Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 117 Refining Artifacts and Alchemy: Su Ming's Killing on the Way Back to Beijing

Chapter 117 Refining Artifacts and Alchemy: Su Ming's Killing on the Way Back to Beijing
This is the way of refining!
Infused with the power of one's own true energy, the way of talisman and talisman was integrated, and turned into a rune of the way of utensils.

The spirit pattern on the sword spine wandered, and the sharp blue light on the sword edge became brighter and brighter.

This halo is the convergence of the sword light on the long sword after the power of the talisman was blessed.

When the spirit pattern came to the end from the sword spine, Zhang Li breathed a sigh of relief and slowly withdrew his hand.

Senhan on this sword is ten times stronger than before, and the sharpness on the sword is also ten times stronger.

If two swords strike each other, this sword can break the body of the previous long sword with one sword.

Putting away the carving knife, Zhang Li flicked the blade with his fingers.


On the blade, the edge trembled.

good sword.

Unfortunately, it can only go so far.

On the spine of the sword, there was only one spirit pattern running from beginning to end, which failed to cover the other half of the sword body.

Such a sword weapon cannot be regarded as a real magic weapon, but a half magic weapon, which is a lot of mortal weapons in Zhang Li's hands.

Mortal weapons are naturally much stronger than ordinary mortal weapons.

It's just that compared with the magic weapon with a complete spirit pattern, this sword weapon is still much worse.

Zhang Li sighed softly as he stroked the sword with his palm.

Practice in the world is one step at a time.

I don't have a deep research on the way of refining weapons, and being able to draw such a spirit pattern is already the limit.

In addition, the material of the sword made by Gongsun Jiu is not very high-quality, and the forging method is not the method of refining magical weapons in the practice world.

Combining the two, it is already rare to have this sword.

In the future, I will do more research and practice on the technique of depicting spirit patterns. Gongsun Jiu has practiced the art of refining weapons in the world of practice. It should not be difficult to refine a real magic weapon.

The value of a real magic weapon is tens or hundreds of times that of a half magic weapon among immortal cultivators.

Walking out of the quiet room, putting the long sword in front of Gongsun Jiu, Zhang Li turned and walked out of the small courtyard.

"This, this is the spirit pattern seal cutting method in the world of cultivating immortals!"

"Mr. Zhang, you are actually a legendary craftsman in the practice world!"

Behind him, Gongsun Jiu's exclamation sounded.

Don't look at the fact that Zhang Li only carved an incomplete part of the spirit pattern on the sword, this is not something ordinary people can do.

Without the foundation of talisman practice, without the strength and accumulation of true energy above the fourth level of Qi training, it is impossible to do seal carving.

For those apprentices in the practice world, if they want to learn and be able to seal and carve spirit patterns by themselves, they often need a year of hard work, burning furnaces and hammers in the sect to create magic weapon embryos.

Zhang Li was able to carve this half of the spirit patterns, so he was right to say that he was a craftsman.

The reason why Zhang Li wanted to carve this half of the spirit pattern was actually to frighten Gongsun Jiu.

For a person like Gongsun Jiu, the fact that his cultivation base is more powerful than him does not convince him.

But if he is stronger than him in the way of refining weapons, then he will be extremely admired.

In Zhang Li's view, Gongsun Jiu's weapon refining method is already the pinnacle of ordinary people, and the refined weapons can also carry spirit patterns.

In the future, he will study the methods of refining weapons in the immortal way, and the weapons he will create will become more powerful, and it is possible to become the embryo of a magic weapon.

Zhang Like is not interested in forging the embryo of a magic weapon with a hammer, he just wants to study and depict the spirit pattern.

Now that Gongsun Jiu has been convinced, let him forge and refine weapons in peace, so that he can practice seal carving of spirit patterns, isn't it the best of both worlds?

Seeing Zhang Li walking out of the small courtyard, Gongsun Jiu, who was holding a long sword in his hand, was full of excitement in his eyes.

He thought that since he had seen the Immortal Artifact Refining Technique, it would be good if he could learn the Immortal Forging method.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhang was able to practice the method of engraving seal seals and refining magic weapons.

If I stay in Jingyuan Temple and Mr. Zhang, will I have the opportunity to learn the skills of such a real craftsman and become a craftsman?

Inheritance of their Divine Sword Villa, the ancestor of the Gongsun family is a rare weapon refiner among the mortal cultivators.

No, it's a refining apprentice.

When he fell, although he passed on his own refining skills, the most regrettable thing was that he failed to become a real refining master.

If Gongsun Jiu could master the art of refining weapons and forge a real magic tool, it would be regarded as fulfilling the last wish of his ancestors.

Muttering in his mouth, Gongsun Jiu lowered his head to look at the long sword in his hand, his eyes were shining brightly.

From now on, I will stay in Jingyuan Temple, and never leave unless I become a craftsman!

Zhang Li, who walked out of the small courtyard, looked at Zhuo Shi and Zhuo Jin, disciples of Jingyuan Temple who were on duty.

Seeing Zhang Li, the two disciples on duty bowed quickly.

"Where is that Daoist Tuoyuan?" Zhang Li looked at the two of them.

"It's in the Songfeng Pavilion. This disciple will take Master Uncle." Zhuo Jin hurriedly cupped his hands, and then led Zhang Li to a stone path.

Zhuo Jin was rewarded with a pill from Zhang Li last time, but he hasn't swallowed it yet, and he is devoting himself to practicing every day, in order to achieve the qualification of being able to take the pill to improve his cultivation.

Songfeng Pavilion is not far from Zhangli's small courtyard, with waves of pines blowing, and the breeze carries a hint of medicinal fragrance.

Several green medicine fields are hidden among the mountains.

It was Zhang Li's invitation to let Daoist Tuoyuan come to Jingyuan Temple.

Jingyuan Temple has already appeared, and several masters have gone to sit in the imperial city.

Two others whose identities cannot be revealed, but who are absolutely powerful, Mr. Tu and Mr. Zhao, also went to the imperial city and stationed in the enshrining hall and the emperor's bedroom.

Regarding these two, both Zhao Cheng and Gongsun Jiu told Zhao Ji privately that they were existences whose cultivation base and combat power were higher than theirs, and they must not be offended.

With such support from Jing Yuanguan, Zhao Ji felt much at ease.

Naturally, he did not refuse Mr. Jing Yuan Guanzhang's invitation to Taoist Tuoyuan.

What's more, Taoist Tuoyuan himself is willing to come to see Zhang Li.

If it weren't for the action of Immortal Master Lei Ting, Daoist Tuoyuan would have died at the head of the southern city of Luojing, not to mention breaking through to the fourth level of Qi training realm that he dreamed of due to the change of Luojing's spiritual energy and the blessing of merit.

The thatched hut supported by green wood, and the flames rise below a bronze furnace with a height of half a person.

The two green-robed Taoists were sweating profusely there to activate the Flame Art.

Before the Dan Ding, a gray-haired old Taoist muttered while throwing several kinds of medicinal herbs into the Ding Ding.

The formulas in the Taoist's hands are changing, and there is a slight aura of mystery swirling between the palms.

Zhuo Jin, who was following Zhang Li, had a look of envy on his face.

This is alchemy.

Immortal means.

Zhang Li didn't go forward, he just stood outside the thatched cottage, waiting for the alchemy veterans to slowly collect the formulas, and the two Taoists who started the fire extinguished the fire before entering the thatched cottage.

"The alchemy is lingering, the flavor is strong but the smoke is light, it seems that it has become a pill." With a smile on his face, Zhang Li looked at the cauldron that was still steaming.

"Haha, Mr. Zhang has good eyesight." The old Taoist in front of the cauldron smiled and cupped his hands towards Zhang Li.

"Ziyang Taoist Tuoyuan met Mr. Zhang."

The two Taoists who were burning the fire also stood up and cupped their hands.

Both of these two are Qi training third-level, they are the immortal worshipers in Jingyuan Temple, and they are arranged to practice alchemy with Taoist Tuoyuan.

They have dabbled in alchemy before, but the level is too low, and it is incomparable with Taoist Tuoyuan.

"Ziyang Dao?" A gleam flashed in Zhang Li's eyes, "I didn't expect Tuoyuan Daoist to be from Ziyang Dao, the number one Alchemy Dao sect in Luyang Continent."

Although Yunlan Daozong is known as the number one sect in Luyangzhou, it is not the number one in all cultivations such as alchemy, Qi, and Taoism.

The Yunlan Taoist sect is the number one sect in Luyangzhou because of its own background and the support of the great elder Lin Chaoyang.

The alchemy of Ziyang Dao is far stronger than that of Yunlan Daozong.

A smug look appeared on Taoist Tuoyuan's face, and then he restrained himself.

Although Ziyang Dao is extraordinary, the person in front of him is from the Yunlan Dao Sect, the number one sect in Luyangzhou.

Nodding slightly, Taoist Zhuo Yuan sighed softly: "After more than a hundred years of practice, the land of immortals and gods is a dream after all..."

Whether it is Ziyang Dao or Yunlan Dao Sect, they are all in the past tense.

The present ones are just a group of mortal cultivators who will live forever in the world of mortals.

The faces of the two Taoists who were burning the fire were also filled with sorrow.

Zhang Li coughed lightly, breaking the slightly dull atmosphere.

"Fellow Daoist Tuoyuan is refining Sanyang Pill. I see that the main medicine you use is Yuyang Ginseng and Qingyang Grass."

Zhang Li's words made Daoist Tuoyuan's eyes light up, and he said in surprise, "Mr. Zhang also cultivates alchemy?"

Just like a spirit pattern can subdue Gongsun Jiu, Zhang Li said the medicinal ingredients of the pill at this time, and Taoist Tuoyuan immediately liked him.

"Zhang is interested in alchemy, that's why he invited fellow Daoist Tuoyuan to stay in Jingyuan Temple."

"By the way, how does Sanyang Pill reduce dryness when it transforms into civil and military fire?"

"I see that Taoist Tuoyuan's method of manipulating the Danding is a bit like the method in the hands of Shanyue Shisan?"

Ziyang Dao and Alchemy Dao are not bad, so what can a low-level practitioner like Taoist Ke Tuoyuan learn?
Whether it is the Sanyang Dandan formula or the furnace control method mentioned by Zhang Li, it is extremely easy to obtain.

In Zhang Li's storage bag, there are at least dozens of recipes and manipulation methods of this level.

Zhang Li's words made Taoist Tuoyuan's eyes shine brighter, and the expression on his face became eager.

Meet old acquaintances in other lands!

This is the mortal world.

Whether it is the immortal cultivator or the practitioner in this world, none of them has really studied the way of alchemy.

This is also the reason why Taoist Tuoyuan chose to live in seclusion in Luojing after he was relegated to the ordinary world, and he didn't want to talk to anyone.

It is really high-spirited, no one communicates.

I really didn't expect that at this time, Mr. Zhang Zhongzhang of Jingyuan Guan was actually a person in this way.

My way is not alone!
"Come on, fellow Daoist Zhang, please take a look. The critical moment of controlling this alchemy tripod is to use the big yin and yang hands to suppress the conversion, and use the clear and turbid air to calm the heat."

"Look, when collecting pills, you can also use the method of gathering sources to gather the last pill energy."


Zhuo Jin was completely confused.

The two Taoists who came to light the fire could only half understand and half understand, so they barely remembered it.

The only one who listened carefully was Zhang Li.

Before coming to see Taoist Tuoyuan, he had already amassed a lot of basic knowledge of alchemy.

He also quietly made several pills.

The result is naturally nothing but spending some elixir.

Now listening to Tuo Yuan explaining the small details and tricks in the process of alchemy, I suddenly feel enlightened.

While confirming, he asked some things he didn't understand in the classics.

At the beginning, Taoist Tuoyuan explained to Zhang Li happily.

"Zhang Daoyou actually knows the method of stacking three fires? This method is to accumulate the power of flames in the process of alchemy with triple flames to increase the potency of medicine."

"Haha, Zhang Daoyou is really a person in my way. He has studied the Guyang Pill. Man, there must be a few of this Pill."

The two chatted a lot, and Taoist Tuoyuan was a little bit struggling.

When Zhang Li asked again, he either frowned in thought, or shook his head.

"I've heard of the Seven Star Alchemy Method that Zhang Daoyou mentioned, but I haven't seen it before."

"Hey, Zhang Daoyou, you actually know the refining method of Boiling Blood Pill. I only heard about this pill. It is said to be a substitute for Longevity Pill. Unfortunately, I don't know the recipe."

Taoist Tuoyuan is only a low-level alchemy practitioner after all, so naturally he can't answer Zhang Li's questions one by one.

But that's it, the conversation between the two has made the two Immortals on the side make offerings, and Zhuo Jin who is following behind looks confused.

It's too advanced.

Can't understand.

"I do have the formula and refining method of Boiling Blood Pill. If Fellow Daoist Tuoyuan is interested, I can copy it for you." Zhang Li said softly, and threw out the last bait.


Hearing the formula and refining method of Boiling Blood Pill, Taoist Tuoyuan couldn't hold back anymore.

This is a elixir that can increase lifespan, although it does not increase lifespan by much.

Who would not want to have a few such pills on his body?
"Zhang Daoyou, alchemy should not be passed on lightly. In this way, you are so interested in alchemy, Tuo Yuan is willing to teach you all the alchemy that he has learned in his life."

Taoist Tuoyuan had a serious expression on his face.

He is not stupid.

Those who can practice for more than a hundred years without dying with low-level qi training, no one is a fool.

Even those who are not very clever have already fallen in the various low-level tasks of the sect.

Those who can live to be more than a hundred years old are all old foxes.

Taoist Tuoyuan had already seen what Zhang Li wanted.

His alchemy experience.

It just so happened that Zhang Li also had what he wanted.

The two looked at each other and smiled lightly.

Zhang Li stayed in Songfeng Pavilion for more than an hour, and discussed a lot of alchemy knowledge with Taoist Tuoyuan before returning to the small courtyard.

In the small courtyard, Zhang Chu, who had not seen him for many days, came to visit.

"Mr. Zhang, Your Majesty has arranged for an interception of Shangshu Su Ming." Zhang Chuli spoke in a low voice before the long case.

That's why he came to see Zhang Li in person.

Zhao Ji summoned the family members who came to Luojing, and then gave him a mission.

Kill Su Ming.

If Su Ming returns to Luojing, he will definitely continue to carry out the policy of pacifying the family.

At that time, not only the sixteen mansions in the southeast, but also Luojing and even the whole country of Zhao, the aristocratic families would be suppressed or even destroyed.

Only by preventing Su Ming from returning to Beijing can the family be saved.

As for why the emperor wanted to kill Su Ming, according to what Zhao Ji said, he wanted a nomination certificate, and at the same time he didn't want Confucianism and Taoism to control the court.

There are countless people in the world who want Su Ming to be in charge of Zhao Guochaotang, but the emperor doesn't like it, it's as simple as that.

No matter what the reason, anyway, those people from the family can only agree.

This is the only way.

"Mr. Zhang, I can only report this matter to you." Zhang Chu showed embarrassment on his face, and said in a low voice: "I know that His Majesty did something wrong, but I don't know how to persuade him."

Before the long case, Zhang Li waved his hands and said calmly, "Su Ming will be fine."

"Mr. Zhang, there are also strong men with great master level hidden in the family." Zhang Chu lowered his voice and said.

There are only a few great masters in the world who are strong and famous, but it doesn't mean that there are only a few who have such combat power.

Aristocratic families, as well as those thousand-year-old families, including guarding forces like Jing Yuanguan, all have means to give birth to great masters.

It's just that the price is huge on the one hand, and on the other hand, the strength of such a great master is not as powerful as that of a real great master, so there is no need to do this unless it is absolutely necessary.

Just like in Jingyuan Temple, Wang Qingyang would not use secret methods to break through if he had no other choice.

It wasn't long for Su Ming to break through to the Grand Master Realm. If there was a Grand Master Realm among the interceptors, it would not be easy to escape.

"Zhao Ji didn't really want to kill Su Ming." Zhang Li's words made Zhang Chu tremble.

"He just let me know about it through your mouth."

"The location of the interception is a hundred miles away from Luojing, right?"

"At the time of interception, Zhao Ji will personally rush to rescue Su Ming."

Shaking his head, Zhang Li looked at Zhang Chu and said softly: "He is the emperor now, and he is no longer acting recklessly like before."

"He has thought about this matter."

"Show goodness to Su Ming, and show your strength to deter all parties."

Zhang Chu and Zhao Ji once lived and died together, and Zhang Chu also pinned his wealth on Zhao Ji.

It's just that Zhao Ji is the emperor.

How could the emperor have brothers?
Before leaving, Zhang Chu showed a trace of loneliness on his face.

Three days later, news came from Daming Mansion.

Su Ming, a heavenly official from the Ministry of Officials, was assassinated in Daming Mansion.

But those assassins were killed by the accompanied thousand-year-old family powerhouse before they got close to Su Ming.

When this matter spread to Luojing, the emperor was furious, and sent [-] feather guards to escort Su Ming to Beijing, and at the same time arrested the remaining assassins who dared to assassinate the officials.

The army went to Daming Mansion for two days, arrested two hundred warriors from aristocratic families, and entered Luojing with Su Ming.

Three days later, the army marched to Luoyugang, a hundred miles away from Luojing. Suddenly, landslides and ground cracked. Hundreds of strong men from aristocratic families made their move, and three strong men from the Grand Master Realm besieged and killed Su Ming.

Because the army accompanied Su Ming and isolated Su Ming's guards, those strong men from thousand-year-old families were not by Su Ming's side.

When those thousand-year-old family powerhouses arrived, Su Ming was already surrounded by hundreds of family powerhouses.

The first three are all great masters.


A golden streamer handprint with the shadow of the wind, went straight to the top of Su Ming's head.

The great master made a move.

(End of this chapter)

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