Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 176 13-Day Tour of Lot 1 and Information Transaction

Chapter 176 A Day Trip to Lot 13 and Information Transactions
Why?the reason is simple.

Just after Lan Zhi said that she had discovered a martial arts practice that could truly break through to the holy inheritance, Li Ye keenly felt a wave of breath nearby.

The aura was hidden and fleeting. If Li Ye hadn't been extremely sensitive, he wouldn't have been able to perceive the aura hidden in the dark.

In order to prevent the shadowy observers from following him, Li Ye shot Lanzhi to death without hesitation.

Anyway, if there is such a skill in the underground palace, he will be able to find it sooner or later. If Lanzhi lied to him, then there is no need for Lanzhi to live.

So, no matter what, there is no need for Lanzhi to stay.

On the grass, looking at Lanzhi who was slowly falling to the ground without breathing at all, Li Ye murmured to himself: "You should be damned if you still want to lie and lie to me. Shouldn't you have taken it out long ago, why do you still need to keep it here to make a deal with me?"

This sentence is for those who hide in the dark, and at the same time, it is also for yourself.

From the perspective of rational thinking, Li Ye did not believe that Lanzhi really had information about this kind of exercise in his hands.

Obviously, the people hiding in the dark also didn't believe it. After a while, the feeling of being spied on in the dark disappeared completely.

Taking a long breath, Li Ye knew in his heart that the people in the dark had completely left.

After thinking about it, Li Ye continued to walk along the route he had traveled before.

When Lanzhi's four-person team was here before, he didn't dare to see any animals on this red grassland, but now he himself is only afraid of those animals.

After all, with the strength of his physical body, even if those animals gnawed on him, they might not be able to gnaw even a single hair off him.

Time passed, and 5 minutes passed quickly. At this time, Li Ye finally saw the group of ferocious beasts living in groups deep in the grassland.

This is the first time Li Ye has seen this kind of lion-like beast on this continent. Although its appearance is similar to lions on earth, this beast is bigger than an elephant, and its skin is also thicker than an elephant. Instead of hair, it was covered with golden scales.

The first time they saw Li Ye, the group of 'lions' rushed towards him, but Li Ye just dodged and dodged.

Although these lions were ferocious, with speed and strength comparable to that of a martial artist, and their hunting instinct was stronger than that of a human warrior, they were nothing to Li Ye.

After dodging the lion that was rushing towards him, Li Ye didn't act rashly, but just continued to move forward.

Soon, lions were left behind by him, and Li Ye also came to the deepest part of the grassland. At the same time, he saw a small red tree that was more than one meter high and exuded precious light. There is an unripe fruit.

The fruit is only the size of a lychee, yellowish with red in the middle, although it is not yet ripe, it is still exuding a burst of fragrance.

After looking at this magical little tree, Li Ye then turned his gaze to the huge lion behind the little tree.

Li Ye just looked at this lion and knew that it was not the same as the previous lion. Although the dark golden scales had not yet stood up, its size was obviously larger than that of the same clan, so Li Ye understood the difference of this lion. Simple, it should be the king of this group of lions.

The previous lions were already comparable to Wushu warriors, and this lion's fighting power must be much stronger than that of its peers.

Li Ye guessed in his heart that it was likely to stand shoulder to shoulder with the holy warriors on the human side.

Taking a deep look at the vigilant Lion King who was slowly getting up, Li Ye turned and left.

Since the treasure in this place is a strange fruit, there is no need for him to expose his strength to compete with the Lion King.

Although he hasn't confirmed it yet, he can also guess that with his current strength, this strange fruit should not have any effect on him.

Seeing Li Ye leave, a fierce light flashed in the Lion King's eyes, but he still did not choose to leave the small tree, but lay down slowly again, but kept his eyes on Li Ye, afraid that he would just pretend to leave and kill a Back to the carbine.

But how could Li Ye do such a boring thing, just a few dodges, and he completely disappeared from the sight of these lions.

In the following time, Li Ye walked casually in this area, looked around, and stopped after turning around the entire No. 13 plot, and began to wait for the end of this exploration.

As early as the first batch of warriors entered the underground palace, a certain rule in the underground palace had been thoroughly spread, that is, after 24 hours after entering the underground palace, they would be repelled by the barrier in the underground palace.

Li Ye guessed that this was because they hadn't cracked the barrier in the underground palace at all, but just sneaked in through the loophole of the barrier in the underground palace, which caused this situation to happen.

Although there was no concrete evidence to prove it, Li Ye felt in his heart that this possibility should be indistinguishable.

Time slipped away quietly, and five or six hours passed in a flash. Li Ye suddenly felt an invisible force coming from all directions, enveloping his whole body.

"It's finally here." With a thought in his heart, Li Ye didn't have any resistance, and let this force act on him.

After a few moments, Li Ye suddenly felt his body tense up, and he appeared in a familiar place in the next moment. At the same time, a loud voice came to his ears. After opening his eyes, he also I saw the enchantment not far away and a team of explorers.

At this moment, he understood that he had already come out of the grassland in Plot No. 13, and by coincidence, he was teleported to the vicinity of his previous location.

Originally teleported out of the underground palace barrier, they all randomly appeared outside the underground palace. The location where many people entered the underground palace was far away from the location where they were sent out, but Li Ye hardly moved this time, and did not know what is the reason.


On the other hand, as time passed, just before Li Ye came out of Lot 13, a man with a rich face and bright eyes was standing in a corner near Lot 13, and a man with a fierce face The man chatted in a low voice.

The content of their chat was about Li Ye and Lanzhi's team.

"Angkor, I heard that a group of people in front of them entered the No. 13 plot. What is the strength of that group and what is their origin?"

"Hey, Li Yuanwai, you are too polite. You have found the right person for this matter. I really know. Those people have been hanging out in the east of our county before, and their main job is to be bounty hunters.

By the way, what are you asking about them?Let me tell you, don't try to trick them, that group is ruthless, and each of them is a perfect martial arts expert.Although I also know that you are not afraid of them with your strength, but it is better not to offend them if you can. "

"Hey, I'm just asking casually, why would you want to do it, Angkor, you don't know me, I never do things that can be solved with money, I don't know the principle of making money with harmony .

But I have to say, their luck is really good, such a big enchantment, the previous gap just appeared next to them.I don't know what's inside Lot 13. "

"Well... this is easy to handle. I have a good relationship with a member of that group. If you want to buy information about plot 13, I can help you connect, but..."

"Angkor, don't worry, as long as the news is first-hand and it is true and effective, my brother will definitely not give you less for the benefits when the time comes, so you are guaranteed to be satisfied."

"Haha, good... come out!"

"What came out? The expedition team came out? Where?"

As he said that, Yuanwai Li looked around.

"Look, that's it." Following the direction Angkor pointed, Li Yuanwai also saw a young man with his eyes closed as if in a daze.

At the same time, the young man also glanced in the direction of the two of them, and nodded.

"Hiss, something's wrong, something's wrong." Looking left and right, Old Wu couldn't help but gasped and said in a trembling voice when he found that there was no newcomer nearby except the young man.

A sudden gasp sounded next to his ear, which immediately attracted Li Yuanwai's attention. At this moment, he looked at the wide-eyed old Wu beside him, and couldn't help asking in surprise, "Brother Angkor, what's wrong with you? What's the matter?" Is something wrong?"

"Come here, I'll talk to you quietly."

Seeing someone approaching the young man over there, not only did Lao Wu not follow the young man, but he even pulled Li Yuanwai who was beside him to a further position.

It wasn't until turning the corner that the young man was no longer in sight, and then Old Wu whispered in Li Yuanwai's ear: "That young man is not from that team, but a newcomer that the team just pulled in. ..."

In between the words, Old Wu made a long story short, and then told about Lanzhi's invitation to Li Ye to join their team.

After explaining what happened before, Old Wu said again: "You also know what role this kind of newcomer plays in their team, and this time this young man actually came out alive."

"I know, but it's nothing if he came out alive. Maybe this time they went in and didn't encounter any danger. Based on the experience of that team, this kind of situation is very likely to happen, right?" After listening to Old Wu After the explanation, Li Yuanwai retorted.

"No, I checked it out just now. Except for that young man, there was no other person nearby who was teleported. I don't believe that all four of them were teleported to other remote places. If you don't believe me, you can go and investigate."

Shaking his head, Old Wu spoke out his judgment, and at the same time, he urged: "But now, Brother Li, you have to listen to me. You can go to that young man later, but you must not offend him. This person is very likely to be a big brother who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Seeing that Old Wu was so apprehensive, he nodded, and Li Yuanwai agreed. "No matter what, let's go over and say hello first. If it's really a big shot, this is our chance."

With that said, Li Yuanwai turned the corner and saw the young man with a calm expression even though he was surrounded by a group of people again.


Li Ye had just woken up when he saw a group of people not far away suddenly turn their heads and stare at him with surprise and surprise.

At the same time, a group of people walked up to him and asked in a low voice: "Little brother, did you just come out of plot 13? Where did your teammates go? Why didn't you see them?" Are they coming out?"

"That's right, they all died in Lot 13." After a haha, Li Ye said indifferently.

However, this understated tone and casual demeanor made the hearts of the few explorers around him jump, and they looked at Li Ye frequently, wanting to see clearly whether the young man was telling the truth or a lie.

At the same time, the leader's tone became more polite, "Sir, I wonder if you would like to sell the information on Lot 13, as long as it is true and effective, the price is negotiable."

For this transaction, Li Ye was not unwilling, but thought it was a good thing.Through the transaction, he can also get information on the plots that have been explored before.

Although Li Ye didn't really believe what Lanzhi said before he died, what if?
Anyway, he didn't have any clear goals when he came here this time. Now that he found this possibility, of course he had to investigate it carefully.

If what Lanzhi said is false, then it's time to go on a 'travel' to see the scenery, and if what Lanzhi said is true, then he will make a lot of money.

For a kung fu that can break through the bottleneck and step into the top level, Li Ye doesn't mind fighting with enemies hiding in the dark at all.

Regardless of whether the opponent is a Taoist clan or a clan of Daytime Warcry, Li Ye is fearless.

In this regard, Li Ye immediately nodded indifferently, and said: "It can be traded, but I want the information of the plots that have been explored before. By the way, I only trade with one faction, and I want all the land in your hands. block data.

You can think about whether you want to trade with me first. If you don't, it doesn't matter. I can find someone else to trade with.

You can also discuss this matter carefully internally, don't worry, I want to hear other people's bargaining chips anyway, so even if you agree now, I have no way to choose you right now. "

"..." Looking at Li Ye, who looks harmless to humans and animals, the leader of the gang didn't say a word of threat, just nodded solemnly, and then pulled a few team members aside to discuss in a low voice stand up.

But although they thought Li Ye was very dangerous, the next person who approached Li Ye just thought that Li Ye was bluffing.

Just when the team was discussing in a low voice, whether to buy this first-hand deal, suddenly a loud shout came from Li Ye: "Boy, pretend to be here with me, are you intimidated by being me? Let's go with Lao Tzu!"

When they looked at Li Ye, they saw a [-] meter tall man stretching out an arm to grab Li Ye's head!

(End of this chapter)

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