Chapter 181 Reaction, Reinforcement, Fireworks
"What did you say? Chen Qi is dead!" Li Zhe's eyes were full of surprise when Li Jinbao told Li Zhe the news. "Are you sure this news is true?"

"The old slave used his head as a guarantee. Chen Qi was indeed dead. Under the witness of many members of the Chihuo Gang, he died in the hands of Mr. Li." Standing respectfully in front of Li Zhe, Li Jinbao replied respectfully. .

"You tell me what happened in detail, and you are not allowed to hide anything." After getting up and walking back and forth in the hall twice, and suppressing the throbbing in his heart, Li Zhe continued.

"Yes, young master." In the following time, Li Jinbao recounted all the things that happened in the recent period, and finally emphasized the fight that happened in the suburbs and Chen Qi's death. news.

"Chen Qi is really dead, or died in his hands..." Mumbling to himself for a while, Li Zhe still didn't want to believe this fact.

Unlike himself, a newly promoted holy warrior, Chen Qi, as a veteran warrior of the Red Fire Gang, is a well-known figure in the entire Langya County. He never thought that there would be such a day when he heard the news of Chen Qi's death .

And, more importantly, the one who killed Chen Qi was the one who threatened him at the gate of the other courtyard.

If Li Jinbao hadn't heard the voice outside and opened the door to look out, he and the other party should have had a conflict at that time.

At that time, what will be the result? There is a high probability that he will die.

After all, even Chen Qi died at his hands, let alone him, he didn't have the confidence to think that he would be stronger than Chen Qi.

Thankfully, thankfully...

Suddenly, he thought of the fact that he hinted at the servants of the other court to reveal the other party's information. This matter will not be known by that person, so he should come to the door for revenge.

no no no...

No, no, no, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall!
Thinking in his heart, Li Zhe immediately got up and left his small courtyard, and turned over the courtyard wall in a few steps.

Afraid of his sudden disappearance, Li Jinbao was worried and anxious. When he left, he specially notified Li Jinbao from a distance, saying that he would go to the underground palace for a while, so there was no need to worry about him.

In fact, he didn't care whether Li Jinbao was worried about him or not. What he really cared about was whether Li Ye would cast his eyes on Li Jinbao because of his vigorous search for him, causing him to face danger again when he was obviously safe.

As for what he said about going around the underground palace, it was of course a lie. What if Li Ye really listed himself as a hunting target, got information about himself from Li Jinbao, and then went down to the underground palace to find himself.

Therefore, after he left the other courtyard, he escaped into the wilderness without any hesitation, and did not continue to stay in this area at all.

Not only that, but he doesn't plan to come back for a while, and everything will have to wait until the limelight passes.

If Li Ye survived the siege of the Scarlet Fire Gang in the end, then he would never appear in front of Li Ye in the future.If Li Ye died in the end, then it would be fine to pretend that nothing had happened.


At the same time, on the other side, the five figures had just left the Scarlet Fire Gang's residence in the Underground Palace, and headed towards the north of Langya County together.

The main person in charge of the Red Fire Gang in the underground palace just died. Of course, they must send the news back to their backers at the Red Fire Gang headquarters as soon as possible.

Not to mention how the headquarters will arrange it at that time, just talking about this time's performance, there is a high probability that the backer will regard him as a confidant.

Just a hard trip can bring back many benefits. As long as you think about this kind of thing clearly, you will of course do it without hesitation.

Time passed, and three days passed quickly. After three days of non-stop driving around the clock, the five finally returned to the headquarters of the Scarlet Fire Gang.

"My lord, that's the way it is. What do you think your subordinates should do next?"

"I see, you haven't closed your eyes for the past three days, you go to rest first, and leave the rest to me."

The simple conversation happened in five places in the Red Fire Gang at the same time, and at the same time, it caused a wave of waves in the Red Fire Gang.

I don't know how long it has been since the last time someone dared to provoke the Scarlet Fire Gang, and the head of the holy warrior from last time is still hanging in the meeting hall of the Red Fire Gang.

The reason why the Red Fire Gang has developed to this point is not only because they are powerful, but also because they are ruthless and domineering enough.

This time, they also didn't intend to just let go of the person who provoked their Red Fire Gang.

There were no complicated meetings or quarrels. In the current situation of foreign enemies, the entire Red Fire Gang was incomparably united.

After just two days, the five holy warriors prepared a lot of things and set off together to the underground palace area.

At this time, Li Ye was still drinking soju in the small village near the underground palace, dazed.

After killing Chen Qi, Li Ye had nothing to do, so he went down to the underground palace twice.

It's just that these two times he didn't choose to explore new plots, but went to two plots that had already been smashed by others. His purpose was to try his luck and find the exercise that Lanzhi said .

It's a pity that these two plots are empty, let alone any exercises, even the weeds in the field were uprooted by the explorers who came before, and they took them out, leaving nothing at all.

After carefully inspecting the entire plot inside and out, Li Ye had no choice but to give up searching, and was going to come out to rest before entering other plots.

But before he finished drinking the jug of shochu on the table, a familiar figure came to him and sat down respectfully.

"Long time no see Li Yuanwai, what a rare visitor, what can I do this time?" Gently raised his eyes, seeing that it was Li Yuanwai, Li Ye asked very coldly.

It's not that he doesn't know that the news that he killed the elder of the Scarlet Fire Gang was revealed by the Li Family Courtyard, but it's just a trivial matter, and he doesn't care about it. Cooperation, then I'm sorry, he really can't be so free and easy.

However, Li Jinbao's reaction surprised Li Ye, and made him think a little more.

I saw that Li Jinbao didn't care about Li Ye's indifference, but whispered anxiously: "Mr. Li, I just got the news that this time, the Red Fire Gang has mobilized five A holy warrior goes south day and night, the purpose is to kill you on the spot and bring your body back.

Mr. Li, before their people arrive, you should run away quickly. I know that Mr. Li is not from our Langya County. You should go back to your own territory as soon as possible. The gang doesn't dare to rashly start a war with your sect across the great county. "

"Oh, who told you that there is another sect behind me, what if I am an ordinary lone warrior? In that case, will the Red Fire Gang chase me and leave Langya County and kill me?"

Smiling playfully, Li Ye didn't ask Li Jinbao why he betrayed him before, but just asked back, throwing the question back to the other party.

"By the way, aren't you all ready to stand on the side of the Scarlet Fire Gang? Why are you kind enough to remind me of the danger now? Will this be inconsistent with the strategy you set before?"

"Who said we were going to stand with the Red Fire Gang, this time the Eldest Young Master came over and conveyed a clear message that our Li family will not stand with the Red Fire Gang, but will fight them to the end.

There is an old saying that the enemy of the enemy is our friend. Since Mr. Li, you are destined to stand on the opposite side of the Red Fire Gang, then of course you are our friend and ally of the Li family. " Without any hesitation, Li Jinbao immediately replied.

"Oh, it seems that your eldest young master did it alone." After hearing Li Jinbao's words, Li Ye knew that the news about him was leaked by Li's other courtyard and Li Jinbao had nothing to do with it. irrelevant.

After all, in front of him, Li Jinbao couldn't hide his heartbeat, emotions, etc., so Li Jinbao's very sincere performance made Li Ye understand that it was just a misunderstanding.

Sure enough, after hearing Li Ye's words, Li Jinbao also asked in a daze: "Mr. Li, I would like to ask you a question. I don't know what you are talking about, sir."

"Hehe, it seems that you really don't know. Forget it, go back and find out about this matter slowly. I still have something to do, so I'll go first." Then he stood up, turned around and walked back.

After taking two steps, he paused again, and said without turning his head: "Oh, by the way, I haven't thanked you for the news. Although it is not practical, I still want to thank you for your kindness. See."

After speaking, Li Ye disappeared from Li Jinbao's sight within a few steps, leaving him standing quietly in a daze.

Although Li Ye didn't say it clearly, some time ago, a servant who served the young master in the other courtyard suddenly gained the respect of the young master, and the young master's sudden departure these days can all explain one thing.

That's why the young master seemed to have done something against Li Ye behind his back, which was why Li Ye didn't want to see him at first.

Although he had faintly noticed it before, the young master was also in the other courtyard at that time, and it was not easy for him to inquire about the news, so at this time he became the last person to know.


In the wilderness, a piece of withered yellow, the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on Li Ye's body, glowing with a gloomy light, behind him was a very noisy village, and in front of him was the road leading to the county in the north .

Facing the reinforcements from the Scarlet Fire Gang this time, Li Ye decided not to resist passively, but to take the initiative to attack outside the scope of the underground palace.

After all, it is normal for him to kill one holy warrior by himself, but if he can kill five warriors of the same holy level by himself, everyone will suspect that something is wrong with him.

Maybe other people don't know what ranks are above becoming a saint, but for those Taoists, they will definitely doubt whether Li Ye has transformed and stepped into the Youpin.

Li Ye would absolutely not accept it if he exposed himself because of this incident, making him unable to continue lurking in the dark as the fisherman.

So in order not to expose his true strength to others, he could only choose to kill the reinforcements of the Scarlet Flame Gang in the wilderness, so that the Scarlet Flame Gang retreated.

All the way to the north, after leaving the range of the underground palace, Li Ye no longer suppressed his speed, and kept going at the fastest speed that a holy warrior should have. Soon he crossed the wilderness and entered another county.

Because Li Ye had already walked through the nearby road when he was looking for the old man Tong in the north, so this time he did not hesitate, he directly found the nearest road and crossed it, and soon crossed the county, and The area where the underground palace is located has completely distanced itself.

Li Ye finally let out a long breath when he got here. After all, the area he was in was no longer close to the underground palace, and what happened here would not spread to the underground palace soon.

What's more, he intercepted the Scarlet Fire Gang this time with the intention of directly destroying the corpses without leaving any clues to others, so because it is impossible to determine the whereabouts of these people later, there will definitely be a gap in the news between the Red Fire Gang headquarters and the underground palace. .

At that time, both sides will not think that they are all killed at the beginning, but will think about whether there is a lack of information due to some reasons, or whether it is because of other reasons that the temporary failure of this group of reinforcements is caused. couplet.

After all, it was the joint efforts of five holy warriors. Even if it was placed in the entire Langya County, no matter where it was thrown, it would be impossible to not even make a splash.

It's a pity that they met Li Ye this time. After Li Ye had this idea, it was doomed to a tragic result.

Time passed, and a day later, the Red Fire Gang's reinforcements were walking in the wilderness, and soon found the young man blocking the road.

Although the young man just stood in the wilderness and did nothing, the disciples of the Scarlet Fire Gang who were exploring the way in front of them felt the terrible threat inexplicably, so that they didn't regard Li Ye as an ordinary passerby at all, but As soon as he found Li Ye, he reported directly to his superiors.

Unfortunately, at the same time that Chihuo Gang disciple was retreating, Li Ye, who had been waiting in front for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the large army in the distance.

At this moment, in his eyes, the space between the sky and the earth became black and white again, with black lines running through the sky and the earth.

And in front of him, nearly two hundred messy black threads also quietly appeared in his eyes, which was the life magnetic field of everyone in the Red Fire Gang's reinforcement team this time.

Because he wanted to destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces, he was already far away from the scope of the underground palace, so this time Li Ye finally stopped using his physical power, but chose a method that belonged to the strong.

He watched the spy return to the front team to report in a low voice, watched the chatting and laughing in the rear team, and watched the five holy warriors in the Chinese army complain that Chen Qi was too weak and was killed by a guy who didn't know where.

The next moment, Li Ye suddenly pulled the cluster of black threads in his hand.


In the wilderness, suddenly a piece of fireworks bloomed...

(End of this chapter)

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