"The other party has already practiced the Bloodline Body Refining Technique, it is beyond our ability to deal with it, run away..."

Hearing Huang Xuan's shout, not only the other five wolves among the seven wolves were startled, but even the other explorers who were eating melons were in an uproar, and they all backed away.

You must know that this is the first person who has been exposed to have practiced the bloodline body training technique since the practice of plot 4 has been spread so far. How can this not surprise others.

Even if this bearded man is not the first person to practice, he is the first in everyone's eyes when everyone else chooses to keep a low profile and hide his situation.

In the tavern, after hearing Huang Xuan's shout, the scarlet color in the bearded eyes became even more intense.

I don't know if it's because I'm not used to choosing to keep a low profile, or because my mind has been severely impacted after practicing the Bloodline Body Refining Technique. After my secret was exposed by Huang Xuan, the bearded man didn't choose to leave here as soon as possible. The speed rushed towards Huang Xuan.

Apparently the word 'cautious' was no longer in his mind, and the whole person gradually became barbaric and ferocious.

The area of ​​the entire tavern was not large, and there were a group of spectators surrounding it. After seeing the fierce performance of the bearded man, Huang Xuan couldn't help but secretly groaned in his heart.

While doing his best to avoid it, his eyes also began to scan the surrounding situation, obviously hoping to pull the person next to him into the water.

According to the speed of the two, even if he rushes out of the tavern, he will not be able to escape the pursuit of the bearded man. In this case, why not divert the trouble to the east in order to save a chance.

After all, the principle that dead fellows never die poor ones is applicable in any world.

The speed of the confrontation between the two was extremely fast, and Huang Xuan fell into a disadvantage in just a moment.

However, in the blink of an eye, he also discovered a sudden phenomenon in the tavern, and his heart couldn't help but move.

When everyone was dodging the two of them in a hurry, there was actually another person in the tavern who was indifferent, sitting by the wine table all the time.

Glancing at the two figures who seemed to have seen nothing, Huang Xuan immediately gritted his teeth and rushed straight towards the two young men and women in purple robes.

Although he couldn't see the reality of the two of them, since they acted so frankly, there must be some real ability.

At this moment, he couldn't care less about the consequences of offending these two people. If he couldn't escape the bearded man's pursuit, then he would die today.

That being the case, why not give it a try.

Thinking in his heart, Huang Xuan came to the side of the purple-robed young men and women in two steps, followed by a pause in his steps, and then flashed aside.

But the bearded man behind him was not as flexible as he was, and maybe he didn't bother to avoid these two people, but he still rushed straight to them, and shouted loudly: "Grandpa, get out of here! "

"Boom!" In the tavern, everyone felt a "buzz" in their ears, and in the next moment they saw a huge figure suddenly flying outwards, smashing through the wooden wall of the tavern, and flying into the rain.

"This is..." Blinking hard, looking at the purple-robed man next to the wine table who waved his hands lightly, a deadly atmosphere began to linger in the entire tavern.

For a moment, the whole tavern could only hear the sound of "swooshing" rain outside, other than that, dozens of people were silent, even the sound of breathing disappeared.

"Plop~" Suddenly, a heavy kneeling sound resounded abruptly, and only then did they realize that Huang Xuan, who had just stood aside and was about to escape, had already knelt in front of the purple-robed woman.

"You two adults, the younger one has blind eyes, and offended the two adults, and I ask the two adults to forgive me and forgive the boy this time, I'm sorry..."

After seeing the figure of the bearded man flying upside down, even if Huang Xuan was a fool, he knew that he was really in bad luck this time. Obviously, these two people were definitely more terrifying figures than the bearded man.

Maybe he could escape with a chance against the bearded man, but in front of these two, he didn't even have the courage to escape. There was only one thought in his mind, and that was to admit his mistake and apologize!
"Your purpose is nothing more than to protect yourself. What is there to say sorry for? If I were you, I might make the same choice as you. Get up, you are not wrong about this matter." Crisp and beautiful The voice sounded, and the woman among the men and women in purple robes opened her mouth slightly and said.

"My lord..." A desolate cry sounded, and Huang Xuan slammed his head on the ground.

"It's my fault this time. I shouldn't pass on my danger to the two of you. I also ask the two adults to spare the little one's life. From now on, the young one will definitely follow the example of the two adults. Whatever orders the adults give, the little ones will do their best to complete them."

"Hehe~" Covering her mouth and laughing a few times, the purple-robed woman slowly said: "Only you? Even if you want to worship under my sect and be a servant, you are not qualified enough, and you still follow the example of the two of us, it's really ridiculous ah.

Originally, I wanted to wait for you to stand up, and then calculate with you the account of bringing danger to us. Since you like to kneel like this, then you can kneel and listen.

Listen clearly, although you made a big mistake this time, you also made a great contribution. The big mistake was to offend my lord. Let alone you, a small and flawless warrior, even if you are a holy warrior who offends me, you will die!

But...it just so happens that you solved a problem that both of us have been troubled for a long time, which made me really want to reward you. What do you think about it? "

These two men and women in purple robes are the two Ziqing and Zimu who came to the underground palace from the Taoist tribe and have been searching hard to really enter the No. 4 plot. They have seen the battle in the sky.

As a result, they had been wandering around the underground palace for half a month, and they still hadn't found anyone who had actually entered the underground palace, which made the two feel very depressed.

I thought today would be another day without any gains, but unexpectedly, in this humble tavern, they actually met a person who had actually entered the No. 4 plot and even practiced the bloodline body training technique.

This can't help but make them feel very pleasantly surprised, as well as a feeling that there is no way out, and there is another village.

But even though the so-called Seven Wolves of Montenegro were their helpers in finding their goals, it is also unforgivable to dare to let the two of them act as backers.

"My lord, I don't want any rewards. I just ask you to forgive me for this collision and let me survive. Please, my lord." With his butt pouted, Huang Xuan didn't even dare to lift his head, keeping his head on the ground all the time. The posture whispered.

"Heh~ I don't want any rewards, so what can I do. I am the most clear-cut reward and punishment. If I have meritorious service, I will be rewarded, and if I make mistakes, I will be punished. Otherwise, how can I set up rules? If the people under me are like you, then I will How can you manage those people below me in the future! Are you right, huh?"

Zi Qing's voice was still very beautiful and moving, but it made Huang Xuan's back sweat continuously.

At this time, Huang Xuan's brain was blank, and his mouth, which had always been eloquent, seemed to be tied up now. He just kept saying, "Please forgive me, please forgive me..."

After teasing Huang Xuan a bit, Zi Qing was in no mood to continue.

After all, in her eyes, Huang Xuan was just an ant. Even if Huang Xuan was prostrate in front of her, she would not have any sense of accomplishment.

After thinking for a while, Zi Qing said lightly: "This time you have made meritorious service, I will give you a chance to bring that bearded man to me, and I will spare your life, if you can't bring it back, then you don't have to." Come back again."

"Yes, my lord." With a flash of life in his eyes, Huang Xuan quickly stood up, greeted the five people who didn't dare to say a word, and rushed out along the big hole in the wooden wall of the tavern.

Soon, a group of six people left the tavern and got into the rain.

Seeing that the six people had already left, Zi Mu directly ignored the melon-eaters nearby, and asked Zi Qing, "You just let them go, what if they ran away instead of chasing that bearded man?" manage?"

"Hehe~ Wouldn't it be more fun if they really ran away directly?" Zi Qing smiled coquettishly, hugged a lock of hair in front of her forehead, looked at Zi Mu in front of her and said, "Do you think they will start running away now?" , can you escape from my palm?"

"Hehe, you're really wicked." Without answering Ziqing's question directly, Zimu already understood Ziqing's answer.

Under their noses, even if these people were allowed to run for an hour, they still couldn't escape their pursuit.

And Ziqing's purpose, or rather the hope in her heart, was that these people chose to escape directly against her will.

In this way, when they appear in front of those six people again, those human fighters will feel the real despair.


"Brother, they didn't follow, why don't we just run away." After walking a few hundred meters away from the tavern, the third child among the seven wolves looked back at the empty street, and turned to Huang Xuan quickly.

"Third brother, have you ever wondered why they dared to let us go? If it were you, what would be the reason why you would choose to let us go?" Huang Xuan didn't answer the third question directly, but asked back.

"If it were me, I wouldn't let us go at all..." Scratching his head, the third child replied naively.

"You are a pig, third brother!" Another brother on the side, the sixth, took the words and said, "Of course they don't care whether we escape or not, or in other words, even if we escape, they still have confidence can find us."

"Uh... just in case, how will we know if we don't try? Are we really going to find that monster? Isn't that the same as sending us to death?" The third child was stunned for a moment, then replied again.

"Let's try first, can we take that bearded man back? Just now that bearded man was sent flying by those two adults, and he may have been seriously injured. This is our chance." Arguing, Huang Xuan pointed to the deep pit on the ground, and said with a final word.

Obviously this is where the bearded man flew out of the tavern, but at this time there was no one there, only the traces left by the bearded man when he fell.

Now that they have found the traces left by the big beard, Huang Xuan will not be reconciled to anything if they don't try.

He knew very well in his heart that choosing to escape must be the last way.

Just like what Lao Liu said, he also felt that since those two people let them come out alone, they must be confident in finding them again if they were not afraid of them escaping.

If he fell into the hands of those two people again, he would probably be killed by those two people directly, and he would not have any chance to struggle again.

Hearing Huang Xuan's words, the others immediately shut their mouths and looked around.

Although it was pitch black at this time, the ground was full of rain.But with Wu Leu warrior's strong eyesight, they can also clearly see the marks left by the beard on the ground.

I saw clear footprints appearing from the edge of the pothole, along a straight line, extending to the end of the line of sight.

"Chasing..." As he said, Huang Xuan took the lead in chasing after him.


The sound of the collision of knives and guns was heard far away in the rainy night, and one after another loud shouts resounded through the night.

"Brothers, he is injured, everyone."

"I don't believe that he doesn't have any flaws in his whole body. Call him three ways."

"Old Seven, be careful, don't be caught by him."

"Everyone, don't be nervous. He is about to lose his wisdom after practicing the blood vessel body training technique. He has almost forgotten all the martial arts techniques in the past, and only the fighting instinct is left. Everyone just need to be careful to dodge."

"Yes, wheel wars, even grinding can grind him to death"


"No, he has regained his sanity, run away..."

"Third brother, be careful!"

"Brother, quickly take them and escape..."

"Third brother, I will definitely avenge you!"

"Third brother, go all the way!"


Time passed, and night and day passed. In the tavern, Zi Qing and the others had been sitting there, but Huang Xuan and the others still hadn't come back.

Seeing the sky brighten, Ziqing finally stopped waiting, stood up and stretched, and said calmly, "Let's go, the game of hide and seek has officially begun."

Zi Mu on the side didn't know if it was possible, but followed without saying a word.

After the two walked out of the tavern, the light around them began to distort, and they disappeared into the air in the blink of an eye.

After disappearing from the sight of the humans living here, the two slowly flew into the air, and began to quickly search for traces on the ground.

Soon, the two discovered the dirt pit left by the bearded man last night, and the next moment, the two chased in that direction.

At the same time, on the other side, the seven members of the Baitian clan finally crossed Qionghai County and came to the vicinity of the underground palace.

At this time, Bai Ge suddenly waved his hand to signal them to stop first, then took a deep breath, and muttered to himself: "This is the breath of blood, and a family member of blood has awakened here..." (End of this chapter)

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