Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 119 Sky Demon?Zhang Li shot, a sea of ​​thunder!

Chapter 119 Sky Demon?Zhang Li shot, a sea of ​​thunder!
Muyun Island in the East China Sea is a hundred miles away from the coast.

There are thousands of clouds and waves on the island.

This island has always been stationed by disciples of Jixia Academy, facing Wuhuang City across the sea.

The gas refiner in the East China Sea once tried to make Muyun Island's idea, but was repelled by Huang Xianyu and the masters of Jixia Academy of Chu State.

As early as 200 years ago, the former city lord of Wuhuang City also fought against the qi refiners for this Muyun Island, and signed a contract that the qi refiners were not allowed to go to Muyun Island.

"Muyun Island is the entrance to the fairy world of the sealed town. This time, practitioners from outside the realm went straight to Muyun Island. Although Huang repelled it twice, he failed to give up."

"Among the qi refiners, someone who was acquainted with Huang once sent a message that the outsider practitioners came from the ordinary world under the rule of Luo Wuzhou, and this time they came for the fairy world on Muyun Island."

"Inheritance of Wuhuang City, it is responsible for guarding the closed town of Muyun Island. Huang has the heart to fight to the death, but he is afraid that he will not be able to catch him. Therefore, he sent a message to warn everyone. Please be careful."

"If the passage to the Earth Immortal Realm is reopened, I am afraid that a catastrophe will be imminent for my mortal world."

Huang Xianyu wants to stick to Muyun Island.

However, with the strength of Wuhuang City and the ability of Huang Xianyu as a great master, it is absolutely impossible to stop practitioners from outside the realm from joining forces with Qi refiners from the East China Sea.

Even with the help of experts from Jixia Academy, they can't resist outsiders.

Wuhuang City is located on the bank of the East China Sea, and has always been friendly with all parties, in order to attract the great masters of all parties to help at critical times.

"Uncle, according to the agreement between Jingyuan Temple and the guarding forces of all parties, Senior Brother Yuan Qing has sent Uncle Mingxu to the east." Taoist Qing Xun looked at Zhang Li and said in a low voice.

Taoist Mingxu is the person who is in charge of Jingyuan Temple's magic weapon Zhenyuan Whip.

Taoist Mingxu travels eastward, and he must bring Zhenyuanbian with him.

His cultivation is already at the pinnacle of the Grandmaster Realm, and with the power of the Zhenyuan Whip, ordinary Grandmasters are no match for him.

It is also because the strength of Jingyuan Temple has increased greatly now that Daoist Yuanqing dared to send Ming Xu to take Zhenyuan whip there.

Zhang Li's eyes fell on Taoist Qing Xun.

Taoist Qing Xun was slightly taken aback.

What does uncle mean?
In Zhang Li's hand, a Qingfeng sword was revealed.

"You also go to the East China Sea."

"Although this sword is not a magical weapon, it is already a mortal weapon, and its combat power is not bad."

"With this sword protecting your body, you can protect yourself when you go to the East China Sea."

Take this sharp sword and go to the East China Sea!

Daoist Qing Xun's eyes flashed, he took the long sword with both hands, and said in a low voice, "I understand."

This is an opportunity for him to break through the realm of martial arts!
For me who has practiced to the peak of the Grand Master Realm, it takes a big battle to break through.

I have been controlling the information of all parties before, but I forgot my own practice.

"Bring this sword, Xun Yuanhe, let him send senior Yuji to the East China Sea."

Taoist Yu Ji!

Before Taoist Qing Xun could react, Zhang Li spoke again.

"Senior Yuji, let's go too."

Daoist Qing Xun's complexion changed, and finally he bowed and nodded: "Disciple, let's go now."

Taoist Yu Ji was admitted to the Demon Suppressing Tower because of his practice of demon law.

As the former temple master guarding the sect, Taoist Yuji committed a great crime, but no one can punish him.

Perhaps, the uncle wanted Master Yuji to atone for his crimes by defending against practitioners outside the realm?Taoist Qing Xun had the answer in his heart.

What he thought was not wrong.

In Zhang Li's view, for a senior master like Taoist Yuji, it would be a waste of combat power to be locked in the Demon Suppressing Tower.

It just so happened that a strong outsider came, and it was just right to let him contribute.

Half a day later, Taoist Yuji, who was wearing a black robe and a hood covering his face, came to see Zhang Li, and then took Taoist Qing Xun and dozens of Jingyuanguan disciples to the east to Wuhuang City.

Early the next morning, Zhang Li quietly left the courtyard.

Up a hundred miles along the Jinjiang River, on a verdant mountain, a figure has been waiting quietly.

Seeing Zhang Li, the figure sized up his eyes, and then looked behind Zhang Li, only to be relieved that Ao Jin hadn't been seen.

"Fellow Daoist Jingyuan Guanzhang."

"Pimpedao Yutang, the deacon disciple of Yulingdao's guarding mission this time."

Taoist Yutang, who was wearing a blue robe, took out a jade tablet, revealing the streamer on it.

This jade tablet made Zhang Li's eyes narrow slightly.

He also has a jade tablet in his hand.

In front of the gate of the two worlds, Taoist Mingyu gave him the jade tablet.

It is also because of this jade plaque that Zhang Licai lived in Jingyuan Temple for a long time.

Is this jade badge the identity badge of the guarding deacon's disciple?

I am also a deacon disciple?
Zhang Li didn't know it himself, it turned out that he was also a disciple of the guarding deacon.

Taoist Yutang did not do any good in the mortal world, so he quietly approached Zhao Guo's enshrining hall, enticing Zhao Yubing, the great elder of the enshrining hall, to serve him, turned his head, and refined Zhao Yubing into his imperial spirit.

This person's behavior is really the temperament of a cultivator.


"Pindao knows that Zhang Daoyou is powerful, and he wants to come to Fanchen to seek opportunities." Taoist Yutang didn't know what Zhang Li was thinking, and put away the jade plaque with a smile on his face.

"A person like Fellow Daoist would not really be willing to hang out in the mundane world."

"Pindao is looking for fellow Taoists today to give you a chance to return to the world of practice."

A chance to return to the world of practice.

Is that the guard mission?

"Tell me." Zhang Li said calmly, his expression unchanged.

His expression caused a trace of sullenness to flash across Taoist Yutang's face.

Thinking of the helper Zhang Li had recruited from nowhere, his physical strength was so strong that his own nose was knocked crooked by him, Taoist Yutang felt angry again.

However, his expression disappeared in a flash, and then turned into a chuckle.

All powerful people in the world are arrogant.

The person in front of him is just a disciple of Qi training in the practice world, and he didn't even have the chance to be a deacon in the sect, but now in the ordinary world, he is putting on airs.

Really think of yourself as a powerful person.

It's a world of mortals and charming eyes.

Seeing Zhang Li like this has strengthened Taoist Yutang's determination to return to the world of practice.

The mortal world is not a place to stay for a long time.

"Cough, fellow Daoist Zhang stays at Jingyuan Temple, so you know where the sky demon's finger bones in the upper reaches of the Jinjiang River fell?"

Seeing that Zhang Li's expression remained unchanged, Taoist Yutang continued to speak.

The place where the demon finger bone fell that day is a place where practitioners from ancient times stayed.

That is, the Earth Immortal Realm.

Although Taoist Yutang concealed it in his words, Zhang Li still understood.

There is the passage to the immortal world that sealed the town back then.

When the passages of the town were closed back then, in order to use different forces to repel each other, so the power of each closed town is different.

Use Buddha to seal demons.

Overwhelm Buddha with magic.

Town immortals with demons.

Use immortals to suppress demons.

Under the Immortal Supreme Treasure like the Demon Suppressing Pagoda, what is being suppressed is the world of the demon race and the immortal world.

Under the Hanging Temple is the fairyland of the Demon Dao.

Under the Zhenmagic Division is a great world of Buddhism.

"The place where the sky demon's finger bones fell, is there a place where immortal cultivators exist?" Zhang Li looked at Taoist Yutang and asked softly.

Taoist Yutang laughed, nodded and said, "Not only is it the place where the cultivators live, but it is also related to me, Lu Yangzhou."

In ancient times, the fairy world held high the nine heavens, and the ordinary people were the spiritual world, so people yearned for the fairy world.

After the fairy world collapsed, it backfired on the spirit world, causing the spirit world to gather the power of one world to condense the earth fairy world.

Among the hundreds of Earth Immortal Realms, there was one that was once connected to Lu Yangzhou's inheritance.

"The mission of guarding once every 300 years, Zhang Daoyou, do you really think that the exiled disciples will enjoy the blessing?" Taoist Yutang had a smug smile on his face.

So what if your Zhang Li is doing well in the mundane world?
In front of the power of the real cultivation world, you are nothing but an ant.

"Help me to connect the practice world with that world."

"Because of the suppression of the power of heaven, this channel can only be opened every 300 years."

"Only for about a month at a time."

Open the passage between the practice world and the earth fairy world!

It turns out that there is still a connection between the practice world and the earth fairy world!
Zhang Li's unchanging expression finally changed this time.

"Which world is very powerful?" The earth and fairy world gathers the spirit world, heaven and resources, and has great powers in charge.

Such a world is probably much stronger than the world of practice.

Hearing Zhang Li's words, Taoist Yutang laughed and looked at Zhang Li: "Friend Zhang, there are some things I can't say."

"If you are willing to accompany me to that world, you will naturally understand."

can not say.

It is a precautionary measure.

It is also the heavenly way to guard against the mundane world here.

Zhang Li pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "When are you leaving?"

Taoist Yutang is just an immortal cultivator who has practiced Qi at the seventh level.

Where he can go with his strength, what is Zhang Li afraid of?
Zhang Li has long been curious about the place where the sky demon finger bone fell.

Here, in fact, Taoist Yuji has searched for it before, but in the end it was fruitless.

Taoist Yutang chuckled and raised his hand: "If Fellow Daoist Zhang has made arrangements, we'll leave now."

He asked Zhang Li to come to see him alone, which meant that he invited Zhang Li to make a trip immediately.

If Zhang Li brings Ao Jin here, Taoist Yutang will not see him.

"Okay." Zhang Liji replied simply.

Everything in Jingyuan Temple has been arranged.

This is the advantage of him being out of Jingyuanguan, not in charge of Jingyuanguan.

If he had accepted the seal letter from the master of Jingyuan Temple, how could he have left so gracefully?

Taoist Yutang raised his hand, and a purple-gold long flag fell into his palm.

Auras of spiritual lights lit up on the long flag, and a black cheetah flew down.

Yuling of Yuling Dao.

This cheetah is obviously a demon body, but its agility is too lacking, and its eyes are empty.

Whether the Yuling of Yulingdao is strong or not depends on the strength of the Yuling itself.

Secondly, it has something to do with the master's cultivation base and talent, as well as the quality of the magic weapon, Yuling Banner.

Taoist Yutang's cultivation is only at the seventh level of Qi training, and the Yuling Banner in his hand is barely a middle-grade magic weapon, and the quality of the Yuling strength he received cannot be very good.

For example, this black panther is actually only a little bit of a monster, much worse than those monsters in the Demon Town Tower.

Not to mention the means of transforming people, but the spirituality is very poor.

And the running speed is not fast, and the combat power is about the level of Qi training, right?

Of course, this is Zhang Li's evaluation.

With the cultivation of Taoist Yutang, the Yuling Banner, which is in charge of this middle-grade magic weapon, is already a rare strong person among the same rank of his sect.

Raising his feet and sitting on the back of the black panther, Taoist Yutang turned his head.

Zhang Li pondered for a moment, took out a light yellow paper talisman, shook his hands and turned into a white crane.

Flying Crane Talisman.

This is a rushing talisman commonly used by low-level Qi training realm cultivators.

Immortal cultivators who are really low-level and have a hard time usually fly away by themselves, or use magic talismans.

It's the kind of talisman that has several spirit stones and can walk like flying if you stick it on your leg.

The flying crane talisman, most people still don't want to part with it.

After all, there are only two spirit stones for one spirit stone.

The reason why Zhang Li chose this talisman was because he was much faster than the black panther, whether it was Feidun or Yujian.

He also has other talismans for rushing, and they are all faster than Feihe.

Seeing Zhang Li take out the flying crane talisman, Taoist Yutang twitched his mouth: "Hehe, Fellow Daoist Zhang is rich."

Even in the sect, he was reluctant to use the flying crane talisman.

The jealousy in his eyes flashed away, Taoist Yutang controlled the black panther, flying several feet away.

The black panther galloped forward rapidly on the mountains.

Turning his head slightly, Taoist Yutang saw Zhang Li sitting cross-legged on the back of a huge white crane with outstretched wings ten feet away behind him, with a calm expression on his face.

It really looks like a fairy.

Seeing himself riding a black panther in the forest, getting his beard and robes shaved off by branches from time to time, Taoist Yutang's complexion became even more unsightly.

Urging his mount, Taoist Yutang was a little faster.

Just looking back, Zhang Li was still behind him with a calm expression, while Bai He was sitting on his back.

As the Jinjiang went upstream, it slowly changed from a thousand feet wide to hundreds of feet wide.

After flying for hundreds of miles, the river is less than a hundred feet wide.

"Speaking of it, it's due to Fellow Daoist Zhang. If it wasn't for Fellow Daoist Zhang's blow full of heaven's might, which changed the course of Jinjiang Luoshui, the place where the demon's finger bone fell would still be at the bottom of the water that day."

Taoist Yutang, who was riding a black panther, turned his head to look at Zhang Li, and asked with a light smile, "I don't know how fellow Daoist Zhang manages to strike a hundred miles away with a water sword flying across the sky?"

At the beginning, Zhang Li was in Jingyuan Temple to attract the power of the Yushui Talisman, and he shattered the Luoshui dragon with one blow, and then turned the dragon into a sword, and struck Ying Wuya three hundred miles away.

Taoist Yutang was dumbfounded by such a powerful blow.

Even the elders of the Golden Core Realm in his Spirit Control Dao, probably can't have such strong means, right?

During that time, Taoist Yutang left Luo Jing far away, not daring to move.

Thinking about it later, there seems to be something wrong.

Then, observing the changes in the general situation of all parties, combined with the records of the Demon Suppressing Tower in the classics, Taoist Yutang confirmed that Zhang Li only used the power of Fang Tiandao and the power of the Demon Suppressing Tower to inspire that sword.

Otherwise, let alone Zhang Li, even the Jindan Daxiu of Yunlan Daozong would not be able to strike such a sword.

There is no spiritual blessing in the mortal world, who has such a cultivation base to strike a sword head-on?
"Zhang's practice has dabbled in the way of swordsmanship, talismans, and Taoism of alchemy. He felt it that day and used the power of the way of swordsmanship to fight Ying Wuya."

Zhang Li answered very sincerely.



The corner of Taoist Yutang's mouth twitched.

Everyone is the guarding disciple of the exiled mortal, this is a common matter, why brag like this?
Is this interesting?

The way of swordsmanship, the way of talisman, the way of alchemy, the way of tools, if you specialize in any one, you won't be reduced to the mortal world, right?

"Zhang Daoyou, you are truly a genius."

"It's a pity to come to the world."

Taoist Yutang shook his head and drove the black panther forward.

Half a day later, there was only a three-foot-wide river in front of it, winding along the mountains.

Turning around the foot of the mountain, the bluestone cliffs tower into the clouds, and the surging water vapor fills the air.

A silver-white waterfall flew down.

Under the waterfall, the stone statues are covered with moss.

"Eight-armed demon statue."

"Dragon Slaying Fighting Puppet Stone Carving."

"Spiritual Demon Carving."

Looking at those stone carvings, Zhang Li whispered softly.

The ancient demon sect.

On the wasteland of Luyangzhou, there used to be a great sect of demons, the Sky Demon Sect.

This demon sect once overwhelmed all the sects in Luyang Continent, and finally, under the siege of Yunlan Dao Sect and other sects, it was destroyed by the enemy from Outer Continent.

That battle lasted for tens of thousands of years, and it was the battle for the rise of Yunlan Daozong.

Every disciple of Yunlan Daozong knew about the battle to destroy the demon.

That battle also turned Luyangzhou's originally prosperous and prosperous northern border into a wasteland, covered with snow for thousands of years, no one dared to enter.

It is said that the Sky Demon Sect still has a strong man hiding in the wasteland.

When Zhang Li left Yunlan Daozong to guard Fanchen, it was just in time for Yunlan Daozong to expand to the wasteland.

"Friend Zhang Daoist, this is the place." Stopping the black panther mount, Taoist Yutang showed a trace of suppressed excitement on his face.

"Break the seal of this place, connect with that side of the world, connect with the practice world, and we will be able to go back."

As he said that, he handed the jade token of the status of guarding deacon in his palm to Zhang Li.

In his own hand, the purple Yuling Banner shone with golden light.

"Zhang Daoyou, please activate the power in this identity card."

"I'm here to pull the power of the formation and open up a channel."

Looking at Zhang Li, Taoist Yutang looked solemn, and said in a loud voice: "The poor Taoist swears by his own cultivation, that in this ordinary world, he will definitely work together with fellow Taoists and never betray him."

"Don't worry, I just want to complete the mission and leave this world."

Practitioners do not believe in oaths, but in many cases, various oaths will become their own spiritual shackles, cultivation bottlenecks and demonic obstacles.

For most practitioners, the vows they have made will not be broken until they are broken.

Zhang Li reached out to take the jade tablet and held it in his palm.

Taoist Yutang nodded, and the golden light from the long flag in his hand spread out, turning into golden auras and covering the surrounding stone statues.

"Didn't Zhang Daoyou ask me if that side of the world is very strong?"

"Let me tell you now, in that side of the fairy world, there is an undead power that is not inferior to Nascent Soul."

Taoist Yutang's voice came, and golden lights enveloped Zhang Li and his body.

Not inferior to Nascent Soul?

That is the fairyland where the land is enshrined as a fairy.

Is it the disciple of Fengxian back then?
The talisman in Zhang Li's hand shone with a halo, and then turned into a cyan mask, covering them all.

Their figures disappeared in front of the waterfall pool and landed in a hazy space.


For Zhang Li, who had stepped into the second basement level in the Demon Suppressing Tower, he was already familiar with the illusion of such guarded places.

"That is--"

Looking up, he saw a thousand-foot-tall single-horned figure entrenched in front of him.

"That is the remnant soul of the one-horned flood dragon guarding this place, which was far more powerful than the Nascent Soul back then."

Daoist Yutang's voice was full of pride, and on the long purple flag in his hand, golden lights enveloped Zhang Li's body, and he stepped back.

"I forgot to say, every time you open this channel, you need to bribe the remnant soul of the flood dragon before he can let it go."

"You are the sacrifice I brought to it."

Laughing wildly, the golden light wrapped Zhang Li and slammed into the tall dragon. Taoist Yutang himself was protected by Yuling Banner, and fell into the mist on the other side, standing in the distance, his face was full of viciousness.

Over there, there seems to be a gate.

"I said, I will join hands with you in the mortal world, but this place does not belong to the mortal world."

There was a coldness in Taoist Yutang's voice.

All sacrifices will be devoured by the dragon's remnant soul.

The remnant soul of the flood dragon that received the sacrifice would open this door.

Zhang Li's body collided with Jiaolong's body, triggering Jiaolong's closed eyes to slowly open.

"This time the offering—"

As soon as the roar sounded like thunder, the dragon widened his eyes and stared at the little blue snake flying down beside Zhang Li.

"I, my dragon clan, still have inheritance..."

The body of Qianzhang Jiaolong dissipated and turned into an old man with gray robe and white hair, his eyes were fixed on the blue snake, and his whole body trembled.

Ao Jin's body also condensed from a small snake into a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old, and he bowed.

"Ao Jin, the descendant of the Jiaolong clan, pays homage to the ancestor."

"Old Ancestor, I have suffered."

Zhang Li looked at this senior of the Flood Dragon clan who turned into an old man.

Seeing through the illusion, he could see a Zhanglong finger bone locked by a golden chain.

Is this the sky demon finger bone?
Is this flood dragon the remnant soul of the Heavenly Demon?

The so-called sky demon is the title of a great demon who surpasses the Nascent Soul Realm.

If he hadn't seen through the illusion and saw the chain that locked the phalanx, Zhang Li would not have been led by Taoist Yutang here.

With Taoist Yutang's methods, he still can't be controlled.

Just now, he was just pushing the boat with the current.

"Haha, it's not bitter, it's not bitter, as long as the inheritance of my Flood Dragon Clan is not destroyed, it will be worthwhile for me to guard here for as long as possible."

"Come on, little guy, let the ancestor take a good look."

The old man transformed by Jiaolong smiled and waved to Ao Jin.

Ao Jin turned his gaze to Zhang Li.

As soon as his gaze moved, the old man's gaze also turned to Zhang Li who was at the side.

As if seeing through Zhang Li's cultivation at a glance, the old man frowned.

"You, signed a contract with my junior?"

There was a murderous intent in the old man's eyes, and a trace of coldness penetrated into Zhang Li's sea of ​​consciousness.

In Zhang Li's Sea of ​​Consciousness, his soul was stirring, and in the sky above the Sea of ​​Consciousness, those accumulated merits and vows shattered the icy power with just one vibration.

With the protection of merit and virtue, no one can break through the sea of ​​knowledge.

This is the law of heaven.

Killing intent?
Soul attack?

You did it to me?

Zhang Li raised his hand.

Golden thunder beads emerged one after another.

If the real sky demon is in front of him, he will choose to give in.

But now it is just a remnant soul, still locked by that chain.

What is he afraid of?
He Zhang Li has always been able to fight, absolutely no nonsense.

If you can't beat it, let's talk about it.

"Brother Zhang, you, take it easy..." Ao Jin looked at the handful of golden thunder beads, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he shrank back.

If he doesn't retreat, he will be bombed along with him.


Amidst the stunned expression of Taoist Yutang in the distance, endless thunder light rose from Zhang Li's hands, wrapping around the trembling old man transformed into a dragon.

Lei Guangyu...

Only then did Taoist Yutang understand why Zhang Li was called the Immortal Master of Thunder.

Immortal Master Thunder, if you make a move, the thunder will fall like the sea!

(End of this chapter)

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