten breaths for the gap to shrink to a size that ordinary people cannot enter.

At this time, the three of Gesang also came to them. The moment Gesang saw the gap, Gesang explained: "Enter one by one. Don't look for things at the first time after entering, but send out the signal flare first. Wait for the five of us to meet before acting in unison.

Yinxu, you are the first to go in, then Li Ye, Shifang, then me, and finally you, Lanzhi, will come to the rear. Lanzhi, do you think it’s okay, no problem. "

"No problem." When Gesang said this, Lanzhi understood his purpose. After the five of them, she was the petite, so she could stay outside and wait a little longer before going in, so that when she went in, the people behind her Then there is not enough room to display.

Time was running out, and the others were not polite, Yin Xu just looked back at the others before stepping in.

The next moment, Li Ye stepped forward and followed Yin Xu closely.

But even though there was only a time difference between the two of them, when Li Ye entered the interior of the underground palace, he was still the only one around.

This is a unique function of the enchantment of the underground palace. When Li Ye heard Gesang introduce it to him before, he felt very similar to the "space shifting" or "random teleportation" in the previous life Xiuxian novels, and he couldn't help being full of it. A sense of anticipation.

Looking at the empty green grass in front of him at this moment, Li Ye sighed in his heart, "It's really amazing."

Not only because of the effect of space teleportation, but also because of the meadow that exists deep in the ground, which made him feel the majestic power of the master of this underground palace, and he didn't know when he would be able to achieve this step.

 Recommend a book, interested book lovers can go and read it, the one piece article is considered to be better written, highly recommended!


(End of this chapter)

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