Longevity begins with a dog

Longevity begins with a dog


289 Chapters Completed Status

The imperial power of this world is supreme.
The five-class household registration system weaves a net of wealth.
Above the net is the royal family, and below the net are all living beings.
Xu Chong came across and became a


The imperial power of this world is supreme.
The five-class household registration system weaves a net of wealth.
Above the net is the royal family, and below the net are all living beings.
Xu Chong came across and became a scholar in a small county.
In order to find spiritual energy, he inherited the position of Gou Guan's father and entered the county government, and it has been out of control ever since.
People: Mr. Xu is different from his father, he is the master of Qingtian!
Baiguan: Your Majesty, the thief has hidden evil intentions, so don't let him stay!
Emperor: Xu Aiqing is my arm, if you dare to frame her again, she will be killed without mercy!
Rebel: Boss, as long as you give an order, we can immediately overthrow Baoqing!
Xu Chong: Believe it or not, I'm really just an ordinary dog ​​official...

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