Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 121 Entering the Immortal Realm, Going to Changtian Pavilion

Chapter 121 Entering the Earth Immortal Realm, Arriving at Changtian Pavilion

Taoist Yutang has lived for more than 100 years.

For a practitioner of the seventh level of qi training, he is used to seeing life and death.

When the two senior brothers Zhu Jiu and Ming Lin fell into the hands of the villains, he had already thought about how he would die.

He made up his mind that before he died, he must curse a few words loudly, he must blew up all his true energy, and he must destroy all the treasures on his body.

However, when Zhang Li turned his head to look at him and asked a word, his legs were weak.


Taoist Yutang knelt down not far from Zhang Li, trembling all over.

He really doesn't want to die...

Only then did he realize that he didn't want to die.

"Zhang Daoyou, no, Senior Zhang, Brother Zhang, please let me go, please..."

Zhang Li stared, and said in a low voice, "Say, how to trade."

Taoist Yutang trembled all over, kowtowed quickly, and explained the transaction process with the Earth Immortal Realm.

After opening the gate of the Earth Immortal Realm, you can enter it.

In the fairy world here, there are several powerful people who are comparable to Nascent Soul, and these incense sticks are traded with them.

The aura of the earth fairy world is extremely strong, and all kinds of low-level resources are worthless at all.

Even strategic materials such as spiritual crystals and chalcedony beads, which are extremely valuable in the practice world, are not precious in the hands of the powerful in the earth fairy world.

At the very beginning, the trade between the world of practice and the world of immortals was to exchange incense and incense for chalcedony beads and other treasures.

The transaction at that time was in charge of the Jindan Realm powerhouse, who came in person.

Both parties are very serious about the transaction, and the transaction value is also very large.

It's just that later, the Immortal Realm discovered the decline of the practice world, and raised prices on the ground, and no longer traded treasures such as chalcedony beads and spirit crystals, and only used low-level materials to make up for it.

In the Earth Immortal World, where the aura is rich, many low-level materials can be regenerated.

The Earth Immortal Realm not only suppresses supplies, but also wants to use the power of the practice world to get out of trouble.

At that time, eight Jindan Realm powerhouses from the Immortal World came out together, triggering the suppression of the power of the Altar of Immortal Transformation.

The final result was that the two experts in the cultivation world of the Golden Core Realm were directly killed by the Immortal Transformation Stone Carved Formation outside the altar.

Among the eight gold elixir powerhouses from the Earth Immortal Realm, three rushed out of the altar, but attracted the backlash of the heavens. Before they could convert their cultivation power, they were killed by the human martial arts powerhouses who rushed over.

The remaining five golden elixir were suppressed by the power of the altar of Huaxian, and they were chased and killed by the stone carvings of Huaxian, so they had to retreat.

This cooperation ended dismal.

Later, the Earth Immortal Realm accused the Cultivation World of deliberately not letting them go through the teleportation formation, attracting the power of heaven to kill them.

The practice world said that the Golden Core Realm of the Earth Immortal Realm did not want to go to the Cultivation World at all, but wanted to get rid of the control of Da Neng who was stationed in the Earth Immortal Realm.

After that cooperation, the transaction between the world of practice and the world of immortality has no value, and neither side pays much attention to it.

If it weren't for the great power guarding the earth fairy world who needed incense, and the practice world also wanted supplies, this transaction might have stopped.

"I, Lu Yangzhou, have a Fairy Pavilion in the Earth Immortal Realm. It's good to go and trade with the ID card of the guarding deacon's disciple."

After Taoist Yutang finished speaking, he looked eagerly on his face, and looked at Zhang Li nervously.

Zhang Li waved his hand and said lightly: "You go."

Taoist Yutang backed away in a panic, and then passed through a stone gate on the wall at the edge.

Seeing him leave, Zhang Li turned to look at Ao Jin.

"His life can be spared, but that body cultivation base, don't keep it."

Zhang Li's voice was flat.

Taoist Yutang made him a sacrifice, and it was a great gift for him not to have his life.

Ao Jin nodded, handed the two dim demon pills to Zhang Li, and then rushed out of the altar with a movement.

Zhang Li looked at the demon pill in his hand, put it in the storage bag, and then looked at the remnant soul of the dragon in the sky demon realm with a smile on his face.


As Zhang Ligang opened his mouth, the old man quickly waved his hands: "I dare not call you Patriarch, the little demon Ao Huateng once practiced in Luyangzhou."

"Little friend, don't give up, just call me Daoist Hua Teng."

He was terrified by the thunder.

Even if he is full of pride, he can't withstand the addition of thousands of thunderbolts.

Patriarch, is no longer the Patriarch of the past...

Zhang Li nodded and looked at Ao Huateng in front of him: "Senior Huateng, may I tell you the story in this altar?"

Ao Huateng must know more about the things Taoist Yutang can know.

What Taoist Yutang didn't know, Ao Huateng knew better.

For example, he knew that in the battle between the Earth Immortal Realm and the cultivation world 800 years ago, it was the guarding Earth Immortals in the Earth Immortal Realm who really attracted the Dao of Heaven and arranged to intercept and kill them.

"Although the five Earth Immortals are powerful in their own territory in the Earth Immortal Realm, it's hard to say how many people in the Golden Core Realm under their rule want to escape quietly."

"What's more, the Earth Immortal Realm here is only eight hundred miles away, and the five Earth Immortals each hold a hundred miles. They fight chaotically, and they don't take the lives of their subordinates seriously. How could those Golden Core realms not want to escape?"

Treating those strong earth immortals as cows and horses is not taken seriously, so naturally they want to escape.

Not only that, there is actually a battle between the earth and fairy world.

There has been a big war between the earth fairy worlds in 500 years, and those powerful earth fairy worlds will squeeze all parties and make them pay tribute.

If it weren't for those earth immortals to support the earth fairy world, and they didn't want the space of the earth fairy world to collapse and be swallowed up by the mortal world, those powerful people in the earth fairy world would have killed all the earth immortals.

The current state of the Earth Immortal world everywhere is that several large Earth Immortal worlds support the overall situation, while small places are stabilized by many strong incarnations of Earth Immortals.

For those earth immortals who are oppressing one side, the big forces turn a blind eye.

"Actually, Earth Immortal doesn't want to oppress his subordinates too much."

"They need incense, without incense, their power in God's Domain will collapse."

Ao Huateng shook his head and said in a low voice.

Originally, there were eight Earth Immortals in the Immortal Realm here, but later three of them lost their traces due to the lack of incense and their physical and divine realms shrunk.

"The use of incense in the world of immortals is so great?" Zhang Li frowned and whispered.

Hearing his words, Ao Huateng grinned and said, "Anyway, many years ago, I knew that this thing is very precious in the world of immortals."

"Earth Immortal Realm has suppressed at least [-]% of the price."

Not only lowered the price, but also exchanged various materials that were not of high value in the earth fairy world.

How are those people in the practice world willing to exchange.

However, Zhang Li also knew that materials worth millions could still be spent by many Foundation Establishment practitioners in the practice world.

This is why the guarding task has changed from being in charge of the Golden Core Realm at the beginning to being in charge of the Foundation Establishment Realm today.

The income is not enough, Jindanjing has been looked down upon.

There is no one left to make the business look so bleak.

When Ao Jin returned, he carried a trace of evil spirit on his body.

"That old boy's bones are weak, I directly abolished the cultivation of meridians, broke the true essence of Dantian, let him shrink in the mortal world, maybe he can live for a few years."

Ao Jin handed a stack of banknotes to Zhang Li.

"This guy also prepared 20 taels of silver bills, and he was ready to enjoy himself. I collected them all for him, and only kept three copper coins."

Zhang Li was not interested in the bank notes, so he waved his hands and turned to look at the gate on the stone wall.

Ao Jin grinned, put all the bank notes into his arms, looked up and saw Ao Huateng looking at him, and snorted coldly.

If Zhang Li hadn't made a move, he would have been summoned by Ao Huateng to the altar and swallowed up.

"When this disk is opened, you can go to the world of practice."

"When the gate is opened here, you can go to the earth fairy world."

Zhang Li's eyes fell on the shattered spirit crystal array, and then looked at the gate in front of him.

From here, one can leave the ordinary world and return to the world of practice.

go now?

After pondering for a while, he looked at Ao Jin: "You stay here, I will go to the world of immortals to have a look."

Come here, always go and see.

It is said that the aura of the earth fairy world is very strong.

Moreover, a box of incense in his hand is of no use to him, but the materials of the earth fairy world are attractive.

He has a lot of resources in his hands, but most of them are low-level.

In Yunlanshanfang City, he can only exchange for that level of supplies.

Many of the items on the list were items he never had, and if he could hold them in his hands, they would be useful in his future practice.

Ao Jin hesitated, nodded and said, "Brother Zhang, be careful."

He is a monster, and going to this side of the fairyland is courting death.

Those earth immortals wished to suppress him and turn him into merit.

Zhang Li walked to the front of the gate, raised his hand and pressed down.

In his palm, the imprint on the jade tablet turned into streaks of golden light, pushing the gate away.

Ao Huateng had told him just now that the identity cards of these guardian deacons are different.

The original one in Zhang Li's hand can only open the Demon Town Tower.

Only the identity cards of the deacon disciples in the immortal world here are in the hands of all parties in Luyangzhou, which belongs to the transaction of taking turns to control.

This year's guardian deacon sect is Yulingdao.

With a flash of inspiration, the gate in front of Zhang Li opened.

On the spirit-seeking jade pendant around his waist, the cyan and purple streamers flashed and then dimmed.

Low-level treasures like the Spirit-seeking Jade Pendant are no longer able to ascertain the power of the Earth Immortal Realm.

A strong aura comparable to that of a handful of spirit stones shattered around him rushed towards his face.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Li stepped forward.

The space in front of him turned into layers of fog.

After the fog dissipated, what I saw was a verdant forest and a blue sky.

This is the Earth Immortal World?
Taking a breath, his expression changed.

It wasn't that the rich aura seemed to penetrate his heart, but that in his sea of ​​consciousness, the five golden beams of light transformed by the Immortal Sealing Talisman vibrated and regrouped into runes to float.

Here, you can seal the immortal!
Just like in the Demon Suppressing Tower, the Immortal Sealing Talisman caused turmoil.

The earth fairy world here has a radius of eight hundred miles, of which five hundred miles are owned by the Lord and controlled by the great power of the earth immortal.

In the other three hundred miles, because of the disappearance of the earth immortal, there is no owner of the heaven and earth for three hundred miles.

It seems that the place where I come now is the unowned space.

This made Zhang Li slightly relieved.

If he happens to enter the area controlled by the Earth Immortal, he needs to be more careful.

To identify the direction, Zhang Li spread out his palms and looked at the spiritual guidance revealed on the jade tablet in his palms.

Not in a hurry to follow the guidance to change the fairy pavilion, he looked at a few spiritual grasses in the grass not far in front of him.

Three and a half feet tall, lush and verdant, at least 30 years old Yuzhi grass.

This is the best elixir for refining elixir.

Stepping forward, he carefully dug up the elixir and put it in the storage bag without any politeness. Zhang Li cast his eyes on the elixir everywhere around him.

This is the Earth Immortal World.

He lowered his head and stood up to pick a few rare elixir plants before he straightened up.

It's not because he's greedy, it's because he has been studying elixir recently, and his hands itch when he sees the elixir.

"call out--"

The moment Zhang Li stood up, a long arrow brushed against his shoulder and pierced the thick tree beside him, and penetrated more than a foot deep into the tree.

If the power contained in this long arrow is pierced into the body, it may be shot through directly.

Zhang Li raised his eyes and looked a hundred paces ahead.

He had already sensed someone over there while collecting the medicine.

Just now he straightened his waist because if he didn't move any longer, the opponent's arrow would be shot.

He got up, and the opponent changed the direction of the arrow, but it missed.

It was Zhang Li who made his shot miss.

With his martial arts grandmaster's sixth-level cultivation base, it's very simple to control his body to move a foot insignificantly.

Holding a big bow, the middle-aged man standing on a hill a hundred steps away showed a trace of bewilderment.

Perhaps it was because he had always believed in his bow and arrow skills, but today he didn't hit the enemy with a single hit, which made him a little at a loss.

In an instant, the middle-aged man took up his bow and shot arrows again.

But when his eyes fell on the front, he suddenly froze.

There was no one on the grass in front of him.

What about people?

He trembled all over and wanted to turn around, but he stood there frozen.

He could feel a sharp blade against his vest, and if he dared to move the slightest, he would be pierced by a blow.

"Tell me, where is this place?"

Zhang Li's voice sounded low.

This land of immortals is called Huaxian Prefecture, with 60 miles of mountains and rivers and [-] living creatures.

This place is called Songze County.

Because there used to be a great immortal Matsuzawa who was in charge of this county.

Later, the Songze Great Immortal God Realm collapsed and disappeared, and this county became a land without an owner.

In fact, I don't know the land of no man.

Several other great immortals sent people to garrison here earlier to gather all kinds of supplies.

"Shangxian, all the medicines you pick belong to the Lord."

"I am the person in charge of guarding the forest here. These elixirs belong to Canghe Taoist of Yuguan."

The big man didn't dare to hide anything, and spoke with a bitter face.

In the three counties without the guards of the immortals, the people have no shelter and can only be enslaved.

This big man named Zhu Ci is the guardian of the nearby village and also the guardian of this mountain forest.

These ordinary people cannot cultivate, even if the aura of the earth and fairy world is extremely strong, just breathing can make them extremely powerful and run like flying.

Because of the strong aura, many plants, animals and animals can easily turn into demons, so there will be practitioners sitting in towns everywhere.

The Yu Temple is the Taoist Temple that guards this place for ten miles.

Songze City, the county system of Songze County, is fifty miles away, where there are more people and more practitioners.

When the big man finished talking about everything he knew, there was no sound behind him.

Turning around, there was no one in sight.

Looking down, he saw a pine branch on the ground.

Just now, it was just this branch that was behind his back.

A trace of bewilderment flashed across the big man's face, he shrank his neck and left quickly.

Zhang Li didn't go and watched, but ran quietly to Songze City.

There is no difference between the city here and the ordinary world, and the clothes of the people are similar.

There are also people who read books and others who practice martial arts.

The difference is that there is no government office here, and the city is managed by the garrison gate.

Another difference is that the currency here is not gold and silver.


A spirit stone shattered into a hundred pieces of thin fingernail-sized Lingbi.

There is a trace of spiritual energy in this Lingbi.

This is the Earth Immortal World, so extravagant that such items are used as currency for circulation.

Zhang Li sat in a restaurant and drank a cup of tea, watching that there were not many people in the market.

Also, there are few people in the fairy world here, and not many people who are qualified to practice, so it is indeed possible to use Lingbi as currency.

If the practice world uses this kind of currency, no sect can afford the loss.

Staying in Songze City for half a day, Zhang Li learned more about the fairy world here.

Five guarding immortals, Wu Yu, Zheng Sheng, Ji Zeng, He Jiyu, and Taoist Yucheng.

Those who have disappeared are Songze, Baique, and Dong Mingshen who disappeared not long ago.

Changing Xian Pavilion is located in Mingshen City guarded by Daxian Dong Mingshen.

Today's Mingshen City is a bit chaotic.

Zhang Li quietly left Songze City and arrived in Mingshen City half a day later.

Saw a lot of fighting along the way.

Ordinary people are trapped in the chaos of these practitioners, in a dilemma of life and death.

Zhang Li also saw a few strong men with at least the third floor of the foundation make a move, arousing the spiritual turbulence between the heaven and the earth, and within a thousand feet, there was a bright streamer.

He didn't lean over to watch the excitement, but carefully avoided and left.

Arriving in Mingshen City, the whole city can already be seen beating, smashing, burning and looting everywhere.

Many practitioners took action and snatched valuables scattered in various shops.

In the middle of the city, there was a roar.

When Zhang Li arrived at the door of a house, there was a spiritual light blocking it, and several shop assistants stood nervously in front of the shop.

At this time, dozens of practitioners with spiritual light had already surrounded the door.

There are at least two Foundation Builders.

"Changtian Pavilion." Looking at the golden characters on the lintel, Zhang Li said softly.

"Our Changtian Pavilion is a place protected by the Great Immortal, so we can't mess around!" An old man in a long robe and with a black beard shouted through a barrier of spiritual light.

"Great Immortal?" A cultivator at the door sneered, "Which Great Immortal is protecting you?"

"Is Dong Mingshen the Great Immortal?"

Everyone else laughed out loud: "This Dong Daxian is hard to protect himself now, he is shrunk in his degraded god domain and dare not come out, what protection is there?"

As the person's voice fell, some of the other people raised their hands and a flame turned into a long dragon, hitting the spiritual light block in front of them.


The spiritual light sealed the shock, and the cracks were dense.

After Mingguang was banned, everyone in Changtian Pavilion turned pale and backed away in panic.

The smiles on the faces of those besieging cultivators were even bigger. They couldn't bear to see all kinds of goods placed in Changtian Pavilion through the ban.

If you grab this Tianchang Pavilion, you can make a fortune!
"Who dares to move me to change Tiange?"

At this moment, with a low shout, a majestic force surged.


Outside Changtian Pavilion, a stream of golden light exploded, knocking all the practitioners who were besieged into the air.

Zhang Li's eyes froze, and he looked at the green-robed Taoist flying down.

Foundation building environment, at least five floors!

The Taoist glanced around and looked at Zhang Li who was standing not far from the gate of Changtian Pavilion.

"Don't leave yet, do you want to seek death like them?" The Taoist's eyes showed killing intent.

There was evil and murderous aura pervading him.

It was obvious that he had killed people, not a few.

Zhang Li shook his head, raised his hand, and a spirit pattern shone on his palm.

The identity jade badge of the guarding deacon's disciple.

The expression of the Daoist at the Foundation Establishment Stage changed, and he took a step forward, his eyes fixed on Zhang Li.

"You, are you from the practice world?"

Excitement flashed across his face, and he lowered his voice: "Did you bring incense?"

(End of this chapter)

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