Longevity begins with a dog

Chapter 101 This is the real overbearing!

Chapter 101 This is the real overbearing!

Cheng Guogong's study.

Duan Rufeng moved his pen like a swimming dragon, brushing down two large characters - 'Xu Chong'.

After handing over the task of arresting people to Duan Yuanyang, he did not sit idle, but analyzed the people on the list based on the information obtained from various channels.

An individual is constantly excluded.

This exclusion is an exclusion in the true sense, which basically means that it is impossible to have anything to do with the murderer.

At the end of the elimination, even the few red-marked people were removed, leaving only Qianhu and Zongqi whom he had suspected from the very beginning.

Originally, he didn't pay much attention to the general banner, and his main attention was on Ge Wanshan.

Until he carefully analyzed Xu Chong's dossier.

Good guy.

This Xu Chong can be found everywhere.

Fu Yuanlong pursued Taiping Daozi, only to discover that Canglong was hiding something, and he was inside.

Wu Xie competed with Fu Yuanlong for the fragments of the cave, and in the end one died and the other disappeared. He was involved.

Now, the second son died for no reason, and he was still involved.

Although there is no direct evidence, the answer is already on the horizon!
This Bloody Guard General Banner, who is only in the first level of Tongmai, is the most likely black hand in this series of incidents!

"The Duan family has been reduced to such a thing, and someone must pay for it."

Duan Rufeng rubbed his temples.

Now, just wait for that idiot to bring him back, as long as he brings it back...

"Duan Rufeng—"

"Come here and talk—!"

A thunderous roar suddenly appeared, and quickly spread in Cheng Guogong's mansion.

Duan Rufeng's complexion changed, and he stepped out.

He immediately recognized the owner of the voice.

"Dou Tianyuan? Why didn't he directly..."

Duan Rufeng's soliloquy stopped abruptly, because he had already reached the source of the sound and saw the empty space where nothing existed.

Obviously, this is Dou Tianyuan asking him to go to another place.

"Could it be Zhang Hua... just for one thousand households?"

Duan Rufeng's heart sank.

He didn't know that Xu Chong would break the wind, so he naturally thought that Dou Tianyuan wanted to protect that thousand households.

To be honest, the suspicion of that Qianhu is no longer serious, so he will be released as soon as he is released.

But the problem is...

From Beijing to Zhanghua? ? ?

A full three or four thousand miles away!

This horse riding is too exaggerated, right? !

Duan Rufeng was shocked, and stepped out in one step.

The light suddenly dimmed.

When it turned on again, Duan Rufeng was already in a courtyard.

In front of him stood Dou Tianyuan, behind Dou Tianyuan were Lu Jian, Duan Yuanyang, and a group of officials.

It really is Zhang Hua!
Duan Rufeng felt chills in his heart, and tried his best to put on a smile on his face: "The commander-in-chief has made your methods even more bizarre. You are indeed the number one expert in Daqing."

"Come on this."

Dou Tianyuan pointed to Duan Yuanyang on one side: "I want to take the thousand households under him with me, but he refuses, and asks me to prove that I am myself. I think it's better for Cheng Guogong to prove it. "


Duan Rufeng's face instantly became extremely exciting, and he looked at Duan Yuanyang.

And Duan Yuanyang lowered his head, not daring to say a word.

He was about to cry!
When Dou Tianyuan yelled that sound, he still felt that either he heard it wrong, or Dou Tianyuan was crazy.

It's thousands of miles away, come here just as you said?

Can you fly as a government official or something?

Then, just a moment later, it really came...

This method is incomprehensible!

How to do? !

Will the old man beat himself?

Probably not...

Well, probably not.

The old man is so shrewd, he should be able to guess that his purpose of pretending to be stupid is to bring someone back to Beijing.

Perhaps, I should repeat the old trick so that I can really bring him back to the capital?

Makes sense!
In order to avenge his second brother, the old man will definitely cooperate with him!

Just do it!

Thinking of this, Duan Yuanyang raised his head and bowed his hands politely: "This new old gentleman, can you prove that he is Cheng Guogong?"

Duan Rufeng: "???"

Dou Tianyuan: "???"

Everyone: "???"

After being stunned for a moment, Duan Rufeng's old face turned red and purple little by little.

He couldn't describe his mood at this time, he just wanted to stuff Duan Yuanyang back into his mother's stomach.

Unfortunately, Duan Yuanyang's mother is already dead.

and so……

With a loud slap, Duan Yuanyang flew into the main hall of the government office.

That's cool!

Duan Rufeng breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Dou Tianyuan: "Master Commander, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money, just to take away a thousand households?"

"Oh, and a general flag."

Dou Tianyuan pointed to a direction behind him.

Duan Rufeng looked along, his expression froze.

After all, after studying for so long, he recognized Xu Chong at a glance.

"This matter..."

Duan Rufeng took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes, "Forgive me for not agreeing."


Dou Tianyuan frowned, "It's just a small general flag, the Duke doesn't even give this face?"

"You can take Qianhu away, but Zongqi can't."

Duan Rufeng looked directly at Dou Tianyuan, "If the old man's prediction is correct, this person is the main suspect in Yuan Ming's death."

"The commander-in-chief is also aware of the situation of the Duan family."

"Originally, if the Duan family was handed over to Yuan Ming, it could continue."

"But now?"

"Give it to that idiot, I'm afraid the family will be ruined in a few generations."

"How can this old man swallow the hatred of cutting off incense?!"

Duan Rufeng's eyes widened suddenly, "Today, no matter who comes, this Xu Chong won't be able to take him away!"

He knew that he was definitely not Dou Tianyuan's opponent.

Even killing people in front of Dou Tianyuan might not be possible.

But he is not afraid.

He still has Chisong Army here!

As long as Dou Tianyuan can't kill him for a moment, he dares to order the massacre of the city!
Even the incense was about to be cut off, so he simply went all out.

Duan Rufeng's eyes were full of determination, he stared at Dou Tianyuan firmly, expressing his attitude very clearly.

He believed that Dou Tianyuan could understand what he meant.


"Don't get excited, I won't ask you for the general flag."

Dou Tianyuan smiled.

Duan Rufeng breathed a sigh of relief.

However, another voice suddenly sounded behind him, "What did you just say?"

Duan Rufeng froze all over.

Behind me, when did there be another person!

"You said, no matter who comes, they can't take Xu Chong away?"

The voice asked again faintly.

Duan Rufeng turned around bit by bit, and when he saw the face of the person behind him, his legs suddenly went limp, and he uttered in shock: "King?!"

Everyone looked at them in unison.

Standing behind Duan Rufeng was the old man with white beard who was not named.

This old man...

It's actually a prince? !

Almost subconsciously, except for Dou Tianyuan and Xu Chong, everyone immediately knelt down, including Cheng Guogong.

"——Duan Rufeng met Qian Wang!"

"—Caomin has seen the prince!"

This is the majesty of the royal family rooted in everyone's heart!
Dou Tianyuan did not worship because of his status as the number one master, but also because of his friendship over the years.

But Xu Chong's reason is complicated.

"Get up."

King Qian waved his hand casually, and after Duan Rufeng stood up, he asked again: "You just said that no matter who comes today, they can't take Xu Chong away?"


Duan Rufeng struggled, and said: "Don't hide it from the king, the death of this person and my second son..."

"It's just a son. If you die, you will die. Don't you have another one?"

Qian Wang spoke lightly and interrupted Duan Rufeng directly.


Naked domineering!

Duan Rufeng's complexion changed, and his heart was extremely humiliated, but he still didn't dare to have any thoughts of contradicting him, he could only almost beg him: "I can guarantee that after the interrogation, he has nothing to do with my second son's death, and I would like to take half of my family's wealth , personally come to the door to apologize to him.”

"No no no."

King Qian shook his head, "You still don't understand what I mean."


Duan Rufeng was taken aback.

"I mean……"

King Qian stretched out his index finger and poked Duan Rufeng's chest: "Even if he killed your son himself, so what?"


Duan Rufeng suddenly changed color.

I couldn't hold it back for a while, and said a disrespectful word 'you'.

"Kneel down."

Qian Wang said lightly.


Duan Rufeng knelt down.

There was no way, the king asked him to kneel down, so he had no choice but to kneel down.

And he did offend the king.

"Even if he kills your son, if you can swallow it, you have to swallow it. If you can't swallow it, you have to swallow it."

King Qian continued, "I really can't accept it, so I just imagine that someone else killed your son, and then go and kill others, understand?"


Duan Rufeng trembled all over.

"Okay, let's go."

Qian Dynasty waved to Xu Chong, then turned and walked out.

Duan Rufeng didn't think there was anything wrong with this attitude of being superior and ignoring all sentient beings, and even accepted it with pleasure.

Because he knows the power of King Qian, and also the meaning of King Qian.

But he couldn't accept that he let himself bear the pain of losing his son for no reason!

Even if he died because of this, he would still ask Duan Yuanming a question!

Duan Rufeng roared angrily.

Qian Wang paused, turned around and looked at Duan Rufeng.

After a while, he shook his head and walked back.

"Never mind."

King Qian looked down at Duan Rufeng, "If I don't tell you, I'm afraid you won't be able to rest in peace even if you die."

"Because Xu Chong is the legacy of Taizu."

"Is this reason enough?"


Brother Meng, the author seems to be getting used to it day by day! #cheer
(End of this chapter)

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