Chapter 174 Pasture, Cattle, Decision!

"Bang~" Three minutes later, a grand firework suddenly rose from a distance and exploded at high altitude.

When Li Ye saw the fireworks, he knew that this was the signal and location of the assembly. Before entering the underground palace, Gesang had already told him about the signal of assembly, so he ran directly to the assembly point without hesitation. go.

As far as the current situation is concerned, he still has to follow the team honestly and try not to act out of line.

Even if you don't get anything valuable in the underground palace, if you just lure out the enemies behind the scenes and slaughter them, you can still get 100 million points of yin force, which will be used in the subsequent deduction of exercises.

After all, he still has the inheritance of the divine soldier and has not practiced it. If he has enough yin energy, he can skip the stage of familiarizing himself with the exercises and directly understand the key points of the divine soldier's inheritance in one step, so that he doesn't have to. It was hard to practice step by step.

So now for him, the most important thing is to hide himself well and not expose himself to the enemy's sight.

At this time, he didn't know that one of the imaginary enemies in his mind, Bai Qing of the Daytime Warcry Clan, had returned to the Misty Sea, so if there really was an enemy, it would only be the Dao Clan in Langya County.

He kept walking, and soon Li Ye came to the place where the five of them had agreed to gather. Looking around, Li Ye saw Yin Xu standing alone on the open grass, looking around.

Obviously, even if he saw that only one of them had entered Lot 13, he would not relax his vigilance.

After all, who knows if the newly joined Li Ye will be the work of other teams, or if there are other teams that have already entered this plot 13 before them, so precautions are indispensable.

Li Ye also knew that he still couldn't be trusted in this team, or that the other party didn't intend to fully accept him from the beginning, and they originally recruited him as a tool man with cannon fodder and backing.

So when he saw the figure of Yin Ruins, Li Ye also stopped in his tracks, and approached Yin Ruins without tentativeness, but stood at a relatively safe place for Yin Ruins, 500 meters away from Yin Ruins.

Of course, this position is only safe for Yin Xu. If Li Ye really wants to attack Yin Xu, he will not give Yin Xu any time to react, and Li Ye will step over this distance to the side of Yin Xu.

Not to mention that at this distance, if Li Ye punched out, the air wave would have directly shocked Yin Xu to death.

Therefore, Li Ye stopped at this position just to give Yin Xu a sense of security.

He was also afraid that if he got closer, Yin Xu would react excessively to him, causing embarrassment between the two of them.

In this way, while the two waited silently, after a while, the other three also arrived at the meeting point one after another, and the five-member team reunited again.

At the same time, Captain Gesang also asked Lanzhi: "Alan, when you came in last, did you encounter any danger?"

"My captain, what danger do you think I will encounter? I'm not a little girl. Can those bastards embarrass me? Don't forget, when the little girl killed someone for the first time, you Be your young master at home, giggling."

Lanzhi had a charming smile on her face, but the words in her mouth made several people feel cold.

At this time, Gesang also realized that Lanzhi was not an easy person.At this time, he was even more annoyed, why he could always ignore Lanzhi's cruelty and viciousness whenever he saw Lanzhi's too soft face.

If Li Ye could know Gesang's thoughts at this time, he would definitely tell him that there is something called a filter in this world, and another thing called aura.

At this time, Gesang's love brain had a seizure, and he had a special filter and aura when watching Lanzhi.

Seeing Gesang's sudden silence, the corners of Yin Xu's mouth curled up, pretending he didn't see anything.

However, Shifang on the other side suddenly said: "Captain, let's hurry up and search the area. We don't know how many people will come in later. Taking advantage of this time, let's quickly search a few more places to see if we can find them." Can't find something of value."

"Okay." Facing the steps Shifang handed him, Gesang let out a long breath, quickly caught it, and said, "This is the first time we have come to Lot 13, so we will follow the old rules. Let's act collectively and not separate."

Pointing to the direction, Gesang said again: "Let's take a look in that direction. Yin Xu, come and explore the way. Don't act rashly in any situation. Come back and join us as soon as possible."

Regarding Gesang's proposal, the others naturally did not have any objections. Although Yin Xu had a gloomy expression, he did not express any objection. He nodded and ran towards the direction Gesang pointed before the others.

The others followed Yin Xu obediently, keeping an eye on movements in other directions as they walked.

Among the team, Li Ye has been silent and did not speak, just watching the fire from the other side.

However, after this interaction, he suddenly understood that this team was not as monolithic as it seemed on the outside.

For example, it is obvious that both Gesang and Yin Xu are interested in Lanzhi. Shifang plays the role of peacemaker in this team. Lanzhi's status in the team is definitely not low, and there must be something that makes others respect her.

At least she dared to hate Gesang directly, not just because Gesang liked her.

Li Ye has always acted alone, but now he suddenly joins a group and sees how these people have their own concerns, which is quite interesting.

It's just that the strength of these people is still a little too weak. Li Ye looked at the interaction of these people, and it felt like an adult watching a child play house.

For the next time, the team kept silent and kept moving in one direction. Soon, the color of the grass gradually changed from green to yellow, and several people couldn't help but slow down. The heart also raised.

Going forward again for dozens of miles, the grass under their feet had completely turned yellow, and even gradually turned red. At the same time, Yin Ruins, who were exploring the way ahead, also turned around and continued to return.

Seeing Yin Xu's movements, the people behind immediately stopped in their tracks, planning to wait for Yin Xu to come back before making any plans.

After all, the environmental changes here are too weird, and they dare not take too many risks.

After a few breaths, Yin Xu returned to the side of the group of people, without taking a breath, he said quickly: "I saw a lot of animal feces in front, and the color of the feces was dark red, so I guess if we continue to move forward, Be sure to encounter many wild beasts, even herds.

Moreover, I suspect that the reason why the color of the grass here changes is probably because the feces of those wild beasts have been integrated into the grass, causing long-term pollution and causing the grass to gradually change in color. "

After Yin Xu finished speaking, several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one spoke, but Li Ye at the side understood what these people were thinking at a glance, "Should we look in another direction. '

After all, they came here to hunt for treasure, not to be butchers. If conflicts can be avoided, of course, conflicts should be avoided as much as possible.

But wouldn't there be beasts in other places?

It's not just Li Ye who thinks this way, but several other people also think the same way, which is why they have been silent.

From the meadow they saw just now, to the traces of wild beasts that suddenly appeared, they had already begun to wonder in their hearts whether this plot No. 13 might be the pasture of the owner of this underground palace.

If it is really the pasture of the owner of the underground palace, then after 1 years, it is very likely that a complete biological chain composed of various organisms has been formed here.

Different beasts are distributed in different areas, and no matter which direction they explore, they may face the same situation.

But what if?With this in mind, Gesang thought for a while and said, "Let's try in another direction."

A quarter of an hour later, looking at the hoofprints on the grass, the five of them stopped again and fell silent.

Sure enough, the worst result came out. There is a high probability that this place is the pasture.

What's the next step?Without words, several people just looked at each other, and they all understood the emotions in their hearts.

After a while, the only female compatriot among them gritted her teeth and opened the chatterbox first, "I think we should go deeper, at least the beasts here are hoofprints, which means that there is a high probability that there are herbivorous animals ahead, which is dangerous." not tall.

Besides, in case there are any rare and precious medicinal materials in the gathering points of these beasts, it will be a considerable fortune for us to bring out those medicinal materials that are not available outside. "

"Okay, let's do it." Lanzhi's attitude is very important in this small group, except for Shifang who frowned and said nothing, the other two people all echoed Lanzhi.

As for Li Ye, obviously the other four had never considered Li Ye's idea at all.

After confirming the next action plan, the few people no longer hesitated, and walked forward directly along the hoofprints on the ground.

Soon, a group of bison with a height of more than five meters, two horns soaring into the sky, and a whole body covered with long black hair appeared in the sight of several people.

"My God..." Gesang, who was walking in the front, stopped the moment he saw these bison, and couldn't help sighing.

At the same time, the others were also stunned, and retreated slowly on conditioned reflex.

But this is not to blame for these people's reaction. After all, the bison seems to be herbivorous animals, but these bison are really too big.

Standing on the ground one by one is like a hill, and the thick hooves can crush them flat.

Not to mention the horns soaring to the sky, under the light from the night pearl, it reflected a strange metallic luster, and it was extremely sharp at first glance.

At this moment, in the eyes of these few people, what they faced was no longer a bison, but a terrifying beast.

When they were wandering around, they had been to the junction of Langya County and Qingshan County, and they also accidentally encountered a few mutated beasts that had been infected and irradiated by the Hades.

Originally, those ferocious beasts were already tricky enough, but in their eyes at this moment, these bison were even more terrifying than the ferocious beasts they encountered before.

Moreover, there are too many bison here. Just looking around and counting roughly, we saw forty or fifty. Who knows how many bison are hiding behind the place that cannot be seen at the end of the field of vision. This is also one of the reasons why they dare not make a move easily.

But they didn't dare to make a move, and the bison in the distance were not polite at all.

"Moo~" A bison who was obviously a head taller than the others of the same race suddenly let out a roar, and all the bison in sight turned to them at the same time. Will charge.

After seeing the momentum and movements of the buffaloes, the four people except Li Ye suddenly panicked, and their hearts were filled with bitterness.

Obviously they came here to hunt for treasures, but they hadn't encountered any treasures yet, but they had experienced an indiscriminate disaster first, how could this make them feel at peace.

"Run!" If you don't run at this time, do you want to wait until the bison charge?
With a loud shout, Gesang rushed from the tail of the team to the front of the team in an instant, and the other three reacted equally quickly, leaving Li Ye himself at the end in a blink of an eye.

Li Ye, on the other hand, was unhurried and followed the four of them slowly, as if facing the cattle herd's imminent charge without any panic.

In a blink of an eye, several people rushed out a thousand meters away. At the same time, the four people were frantically communicating with each other in a place that Li Ye could not see.

Gesang: "If we are overtaken by the herd this time, we will keep the kid behind as a backing."

Lanzhi: "It's only the first day to do this, wouldn't it be a pity. This kid hasn't made any contribution yet."

Yin Xu: "I agree with the captain."

Shifang: "I can do it."

Gesang: "We still don't know how far the cattle will chase us. If we are really struggling, we can only sacrifice the new boy."

Lanzhi: "Okay, I also agree, but I just feel that it's a pity that I finally met such a simple and stupid child as a translator, and it hasn't come into greater use."

At this time, the herd of cattle in the distance had already begun to charge. Hearing the sound of neat footsteps, Gesang couldn't help but look back.

Seeing the five-meter-tall bison striding forward, his heart sank.

Too fast, at this time the herds took full advantage of their size.Of the five meters tall of these bison, more than three meters are legs. When they sprint at full speed, their speed is at least twice as fast as the five of them.

If they didn't think of a way, even if they ran for a while first, they would be quickly overtaken by the cattle.

His gaze unconsciously shifted to where Li Ye was at the back, but Gesang saw Li Ye smiling at him with his eight teeth showing.

Li Ye's smile was full of sunshine and was not aggressive at all, but Gesang's heart suddenly started beating crazily.

Did Li Ye discover something?Or is he not as innocent as Lanzhi guessed...

I have to say that if you have a ghost in your heart, it is easy to think too much.

But in a blink of an eye, Li Ye withdrew his gaze and began to run forward intently. Gesang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Maybe he was thinking too much.

However, the next moment, the sound of approaching hooves made his heart tense again.

What to do next, there must be a decision!

(End of this chapter)

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