Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 118 Su Ming is Prime Minister, Zhang Li's Deal with Heaven

Chapter 118 Su Ming is Prime Minister, Zhang Li's Deal with Heaven
All the strong men who followed Su Ming were isolated.

The three great masters intercepted and killed Su Ming.

Such a game can be called a lore.

Seeing the head-on blow, Su Ming's face remained unchanged, he raised his hand, and his sleeves carried a cyan brilliance, forming a faint light curtain in front of him.


Su Ming whispered, and with his fingertips, he drew a large golden character on the light curtain that looked like it was written in ink.


The golden word "御" flew out and turned into a small shield the size of a palm, blocking the blow to the head.

The small shield collided with the fist shadow, and it collapsed into a cloud and shattered into jade chips.

What means is this?
Follow the law!
Is this the method of the Confucian and Taoist masters?
The three great masters who besieged Su Ming were all stunned, looking at Su Ming who was blocked behind by a three-foot light curtain in amazement.

"Haha, Grandmaster Su Ming created my Confucianism and Taoism warfare!" An old man with white beard and big sleeves who was blocked from the battle circle showed excitement on his face, and clenched his fists tightly.

The strong men from the aristocratic families who besieged and killed Su Ming also looked flustered at this moment.

The means Su Ming showed were not something they had seen before.

With such a fairy method, they can assassinate him?
"He's just the skin of immortality!" A low voice sounded, and then a golden arrow flew towards Su Ming's chest.


This arrow is clearly an immortal method!
Everyone's eyes widened to see if this arrow could break through Su Ming's defense.

Su Ming's eyes shone brightly, he suddenly waved his big sleeves, wrapped them tightly around his arms, stepped forward, and rolled up the light curtain in front of him.

Hold the rolled up light curtain with one hand, pull it with the other, bend the bow and shoot the arrow.

"Blizzard, full bow—"

In an instant, the endless wind and snow gathered in Su Ming's hands, and then condensed into an ice arrow.

"call out--"

The ice arrow flew out, collided with the golden arrow light, and exploded!

This blow made all the powerhouses who besieged Su Ming retreat unconsciously.

Anyone who shoots them with this arrow will die!

"The three great masters can't kill a single Su Ming, the aristocratic family, what a waste..." On the hill in the distance, a big man in black armor whispered in front of a chariot.

He is Zhao Pingzhou, the new commander of the Habayashi Guards, a grand master from the royal family.

Yulin Marquis Zhao Ju, the former commander of the Yulin Guard, resigned due to a crime. Zhao Pingzhou, who took over, had a deep personal relationship with King Yu Zhao Chong.

When Zhao Ji ascended the throne, he asked Zhao Pingzhou to be the commander of the Habayashi Guards, and he was in charge of the Luojing Habayashi Guards army.

The Luojing royal family didn't like Su Ming who was self-respecting.

"With the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, the means are not bad." On the side of the chariot, Tu Zheng, who was carrying a big axe, narrowed his eyes.

"However, I can kill him."

Tu Zheng turned his head and looked at the figure sitting in the frame.

Hearing Tu Zheng's words, Zhao Pingzhou's eyes lit up.

"Ahem, Mr. Tu is just joking, this is my Prime Minister." Zhao Ji, who was sitting upright in the frame, coughed lightly, raised his hand, and pulled out the long sword from his waist.

"Mr. Tu, please take action and follow me to rescue Prime Minister Su Ming."

Following Zhao Ji's words, Tu Zheng raised his hand to hold the big ax he was carrying, stepped onto the frame of the chariot, and said in a low voice: "Drive—"

The chariot roared and moved forward rapidly.

The entire chariot was wrapped in a layer of light red evil spirit, and the roaring sound was accompanied by the roar of dragons and tigers as it moved forward.

This chariot is the frame of Mr. Jing Yuan Guanzhang, and it is temporarily driven by Emperor Zhao.

This chariot is said to be a treasure, and just the evil light and shadow it props up can resist attacks from the master realm.

Eight war horses galloped with all four hooves, pulling the chariot towards them like flying.

Originally, this chariot should be pulled by a black tiger.

But Zhao Hu is a real monster, and now he is in the imperial city, Zhao Ji dare not ask him to pull a cart.

"I am in the world of Zhao, and someone dares to intercept and kill the court order officer."

"I will wipe out the rebellion and never tolerate—"

Zhao Ji's long shout resounded.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the emperor wearing a uniform and holding a sword on the bloody chariot.

The chariot galloped, with a bloody streamer, and the big man driving the chariot had a tyrannical aura surging.


This is the Emperor Zhao who came to the rescue in person!

Those strong men from the aristocratic families were all pale and at a loss for a while.

"Meet Your Majesty—"

All the soldiers raised their swords and guns, shouted, and rushed to Su Ming to protect him.

The chariot came galloping forward, Zhao Ji pointed forward with the long sword in his hand, and shouted loudly: "You and the traitors are not captured without hands?"

Catch up?

Those strong men from the aristocratic families glanced at each other, then looked up at the three great masters in front of them.

There was a trace of fighting spirit on the three great masters.

But as soon as this fighting spirit rose, it was shattered by a ray of power permeating the sky.

Su Ming's body was blessed with the power of heaven.

As an emperor, Zhao Ji has his own majesty and general momentum.

And the man with the big ax sitting in front of Zhao Ji had such a strong aura that he could kill them directly.

"Greetings, Your Majesty."

The three great masters bowed.

When Zhao Ji arrived in person, they knew that the new emperor asked them to kill Su Ming just for show.

What's more, Su Ming's strength surpassed their imagination.

In today's situation, the new emperor Zhao Ji came in person and did not let the blood flow here, which shows that he still does not want their family to die.

As the armored chariot moved forward, everyone bowed.

The chariot stopped in front of Su Ming, and Zhao Ji, who was standing with a sword in his hand, looked down at Su Ming in front of him.

When Yongzhou was pacified, the two went together.

Although the prince at that time also presided over things, he didn't have much majesty.

At that time, the imperial envoys pointed out the country, but they lacked the domineering spirit at this time.

The two looked at each other, and they really felt that the world was impermanent.

"Su Aiqing, I'm shocked." Zhao Ji looked at Su Ming and said loudly.

Su Ming pondered for a while, the shadow of the longbow in his hand dissipated, tidied up his clothes, and then bowed towards Zhao Ji.

"Minister Su Ming, I pay my respects to Your Majesty."

Bow down.

Zhao Ji showed a smile on his face, put his long sword back into its sheath, strode down from the chariot, and then reached out to support Su Ming's arm.

"Su Aiqing, let's go back to Beijing with me in the same car."

"I am a big Zhao world, and I need Su Aiqing."

Su Ming froze slightly in front of him, and without breaking free, he took the same chariot with Zhao Ji, and then the chariot roared and headed towards Luojing.

After the chariot, the army rolled up smoke and dust.

Those strong men from the aristocratic families looked at each other and followed the army, as if the interception just now had never happened.

In the direction of Luojing, both soldiers and civilians came out of the city to greet them.

One day later, Su Ming, the Heavenly Official of the Ministry of Officials, accepted the seal in the Chaoyuan Hall and became the new Prime Minister of the Zhao Kingdom.

To celebrate the inauguration of Zhao's new prime minister, the emperor pardoned the world.

Among the amnesty, the former prince's remnants who rebelled against the court and usurped the throne were not included.

But the aristocratic families in the sixteen mansions in the southeast, those masters of the aristocratic families, as long as they surrender, they will forget the past.

This not only demonstrates His Majesty's benevolence and kindness, but also shows the generosity of the new Prime Minister Su Ming.

Those strong men from the southeast aristocratic families are grateful for His Majesty's generosity, and many of them are willing to serve the court.

Zhao Guochaotang was instantly condensed because of Su Ming's return, and the hearts of the people were no longer scattered like before.

Su Ming didn't go back to Luojing alone.

There are hundreds of talents from the prefectures of the southeastern states, elites from the Jixia Academy of Chu State, masters from a thousand-year-old family, and heroes of the younger generation.

Regardless of their ability or background, these people can support them to have a place in Zhao Guochaotang.

Who dares to be careless among the former courtiers of the Zhao Kingdom, there is a real possibility of being robbed of their seats.

With Su Ming taking office as Prime Minister, the general situation in the world has gradually returned to calm.

The Northern Wei Dynasty retreated.

Although Qin's army is still at the border, Qin's army will not attack for a day when Emperor Ying Wuya does not leave the border.

As for the state of Chu, because Zhao Ji worshiped Su Ming as the country's prime minister and governed the country with Confucianism, the two countries have similar national policies, and they are even more close.

Half a month after Su Ming became Prime Minister of the State of Zhao, the Chu State's navy returned downstream, and groups of grain merchant ships went upstream.

In half a year, Zhao's overall situation was stable.

Jing Yuan Guan, Zhang Li basically did not leave.

Zhangli's small courtyard has now been expanded with a pill room and a refining room.

The original courtyard has also been expanded, and there are more medicinal fields for planting spiritual herbs and elixir.

These elixir and spirit herbs were searched by the disciples of Jingyuan Temple based on visions from various places.

At present, there are more elixir in the hundred miles around Luojing, but there are still few in other places.

It is estimated that it has something to do with the eruption of the spiritual tide in Luojing Baili.

"Don't tell me, Zhao Jin is still a bit tricky." Zhu Yunshan, who was holding a small wine jug in his hand, sighed and spoke softly.

His God's Domain is ten miles south of Luojing City, the farther he is from the God's Domain, the worse his cultivation and fighting power will be.

Fortunately, Jingyuan Temple is not far away, so he can come here often.

Zhao Ji promoted Liu Yue to be the commander of Xuan Yuewei, and let the eldest princess Zhao Ciyu take charge of half of the worship hall.

This made Liu Yue a lot busy.

So there is little time to restrain Zhu Yunshan, so that he has time to drink and listen to music on the cloud boat.

Of course, it is not just that Zhao Ji has the ability, at least the current Zhao country is fast and stable, without internal and external turmoil.

The people of Luojing no longer had the panic they had before.

The original rumors about Zhao Ji not being as good as Zhao Cheng were rarely heard.

"In today's general situation, Confucianism, Taoism and martial arts are both favored." Zhang Li looked up at the sky, and said softly: "Zhao Ji can accept Confucianism and Taoism to govern the country, so he will naturally attract the favor of heaven."

The southeast is all about Confucianism and Taoism, and the northwest is all about martial arts.

As for Zhang Li and Zhu Yunshan, they are exceptions.

As for the way of magic or cultivating monsters, those are not favored by the way of heaven.

"By the way, you opened up this medicine field, and you are also refining alchemy. Are you really planning to practice hard in this mortal world?" Zhu Yunshan's eyes fell on Zhang Li, with doubts on his face.

"Your cultivation base and longevity, there is no need to stay in the mortal world, right?"

Because of the cultivation of the divine way, based on the realm of the gods, Zhu Yunshan's cultivation strength has recovered a little, and he can see Zhang Li's immortal realm.

The ninth floor of Qi training environment.

At this level, the next step is to build a foundation, and it is not impossible to live to eight hundred years, even a thousand years.

No matter who it is, at this level, what they want is to quickly step into the foundation building level.

"Whether you can return to the world of practice or not depends on chance." Zhang Li shook his head and spoke softly.

Zhang Li has been slowly purifying his cultivation recently, and he is not in a hurry to reach the peak of the ninth level of Qi training.

"Actually, you can find other ways to leave the ordinary world." Zhu Yunshan looked at Zhang Li's expression and said in a low voice.

Dongfang Jing sent the news that those shark-human tribes had been found, and he also knew that the shark beads of Qinglin's soul, which had resisted the invasion of outsiders, were not broken, but they didn't know where they were lost.

Beyond the boundary behind the passage, there is the world of practitioners.

Ao Jin and Taoist Yuji also said that there is a passage to the world of practice in the East China Sea.

In Zhu Yunshan's opinion, if Zhang Li can't return to Luyangzhou, he should go to another continent.

As long as it is practicing the world, it will be fine.

The mundane aura is cut off, and it is not a place to stay for a long time.

"Let's talk." Zhang Li nodded.

For him, with massive resources, it doesn't matter where he goes to practice.

On the contrary, the mortal world is favored by the Dao of Heaven. If you can trade with the Dao of Heaven a few more times, and have more insights into practice, it will be better than in the world of practice.

Zhu Yunshan shook his head, said nothing more, and put down a stack of talismans, his body turned into a breeze and faded away.

There are many differences in the practice of Shinto, and this method of transforming wind is a rare skill.

He is now helping Zhang Li to refine talismans, in exchange for some pills, or other treasures that cultivators need, and then give them to Liu Yue to practice.

Zhu Yunshan left, Zhang Li didn't go to practice, but tidied up his clothes, his figure flickered, and he covered his tracks and left Jingyuan Temple.

Go out of Jingyuan Temple, cross the Luoshui River, and stand in front of a mountain.

Raising his hand, a crack appeared on the blue stone wall.

Here, the gas of gold essence was once produced.

After Zhang Li collected the golden energy, he sealed this place with a formation disk.

At this moment, when the formation plate was put away, a burst of golden essence rushed out.

It seems that the changes in the power of the heavenly law have increased the production of natural treasures such as the gas of gold essence.

Walking into the crack and coming to the water pool where the gas of gold essence was collected at the beginning, you can see a pale golden mist on the water pool.

Most of the golden essence last time was used by Zhuo Yun and Zhang Chu for training, and the last point was given to Gongsun Jiu forging the weapon a few days ago.

The gas of gold essence was integrated into the refining tool, and the weapons forged were more sophisticated, which made Gongsun Jiu very happy.

Standing by the pool, Zhang Li didn't immediately collect the golden energy, but raised his hand and scattered pieces of spirit stones around his body.

1000 yuan.

A low-grade spirit stone worth 1000 yuan was placed around his body, and then he waited quietly.

It wasn't until there was a faint breeze blowing around him that he smiled lightly and stretched out his hand.


All the spirit stones were shattered, and then turned into a rich spirit that permeated around the pool.

Most of the spiritual energy was sucked into the stone wall in front, and a little fell into the pool.

In return, the gas of gold essence, which was originally only one foot in radius, swelled to a size of more than three feet, and became even more intense.

Tiandao is really stingy this day, he wants aura, but he refuses to exchange too many treasures.

Shaking his head, Zhang Li raised his hand to collect the golden energy.

This time the amount was more than ten times more than the last time, and it was also ten times richer.

"Ning." He whispered softly, and a cyan halo flashed across his palm.

With the help of the fusion of the golden fingers, all the gas of the golden essence turned into a golden bead the size of a soybean.

Don't look at the golden pearl, it weighs a hundred catties.

If this golden bead is a refining weapon, it can be added to ten sword weapons, and the refined sword weapon is directly a mortal weapon.

Gold beads are priceless treasures in the common world, and if they are placed in the world of practice, they are also worth three thousand spirit stones.

Of course, Zhang Li can't sell this thing, and he has nowhere to sell it.

It is better to go back to refining weapons or to exercise body than to change spirit stones.

The most indispensable thing in Zhang Li's hands is the spirit stone.

Looking at the misty pool still bubbling in front of him, Zhang Li smiled.

When Zhang Li opened up the medicine field, he used the method inherited in the world of cultivating immortals to water the field with spiritual energy and nourish the field with broken spirit stones, feeling the desire of heaven.

Tiandao is extremely eager for aura.

Zhang Li buried 100 yuan of spiritual stones under the medicine field in the small courtyard to allow the spiritual energy in it to escape naturally and blend into the ground veins.

In exchange, the power of heaven quietly blessed it, making the elixir in the medicine field grow much more vigorously.

This time he came to the place where the energy of gold essence was produced, and he experimented again, and finally he was sure that Heavenly Dao could bribe with spirit stones, no, it was a trade.

Although Zhang Li is not short of anything for the time being, it is a good thing for him to be able to grasp the trajectory of the way of heaven.

If you encounter any difficulties in your practice in the future, you can trade with Tiandao in exchange.

After re-sealing the crack and covering it up with formations, Zhang Li returned to Jingyuan Temple.

"Uncle, there is a book written by a cultivator named Taoist Yutang, please describe it." When Zhang Li returned to the small courtyard, Taoist Qingxun handed over a booklet.

At this time, Qing Xun was already at the pinnacle of the Martial Dao Grandmaster Realm.

As long as he has an opportunity, he can step into the Grand Master Realm.

Of course, he is not in a hurry now.

According to what my uncle said, whether it is pills or exercises, it is easy to enter the realm of a great master, and it is serious to lay the foundation well.

"Poverty Daoist Yutang, please tell me, fellow Daoist Zhang Li."

"It's about returning to the task of guarding the practice world."

"Wangzhang Li Daoist friends, don't spread the word, and don't bring others to see."

Looking at the book in his hand, Zhang Li chuckled lightly.

He heard from Ao Jin that Taoist Yutang of the Yuling Dao was beaten badly by Ao Jin.

So I specifically asked, don't bring outsiders.

It is related to the task of guarding and the opportunity to return to the world of practice, so Zhang Li wants to see it anyway.

If you can return to Luyangzhou, even if you find a hidden place to cultivate temporarily, it is good not to return to Yunlan Mountain.

Looking at the location and time marked on the booklet, Zhang Li nodded.

"Master, the Lord of Huangxianyu City in the East China Sea is warning you that Qi refiners in the East China Sea have merged with experts from outside the realm, and they may go against the direction and cause chaos in the Central Plains."

Qing Xun handed over another letter.

Dongfang Jing had fought against those practitioners from outside the realm, and said that the strength of these practitioners from outside the realm was even higher than that of Qi refiners.

If practitioners from outside the realm unite with Qi refiners, it will be a major disaster for this world.

I don't know why these practitioners came to the ordinary world.

Unfolding the letter paper, Zhang Li frowned.

"Sure enough, it's for the Earth Immortal Realm."

(End of this chapter)

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