Chapter 177 The Deal Is Closed, Goodbye, Old Man

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and everyone nearby was shocked by this unexpected scene.

Li Ye didn't seem to be moving at all, and the big man flew upside down just as he approached Li Ye.

But of course it wasn't that Li Ye didn't move, but that his movements were so fast that no one else could see them clearly.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone nearby, after the big man flew out, he never got up again.

The teammates around him were stunned for a long time before exclaiming "Big Brother", and then ran over to check their captain's injury.

After looking at it, they realized that the bones and internal organs of this big man's whole body had been shattered, and he had already lost his breath.

Soon this situation was also known to others, and people couldn't help looking at Li Ye with fear and fear.

It turned out that this man who was regarded as a little white rabbit in their eyes was so unfathomable. At this time, they also remembered the scene of Lanzhi recruiting him at the beginning, and felt a chill in their hearts. That's it.

At this time, not only the team that had just come into contact with Li Ye felt lucky that they did not offend him, but also Li Yuanwai who just turned around the corner in the distance, Old Wu also let out a long sigh of relief.

The two of them were the first to discover Li Ye's appearance just now. Fortunately, they didn't act impulsively and directly, and had a conflict with Li Ye, otherwise the dead man would have been their status quo.

Soon, under the awe of Li Ye's absolute force, people outside the underground palace began to talk about deals with him honestly.

However, because Li Ye's requirements were too harsh, most of the explorers couldn't provide such comprehensive information at all. In the end, it was the intelligence businessman Li Yuanwai who reached an agreement with Li Ye.

Relying on a large amount of intelligence materials in his hands, Li Yuanwai also obtained first-hand information on the No. 13 plot.

Looking at the ordinary-looking young man in front of him, Li Yuanwai never imagined that the other party turned out to be a young holy warrior.

But no matter whether he wants it or not, the fact is like this after all. Taking a deep breath, he invited out loudly: "Mr. Li, where can we go for a convenient transaction?"

"I can do it, it depends on your convenience, it doesn't matter if you go to your sphere of influence." Now that he has chosen the other party, Li Ye has no plan to choose a place by himself.

He is not familiar with the place here, of course it is better to let the other party arrange it.

As for whether the other party will set up an ambush to assassinate him, this situation is simply out of his consideration.

If the other party really intends to do this, then Li Ye can only say that the other party is lighting a lantern in the toilet, looking for death.

After all, although he showed the strength of a holy warrior, if the opponent really arranges a few holy warriors to ambush him, it can only be said to be a good gift!
Of course, Li Yuanwai would never do such a foolish thing. Seeing that Li Ye chose to let him arrange the transaction place without fear, his heart tightened even more, and he understood Li Ye's confidence.

In the end, Li Yuanwai invited Li Ye to a newly built house on the ground near the underground palace, and the two parties officially started this transaction after the maid who served tea retreated.

Afterwards, Li Ye recounted the original information in Plot No. 13.

As time passed, listening to Li Ye's eloquent talk, Li Yuanwai's expression kept changing.

When Li Ye told him that Lot 13 was a grassland and there were a lot of wild animals inside, Li Yuanwai was shocked.

This time the situation in the 13th underground palace is completely different from other places.

There has never been life in the previous plot, and the dangers are only some internal enchantments, and fellow killers in the plot.

But this time, they were going to face the beasts from outside.

In this way, he couldn't help but wonder if there were more terrifying enemies in the plot behind.

And when Li Ye revealed the strength of those beasts, Li Yuanwai was even more frightened.

He couldn't imagine what kind of impact it would have on human society if the enchantment disappeared one day and those beasts ran out of the underground palace.

The integrated strength of all the beasts can definitely shake the entire Langya County.

Although this is the reason why he didn't understand the strength of Lieyan Villa on the Taoist side, but if the Taoist side is really left behind, then the forces in Langya County are not necessarily stronger than those fierce beasts.

Fortunately, the infighting with the human side is not the same, and the fierce beasts also have different groups and conflicts, so human beings will not face the situation where all the fierce beasts unite.

And when Li Ye told him about the magical medicines and fruits guarded by the king of many beasts, Li Yuanwai's eyes burst out with astonishing greed and desire.

In particular, Li Ye saw a plant that looked like Polygonum multiflorum in Plot No. 13. Li Yuanwai told him without hesitation that it was a precious medicine that could prolong life.

Someone found and took it in other plots before, and that piece of precious medicine, which is half the size of the underground palace in No. 13, added more than 50 years of life to the person who took the medicine, not to mention the super treasure plant in No. 13. medicine.

According to Li Yuanwai's speculation, that plant can completely prolong the lifespan of 100, [-], or even [-] years.

Of course, Li Yuanwai didn't say this information out of good intentions, but hoped that he could cooperate with Li Ye to obtain that medicinal herb.

After all, he now also knew the strength of Li Ye as a holy warrior, so of course he wanted to try to borrow Li Ye's strength.

However, Li Ye refused Li Yuanwai's sudden invitation without hesitation.

He is now more interested in the information provided by Li Yuanwai, and he wants to try to find the exercise that Lanzhi said.

Regardless of whether he could find it in the end, at least he tried hard, and there was nothing he could do if the result didn't meet his expectations.

After being rejected by Li Ye, Li Yuanwai didn't feel disappointed. He just invited him with the attitude of giving it a try. In fact, he had already made plans in his heart to be rejected by Li Ye.

After Li Ye finished talking about the information in Plot No. 13, Li Yuanwai handed over a box of written information to Li Ye.

Of course, there are some handwritten documents of information, and they don't contain some extremely important information, but Li Ye still feels very happy.

After all, with these intelligence resources, he has a deeper understanding of this underground palace.

After more than half an hour, the transaction was completed, Li Ye got up to say goodbye and left, Li Yuanwai walked all the way to the gate of the other courtyard, and then the two parted again.

Li Yuanwai's follow-up will not be listed for the time being. As for Li Ye, after leaving the other courtyard, he did not choose to continue to explore the underground palace, but chose to leave the underground palace first.

After briefly exploring the underground palace this time, Li Ye was going to visit the old man Tong and Zhang Cheng first, and then come back to continue exploring.


In the north of Langya County, the city of Langya County.

In the evening of this day, a figure came from the south, seemingly slowly but quickly, and within a few steps, he arrived at the gate of Langya County City from afar.

After taking a little look at this ancient county town, Li Ye walked in.

This was the third day Li Ye left the underground palace, and it was also the third day he searched for Old Man Tong and Zhang Cheng.

In the past three days, Li Ye walked around the entire south-central area of ​​Langya County, but unfortunately he never found the old man Tong.

All the way north, he found this county town.

If the old man Tong has not been found here, then he is ready to give up, because the old man Tong may have died in the disaster in the underground palace.

After paying the entrance fee of two copper coins, Li Ye walked into Langya County, and felt a wave of people rushing towards him.

Like the Qingshan County and Qionghai County he stayed in before, the flow of people here is also very large, and the permanent population is at least ten times or even more than that of the county.

If ordinary people just use ordinary means, it is absolutely impossible to find the person they are looking for in such a big city.Fortunately, Li Ye is not an ordinary person, and his method of finding someone is absolutely unusual.

Even now he doesn't dare to deploy the magnetic field rashly, but relying on the five senses brought by his strong physical fitness, he can quickly screen and filter the area he is in.

Walking on the street, a large area was left behind by Li Ye, and soon he walked half of Langya County City, but still did not find the old man Tong.

At this time, Li Ye frowned, and he couldn't help thinking, 'Could it be that the old man Tong died?Couldn't be so unlucky... And Zhang Cheng, the two of them died together? '

Continuing to move forward, Li Ye's furrowed brows suddenly parted, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The person was found, and both of them were fine!
Taking a step forward, Li Ye's figure suddenly blurred, and the next moment he appeared in front of a dilapidated courtyard.

At the same time, without Li Ye's concealment, the old man Tong who was talking to Zhang Cheng also spotted the person at the door for the first time.

"Who?" Turning his head abruptly, the old copper man's eyes were like lightning, full of oppression, and the next moment suddenly turned into startled and surprised, "Xiao Ye? It's really you, why are you here?"

"Master Tong, long time no see." Smiling and pushing open the courtyard door, Li Ye raised his foot and walked in. "I heard that there was a huge earthquake in Langya County. I was a little worried about you and the second senior brother, so I rushed over to take a look. It's great to see that you are all right."

Without seeing anyone, he walked to the courtyard and sat down next to the two of them. Li Ye pretended to complain again and said, "I thought you and the second brother, Master Tong, would find a county to live in. I didn't expect that you would choose the county. Settling down makes it easy for me to find.”

"Uh..." Hearing Li Ye's words, the two looked at each other, and no one answered for a while.

It wasn't until Li Ye frowned again and asked "what's the matter" that the old man Tong smiled bitterly and said, "Actually, your second senior brother and I did live in the county town before. Didn't you mention the earthquake before? In fact, he and I were I escaped here because of the earthquake.”

"Ah!" Li Ye was startled, and asked quickly: "Master Tong, I heard that the earthquake only affected the area of ​​that county, and the other counties were not affected. Could it be that you lived there before?" The county seat at the center of the earthquake..."

"That's right, I don't know whether it's bad luck or luck. The two of us lived in that county, and we experienced that 'earthquake' first-hand..." Hearing Li Ye's question, the old man Tong couldn't help but replied with a wry smile. road.

"..." I sighed in my heart that these two people are really unlucky. This is not the first time that they have encountered such an indiscriminate disaster. Could it be that one of the two of them has a fate like "bad luck".

Of course, Li Ye would definitely not ask in this way, but instead asked with concern: "Master, are you and the second senior brother all right? Is there any injury or discomfort? I can take a look for you."

"We're fine." The old copper man shook his head and replied.

"Yes, we're fine." Zhang Cheng also said hastily.

Li Ye: "It's fine."

After the three of them said a few more polite words, Li Ye asked curiously again: "Master Tong, I heard that during this earthquake, a huge bear shadow appeared in the sky. Is this true or not?"

"It's true!" Talking about the bear shadow floating in the sky, the old copper man's face instantly became serious, "But that's not a shadow, but a real giant bear flying in the sky.

At that time, there was no earthquake in the city, but a giant bear attacked from the sky and drove us out of the city.Your second senior brother and I ran out immediately. Not long after leaving the city, there was a sudden loud noise in the entire county town, and then I saw the county town collapse to the ground. "

"Oh, Master Tong, do you still remember the appearance of that giant bear?" There was no need for Old Man Hetong to pretend to be surprised when he heard about this for the first time, Li Ye immediately asked again.

"I remember, of course I remember." The old man Tong nodded and described the appearance of the giant bear.

After listening to the old man Tong's description, Li Ye completely confirmed the guess in his heart.

"Sure enough, it has something to do with the Daytime Warcry Clan." Li Ye said to himself, just as he was about to continue talking, he suddenly found someone walking towards the courtyard where they were. Dang even closed his mouth and turned his head to look over.

A moment later, a beautiful figure appeared at the gate of the yard, and at the same time a soft voice rang out: "Brother Cheng, I came back from grocery shopping, guess who I just met? I met... Uh, a friend is here. "

"Ah, Qiqi is back. Come and sit down. Let me introduce you. This is my junior brother Li Ye. He is a disciple of Master just like me. However, compared to me, Li Ye is stronger than me." I'm much better." Seeing his wife Qiqi coming home, Zhang Cheng hurriedly got up and greeted him, and introduced to Li Ye: "Junior brother, this is my wife Qiqi."

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Li Ye also stood up immediately, and said with a light smile, "Hi sister-in-law, it's the first time we meet. My name is Li Ye. This time I came here suddenly, and I didn't prepare any gifts. Please don't blame me, sister-in-law. Next time Definitely make it up."

"It's all from my own family, what's the matter, you guys talk first, I'll go buy a jug of wine and come back, and the three of you, master and apprentice, will have a good drink later." Qiqi said and was about to go out again.

"You don't need to be so troublesome. Sister-in-law, sit down and rest. Just leave these things to me and the second senior brother." Because Qiqi came back suddenly and interrupted the conversation of the three people, Li Ye didn't intend to continue talking. Even pulling Zhang Cheng out of the yard.

On the way, Li Ye looked at Zhang Cheng who was hesitant to speak, and said directly: "Eldest brother is dead..."

(End of this chapter)

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