Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 185 Cultivation Techniques Present, Bloody Impact

Chapter 185 Cultivation Techniques Present, Bloody Impact

Although the possible corpses were not found this time, Li Ye also achieved his goal, so he didn't dig into the corner and wonder where the corpses went.

After all, those corpses did not exist 100% in the first place. Although it was unlikely, it was possible that they had been disposed of.

Li Ye stopped talking for the next time, but just found a place nearby and waited silently.

With Li Ye present, the two former teammates, Aaron and Ayan, did not dare to continue fighting. Seeing that Li Ye did not drive them away, they found a place to wait with Li Ye at random.

Time passed, and soon most of the day passed, and there were more and more people in the entire No. 4 plot. The battle that took place outside the barrier before slowly continued into No. 4 plot.

Just after Aaron and Ayan teamed up to drive away a person who spoke rudely and provoked them, Li Ye finally asked Aaron a question, "How do you know me?"

Regarding Li Ye's question, Aaron shook his body first, and then replied respectfully: "My lord, when you came out of Lot 13, I was beside you. Maybe you didn't notice me, but I I saw with my own eyes that you beat the ghost-backed Fangde to death with one punch."

At this time, seeing a hint of doubt in Li Ye's eyes, Aaron quickly explained: "Guibei Fangde is the one who provoked you. life."

After speaking, Aaron described Fang De's appearance again, and it was only then that Li Ye finally remembered Fang De.

"No wonder you were so frightened when you saw me before. Don't worry, I'm very reasonable."

"Yes, yes, yes." Aaron catered respectfully. At this time, let alone Li Ye just said that he was reasonable, even if he said that he never killed, he had to nod to show that he believed it.

Otherwise, if it made Li Ye unhappy and started to be unreasonable, then he might become the next Fang De.

Seeing Aaron's submissive face, Li Ye also felt very bored, so he waved his hand and let him leave.

But Li Ye didn't make it difficult for the other party, after all, he could understand what Aaron was doing.

This is not the workplace of the previous life. Even if you offend the leader, the worst is to be put on small shoes or leave the job directly.

If you offend someone who is stronger than yourself here, it is very likely that you will die if you are not careful.

Compared with life and death, these are small things.


Time passed, the sun set and the sun rose, and most of the day slipped away quietly.

During this period of time, because the three of Li Ye and the others did not search for the exercises, but stayed in this area, many people secretly stayed nearby and stared at them. Every move they made, they wondered if they had discovered anything special.

Li Ye didn't act too aggressively about this. After all, this Gobi Desert didn't belong to their family. Whoever wanted to stay could stay there, as long as they didn't provoke him.

However, if there are too many people coming, you will always meet people with perverted personalities.

In the middle of the night, under the illumination of the huge night pearl, five long and narrow dark shadows suddenly appeared on the ground in the distance.These five figures are all seamless fighters, and they are not teammates in a temporary team, but members of the same team who came in at the same time outside the barrier.

Since they are in the same team, they naturally have more tacit understanding and trust than other people, so after entering the No. 4 plot, they also started to meet at the first time, and then they walked together all the time.

And the teaming of these five people is obviously much stronger than the other one or two teams, so after the five of them come in, whenever they fight with other people, they always have the upper hand firmly, which makes them The spirit and self-confidence are improving all the time.

And what keeps improving as well as their self-confidence is their unyielding domineering.

"Little brother, what are you guys doing here all this time?" After the five people approached Li Ye, the person standing in the middle asked bluntly.

"Wait..." Li Ye glanced up, then lowered his head again and fell into his own world.

"Wait? What are you waiting for?" The man frowned and asked again.

The man thought that Li Ye would honestly tell them what they were waiting for here?But he didn't expect that for the first time, Li Ye didn't even raise his head, and just didn't bother to pay attention to them.

"Stinky boy, didn't you hear what my elder brother asked you? Are you deaf or blind, ah!" Seeing that the elder brother was ignored, a big bald man beside him suddenly stepped forward, glaring and shouting.

"It's really domineering. I would like to advise everyone. If you walk too much at night, you will always run into ghosts. There are sky outside the sky, and there are people outside people. It's better for you to keep a low profile." Li Ye looked into the distance without even glancing at them.

This indifferent attitude couldn't help but make the five of them even more angry.

With a shout of "court death", the bald head rushed towards Li Ye without any hesitation.

He has already made a calculation in his heart, even if the opponent is stronger than him, it doesn't matter, as long as he can take over the opponent's first wave of offensive, then the four brothers behind will directly support him.

At that time, the opponent is bound to face a five-on-one situation.Five hit one and still be counter-killed?They're not Muggles!

But the next moment, as Li Yemeng stood up, the anger in his heart was extinguished immediately, leaving only endless fear.

As Li Ye got up, a powerful aura also erupted, and the bald man in front of him was directly shocked by this aura and stood there dumbfounded.

But the bald head was stunned, but Li Ye didn't stay in a daze. He stepped forward, put his two fingers together and gently sent it forward, and touched the bald head's eyebrows.

"Crack~" At this moment, a sound similar to the breaking of a melon suddenly sounded, and the entire head of the bald man exploded, splashing blood everywhere.

Behind the headless body of the bald man are his four companions who are preparing to support him, but seeing the sudden death of the bald man at this time, the four of them can't help feeling palpitations at the same time, as if they retreated tacitly as if they had been rehearsing for a long time , turned around and ran away frantically.

They are not uninformed people, of course they know what the meaning of what just happened.

Since they have offended a holy warrior they can't afford, if they don't run away at this time, they may have to stay here forever.

However, even though they started their actions as soon as the bald head died, they still didn't escape.

In fact, as early as the moment Li Ye was angered, their ending was already doomed.

As Li Ye stepped forward, in the eyes of Aaron and Ayan, Li Ye seemed to be divided into four parts at this time, appearing behind the four of them at the same time.

In the next moment, he raised his arms at the same time, put his five fingers together, and swung down heavily.

"Puff~" It sounded like a rag bag being torn open, and Aaron and the two watched helplessly as the four of them suddenly split into eight people while running...

Following the initial inertia, the eight people stumbled and continued to run forward for several hundred meters before slowly falling to the ground, completely out of breath.

Looking at the eight blood-stained roads, Ah Yan was completely silent at this moment. He finally understood why Aaron was so flattering and fearful of Li Ye in the first place.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that behind that good temper, this person's methods were so terrifying and cruel.

At this moment, not only were Aaron and Ayan completely overwhelmed by Li Ye's methods, but even those who had been keeping an eye on the three people nearby who hadn't left were also shuddered by Li Ye's methods.

Without any hesitation, after seeing Li Ye standing upright and looking around after killing people, the group of people immediately dispersed and fled here in all directions.

Although Li Ye might not do anything to them, but still the same sentence, no one wants to stay in front of someone who can easily kill you.

After all, staying here means that one's life and death are completely under the control of the other party, who would want this kind of thing to happen...

On the other side, after Li Ye killed the four people, he did not do anything else at all, but returned to the place where he had been before and sat down slowly.

As for the group of people fleeing wildly, although Li Ye saw it, he didn't express anything.

Li Ye didn't care whether they left or stayed.

Even if there is really no problem with this exercise, he would be happy for more people to master this exercise.

After all, Martial Dao Kung Fu is a cultivation method that belongs to the human race, and the farther it spreads, the stronger the power of the human race will be.

It's a pity that these people don't understand him at all, and only misunderstand him because of some superficial situations...

Time passed, and soon a few more hours passed, the moon became more and more inclined to the west, and the sun seemed to be about to emerge from the east.

At this time, the news that Li Ye had killed five martial artists with no omissions in the previous battle, most likely being holy warriors, spread far and wide throughout the entire No. 4 plot.

At the same time, most people were discussing why Li Ye had been staying here, and whether there was something he had been waiting for.

'Cultivation method! 'Almost like a conditioned reflex, the word "gongfa" came to their minds directly. At the same time, a huge greed and surprise burst out in their eyes, and then they began to look at the place where Li Ye was. The location is coming.

However, in just over half an hour, the number of people near Li Ye had increased many times compared to before.

And with the arrival of these people, the atmosphere nearby became more and more undercurrent.


"Brother, you said that the practice is really here, why didn't I see anything?"

"Nonsense, of course you didn't see it because kung fu hasn't appeared yet. Do you think I can see it? I told you to wait here and you just wait. There are so many problems."


At this time, similar conversations often appear in this area.

Almost everyone was eagerly discussing about exercises, Li Ye, and this area.

After all, the purpose of their coming in this time is for the cultivation method that is said to be able to break through the bottleneck of becoming a saint.

With nothing to do at this time, they will of course lead the topic to these places unconsciously.

And at the outermost edge of this area, a young figure stood on a high ground and looked towards this area from a distance. This person was the one that Li Ye had rescued before.

When he saw Li Ye, he realized that the person who saved him turned out to be a holy warrior.How lucky he was to be able to talk to a holy warrior, it was a miraculous experience.

But at this moment, the light of the night pearl suddenly went out, and a gleam of light lit up in the far east.

The light shines in the No. 4 block, spreads all the way, and finally falls on the reef next to Li Ye. The next moment, the light shines on this reef, a mysterious and mysterious light curtain with densely packed light spots flowing on it. It slowly emerged.

"Sure enough, every time the light curtain appears at the time when the moon sets and the sun rises, then I can verify my previous guess by seeing when the light curtain disappears." Putting his thoughts behind him, he focused on looking at the text on the light curtain.

At the same time, almost everyone in this area also noticed the appearance of the light curtain.

"Wow~" Suddenly there was an uproar in this area. Although they had guessed before, when the light curtain appeared, they still couldn't suppress the excitement in their hearts.

At this moment, the crowd couldn't even control the emotions surging in their hearts. Although they could still see the text on the light curtain from a distance, they all rushed forward one after another, looking towards the light curtain while squeezing.


At the moment when he saw the text on the light curtain, a strong bloody breath suddenly appeared in Li Ye's mind out of thin air.

Under the impact of this bloody breath, Li Ye suddenly had many evil thoughts in his heart.

There is distrust of human nature, hatred of the same kind, and even a strong malice that drives him to kill everyone around him.

However, although Li Ye's mental attribute has remained at 9.9, his mind cannot be controlled by the impact of this breath.

Just frowning, he suppressed this malicious influence, and began to focus on this exercise.

But apart from him, Aaron and Ayan turned against each other again, fighting together with red eyes, and at the same time, there were a lot of sword collisions in this area instantly.

At this moment, almost all the people around were affected by the impact of this breath, and began to resent, defend, compete, and kill each other.

At this time, even Li Ye couldn't be alone, and had to face attacks from other people from time to time.

It was not until then that Li Ye understood why the team that discovered the technique always had internal strife.

It turned out that it wasn't because they were extremely distrustful, but because they were affected by that bloody breath, and their minds fell into the abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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