Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 120 Cultivation World Foundation Establishment Arrives, Kill It With One Sword!

Chapter 120 Cultivation World Foundation Establishment Arrives, Kill It With One Sword! (The [-]-character chapter asks for follow-up reading)
Thunder Road!

This should not be a power that ordinary practitioners in the practice world can control!
In the falling thunder sea, each thunder light carried the powerful force to tear apart the heaven and earth.

This is the way of Leifa that Zhang Li has upgraded, purified and fused three times.

This Lei is no longer Fan Lei.

From the lowest palm thunder method such as Qingwei Yuanqi Lei, after fusion, it turned into Qingwei Juyuan Lei.

Afterwards, Juyuanlei was condensed and purified again, and the thunder that Zhang Li now controlled was blessed by the power of heaven.

It was in Zhang Li's thunder that Ao Jin condensed the demon core and turned into the golden core demon.

Zhang Li's thunder has the power of heaven.


When the first thunder fell, it hit the white-haired old man's head, smashing his headband.

The old man was taken aback and trembled all over.

The second thunder fell and hit his forehead.

A blue-black unicorn grew out.

The third thunder.

The fourth thunder.

The fifth thunder.


The old man's body was shattered by the lightning, and turned into a one-horned dragon. His scales and armor were bombarded by the thunder, and the fragments flew horizontally.

"who are you--"

Jiaolong roared wildly.

In the next instant, his body was swallowed by Lei Hai.

In an instant, all the illusions in this space dissipated.

A huge dilapidated palace, an altar with a height of three feet and a radius of ten feet, on the altar, eighteen golden chains imprisoned, and a golden finger bone with a length of ten feet.

Under the altar, hundreds of bones of various ethnic groups are piled up.

These bones are strangely leaning against the altar.

Among them, there are actually two huge dragon skeletons.

The moment he saw the dragon's skeleton, Ao Jin felt cold all over his body.

Those two dragon skeletons were clearly the great demons of the Golden Core Realm, and the two gray demon cores rolled down beside them.

This senior of the Flood Dragon Clan devoured even his own junior!
If I really took a step forward just now, would I be leaning against the altar strangely now?

Golden thunder shrouded the altar, and the golden chain seemed to be replenished with strength, making joyful vibrations.

The vibrating chain absorbed Zhang Li's thunder light, and then there were bursts of streamers interlaced on it, spreading to the locked golden phalanx.


In the finger bones, screams came out.

A phantom of a black one-horned flood dragon wanted to rush out from the phalanx, its eyes were blood red, and its body was full of monster aura, as if it wanted to swallow the surrounding world.

This is an extremely tyrannical monster. If he escapes from the predicament, he might directly tear everything in front of him to pieces.

The one-horned flood dragon roared and rushed towards Zhang Li!


The golden chains were taut.

The protruding figure of the one-horned flood dragon was locked by golden chains and pulled back to its original position.

The golden chain was tightened, and the lightning on it seemed to be smashed into pieces.

The one-horned dragon roared and stared at Zhang Li viciously, its minions constantly dancing.

On the second basement floor of the Demon Town Tower, Ao Jin could move freely, anyone who walked in rashly might be swallowed.

But at this moment, the flood dragon was locked.

What are you afraid of?
That's it?

Zhang Li silently raised his hand, and another thunder bead flew out.

Jiaolong is so cruel, it is better to use thunder beads.

He really doesn't lack this thing.


Lei Guang bathed again.

It seemed to be rubbing the body of the flood dragon that hadn't been bathed for countless thousands of years, and the thunder and light flew freely.

It jumped into the body of the black flood dragon, pierced through the scales, and penetrated into the bone marrow.

The black flood dragon phantom roared and screamed.

Jiaolong's figure became thinner and thinner.

It's not a real sky demon, it's just a remnant soul residing in a finger bone, what do you really think of yourself as?

If the big demon of the sky demon realm was here, Zhang Li's Thunder Bead would probably scratch his itch without hurting his fur.

But a remnant soul, what arrogance?
The thunder light slammed down unceremoniously again, blending with the chains that locked the body of the dragon.

The golden chain was more solid and brighter, and the golden lightning on it no longer needed to be supplemented by Zhang Li's lightning.

At this moment, the world seemed to regain its strength.


It's because the guarding power of this space is too depleted, and it can't suppress the power of the sky demon's finger bones.

The power of the celestial demon's finger bones is raging, and those guarding disciples need the remnant soul of the celestial demon to open the passage if they want to enter the guarded earth fairy world.

With sacrifices, the remnant soul of the flood dragon will open the channel.

The guardian disciples who came to this place are all average in strength, who can be the opponent of the dragon's remnant soul?

If you don't bring a sacrifice, don't even try to complete the task.

Over time, it has become a tradition.

That's right, Zhang Li's Lei Hai alone cannot be activated by those guardian deacons who are in the Qi training state.

Even in the Foundation Establishment Realm, how many people can have the power of Thunder Sea blessed by the Dao of Heaven?
As the power of space stabilized, all the fog dissipated.

The guardian disciple jade token in Zhang Li's hand shone faintly.

Just like on the basement level of the Town Demon Tower, the jade plaque conveys a lot of messages.

Here is where the Immortal Transformation Altar is located.

The Altar of Immortal Transformation was cast by the strong of the Sky Demon Sect in ancient times, and suppressed the passage to the Earth Immortal Realm here.

There is a piece of sky demon phalanx in the Altar of Transformation Immortals as the foundation, with the help of the power of this phalanx, the engraved statues outside can be turned into a large formation of transformation immortals.

This transformation means refining and melting.

The Earth Immortal World guarded here is not too big, with a radius of only eight hundred miles, and its strength is not too strong, so there is only one altar.

As for the forces guarding this place back then, they dissipated with the destruction of the Sky Demon Sect.

It's no wonder Taoist Yuji came here to look for it. It was really a place for demon cultivators in the past.

The guardian deacon's jade card in his hand also contained information on how to manipulate the stone statues outside and how to use the power of the heavenly demon's finger bones to suppress the passage to the earth and immortal world here.

In fact, every time the guarding disciples come to these guarding places, as long as they stimulate the power in the jade plaque and get recognition, they can get these messages.

It's a pity that the guarding disciples in the past only wanted to please and bribe the big demon, and never thought of making a move, so naturally they would not activate the control message in the jade card.

Holding the jade tablet tightly, Zhang Li issued an order, and the whole space vibrated, restoring the altar to its previous appearance.

The sky thunder dissipated, leaving only the golden phalanx of the sky demon locked by chains and pressed against the altar.

Daoist Yutang who stood beside him showed a dazed look on his face.

The fog cleared away, the phantom formation disappeared, and he and Zhang Li were only standing ten feet apart.

What did you say just now?

Taking action here is not a broken oath?
Thank you Zhang Daoyou for making a sacrifice?

Zhang Li turned his head and looked at Taoist Yutang.

Taoist Yutang looked at Zhang Li, and then at Ao Jin who was beside him.

In this enclosed space, he had to face the big monster who almost killed him before.

He also had to face the Thunder Immortal Master whose palm was like a sea of ​​thunder, and even the remnant soul of the sky demon would howl in misery.

Did you do something wrong yourself?
In front, Zhang Li raised his hand.

A bolt of thunder turned into a chain and hit him head on.

Taoist Yutang was not given a chance to defend himself at all.

What is there to say to such a villain?

This thunder is unacceptable!

Taoist Yutang raised his hand in horror, the Yuling flag shook in his hand, and several figures flew down.

A black cheetah, a warrior in green armor, a big snake with a long tail...

Yu Ling.

All are imperial spirits subdued by Taoist Yutang.

Zhang Li glanced over the green armor warrior.

Zhao Yubing, the Great Elder in front of the Zhao Kingdom Royal Family's Enshrining Hall.


With a single strike from the lightning, all the imperial spirits were crushed!

Everything returns to dust.

This is the thunder mixed with the power of heaven.

Such methods as Yulingdao are vulnerable to the Thunder of the Heavenly Dao.

Zhao Yubing, a top figure in the mortal world, the grand master of martial arts, had already perished in a flash of lightning.

The thunder did not diminish, and chased after Taoist Yutang.

Taoist Yutang flusteredly threw the long golden flag above his head.


The long flag shattered.

Hundreds of various figures were scattered.

There are races and demon races.

These figures all turned into nothingness under the thunder light.

Zhang Li narrowed his eyes, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, the beams of light transformed by the five immortal sealing talismans attracted strands of merit and aspiration to gather in his body.

The Yuling who broke the way of Yuling saved them and set them free.

This merit and vow are a hundred times stronger and more solid than those of ordinary people.

It seems that the meritorious power of practitioners is stronger than that of ordinary mortals.

No wonder when he led Zhao Cheng and Yuan He Taoist into the Martial Dao Grand Master, the merits and virtues would be reciprocated extremely vigorously.

Merit, wish power, not governed by heaven, this is the purest power of living beings.

The avenue is indelible.

Because Yuling Banner was crushed, Taoist Yutang's complexion was pale, his soul was wounded, and his mouth was bleeding.

Seeing the thunder still falling towards his head, Taoist Yutang cried out repeatedly.

"Brother, save me—"

With a roar, he shook off the burden he was carrying on his back.

The burden exploded, and one of the jade-colored formation disks appeared.

On the array disk, eight sparkling spirit crystals revealed aura.


Each piece is worth [-] spirit stones, a treasure actually worth [-] spirit stones.

Zhang Li still has a lot on hand.

In the world of practice, one high-grade spirit stone worth a hundred low-grade spirit stones is the resource for setting up a large formation.

Using eight spirit crystals worth [-] low-grade spirit stones to set up the formation plate, this is an extremely powerful formation.

Just the formation disk that can carry the power of eight spirit crystals is the top formation disk among all the sects.


A golden beam of light emerged from the array disk, turning into eight beams of light that rotated.

The streamer not only blocked Han Li's thunder light, but also broke through the void of heaven and earth, as if leading into an endless and deep space.

"Junior Brother Yutang has already arrived at the Earth Immortal Realm?"

A voice sounded from the beam of light, and then two middle-aged Taoist priests wearing blue Taoist robes and holding a pale golden long flag stepped out of it.

Transmission array.

This is a teleportation array that connects the world of practice, no wonder it needs to be stimulated by spirit crystals, and only spirit crystals can have such a powerful and thick aura support.

The two middle-aged Taoists who walked out of the formation had a dignified aura, surrounded by a hazy spiritual light.

This is the spiritual light only available to foundation-building practitioners, and its function is to show one's renunciation.

In layman's terms, the foundation-building environment should have a strong character, which is this layer of light.

"Zhu Jiu, the two senior brothers of Minglin!" Taoist Yutang watched the two figures walk out, and burst into tears for a while.

A man doesn't flick his tears lightly, but he hasn't reached the point where he's sad...

The Yuling Banner that he cultivated with his own life, and the Yuling that he spent most of his life collecting, were all reduced to ashes.

Such a devastating blow, if he, Taoist Yutang, hadn't had a firm heart, he would have been crying at this moment.

Taoist Yutang's expression made the two Taoists who walked out of the formation move, and their brows frowned.

"What's going on?" A Taoist looked at Taoist Yutang and shouted.

Another Taoist turned his head to look around, his eyes fell on Zhang Li, and then he looked at the altar not far away, his eyes fixed.

"This is not the Earth Immortal World!"

A gloomy aura suddenly burst from the Taoist body, at least the powerful aura of the second floor of the foundation burst out.

"Yutang, what's going on?"

"Brother Zhu Jiu, this person is this person. He colluded with the demon clan. You see, he wants to destroy my mission of guarding the Spiritual Dao." Taoist Yutang lost his previous fear at this time, and pointed at Zhang Li. .

"By the way, he is from the Yunlan Taoist Sect, so he must be behind the scenes of the Yunlan Taoist Sect," the Taoist Yutang gritted his teeth and growled, "The Yunlan Taoist Sect just wants to control all the treasures exchanged with the Earth Immortal Realm .”

Hearing Taoist Yutang say that Zhang Li is a member of the Yunlan Taoist sect, the two foundation-builders showed cold expressions on their faces.

"No wonder."

"Hmph, Yunlan Daozong recently lost in the northern region, I thought they just retreated like this, but I didn't expect it to be a stumbling block in the mortal world."

"It's also known as the number one sect in Luyangzhou, that's all."

The two spoke words, and their eyes were fixed on Zhang Li.

This was the first time Zhang Li faced the two strong foundation builders.

No, the second time.

The last time, he had just crossed over.

Fake death in the mine, two foundation builders walked by.

At that time, I didn't even dare to open my eyelids.

Now, facing the two Foundation Establishment Realms directly, there is no wave in my heart.

With a helper, Taoist Yutang rambled about how he failed in his mission, how he was plotted against by Zhang Li, and how even the Yuling Banner was broken.

"His helper is a demon. Brothers, be careful, he is a very powerful demon." Taoist Yutang looked at Ao Jin with bright eyes.

The guy who smashed his own nose is going to be unlucky this time.

The senior brother will definitely include it in Yuling Banner.

This time I messed up the mission, the two foundation-establishment brothers will definitely be angry.

But now that I send them an extremely powerful Yuling, this is considered to make up for it, right?
Sure enough, the two Taoists looked at Ao Jin with a lot of greed in their eyes.

"We came from the northern border, so we can't stay for long. We need to settle the matter here quickly, and we have to exchange supplies with the Earth Immortal Realm."

The Taoist on the left whispered.

"Okay, I'll take this little demon away first, and I wish you, Junior Brother, to deal with the guy from the Yunlan Dao Sect." The Taoist's voice on the right fell, and he raised the Yuling Banner in his hand.


An iron-clad ape that was over ten feet tall flew down from the Yuling Banner, and rolled in front of Zhang Li with a somersault, then raised his arms and smashed down hard.

With this blow, Zhang Li must be torn in half.

The moment the Taoist made his move, another Taoist also raised his hand, and the aura on the Yuling Banner turned into chains, locking Ao Jin's body.

It really is a demon!

Yuling Banner, should be called Yuyao Banner, only demonic things can be locked up.

Taoist Yutang saw that his two senior brothers in the Foundation Establishment Realm were killing moves as soon as they made a move, and locked them directly, with a flash of a smile on his face.

This time, let's see how they die!
Zhang Li looked at the long claws that fell on his head, his eyes were full of light.


A golden gate suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Li, and then bumped into the armored ape.

The armored ape's body was directly knocked back three feet by the gate, with a hint of fear in its eyes.


On the other side, the golden chain wrapped around Ao Jin's body was also shattered. Ao Jin stretched out his hand and grabbed the broken golden chain.

The expressions of the two Foundation Establishment Daoists changed from relaxed to solemn.

In the third stage of foundation building, the imperial envoy Yuling Iron Armored Monkey was knocked back by a blow.

Not only did the spirit pennant of the imperial emissary of the practitioners on the fourth floor of the foundation building fail to lock and hold the opponent, but it shattered the chain in it.

It wouldn't be a surprise if this was the world of practice and you were facing a large group of strong men.

However, this place is a mortal world!

If it weren't for the guarding of the altar here, the foundation-building realm would have already attracted the power of heaven to suppress it.

How can there be such a strong man in this mortal world?
Taoist Yutang stared at the scene in front of him.

It seems too early to be happy?


Zhang stood around, and two rotating vitality shields emerged.

Then, he stepped out, and the phantom of the dragon elephant floated behind him.

Martial Dao grand master level six, the level of body training and foundation building.

At this moment, he felt his blood boiling.

From bowing your head to being a man on Yunlan Mountain, to retreating into the mortal world to practice.

Walking step by step, isn't he arrogant?
Today, in this mortal world, he can finally make a move with all his strength.

Foundation building, fight!
With a punch, the golden door slammed into the armored ape again.

The armored ape bared its teeth and rushed forward, bumping into the gate.

The armored ape with half-step foundation-building combat power was instantly knocked into the air.

Zhang Li punched out again, and the phantom of the dragon elephant behind him roared, rushing towards the Taoist not far in front of him.

The power of qi and blood, the power of martial arts.

At this moment, Zhang Li used the peak power of ordinary martial arts to confront the foundation of the immortal way.

In that punch, there is blood boiling.

The Taoist with the Yuling Banner in his hand looked gloomy.

He didn't expect Zhang Li to be so strong.

He knows the combat power of his armored ape.

Ordinary practitioners who have just entered the foundation building realm can only retreat in the face of this extremely fast and powerful armored ape.

Unexpectedly, the practitioner of the Yunlan Dao Sect in front of him not only did not retreat, but instead used ordinary martial arts methods to knock the armored ape into the air, and his body was shattered.

When did ordinary martial arts become so powerful?

Seeing the dragon elephant rushing towards him, feeling the magnificent power of energy and blood on his body, the Taoist took a deep breath, and gently shook the Yuling Banner.

Daoist golden lights scattered, a long white tiger, a black-haired war bear, and a lion with a golden mane, black armor and long tail landed in front of the Taoist.

The white tiger pounced and slammed into the dragon elephant with a strong wind.

Zhan Xiong stood up, roared silently, and smashed down with a punch.

The golden-haired, black-armored, long-tailed lion quietly hid its figure and sprang out behind Zhang Li.

This is the power of Yulingdao.

The stronger and more Yuling the Yuling Banner earns, the stronger the natural combat power will be.

People in Yulingdao are best at fighting the few with the more.

As long as one's Yuling Banner can be sealed, as long as one's spirit power can be controlled, the people of Yuling Dao will continue to gather Yuling.

The white tiger, the war bear, and the black-armored long-tailed lion are all armored apes whose combat power is not inferior to that of the previous ones.

Three half-step foundation-building powerful monster Yuling faced Zhang Li at the same time.

Standing aside, Ao Jin clenched his fist slightly, and tightened the aura rope on another Taoist Yuling Banner, his eyes quietly paying attention to the battle between Zhang Li and those Yulings.

As long as Zhang Li loses, he will make a move.


The first to collide are the dragon elephant and the white tiger.

There was only one crown on the top of the dragon elephant's head, and its long fangs smashed the white tiger's body to pieces.

The strength of the dragon elephant condensed by the power of body training is shocking.

The white tiger with half-step foundation building strength couldn't block a single blow.

This is the power of martial arts and body training!

Zhang Li's body is connected with this qi and blood power, and the phantom of the dragon elephant is the condensed qi and blood of his whole body.

Picking and smashing the white tiger, the dragon elephant shook its head, resisting the long-haired black bear that jumped down.

At this time, the black-armored long-tailed lion had quietly approached Zhang Li's side and swooped towards him.

Zhang Li was steady on his feet, and then he punched down again.


A gate appeared, and the gate opened wide, trapping half of the lion's body.

Martial arts skills, transformed into fists!

This is the pinnacle of martial arts practice in the world.

In the past, Zhang Li envied Dongfang Jing, envied Huang Xianyu and others who could cultivate their martial arts skills to perfection.

Now, unknowingly, his martial arts skills have reached the same level, even higher.

Zhang Li whispered, took a step forward, raised his fists, and closed them hard.


The golden gate is closed.

Fist power is the general power!
Half of the body of the black-armored long-tailed lion caught in it shattered, leaving only the back half dangling there.

It really smashed the body of such a big monster!

But in an instant, the three big monsters who besieged and killed Zhang Li had been shattered into two pieces.


The body of the war elephant, which had long been impatient, pushed out fiercely, crushing the body of the black bear.

The three imperial spirits all turned into nothingness.

This is the power of martial arts!
Zhang Li retracted his fists slowly, and there was a trace of bright halo in his eyes.

It turned out that after martial arts cultivation reached the sixth level of the Grand Master Realm and the Foundation Establishment Realm, the combat power could be so tyrannical.

If these three imperial spirits were used by immortal methods, or by other foundation-building realms, they would never be dealt with so easily.

It seems that there are merits in Qi training realm, even foundation building realm, and martial arts.

This may be the reason why Heavenly Dao chose Martial Dao in this mortal world.

When the strength of the strong cannot be accommodated, the martial art that can best display combat power is the best choice.

The middle-aged Taoist of Yuling Dao named Zhu Jiu looked extremely gloomy, and shook the Yuling flag in his hand, taking back the three broken Yulings.

These three imperial spirits need to cultivate for at least ten years before they can recover.

Even if it is recovered, it will also cause a great loss of spirituality.

"Ordinary martial arts, body training skills, good, good." Zhu Jiu gritted his teeth, and the scroll of imperial spirit flag in his hand turned into a golden spear.

Above the spear, layers of golden light turned upside down, forming a golden battle armor on his body.

The second application of the method of controlling spirits in the way of controlling spirits is to bless oneself with the power of controlling spirits.

This battle armor is a collection of defensive powers of several imperial spirits, without the power to build a foundation, it must not be broken.

Zhu Jiu let out a low shout, and thrust out the spear.

A pale red spirit python phantom followed the spear and devoured Zhang Li head-on.

Although he is not a practitioner of melee combat, but the Yuling Banner turned into a spear, using its power to kill powerful enemies is not bad.

The blood-colored spirit python came to Zhang Li with a flicker, and let out a silent roar.

Soul attack!

The body of this blood-colored spirit python was transformed by the power of the soul, and it spread out in front of Zhang Li, intending to enter his body and devour his soul.

With such a method, it is impossible to defend under the foundation.

Because there is no sea of ​​consciousness, no blessing of spirit power, even the body of the spirit python can't be seen.

This spirit python is actually transformed by the demon soul of the soul-devouring python in the practice world.

Zhang Li did not move.

Ren Lingmang got into his body.

The spirit python flickered and entered his sea of ​​consciousness.

The moment he entered the sea of ​​consciousness, the spirit python was already at a loss.

Know the sea?

In the sea of ​​consciousness with a radius of hundreds of miles, the water of the soul is washed away, and the waves are surging.

Is this where it can go?

Before the terrified spirit python turned around, under the guidance of the Immortal Sealing Talisman, the endless power of merit turned into a big net, covering its entire body, and then condensed into a light red blood bead.

A sneer appeared on Taoist Zhu Jiu's face in front of him, looking at Zhang Li who was not moving, he stabbed straight with his spear.

Let your physical strength be tyrannical, so what if your martial arts cultivation is profound?

Isn't it controlled by the soul-devouring python Yuling?

At this time, I am afraid that the soul has been swallowed up by the soul-devouring python, right?

After all, how could a qi cultivator who has not reached the foundation building stage be able to deal with the imperial spirit that can devour the soul?

The moment the spear pierced Zhang Li's body, Zhang Li suddenly took a step to avoid the spear.

He looked up, and there was a gleam of light in his eyes.

Taoist Zhu Jiu was stunned by this clear gaze.

Zhang Li didn't stop on his feet, and stepped forward with one step, but a blue long sword had quietly appeared in his hand.

The moment Zhu Jiu's golden spear was about to be pulled back, the sword light in Zhang Li's hand had already been cut off.


This is Jianxiu!

The sword light swung out, bringing down three feet of blue sword energy, Zhu Jiu's eyes widened in horror.

Not only does he practice mundane martial arts, but he also builds a foundation by refining his body, and he also has such a condensed and magnificent sword energy!
"Who are you!" Zhu Jiu yelled in his mouth as he had no time to draw back the shot in fright.

What answered him was Zhang Li's clear and gloomy sword light.

The sword light was clear, with a dazzling brilliance in the blink of an eye.

The sword light was dim, and outsiders could not see the trajectory of the sword light when it was cut down.

The sword light collided with the spear, and a burst of spiritual light that was as bright as a rising flame exploded.

The natal magic weapon made with painstaking efforts cannot stop the sword in Zhang Li's hand!
This is the sword cultivator!
A battle of the same rank, absolutely invincible!

Zhu Jiu spat out a mouthful of blood, and flew back backwards.

Zhang Li didn't stop, the sword in his hand followed closely behind, the human sword merged into one, and Jian Guang caught up.

With the sword in your hand and the sword out of its sheath, you will never die.

The way of swordsmanship is not only the sword in the hand, but also the sword in the heart.

Don't dare to kill, why hold a sword?

"Senior Brother Minglin, save me!" Zhu Jiu's face was pale, under the light of the sword, he was bloodless, and his eyes were full of panic.

The Daoist at the Foundation Establishment Realm over there also showed a trace of panic, the aura surged on his body, and the rope that was supposed to capture Ao Jin in his hand faded completely, and then swung it towards Zhang Li's back.

He just raised his hand, Ao Jin's eyes were already showing coldness, and his figure suddenly turned into a dragon.

As Zhang Li's contracted beast, it's fine if he doesn't help, but if he lets the other party go to surround and kill Zhang Li, then what is he, the golden core monster?
"hold head high--"

With a body of ten feet, the dragon opened his mouth and roared, exhaling icy air, instantly freezing all the imperial spirits summoned by Taoist Minglin.


Stretching out his front claws, Ao Jin slapped hard, smashing all the imperial spirits.

With a sweep of the long tail, the long banner in Taoist Minglin's hand, followed by his own body, were thrown away and hit the altar not far away.

With the blow of Jiaolong, the Taoist Minglin who was at the second level of foundation building had all his muscles and bones smashed into powder, and fell on the altar, unable to even struggle.

At this time, Zhang Li's long sword caught up with Taoist Zhu Jiu, who was traumatized by the broken natal magic weapon, and the sword edge pressed down, reaching Taoist Zhu Jiu's neck.

"Go to hell—" Zhu Jiu gritted his teeth and roared, and the half of the magic weapon held in his hand shone with golden glare.

Is this to self-destruct magic weapon?
Even if there is only half of it left, if the Yuling Banner explodes by itself, the power will not be small.

It was only when the aura on the half of the magic weapon came on, that Zhang Li whispered softly: "Bie."


On the altar over there, a golden chain flew out instantly, wrapping Taoist Zhu Jiu together with the Yuling Banner in his hand.

How can it be!

How could the power of the altar be manipulated by practitioners?
Wrapped in that chain, all the true energy in Taoist Zhu Jiu's body was imprisoned immediately.

He widened his eyes, looking at the golden chain in disbelief.

In his eyes, the sword edge on his neck gently pulled.

A big head flew up.

Daoist Yutang, who was standing there, was sprayed with hot blood on his face.

Zhang Li held his sword and turned his head, watching the head fall to the ground, and the remnant body being dragged by chains and falling on the altar.

On the altar, a layer of blood rose from the phalanx of the sky demon imprisoned by the golden chains, covering the bodies of the two Foundation Establishment practitioners.

"I made you move?" Zhang Li shouted, put away the long sword in his right hand, and rained thunder from his left hand.

On the altar, thunder light rained, covering the finger bones of the demon again.


"Junior, what do you want—"

"I'll just take a sip—"

"Old Ancestor, I am convinced, don't smash it..."


In the space of the Immortal Transformation Altar, the thunder light dissipated.

Around the altar with a radius of three feet, there are dense bones that have been collected and piled aside in different categories.

On the altar, an old man with white hair appeared on the phalanx of the sky demon suppressed by the golden chain, with a pale complexion.

Also pale was Taoist Yutang who stood beside him with trembling legs.

Holding two dim demon pills in his hand, Ao Jin looked regretful.

The grade of this demon core is at least the third level of gold core.

It's a pity that all the evil energy has been exhausted.


Zhang Li slowly stripped off all the collections of the two Foundation Establishment practitioners and searched them clean.

The clothes are very ordinary, don't want them.

Two severely damaged Yuling Banners.

There must be a lot of good things in the carry-on storage bag.

The owner has fallen, and the storage bag lacks the imprint of the soul, so there is no way to open it.

If it takes a long time, the space power in the storage bag cannot be maintained, and it will collapse, and the treasures in it will also be scattered, and most of them will be damaged.

It is not easy to break open the carry-on storage bag, and the power of the soul needs to be at least three levels higher than that of the owner of the storage bag.

Coincidentally, Zhang Li's soul power is much stronger than those two Yu Ling Dao's Foundation Establishment Realm.

His soul has condensed gold beads, and the sea of ​​consciousness is wider than three hundred miles.

His soul power is more than stronger than the two third-level Foundation Establishment Realm, two third-level, and three third-level.

Spiritual thoughts penetrated into the two storage bags, and with a soft sound, the original owner's imprint of the soul of the storage bags was shattered.

After all, it is the foundation building environment.

In the two storage bags, there are more than 3000 low-grade spirit stones.

500 yuan each for middle and top grades.

There are more than ten spirit crystals above the top grade.

There are two pieces of magic weapon, defense and attack types, although they are low-grade.

The pills are all of good quality, and there are seven or eight small jade bottles.

Other classics, spiritual materials, and elixir are full, not a lot.

The golden belt of murder and arson is true.

A wooden box appeared in Zhang Li's hand.

Opening the wooden box, Zhang Li frowned.


In the wooden box, there was a row of lavender objects that were long and thick, making Ao Jin who was standing behind Zhang Li breathe out.


Necessary for Shinto practice?
In the earth fairy world, these incense sticks are indeed the most precious things.

There is also a folded paper in the wooden box.

Spread out, on top of it is a list.

"Thirty sticks of incense, in exchange for the following items."

"30 low-grade spirit stones."

"Three thousand catties of jade double grass."

"One thousand catties of frost and gold and iron."


They are all mid-level and low-level treasures, worth millions of spirit stones in total.

Just such a box of incense, so precious?
Zhang Li remembers that incense is condensed by vows and merit. In his own sea of ​​consciousness, the void within a radius of three hundred miles is filled with merit and vows. How much incense can he condense?
Unfortunately, he doesn't know how to condense the power of incense.

Looking at the list on the paper, Zhang Li's eyes flickered.

These things are all good things.

Except for Lingshi, many others are not in his hands.

As for spirit stones, the mundane world lacks them the most right now.

Turning his head, he looked at Taoist Yutang beside him.

"Tell me, how to do this deal?"

(End of this chapter)

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