Chapter 183 Plot No. 4, key news

There was a sudden thunder in the night sky, and it rained heavily in an instant.

However, when the heavy rain fell on the enchantment outside the underground palace, it would slide down and could not drip into it at all. Only the explorers standing on the ground were drowned by the sudden heavy rain.

At this time, the area around Plot No. 4 was full of explorers who arrived one after another, chatting in low voices while patiently waiting for the barrier gap to appear.

Even though it was raining heavily, these people still didn't have the slightest intention of leaving. After all, compared to the great opportunity they were about to get, a little rain was nothing.

On the outside of this piece of land surrounded by enchantment, a group of explorers waiting patiently, regardless of whether they are familiar with it or not, will chat a few words about the light curtain in the No. 4 underground palace and the power of the light curtain. Fa, the more clever team, began to secretly form alliances before entering.

They also understand in their hearts that this blank period is the best opportunity for them to seize. When those big forces react and randomly send out a few holy warriors to block the Gobi Desert in the No. 4 plot, they will never have another chance Now is the chance to get this skill.

After all, facing the holy fighters who have already condensed their martial arts will and completely crushed their combat power, they are useless even if they are many.

After all, everyone has only one life. Even if they can kill a few holy warriors by embracing them together, no one is willing to die in vain as the young bird.

This is the difference between a group of lone rangers and big forces. They didn't know each other before, and some people even have old grievances. How can they stay together and work together now?

Outside the plot, a small team gathered together, talking in a low voice while paying attention to the surrounding enchantment.

At this moment, a wave suddenly appeared in the enchantment next to them, and in the next instant there was a gap three meters high.

"Captain..." With a low shout, the team member standing closest to the barrier entered without any hesitation.

The next moment, the other people heard the team member's shout, and reacted instantly, hesitated for a moment, and then went straight to the gap.

However, there was only a momentary pause, and more than a dozen war knives flew over from a distance, and at the same time, the surrounding teams also approached several people in an instant, and greeted them with various means.

The previous agreement to form an alliance with each other, and to watch and help each other was all left behind at this moment, and they can enter the plot as soon as possible, who cares whether they form an alliance or join forces.

They are not stupid, of course they understand that the benefits they get are the most important.

"Second brother!" A mournful cry sounded, and the captain watched one of the team members being torn to pieces by the people surrounding him in the blink of an eye. He couldn't help but feel extremely sad, and roared like crazy: "You guys who go back on your promises! Things, I will fight with you!"

You know, the one who was killed just now was his own younger brother, a brother of the same father and mother, who was ten years younger than him, and he was brought up by him since he was a child.

Although they are brothers, because their father died early, for this younger brother who grew up with him, he has always brought in the emotions between father and son.

For him, the figure that fell on the ground was not so much his younger brother, but rather the child he had taken care of since he was a child, and even the relationship between them was as close as that of a father and son.

He thought it was just an expedition in the blank time when the big powers did not come, but it turned out that his own brother died in front of him.

He strode forward fiercely, but when he saw a group of people rushing towards him with swords and daggers, he still had tears in his eyes, turned around and ran away, "Ah! I remember you all, sooner or later, I will meet you one by one. I will find you to avenge my brother."

At this moment, when rationality defeated impulse, he knew very clearly in his heart that even if he rushed forward to fight for his life, it was nothing more than death.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Only if he is still alive, will he have the chance to avenge his brother.

I thought that these people would chase after him, but in fact, these people who rushed over didn't think about chasing him at all. After seeing him retreat, they began to rush towards the gap in the barrier.

As for the so-called threat he just yelled out, everyone didn't care and completely ignored it.

For them at this time, the most important thing is to gain an advantage in this sudden fight, and to be able to rush into the barrier before the gap is closed. Who has the leisure to feel the incompetence and rage of a loser.

As for the revenge of the other party, those who go out to explore and become bounty hunters, there are not many enemies who hate them to the bone. Besides, in such a high-risk occupation, whether they will survive to the day when the other party takes revenge is another matter. , How could it be possible to think about things so far away.

They said that they couldn't give up this opportunity to squeeze into the plot just because they went to cut the weeds and roots.

In this way, under the witness of the team leader who didn't know whether it was lucky or unlucky, the people crowded outside the barrier of the plot rushed towards the gap, and at the same time kept brandishing weapons at the strangers around them, fighting hard.

Soon, the gap at this place was closed again, and only three people were lucky enough to enter Plot No. 4 this time. A bunch of broken limbs and broken arms fell here forever.


When Li Ye arrived, no one on the periphery of the plot noticed him at all.

At this time, the numerous teams all gathered together, looking at the people around them vigilantly.

After the sudden fight ahead, everyone present has completely lost their trust.

In the face of such huge interests, people who don't know the basics can't be trusted at all, and it is impossible to tell when the sword next to them will be swung on their heads.

After Li Ye arrived, he didn't squeeze into the edge of the barrier like everyone else, but stood far away from the outer edge.

But even so, he still received many vigilant, repulsive and even malicious eyes.

Of course, Li Ye didn't care about these gazes at all. Anyway, as long as he wanted to do something, everyone present couldn't stop him even if they joined hands.

And even if there is a gap in the barrier in the distance, he can arrive at the first time with his speed, and there is no need to squeeze together with others to compete for the first place to enter.

Time passed, and soon a second gap appeared in the barrier in the distance.

At the same time, a fierce fight started again, and Li Ye also raised his head and took a step towards the gap.

"Go away!"

"Good courage!"

"Who is this person who is not afraid of death and dares to rush in?"

Accompanied by bursts of shouting and cursing, Li Ye remained expressionless, as if he hadn't heard anything, and walked into the shadow of swords and swords next to the barrier in just a few steps.

The next moment, "Boom!"

With Li Ye's arrival, before these people could react, a terrifying mental coercion erupted in an instant, making everyone who was fighting suddenly blacked out and dizzy.

"No, there are holy warriors coming!"

"My lord, please forgive me, the little one is wrong."

"My lord, please come in..."

Hearing the sudden bursts of begging for mercy, Li Ye didn't bother to take action against these people, but walked towards the gap Shi Shiran while maintaining the burst of martial arts will.

Soon, when the gap narrowed to a height of [-] meters, Li Ye stepped in, leaving the trembling explorers looking at each other.

However, as they discovered that Li Ye had entered Lot No. 4, their faces suddenly became wary of other people around them.

Although I don't know why the adult who just entered the plot didn't take a shot at them, maybe he didn't bother to shoot them, or maybe he didn't want to waste time because of them, but at least that adult is not their main competitor. The main competitors they need to face are still these people in front of them.

In the next moment, as the person closest to the gap in the barrier suddenly stood up and rushed towards the gap that was slowly closing, the battle among the crowd broke out again.

And the person who wanted to sneak into the plot while others were not paying attention, ended up leaving a calf behind to achieve his goal.


On plot No. 4, on a certain Gobi desert, Li Ye looked indifferently into the distance.

Before coming, he had already learned in detail when and where the light curtain appeared.

But the place where the light curtain appeared is also unclear in the circulating news, and there is no exact coordinate at all.

But maybe the location is difficult to find, and the time of appearance is very short, he may not be able to meet by chance this time, and return without success, but he is still unhurried and unhurried.

After all, the purpose of Li Ye's coming here this time was to get familiar with the terrain here. As for the real search for the place where the light curtain is located, it still depends on whether other people work hard enough.

Anyway, as long as other people work hard enough, they can always find that reef, and then he can take over directly and seamlessly.

His biggest goal in coming to the underground palace this time is to obtain this so-called martial arts technique. In the matter of obtaining the technique, even if he encounters obstacles from the Taoist or Baitian clan, he will no longer be intimidated. It will give the opponent a head-on blow.

He raised his head and looked at the sky. Under the night, drops of rain were still dripping downwards, but when they fell on the semi-circular light curtain above his head, they slid to the sides, not in the barrier at all. Stay on it for half a moment.

The far east will be slightly white at this time. According to Li Ye's visual inspection, it will take at least an hour to get the time point when the moon sets and the sun rises.

After confirming the time, Li Ye didn't do anything else. He found a huge rock wall and lay down on his back.

Looking up at the sky in this posture, there is an inexplicable throbbing feeling.

The distant dark night sky is dotted with dots of shimmering light, strands of rain suddenly stopped in mid-air, and then slid to the sides, and then it was illuminated by huge night pearls, like a reef that has not changed since ancient times gobi desert.

Three distances and three different scenes gave Li Ye three completely different feelings.

This is the enjoyment that Li Ye has never experienced again for a long time, just like the first time he went to the beach in his previous life and saw the endless sea, or like the magnificent scenery he saw on the way to drive 318 after graduating from university.

Li Ye suddenly understood why in the two years he had just traveled, what most people pursued became retirement after saving enough money, walking on the right path 30 years in advance, etc...

It turns out that what most people pursue in their entire lives is this unpretentious and leisurely life.


It's a pity that he is now in such a world full of crises, he can't stop to live a comfortable life at all, he can only keep rushing forward until a road comes to an end.

Slowly closing his eyes, Li Ye began to fall asleep, quietly waiting for the moment when the moon would set and the sun would rise.

After an unknown amount of time, the heavy rain pouring on the sky suddenly began to gradually decrease, and then stopped completely.

The far east was getting brighter and brighter, and a ray of morning light suddenly fell from the sky and shone into this land.

At this moment, Li Yemeng opened his eyes, and there was no change at all on the reefs as far as his eyes could see.

The next moment, Li Ye straightened up, chose a direction at random, and walked quickly.

He didn't know how far he had walked, but suddenly, the sound of two men's conversation came from far in front, which made Li Ye's footsteps pause.

"Little brother, I followed you all the way. You seem to be looking for something purposefully. Do you know where the reef where the light curtain can emerge?"

"Hiss... I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Hey, I've captured you all and it's not honest. It seems that you haven't suffered enough. I advise you to be honest. I can let you live, otherwise..."

"I really don't know anything. I just chose a direction randomly after I came in and kept trying my luck. It's useless if you kill me."

"Hmph, do you think you can fool me with this little trick of yours? Your uncle has sharp eyes! It seems that you won't say it without giving you some trouble."


Walking forward silently, Li Ye soon saw a burly bearded man sitting on a rock, and in front of him was a young man curled up on the ground moaning in pain.

"You kill me, I really don't know anything." Taking a deep breath, the young man trembled again and said.

"You don't want to wait for your teammates to rescue you, do you? Do you know that after you came in, all your teammates were dead? If it weren't for your luck and running fast, you would have been outside the barrier as early as possible I was killed!" After a moment of silence, the big man said suddenly.

"Impossible!" The young man stared at the big man with wide eyes.

It took a long time for the young man to shift his gaze, and whispered in his mouth: "Impossible..."

"I never lie to people about this kind of thing. I advise you to start talking. If I say that I am in a good mood, I will let you live, otherwise I will make your life worse than death." As time passed, the big man became more and more unhappy. I got impatient.

After a while, the young man finally said: "Our team thought of a possibility before. The captain who first discovered that place probably didn't have time to deal with those teammates who were killed by him..."

(End of this chapter)

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