Chapter 182
No. 4 underground palace, a reef Gobi Desert, a team of five people is slowly moving forward at this time.

As the night faded and the dawn was approaching, the huge night pearl in the underground palace was also shining with a gloomy light.

At this time, the team was communicating in low voices.

"Captain, this No. 4 underground palace has been searched many times by many people, and all the resources have been found and taken away by others. Why do we come here?"

"You are stupid, let's not go to the place where other people have been. What if there is something missing? It's like the news a few days ago. Didn't you hear it? There were people in the 6th underground palace a few days ago." I found a rare treasure medicine inside.

Let me tell you, don't look at these places have been searched by many people, but in case we are lucky enough to find a precious medicine that others have slipped away, we can directly dismiss and retire, and go home to retire.

Besides, I heard that there have been internal problems in the Scarlet Fire Gang in the past few days, the overall power has completely shrunk, and there has been a blank period in the control of the underground palace. Influx.

Just relying on the skills of a few of us three-legged cats, we really went to those lands that are being developed. In case we encounter ruthless people, let alone Depot, it is not certain whether we will survive or not. "

The captain's tone of hatred made the companion who had just questioned him lower his head in shame. The others originally had opinions in their hearts, but now they also gave up the idea of ​​going to those two-digit marked plots.

This is not only the reason why they are cautious enough, but also a large part of the reason is that their strength is indeed too weak.

In the entire team, except for the captain who was just promoted as a martial artist without leaks, everyone else in the team was a transformed warrior.

This kind of strength may have some status outside, but in the underground palace, it can be said that it is completely cannon fodder.

If you really get a precious treasure, if someone finds out, you won't be able to keep it.

"Captain, you just said that the Scarlet Fire Gang has recently shrunk its power. What's wrong with that side?" Dispelled the idea of ​​going to the popular land to compete for treasures, and here it was just a monotonous rush, one of the team members suddenly gossiped asked.

"That's right, Captain, you are strong and well-connected. You have heard some news. Hurry up and tell the brothers." At this time, hearing the voice of the companion, the others also responded. .

After all, it is human nature to gossip. No matter which world you are in or your gender, eating melons is a great pleasure in life.

"Haha, actually, I don't know anyone. It doesn't matter. It's just that I have heard some inside stories about this matter."

After a pause, when all the partners turned their gazes to him, the captain deliberately lowered his voice and said: "I heard that the main person in charge of the Red Fire Gang in the underground palace died, and now the entire Red Fire Gang only dares to stay in the resident, not at all If you dare to go out, you are afraid of being slaughtered by someone."

"Ah, the person in charge of the Scarlet Fire Gang, is he like you, the captain, a flawless fighter? This kind of powerful warrior has such a big force behind him, so he will die as soon as he dies.

Sure enough, according to the captain, there is nothing wrong with coming here to pick up leaks. The underground palace is too dangerous. Even the leak-free powerhouses of the big forces can have accidents, let alone the few of us who have transformed into warriors. Here are just a few small shrimps. ah. "

The naive speech of the companion made the captain snort, and with a sneer, the captain said again: "What kind of martial artist, the one from the Red Fire Gang is a holy warrior, standing at the pinnacle of martial arts.

Your level is too low, and you don't even know what being a holy warrior represents. Let's just say that the person in charge of the Red Fire Gang is the top big shot in the entire Langya County. If you stomp your feet, the city of Langya County will tremble three times. .

It is because of the death of a holy warrior that the Scarlet Fire Gang will try its best to shrink its power. As for the Wule Warriors, they can only be regarded as middle-level small leaders in the Scarlet Fire Gang, and there are more than a dozen in the underground palace alone. "

"Ah, so that's how it is..." A companion opened his mouth wide, feeling that there are still saints on top of the flawless, they are completely like ants in the eyes of the Red Fire Gang, no wonder they dared to occupy the entire underground palace when holding the torch , charge them fractional money.

Another companion was also ready to respond, but at this moment, a ray of light suddenly fell from the sky, shining on the rock next to them, and at the same time, the light of the night pearl disappeared completely.

The next moment, right in front of his line of sight, a light-curtain-like handwriting suddenly appeared on the reef.

"Team, Captain, look what that is..." The companion stammered, pointing at the rock tremblingly.

Hearing his voice, several members of the team looked at the reef at the same time, and happened to find the words on the light curtain.

"Qiyu, that seems to be a practice method, brothers, we are going to release it." Before the captain could speak, another companion suddenly shouted excitedly, "Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with what the captain said. Someone must have searched here many times. But none of them found out, just let us meet!"

"That's right, we are indeed going to send it out. This must be the legendary martial art that goes beyond becoming a saint. With this skill, I also hope to condense my martial arts will, break through to become a saint, and even go one step further. On a brand new realm..."

After muttering something to himself, the captain suddenly looked at the four companions around him secretly, and his eyes suddenly became gloomy and cold.

If it was just a precious medicine or something, then he would definitely not mind sharing the money with a few other companions.

After all, as long as there are a few loyal brothers under him who will work hard for him, the money can be earned back after the money is distributed.

But the cultivation method is different. If the news of this cultivation method leaks out, there must be a large number of people fighting for it.

At that time, with his strength, he will not be able to monopolize this exercise, and he will not even have the opportunity to come into contact with this exercise. In the future, let alone he will not be able to dominate, it is hard to say whether he can survive or not.

Therefore, these four companions cannot stay.

But it doesn't matter, when his strength improves greatly, he can definitely recruit stronger subordinates.

Even like the Scarlet Fire Gang, it is entirely possible to establish a powerful force, be holy and call the shots, and control one side...

"He wants to kill people, run away, run away separately!"

Suddenly, an excited voice sounded, and the companion on the outermost side slammed his feet on the ground, and shot out in an instant, running far away.

When everyone else was excitedly looking at the light curtain on the reef, only he was watching the captain's eyes.

After noticing the change in the captain's eyes, he shouted decisively, then turned and ran away.

He knew that even if the other four of them join forces, they may not be the captain's opponent, let alone others may not believe his words.

Only if you start to escape immediately, and you have to escape with other people, and escape separately, so that you have a chance to escape.

That's why he made a sudden attack and caught the captain by surprise.

At this time, the other three people also looked at the captain in astonishment when they heard what their companions said.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, how could I betray you, you are my brothers who share life and death!" Seeing the suspicious eyes of the others, the captain suddenly explained angrily.

But at the same time, his body was also quietly accumulating strength, ready to attack the three people next to him.

"I believe you, captain. You saved my third child's life. Without the captain, I might have died a long time ago. Whether they believe it or not, I don't believe that the captain will take action against me."

At this time, one of the companions who remained at the same place also said: "Captain, if you want to attack me today, I will give you my life back. I will not fight back. Captain, if you want to attack me, do it directly. "

"Yeah, we have been in a relationship for so many years, how could we doubt the captain, we are not the suspicious guy like the fourth child, we agreed to make a fortune together." At this time, the other two also echoed.

But they said so, but their footsteps suddenly retreated slowly and hesitantly, as if as long as the captain made a move, they would suddenly retreat and leave.

At this moment, the captain was full of anxiety, but after a short delay of one or two minutes, the guy who ran away at the first time had disappeared without a trace.

If we delay now, I'm afraid we won't be able to find that guy by then.

Although after entering the plot, one can only wait patiently for the time to run out before being automatically repelled by the barrier outside the plot, but what if the other party finds a hidden corner to hide and cannot come out.

Reluctantly glanced at the light curtain on the rock beside him, and said silently in his heart, "I'm sorry, brother". The next moment, the captain suddenly stepped forward and came in front of the three of them, and the saber in his hand slashed go down.


Time passed, more than twenty hours later.

Under a certain reef in Plot No. 4, a figure closed its eyes and held its breath, hiding in the shadow and motionless.

Accompanied by the sound of clear footsteps slowly approaching, a man's deep voice sounded beside him, "Fourth, come out, I've already spotted you, don't hide, the three of them will be lonely down there, if it's brothers , you go down and accompany them."

Hearing this sudden voice, the figure under the rock remained motionless, as if he couldn't hear the other party's words at all.

At this time, the fourth child had already made up his mind, no matter what the captain said, he would not respond.

As long as he survives the remaining time, he will be automatically repelled by the barrier, and then he will send the news of the light curtain as soon as possible, and then go away.

But even though he didn't react at all, the captain seemed to be sure that he was here, not only did not leave, but searched the vicinity more carefully.

Although the entire No. 4 plot is not small, after more than 20 hours of carpet search, he has thoroughly searched most of the places.

This was the last place, he didn't believe that the fourth child would disappear without a trace, so at this moment, the captain was roughly sure that the fourth child was hiding somewhere nearby.

Quickly moving his footsteps, while waving the saber in his hand, he slashed heavily on a rock beside him.

Although the reef did not show any signs of damage, the surrounding sand and rocks were blown up by the shock.

Relying on his keen insight, the captain judged in a split second that the fourth child was not hiding beside this rock, and then he walked towards another rock.

Soon, the captain approached the rock where the fourth child was hiding, and the saber in his hand was slightly erected.

But at this moment, a terrifying force suddenly acted on him.

At the same time, the fourth child who had been holding his breath also let out a long breath and laughed loudly. "My good captain, you have exhausted all your tricks and betrayed your brotherhood, but so what, you still get nothing in the end!"

Hearing the sudden sound, the captain's eyes were tearing apart, but unfortunately, the strong restraint force was acting on his body, he couldn't move at all, and could only stare at the bottom of the reef.

In the next moment, the two disappeared in the Gobi desert at the same time.


"Have you heard that someone found a kung fu carved on the wall in Lot 4?"

"I know about this matter. I heard that two teams discovered it at the same time. One of the teams wanted to silence the other team, but one of them escaped. After that person came out, he spread the news thoroughly. opened."

"Is that so, how did I hear that there was only one team member there at that time, but because the team leader wanted to monopolize this technique, there was internal strife within the team, so the news suddenly spread."

"Hey, it's not important, okay. What's important is the skill. That's the skill. Do you remember how much the last time the skill was sold?"

"I heard that there is no way to take away this time's exercise, but it floated on a reef. This kind of exercise can't be sold. If any party wants this exercise, it can go to No. 4 land Just copy it."

"Naive, let me tell you, plot 4 will definitely experience a large-scale bloody fight next time, and the winner will monopolize this practice, after which no one else will be able to see it.

I guess it is only these two days, before some big forces have mobilized their forces to completely control the audience, everyone will have the opportunity to enter the No. 4 plot to see this exercise.

If you can take advantage of this blank time to copy this exercise, you will definitely be able to sell it for a lot of money.Otherwise, we Lone Rangers don't even want to take a look at it later. "

"That's right, when will the captain set off to the No. 4 plot?"

"When Lao Liao comes back, we will set off."

"it is good!"


"Huh?" Li Ye had just returned to the underground palace after killing the Red Fire Gang's reinforcements, and Li Ye heard the discussions coming from everywhere, and immediately understood what happened in the underground palace during the time he was out.

At the same time, his gaze instantly turned to the direction of Plot No. 4...

(End of this chapter)

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