Chapter 184 Finding and Guessing

"That's right, why didn't I think of it..." Li Ye muttered to himself, and Li Ye suddenly changed his mind.

What the young man said made sense. Since the news circulating outside was that the captain had been chasing and killing his team members to prevent leaks, then the captain probably didn't have much time to deal with the initial battle scene.

Although there are other possibilities, since there is a high possibility that this will be the case, then he can try to find it by himself.

Since you can find that cultivation method by yourself, why do you need to rely on others to find it.

"Haha, I have to say that the strength of your team is very poor, but their brains are very smart. I, Old Bear, am not a person who doesn't count his words. I will let you escape for a mile first, as long as you can escape from my team." Palm, then I will spare your life."

"You..." Seeing the playful eyes of the brawny man who claimed to be an old bear, the young man's face was suddenly filled with anger.

Although he never thought that the other party would really let him go, he still couldn't help but feel disappointed when he saw that the old bear really backed down.

"If you want to kill, kill, where is there so much nonsense, you can do it directly."

"Huh?" Hearing the young man's tough words, the old bear's face was filled with displeasure.

What he likes most in facing the enemy in his life is to give the enemy a glimmer of hope, and then kill this evil taste with his own hands.Now seeing young people not even struggling, without the slightest desire to survive, their hearts are already filled with tyrannical emotions.

"You dare not give you face, Mr. Xiong. It seems that you haven't suffered enough." After speaking, the old bear strode forward, came to the young man and stretched out his big black-haired hand to him.

Looking at the old bear, a trace of fear first flashed across the young man's eyes, and then it turned into tenacity and ruthlessness.

He had already thought about it in his heart, as long as the old bear touched him, he would directly use his life-threatening moves to exchange his life with the old bear.

But when the old bear touched him immediately, his tense body stopped suddenly, and his eyes were full of joy and surprise when he looked at the old bear.

'Why is he delighted and surprised?No, that's not looking at me, there's someone behind me! 'He quickly figured out the cause and effect, the old bear rolled on the spot, and came behind the young man. At the same time, his big hand grabbed the young man's shoulder to block him in front of him. Lift your eyes and look forward.

But... when the old bear looked forward, he was stunned.There was no one in front of me, nothing.

"How dare you lie to me? Do you want to provoke me to give you a good time? Very good, you have completely excited your Master Xiong!"

At this time, because the young man kept his back to the old bear, the old bear couldn't see the young man's puzzled and surprised eyes at all.

The figure that was behind the old bear just now disappeared, which made him wonder if he had hallucinated just now. In fact, there are only two of them here, and there is no third person at all.

wrong!Then the young man turned his head abruptly, and sure enough, he saw the figure just now behind the old bear again.

"Help..." Reflexively, the young man wanted to ask the other party for help, but then he closed his mouth.

For this mysterious person, if the other party is willing to save him, he will naturally save him, and there is no need for him to ask.If the other party doesn't want to save him, then it's useless for him to kneel down and beg the other party.

Not only that, but asking for help rashly will also attract the attention of the old bear, causing the old bear to beat him hard when he is desperate.

Seeing the young man turned his head again, and his eyes drifted to behind him, the old bear also felt a throbbing in his heart, and turned his head abruptly.

But at the same time as he turned his head, a white jade-like palm suddenly stretched out from behind and lightly patted his shoulder.


That seemingly light palm was actually as heavy as Mount Tai. When the palm fell on his body, the old bear felt as if he was carrying a mountain on his back, let alone straightening his waist, he was directly pressed to the ground by this palm.

"Damn it, it's so fierce!"

Although the heart was shocked, the movements of the hands were not slow.

The young man suddenly stood up and broke away from the old bear's grasp, then rolled on the ground again, turned around after rolling a few meters away, and said respectfully, "Thank you for saving my life, sir."

"Get up, you don't owe me anything. Although I saved you, I also got the news I wanted to know from you, so we settled the matter." Li Ye said with a smile.

Between the words, Li Ye suddenly raised the palm that had been resting on the shoulder of the old bear, and quickly patted it heavily.

"Kaka~" Amidst the sound of bones breaking, the young man watched helplessly as the old bear's eyes suddenly protruded, and in the next moment, a large amount of blood gushed out from the seven orifices, and he lost his breath.

After killing the strong man, Li Ye didn't continue chatting with the young man, turned around and left.

As he himself said, the relationship between him and that young man was nothing more than a deal, and there was no other relationship.

Now that the deal has been concluded, there is no need for him to stay.

After a few steps, Li Ye disappeared from the opponent's eyes.

In the following time, Li Ye no longer concealed his actions, and began to shuttle quickly across the Gobi Desert.

Time passed, and more than half an hour passed in a flash. Li Ye had also searched most of the Gobi Desert, but he still couldn't find the bodies. Instead, because the two sides walked in different directions, they met the young man from before again one time.

However, Li Ye did not go to see the young man, but passed him directly across a rock.

In the following time, Li Ye continued to search for possible corpses, and in the process of searching, Li Ye gradually discovered that he met more and more people.

Obviously, no matter how fierce the fighting outside was, someone would come in every time there was a gap.

Looking at the figures that appeared on the ground from time to time, Li Ye couldn't help but mutter to himself: "We must hurry up."

He knew very well in his heart that the more people came in, the greater the possibility of accidents. For example, the first person to find those corpses would dispose of them silently.

Therefore, he must find the traces of those corpses as soon as possible, otherwise he may have no chance at all.

Suddenly, Li Ye stopped walking and looked forward sharply to the right.

Just now, a breeze blew past the front right, bringing with it a slight smell of blood.

Although this may also be the reason for the injuries of other people who came in, rather than the corpses that had already died, Li Ye still hurried towards the direction of the bloody smell without hesitation.


At this time, two kilometers away from Li Ye's location, two strong men were fighting hard, and they didn't plan to retreat even if their bodies were full of wounds.

Not far from the two of them, the sun shone on a reef, reflecting a light curtain covered with densely packed text.

But at this time, neither of them noticed that the light curtain was flickering, as if it would disappear in the next moment, but after glancing at it from the corner of their eyes, they turned their attention to the other party again.

While the two were fighting, they also taunted each other. Not only did they show no mercy in their hands, but they also spoke ruthlessly.

"Brother Long, I really didn't expect that after I've been with you for so long, you would turn against me because of this technique and even want to sneak attack me. You are really my good brother."

"Hmph, don't think I don't know. You stood behind me just now to sneak attack me. I just took the initiative to attack first. Let's not talk about the second brother, let's not pretend to be a good person. See you under your command." True chapter."

"Haha, well, since Brother Long has said so, of course the younger brother has no objection. Whoever lives this skill belongs to him."

"Yo, I didn't see that you are quite confident, so let me see how you have grown over the years!"


The long knife and the epee collided, causing a burst of sand and stones, and the two retreated. Brother Long inadvertently glanced at the light curtain.

This glance immediately stopped the battle.

It turned out that when the two were fighting, the light curtain disappeared silently at some point.

"Wait, where's the light curtain? Where's the cultivation method? Do you still have accomplices?" Seeing that the light curtain disappeared, Brother Long shouted excitedly.

"Okay, I understand it, you should have discussed it long ago, you come to hold me back, and then let others take the exercises away.

It's really a good plan, and it was really succeeded by you.But do you think Pang Long can walk away safe and sound after playing tricks on me?

Since you have taken away the exercises, you should keep your life. "

"What?" Hearing Brother Long's words, Ah Yan, who was confronting him on the other side, was also startled, and suddenly looked in the direction of the light curtain.

Looking at it, he also found that there was only a solitary reef left over there, and there was no shadow of the light curtain.

Looking back, seeing Brother Long's excited and ferocious face, Ah Yan backed away slowly, and said, "Brother Long, I can swear that I have no accomplices, nor have I obtained any exercises, and I don't know where the exercises are.

Believe it or not, none of this was done by me!If you want to risk your life, come here, I am not afraid of you, but no matter what, I will not take this blame! "

"Really?" Looking at the sincere and bewildered former subordinate, Aaron gradually calmed down.But even though what the other party said was true, he still didn't dispel the suspicion in his heart.

After all, if it wasn't done by the other party, how could that technique have disappeared?

After thinking for a long time, Aaron finally decided to stop fighting and focus on finding the light curtain, but he still warned his former subordinates with a cold face.

"Now I can't really be sure that you didn't do this, so you'd better not leave my sight, or you will bear the consequences."

"Of course Brother Long, the exercises are gone, and I got nothing. Even if you drive me away, I won't leave."

Ah Yan first replied by borrowing the donkey from the slope, then thought for a while and said again: "Brother Long, it is true that I did not ask someone to take away the exercises, and besides, the rock is right in front of the two of us. I don't believe it will happen." Someone can get so close to us and take away the exercises, we don't even notice."

"So what do you mean..." Hearing Ah Yan's words, Brother Long's brain also started to spin rapidly, "Did someone take away the exercises?"

"...Grrrrrrrrrr!" Ah Yan really didn't expect Brother Long's thoughts to be so abstract, he was speechless for a moment before replying: "I mean no one takes away the exercises, the exercises disappear on their own. "

"Oh, why do you think that the exercises disappear on their own? And why did they disappear?"

"After ruling out all other possibilities, the last thing left is the truth..." Halfway through speaking, Ah Yan suddenly closed his mouth and looked sideways.

Only then did he realize that it wasn't Aaron who spoke just now, but someone else. This situation made him break out in a cold sweat on the spot.

As his eyes turned, he suddenly saw a young man in black clothes sitting on the rock not far away.

As for when and where the other party came from, he had no idea.

Reflexively retreated nearly a mile, Ah Yan stopped and asked the Heizi man, "Who are you..."

At the same time, his gaze caught Aaron's reaction across the way.

And after seeing Aaron's reaction, his mouth suddenly closed again.

At this time, Aaron's performance on the opposite side was very unbearable. He lowered his head, trembling, and dared not say a word.

Obviously, Aaron recognized the identity of this young man who appeared suddenly, and he must be someone they couldn't afford to offend.

"I've seen adults, but the young ones have blind eyes and don't know the identity of adults. Please forgive me." Thinking of this, Ah Yan said again decisively.

Looking at the different reactions of the two with great interest, Li Ye asked again: "What do you think is the reason why the exercises disappeared by themselves?"

Although he had been practicing kung fu for a while, he still didn't see the process of the kung fu disappearing, he just heard the two of them arguing with each other and talking harshly.So at this time Li Ye was not sure why the exercises disappeared.

"This... I don't know." Opened his mouth, Ah Yan finally replied with a wry smile.

"When you came here, did the light curtain with the exercises already appear, or did it appear later?" Li Ye asked again, not caring about the other party's answer.

It doesn't matter whether the other party knows or not. In fact, Li Ye already has a guess in his heart, but he just needs to confirm it.

"My lord, when we arrived, the light curtain had already appeared." Before Ah Yan could reply, he kept shrinking aside, and Aaron, who was like a transparent person, suddenly mustered up the courage to reply.

Taking a deep look at Aaron, Li Ye did not express dissatisfaction, but continued to ask: "How long have you been here?"

"My lord, we came here after dawn, and it should be less than half an hour from now."

"Ah, very good……"

After answering several questions, at this time Li Ye had basically determined the reason for the disappearance of the exercises.

The next step is to patiently wait for the correct answer to appear...

(End of this chapter)

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