"Hey, let me tell you, I saw the battle in the sky clearly at that time, the scene, the collision, you can't even imagine how strong those two people are, it was completely Those who crush the so-called holy warriors."

"Old Sun, you, a warrior who has just broken through the transformation, really entered the No. 4 plot that day? How did I hear that you were flirting with the tofu Xishi on the east street in the village that day..."

"Fart, these are all rumors. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes in Plot No. 4, could I have said it so clearly? Anyway, believe it or not, if you don't believe it, I just don't say it."

"Hey, hey, I believe, I believe, then you must have finished reading that bloodline body training exercise that day, by the way, can you share it with me at a lower price, I also want to study that exercise."

"Uh..." Hearing that his companion said that he wanted to learn the blood-vein body training technique, Old Sun couldn't help breathing heavily, his eyes rolled around and he found an excuse to refuse, "Didn't you hear that that technique is too dangerous to practice, Even I dare not practice, listen to my brother's persuasion, if you can't grasp it, forget it."

"Bah, I know you're just bragging, you bastard. You're still pretending to be garlic here with me. Now it's all right. Just try it out and you'll be exposed."

"Who's pretending to be garlic? I was really there at the time. There's no such thing as a lie. Believe it or not." As he said that, Lao Sun turned his head away and got angry with his companion.

But when he turned his head, he saw two people not far away, a man and a woman, staring at him.

Both of them were wearing uniform purple robes. The man was handsome and the woman was beautiful, and both of them had outstanding auras. At first glance, they were not figures from ordinary forces.

This situation can't help but make him curious, why the other party is staring at him, is there something dirty on his body?
Thinking of this, Lao Sun deliberately lowered his head to look at his clothes to see if there was mud on them and it was not clean.As a result, he looked around but couldn't find anything dirty, and this situation made him even more curious about the other party's attitude.

Since it wasn't his own problem, it must be something wrong with the other two.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but nodded slightly to the two of them as a gesture of politeness.

As a result, seeing Lao Sun nodding to them, the man and woman not far away walked over directly and came to the two of them.

"Excuse me, brother. I and my companions just came to the underground palace. I heard that the flying battle in the 4th plot was very fascinated. I just heard you say that you have been to the 4th plot and saw it with your own eyes. I saw the great battle in the sky, may I ask if it is true or not?"

"Of course it's true. I've seen it with my own eyes. If you have any questions, just ask me. I promise I'll tell you everything." Hearing what the purple-robed woman said, Lao Sun glanced up. Glancing at the other party, he quickly patted his chest and promised.

The purple-robed woman is so beautiful, tall and long-legged, with exquisite facial features, her whole body is filled with an air of ecstasy, and she inadvertently captivates Old Sun's fan, wanting to take her heart out.

"In this case, please tell me in detail, brother, who are the two sides in the battle in the sky, or what they look like, and what types of exercises they perform. How long will it take, and who will win in the end." Seeing Lao Sun saying what she saw with her own eyes, the purple-robed woman couldn't help asking carefully.

The purple-robed woman is Ziqing who rushed over from Lieyan Villa, and the companion next to her is Zimu of the same clan. The main purpose of the two of them coming here is to find out the whereabouts of Zixuan, the companion of the Taoist clan who is stationed in the underground palace, and to inquire about the whereabouts of 4 What happened to the battle in the underground palace?

At this time, the two of them had already gone to the place where Zixuan lived in the underground palace, but there was no one there, and no clues were left behind.

So they could only come out and look for traces of Zixuan, and at the same time inquire about what happened in the No. 4 plot on the day when the blood training technique appeared in the world.

It was just a coincidence that they had just rushed to the small village next to the underground palace, and they heard Lao Sun bragging with his companions here, and that's how this strike-up and questioning happened.

"Uh..." Hearing Ziqing's words, Old Sun couldn't help but choked up speechlessly.He really didn't expect that the so-called interest of the other party would be such a detailed question, he couldn't help but secretly complained, and at the same time his mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to fool this matter.

In fact, he is just a little mortal warrior, and he has never been to the No. 4 plot at all. What he and his companions said are just rumors that have been heard in various taverns.

Just like his companions questioned him at the beginning, relying on his strength, if he dared to drill into the No. 4 plot, wouldn't that be death in vain?

Not to mention whether you can get out alive after entering the No. 4 plot, but whether you can safely walk to the barrier outside the plot is a problem.

However, he has always been stubborn when facing his previous companions, let alone being next to the big beauty Ziqing, who has boasted by himself, at this moment he has to grit his teeth and stick to whatever he says.

Suddenly he had an idea, thought of what other people had said when they were chatting, and instantly found a reason to shirk.

"Actually, the situation at that time was extremely dangerous. You didn't know that a huge fire cloud was falling slowly in the sky at that time, and for some unknown reason, a fireball fell from the sky, and many people were burned alive by the fireball. I'm dead, if I didn't run fast, I might die too.

Therefore, at that time, I didn't watch the battle in the sky carefully at all, and I was just avoiding the danger. After the danger disappeared, the two sides in the sky had long since disappeared. "

"Then what kind of clothes are both wearing and what are their characteristics? I hope you can tell me about it." Hearing the reason of Lao Sun, Zi Qing didn't think there was anything wrong. See through Lao Sun's weight.

If Zi Xuan was really one of the parties in the battle that took place in the sky at that time, it would not be easy to escape alive with the strength of Lao Sun.

However, her considerate performance made Lao Sun a little annoyed. He has emphasized many times that he didn't notice the battle in the sky.

At this time, he couldn't help but his face became ugly. Although the other party was a beautiful woman, he really couldn't make it up anymore, so he could only say helplessly: "I have already told you what I remember, and I don't know the rest. , By the way, I suddenly remembered that there is one more thing to do, let's take a step first, and leave!"

The old grandson's sudden farewell made Ziqing stunned, but she realized in a blink of an eye that the other party didn't know anything about the few questions she just asked, and she was playing tricks on her all the time, so I can't make it up anymore. I just wanted to leave.

Thinking of this, the anger in her heart suddenly burned.

Seeing that the old sun turned his head and wanted to leave, Zi Qing's voice also became cold, "Have you never been to the No. 4 plot at all, and you have been playing with us just now..."

"What nonsense are you talking about? I helped you out of good intentions, but now you're beating me up. I didn't expect you to be such a person. My old grandson really misunderstood you."

Being exposed by Ziqing, Lao Sun suddenly became angry from embarrassment.

He couldn't care about the skinny and tender appearance of the other two. They didn't look like warriors at all, and made him regard them as young members of a certain family who came to play and explore.

He has seen a lot of this kind of people during his time in the underground palace, they are all a group of silver-like pewter gun heads, and he doesn't care what will happen if he offends the other party.

So at this time, his tone and attitude became tough and aggressive.

"Whether you're playing tricks on me or not, you'll find out later." Zi Qing couldn't restrain the anger in her heart anymore, and grabbed the old grandson directly.

Facing Zi Qing who said to do it, Lao Sun was very angry at first, but the expression on his face immediately turned into panic.

As Ziqing grabbed him, the air around him seemed to freeze, and he was fixed in place so he couldn't move, he couldn't even open his mouth, let alone say harsh words or beg for mercy up.

On the contrary, Lao Sun's companion has been standing by the side and has not been attacked. He is still a free man at this time.

After seeing Lao Sun's expression, he opened his mouth reflexively and said, "Let go of Lao Sun, what are you going to do?"

But after saying this, he regretted it, and even wanted to slap himself.

The opponent immediately controlled Old Sun, trying to deal with him is not like playing, what is he capable of here.

Hearing Lao Sun's companion's words, Zi Qing, who was holding Lao Sun in her hand, couldn't help but indifferently glanced at Lao Sun's companion, without saying a word, then frightened Lao Sun's companion and stammered again, " You are busy, you are busy, I still have something to do, so let's go first."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and ran away, never thinking about the old grandson's life and death.

At this time, the situation is completely like a dead friend who is not dead, and the friendship between him and Lao Sun has not reached the point where he will do anything for him.

On the other side, when he heard his companion's words, Old Sun's eyes were filled with despair. He knew in his heart that this time he was exaggerating and offended someone he shouldn't have offended, but it was too late for him to regret it at this time.


In a remote place outside Zhuang Village, after taking care of the old grandson, Ziqing and Zimu slowly came out from the corner.

Just now, Lao Sun himself admitted that he had never been to Plot 4, and that he was just bragging there because of his vanity, which made Zi Qing and the two feel annoyed.

They didn't expect that the two of them would be put together by such a small person just after they arrived at the underground palace.Even though they had killed the old grandson, their hearts were still full of depression. After all, this is not a glorious thing, and the human race is really too cunning.

But it was precisely because they were deceived by a small person just after they came here, the two of them also changed their minds after discussing it.

Since it is impossible to tell whether the other party is telling the truth or not by using euphemistic methods, we simply adopt the fastest method to deal with this matter.

That is to directly find a few people who have actually been to Plot No. 4, and then use strong methods to arrest them and force them to tell the truth.

Anyway, these so-called human warriors, no matter whether they are shattered or flawless, are nothing but ants in their eyes, and they can't make any waves in their hands.

Doing this is not only efficient, but also saves them a lot of energy to fight with this group of ants there.

After figuring out the next course of action, the two acted quickly.

Originally, the fastest way was for the two to split up and catch a few people, but they still followed Ziyuan's advice and stayed together at the Flame Villa, without separating.

Although doing so will waste some time virtually, it is better than safety.

Soon, the two acted together, returned to the small village and found three warriors who claimed to have come out of Plot No. 4, and then took them directly to the wilderness without anyone noticing.

And from these three people, they got an answer that made their faces turn black.These three people turned out to be braggarts, and none of them had ever been to Lot 4.

They didn't even know that all the people who had been to Plot No. 4 at this time were busy making money through various means, so they didn't have time to brag in various places.

Besides, just claiming that he has been to No. 4 plot in those public places like this, isn't that the old birthday star hanged himself, looking for death, really think that those warriors who have not entered No. 4 plot are eating nothing.

Even without Ziqing and Ziqing, there are still a large number of fighters staring at those who have been to plot 4 at this time.

Those big powers don't care about the few money to buy exercises, and they care about word of mouth, but other people not only have no money, but also don't care about these superficial things.

Many warriors are unwilling to spend money to buy exercises, so they think of crooked ways.

Besides, if they can get exercises from some warriors, they can sell them by themselves, so that they can make a lot of money invisibly. How can this prevent these guys who appear to be explorers but are actually desperadoes from being tempted?

You must know that many warriors who entered plot 4 suffered a great loss just a few days ago, which also made those warriors who escaped by chance full of vigilance, and even left the scope of the underground palace area directly.

Of course, at this time, Ziqing and the two had no idea what happened in the underground palace during this period of time, and they were still searching foolishly.But they don't know that according to their current method, they may be exhausted and fail to achieve their goals.

Even if one day I can achieve my goal, I don't know how long it will take.

And right now, in the south of the mainland, seven [-]-meter-high figures in the sea of ​​mist are rapidly heading north, and will soon come ashore from Qionghai County.

At that time, they are likely to collide head-on... (End of this chapter)

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