Cultivation starts from the proficiency of the basic hammer method liver

Chapter 189 The celestial phenomenon changes again, and the bloodline practitioners first appear

Chapter 189 The celestial phenomenon changes again, and the bloodline practitioners first appear

At midnight, the moon and stars are thin.

In the wilderness, Li Ye was sitting cross-legged quietly, comprehending the bloodline body training technique obtained from plot No. 4. Suddenly, there was a thunderous sound from the sky, and the next moment, dark clouds were densely covered, and heavy rain was born.

Opening his eyes suddenly and looking up at the sky, Li Ye couldn't help frowning. It wasn't the first time he had seen this phenomenon.

As early as a long time ago, there would be sudden changes in the sky every once in a while on the earth, with clear sky and heavy rain.

At the beginning, he didn't notice it, he just thought it was a natural change of the celestial phenomena, but as his strength gradually improved, he gradually discovered that things were not as simple as he thought, and there were certain secrets hidden in this world.

For example, last time, after experiencing the last celestial change, the bottleneck of his cultivation was inexplicably solved.

The occurrence of this situation can't help but make him suspect that this world is awakening, or it is being unsealed.

And every unblocked node will have astronomical changes, as well as the clear sky and heavy rain at this time.

Therefore, seeing the sudden change in the sky at this time, the first thought in his mind was that the seal between heaven and earth had been unlocked again.

Looking at the thunder and lightning in the sky, Li Ye immediately got up and began to practice the Tianxin body training method.

In an instant, a thunderbolt fell, and the magnetic field around Li Ye's body turned, and the lightning shattered in an instant, turning into streaks of lightning around him, and was sucked into his body again.

At the same time, his physical fitness began to slowly improve again.

The muscles, internal organs, and blood of the whole body are devouring the vitality in the thunder and lightning.

And the invisible shackles in his body disappeared at some point.

Feeling the changes in his body, Li Ye immediately understood in his heart that he had guessed right. This time the celestial change was indeed another release of the shackles of heaven and earth.

Originally, he wanted to try to practice the bloodline cultivation method he had just obtained, but now that he knew that the limit of cultivation base was unsealed, he no longer had the idea of ​​continuing to practice, but was ready to practice Tianxin body training with all his strength. decision.

After all, compared with those exercises whose effect on improving strength is unknown, Tianxin Body Training Art can at least improve his strength quickly.

As for the bloodline cultivation method, there is no rush at all, and it is not too late to practice after his cultivation reaches the bottleneck again.

After making up his mind, Li Ye looked up at the rolling thunder in the sky. After deliberating for a while, he finally shook his head and did not continue to practice, but turned around suddenly and headed north.

He was about to leave the underground palace, and the fastest way to practice Tianxin body training art was to go to that deserted island in the East China Sea and practice with the help of the sea of ​​thunder there.

But before he left, he still had to say goodbye to Zhang Cheng, the old man who lived in Langya County.

Although he already knows where the old man Tong lived, according to his estimation, after leaving this time, it may be a long time before the next time he comes to Langya County. No one can tell what changes will happen again.

So at this time, you can still meet up casually and easily, so cherish this opportunity and don't miss it.

In the wilderness, Li Ye took a few steps, and the black clothes disappeared into the rain.


On the other side, in the small village within the range of the underground palace, other people's moods were not as calm as Li Ye's.

Seeing that it was raining again in the sky, all the explorers couldn't help cursing and complaining.

I don't know what's going on recently. It rained a few days ago when everyone poured into plot No. 4, but it actually rained again tonight.

You must know that although Langya County is located in the central part of the mainland, due to various reasons, the rain in the past years is very scarce. This year, for some reason, the rain has started to increase.

This made these people who were not used to the rain very uncomfortable, and the anger in their hearts not only did not go out as the rain became bigger and bigger, but became even more manic.

In order to avoid the sudden heavy rain, many people crowded into a small tavern, tea house, and restaurant, which also caused a lot of friction.

The friction increased, and both sides were bloody fighters, so the fight with weapons began naturally...

'Three bowls of wine' tavern, a small restaurant located in a small village.

I heard that the owner of this restaurant belongs to a certain powerful force, so there are many explorers who drink here on weekdays.

Because you can always hear a lot of news, true or false, a group of rough guys dare to say anything after drinking too much.

And because the boss here has a strong background, even though the drinkers here would have quarrels on weekdays, none of them dared to do anything in the restaurant.

Safety is guaranteed, and a lot of gossip can be heard, which also leads to the popularity of this place becoming more and more prosperous, and more and more people come here attracted by the name.

And this night, because of the heavy rain outside, many explorers who were walking outside crowded into this restaurant one after another.And because of the rainy day, the tavern was already overcrowded, and the tables were already full.

After many people came in, they could only stand in the tavern, without even a place to sit.

At this time, the two tables of guests in the tavern immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Of the two tables of guests, there were two people sitting at one of them, a man and a woman, with fair skin and a touch of nobility, wearing uniform purple robes, they looked like disciples from a certain powerful force.

So even though there were only two of them occupying a large table, many of them endured even though they felt dissatisfied.

The most important thing when you come out to play is to keep your eyes open, otherwise, if you offend someone who shouldn't be offended, you won't know how to die.

But on the other side, the bearded man who was drinking alone at a table became the target of many people.

The bearded man was dressed in shabby cloth clothes and looked downcast, but his figure was very tall. Even if he was sitting on the bench, he didn't look much shorter than the others.

At this time, seeing the other party bowing their heads and drinking, for a while, many people cast their eyes on the bearded man, and there was a dark glint in their eyes.

But at this time, no one acted rashly, but waited for others to come forward and try.

After all, they also noticed at this time that many people had thoughts about this bearded man, so there must be some people who couldn't bear it and stepped forward to find fault.

Although the other party looks confident, there will always be someone who can't help but be the one who stands out.

Soon, the ideas of these people became true.

Following another group of seven people squeezed into the tavern, when they saw the room full of people standing everywhere, while the bearded man was sitting alone on a table drinking, a figure suddenly walked out of the five people Negotiate in front of the other party.

"This brother is the fourth child among the seven wolves in Xiaheishan, and the white wolf in the well. Just now, the seven of us went in to hide from the rain. After we came in, we found that the place is full now. I wonder if you can give me a seat. Just think that the seven of us brothers owe you a favor."

Hearing the words of White Wolf Jing Zhongze, the bearded man slowly raised his head, looking at the face in front of him that seemed polite but actually full of disdain, he suddenly breathed heavily at White Wolf.

The bearded man's mouth was filled with the smell of alcohol mixed with bad breath, and the next moment the white wolf heard the words that made him furious, "Why, it's your seven brothers who are opening their mouths, are you trying to overwhelm them with numbers?
Since Lao Tzu came first, and Lao Tzu spent money, then this table belongs to Lao Tzu, even if it is a holy warrior, it will not work well.Grandpa is in a good mood today, and he doesn't want to be as knowledgeable as you, so get out of here quickly, get out of here, and don't let me see you spoilers.

If you dare to say a few more words to spoil grandpa's drinking, believe it or not, grandpa will chop you all up for drinking!Get away, don't let me see you, I don't want to do anything today. "

"..." Covered by the bearded man's sullen tone, the white wolf's mind was in a daze, and when he heard the bearded man's unkind words, the white wolf's eyes turned red instantly.

At this time, standing aside and heard the conversation between the two, the other six of the Seven Wolves of Montenegro also came over.

Looking at the arrogant and unscrupulous beard, Huang Xuan, the eldest brother among the seven, tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and asked politely in a low voice: "I don't know what name this brother is in the world, can you tell me?" Two, so that we know which big shot we have bumped into today.

I would like to advise you, don’t pretend to be crazy and play foolishly with me here, we brothers have been in the rivers and lakes for many years, and when we go out, we also have a little bit of trouble with other people.

You insulted my fourth brother like this today, if we leave in such a disheveled manner, I'm afraid we won't have to mess around in the rivers and lakes in the future.So, if you don't say one or two now, it seems that our affairs today can't be improved. "

"Who are you? Are you also a little wolf among the seven wolves? Why don't you say anything when you talk to people? It's less polite than your little white-faced companion." He raised his drunken eyes and took a look. The head wolf, Huang Xuan, looked at the angry white wolf again, and said with a bearded disdain.

The reason why Bailang Jingzhong is called Bailang is because of his handsome appearance and the appearance of a frail scholar.

In the past, he was proud of it, but now it has become a point of ridicule for the bearded man.

At this moment, he was humiliated face-to-face by the bearded man, and he could no longer hold back the anger in his heart. Dang even slapped the table heavily and stood up. "Brother, what else is there to talk about with this kind of Jiu Mengzi. If you reason with him and make a relationship, he will only mess with you."

The next moment, without waiting for the chief wolf to say anything, the white wolf immediately punched him.

At the same time, his gaze was also fixed on the eyes of the bearded man, wanting to see whether there was real fearlessness or bluff hidden in these eyes.

But when he looked over again, he saw that the bearded man's eyes were already red, and his eyes were full of bloodlust.

"Ah~" There was a violent roar, and the bearded man suddenly stood up, ignoring White Wolf's fist, and grabbed his shoulders with both hands.

On the other side, seeing the other party's terrifying eyes at first, Bai Lang couldn't help being startled, but when he saw that the other party ignored his attack and wanted to hurt both sides, a trace of disdain rose in his heart.

Even Huang Xuan, the wolf who was about to make a move, immediately felt relieved after seeing the bearded man's movements.

The attacking action of this bearded man with extremely rampant mouth was really amateurish.

With his eyesight, he can completely judge that the white wolf's move can hit the bearded man first.

If the punch in the chest was hit directly, the internal organs in the chest cavity would be shattered in an instant, and even if the bearded man grabbed White Wolf's shoulder, he would not be able to use any more force.

However, when the white wolf's fist landed on the bearded man's chest, he felt something was wrong.

It was too hard, it seemed that this body was not a physical body, but a piece of refined steel. He concentrated all his strength and punched it, not only did the opponent have no reaction, but his own fist was numb from the shock.

The next moment, when the hands of the bearded man grabbed his shoulders, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and he couldn't help shouting loudly: "Brother, save me!"

But it was already too late. Just when Huang Xuan's eyes were about to burst and he wanted to stop the bearded man, the bearded man suddenly pulled hard with both hands, and Jing Zhongze's body was instantly torn in half.

"Fourth!" There were exclamations of surprise, and one after another weapons were drawn out, and they greeted the bearded man in an instant.

At this moment, when they saw the well, they died, and the other seven wolves waved their weapons and attacked the bearded man at the same time.

On the other side, the bearded man also stood up, as if he didn't see the weapons slashing at him, but continued to grab the nearest wolf, Huang Xuan.

It was only then that the people in the tavern realized that the bearded man was too tall, more than three meters high.

You must know that even ordinary people who practice martial arts are only about two meters long. After practicing some special skills, they may grow to two meters five.

Going up is considered to have broken through the limit of ordinary warriors. Even if one is practicing some special skills, one must practice to an extremely high level to reach such a height.

For example, the Giant Whale Gang, which had already been wiped out by Li Ye, was only three meters tall when they practiced Giant Whale Warfare and broke through to become a Saint Warrior.

But this bearded man doesn't look like a holy warrior at all, but he is different from ordinary people. It can't help but remind others of a certain news that has been circulated in the underground palace recently.

At the same time, in the tavern, when the bearded man got up to chase Huang Xuan, five weapons also struck the bearded man at the same time.


There was a sound of metal colliding, and the other five of the seven wolves were startled at the same time. What kind of monster is the other party? Its body can resist sharp weapons. How can it fight.

On the other side, Huang Xuan, who was dodging the bearded man's attack, also saw the result of the five companions' attack, and instantly understood the details of the bearded man's in his heart.

"The other party has already practiced the Bloodline Body Refining Technique, it is beyond our ability to deal with it, run away..."

(End of this chapter)

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