Longevity begins with a dog

Chapter 56 The beginning of the end

Chapter 56 The beginning of the end

Fu Yuanlong died.

Three points of light rose from the corpse, and they crashed into Xu Chong like swallows falling into the forest, and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a trace of smoke drifted out from the corpse.

Xu Chong's complexion changed, he quickly took out the Wuxiang garment, held it in his palm, and wrapped it from the outside with all his strength.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the corpse was no longer melting.

This is the function of Wuxiangyi, devouring the corpse of the newly dead to form a 'false appearance'.

The holder can input strength to make this false appearance appear, so that the false ones can be confused with the real ones.

Moreover, the consumption of using the false appearance is one-time, and it only needs to input strength once, and it can be maintained until the false appearance is replaced or the false appearance is actively removed.

Not bad.

The only limitation is that only two illusions can be stored at the same time.

More than two continue to absorb corpses, replacing the oldest one in the order absorbed.

For example, the Mr. Pianpian that Wuxie Daozi used to use has been replaced by himself at this time.

Thinking about it now, the reason why he didn't do anything to Xu Chong at the beginning was because he didn't want to give up that identity.

There is no such thing as skill cooling.

"That young master must be someone important."

Xu Chong kept an eye out and began to rummage through Fu Yuanlong's body.

Not long after, a bronze mirror was removed from the back waist.

The bronze mirror was as big as a palm, and looked very ordinary, even a little worn out, the kind that no one would pick up when it was thrown on the side of the road.

However, with such an ordinary appearance, Xu Chong tried it, but found that he couldn't destroy it!

With the first level of Tongmai and the bonus of Zhefeng Shou, under the full burst, the bronze mirror did not respond.

The thick and bulky feedback came back, as if the bronze mirror was bound together with the entire county.

"No wonder the water ghost can only retreat..."

"I don't believe it, you can still continue to operate if you throw it outside the city?"

Probably just in time.

While repeatedly claiming yes, Xu Chong backed out of the inner hall and left the county government office under the witness of Si Yan.



The next morning.

The sky is bright.

In an inn not far from the county government, five blood-clothed guards gathered together, each holding a prostitute in their arms and shouting non-stop.

"Buy and leave, buy and leave!"

"Small! Small! Small!"

"Leopard! I want a leopard!"


The one sitting in the dealer lifted the dice cup, "Three five 53 points, big! The dealer takes all!"

Immediately, the other four blood-clothed guards sighed one by one as if mourning.


"Lost again... Mr. Zongqi is lucky."

"I don't believe in evil anymore, come again!"

Following the yelling of his subordinates, Yang Xiong blushed and rolled the dice again.

In fact, he really doesn't care about such a small amount of money.

But he has a good face.

Was won by that Xu Chong before... He even has the heart to kill.

In comparison, the brothers of Blood Yiwei are still cute.


I will never gamble with outsiders again.

Thinking of this, Yang Xiong knocked the dice cup on the table.

- Boom! ! !
A loud bang.

Everyone turned their heads in unison.

Obviously, such a big movement cannot be caused by the dice cup.

"It's the county government!!!"

Yang Xiong's complexion changed drastically, and he jumped out.

The speed of Tongmai Duo explodes at full strength.

After a dozen or so breaths, he stopped abruptly at the gate of the county government office.

Because, he saw a scene that was enough to make him unforgettable for the rest of his life.

The three-story building where the inner hall is located is slowly collapsing and disintegrating.

His immediate boss, Fu Yuanlong and Fu Baihu, was pinched by the neck and dragged limply to the ground like a piece of junk.

The owner of that hand just stood quietly outside the gate, facing the direction of the inner hall, and nodded slightly from time to time.

Seems to be enjoying the scene.

When the building completely collapsed, the man finally turned around.

He was dressed in coarse linen, with a dark complexion and ordinary facial features.

Yang Xiong wailed wildly in his heart, but he didn't dare to make any moves, for fear of angering the other party.

What concept?
The adults of the hundred households who are connected to the five layers of veins are being manipulated by the other party like a dead dog.

My own meridian dual level, can't I just shoot him to death?

How to do……

Now that the brothers didn't come, relying on myself, even with nephrite armor to protect him, he would only be worthy of death.

If you run, you will definitely not be as fast as the opponent.

It seems that I can only kneel down and beg for mercy?

Yang Xiong was thinking wildly, when a black shadow suddenly enlarged in his field of vision.

He recognized it, this is Lord Baihu.

You can't hide!
Yang Xiong's face turned green, and his whole body swelled with energy, planning to bite the bullet and take Fu Yuanlong.

However, just as Fu Yuanlong's body flew in front of him, an arm suddenly pierced through it and slapped him hard on the chest.

- stab it!
The body was torn into several pieces, and Yang Xiong was sent flying ten feet away, and fell to his knees on the ground.

So strong! ! !

Yang Xiong looked frightened and vomited blood repeatedly.

At this time, he was both happy and desperate.

Fortunately, if Lord Baihu hadn't rewarded the Nephrite Armor, he might have confessed to this palm.

Desperately, why the hell isn't anyone else coming? !
"Not dead?"

The dark man frowned in dissatisfaction, and was about to make another move when his footsteps stopped suddenly, "Hmph, you court hawks, you move very fast."


Yang Xiong was taken aback for a moment, and then he heard footsteps coming from all directions.

No need to ask, the brothers of Blood Yiwei are rushing here at full speed!

The joy of being saved from a desperate situation made Yang Xiong heave a sigh of relief, and even couldn't help but look at the man proudly.

With those nephrite armor and magic crossbow, so what if you are strong?
Shouldn't he obediently run away with his tail between his legs?

Just thinking about it, Yang Xiong's expression froze little by little, and he even became more frightened than before.

What did he see?
The traitor of Taipingdao turned into another person in front of him? !
It is not a rare thing to change the appearance, and it can be done by Tongmai Realm.

He is also a meridian, and he has done this.

But the problem is, it needs to move the bones, make fine-tuning on the height and facial features, and then cooperate with the means of disguise, so that people can't recognize it.

And the man in front of him just stood there doing nothing, and turned into another person in the blink of an eye? !
The man in coarse linen turned into a thin old man dressed as a housekeeper...

You even changed your clothes? !
What the hell kind of operation is this? !
"Wait, I will kill you all in this county one by one!"

Xu Chong put on the appearance of the housekeeper, Lao Li, and said something darkly.

Then his figure flickered, and he left quickly without hesitation.

By the time the blood-clothed guards arrived, they had already disappeared.

"what happened?"

"What happened to that loud noise just now?"

"Old Yang, are you stupid? You should say something!"

"Wait! This broken corpse... Master Baihu?!"


(End of this chapter)

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