Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 124 Chapter Li Daihua Xianzhou Tiandao Xing Xian Lei Punishment!

Chapter 124 Chapter Li Daihua Xianzhou Tiandao Xing Xian Lei Punishment!
The strength of the Earth Immortal who became enlightened by using the Sealing Immortal Talisman will change with the expansion or contraction of his divine domain.

At this time, the Great Immortal Songze in front of Zhang Li was also an Earth Immortal, but his strength was obviously far behind Dong Mingshen.

In Zhang Li's perception, Immortal Songze's cultivation was no higher than that of Qu Chongming.

This is the shattering of God's domain, and the loss of cultivation base and combat power.

But there should be another reason.

Hearing Qu Chongming's words, Immortal Songze's expression changed, he pondered for a moment, and nodded.

"It wasn't you who saved me back then, I was already dead."

"It's enough to live for so many years."

Glancing at Qu Chongming and Zhang Li, Master Songze raised his hand and said, "Come with me."

Immortal Matsuzawa now looks like a wealthy old man, with a hunched body, walking slowly.

"Brother Zhang, we will leave when I get the Immortal Sealing Talisman." Qu Chongming said in a low voice.

Zhang Li nodded.

Already here, already having such an opportunity, Qu Chongming will not give up.

In the small courtyard, there are lush greenery, strange rocks and pines contrasting each other, making it especially quiet.

"This deity has been stationed in Songze County of Huaxian Prefecture for more than [-] years. It has been too long to be such a god and invisible earth fairy..."

Walking forward step by step, a soft word came from Matsuzawa Daxian's mouth.

"Earth Immortal, it's said to be an Earth Immortal, but it's actually just a poor person who is stuck in a square inch."

"Earth Immortal World, hehe..."

Walking into a lobby, Matsuzawa Daisen stopped in his tracks.

Zhang Li looked up, and there were mottled and yellowed scrolls in front of him. On the scrolls, there were portraits of Taoist priests in green robes.

"This deity is inherited from the five-source Taoist sect in the spiritual world. If you trace back to the source, you can go to the Tianyuan sect in the fairy world."

"The portraits here are all ancestors of Wuyuan Daozong."

"Since you want to inherit the Immortal Sealing Talisman, you are voluntarily worshiping under my Wuyuan Dao Sect."

Immortal Songze turned to look at Qu Chongming, and said softly, "Kowtow."

Qu Chongming nodded, took a step forward, straightened his clothes, bowed and kowtowed.

After prostrating three times and bowing nine times, Qu Chongming stood up and bowed to Immortal Songze: "Chongming pays homage to Master."


Qu Chongming only got the imperial seal from Dong Mingshen, so he worshiped Immortal Songze as his teacher again?
Zhang Li didn't speak, and didn't even move his face.

Daxian Songze laughed, turned his head, looked at Zhang Li, and looked up and down.

"On Yunlan Mountain, what is the secular name of Elder Yun Teng?" Staring at Zhang Li, Immortal Songze suddenly asked.

Zhang Li was taken aback, and replied, "Lin Xu."

Immortal Songze laughed and nodded with satisfaction: "800 years ago, that kid got a lot of opportunities from me."

"Now, I don't know if he will be surprised to see this deity again."


how bye

After the words were finished, before Zhang Li could speak, Immortal Songze had already waved his hand, and the entire lobby was enveloped by spiritual light.

The surrounding portraits moved automatically without wind, and the figures on it stepped out step by step, and then condensed into illusory figures.

This portrait is actually a rare treasure.

The phantom emerged, imprisoning the surrounding space.


On the top of Immortal Songze's head, pale golden spirit patterns emerged, entangled, and finally turned into a talisman with dim aura.

Seeing this talisman, Qu Chongming showed wild surprise on his face.

This is the Immortal Sealing Talisman!

There was a gleam in Zhang Li's eyes.

This rune is the Immortal Sealing Talisman, which is countless times weaker than the Immortal Sealing Talisman in his sea of ​​consciousness.

The Immortal Sealing Talisman in the Sea of ​​Consciousness moved lightly, and the message was to ask Zhang Li if he wanted to swallow this Immortal Sealing Talisman directly.

Can devour?
Not just devouring, the Immortal Sealing Talisman in the Sea of ​​Consciousness also conveyed the meaning of being able to control this Immortal Sealing Talisman.

Zhang Li's expression remained unchanged, and he looked at the great immortal Matsuzawa in front of him.

As the rune left the body, the body of Matsuzawa Daisen gradually became thinner, becoming a transparent phantom.

Without the Immortal Sealing Talisman, he is just a remnant soul.

"Boy Qu, according to the agreement, I will take the body from this practice world, and leave the Earth Immortal Realm. You will take the Immortal Sealing Talisman and become the Earth Immortal of Fangzhou County."

"Take the Immortal Sealing Talisman, this will be Chongming County from now on."

There was indifference in Songze Daxian's voice, and as soon as he moved, he rushed towards Zhang Li.

Zhang Li's body was blocked by the blue phantoms.

At this time, he could not escape.

Turning his head, he looked at Qu Chongming who was beside him.

"Master Qu, am I also your bargaining chip?"

His voice was calm.

"Brother Zhang, stop struggling, give your body to Senior Songze, help him leave the Earth Immortal Realm, and help me achieve the Earth Immortal Realm, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

Qu Chongming's face was full of smiles, he stretched out his hand to hold the dim Immortal Sealing Talisman in his hand, and then looked at Zhang Li with a gloomy expression.

"You don't think that the transaction every 300 years is really only a mere incense of a million spirit stones?"

"You were yourselves when you came, but you may not be the same when you go back."

Remnants of souls!

Earth Immortals in the Earth Immortal Realm, or other Shinto practitioners, snatch their bodies and leave this world!

If you are a member of the Earth Immortal Realm and want to forcibly leave this realm, you will be blocked by the guarding treasures outside, and you will be punished by the ordinary heaven.

However, the immortal cultivators who seized the world of practice would not have so many troubles.

This is the real deal between the practice world and the earth fairy world!

"That's right, this deity will bring a lot of treasures with me when I go to the practice world, and I will rise up quickly in your sect in the future."

"Don't worry, when you return to the practice world, you will still be you."

"You are so beautiful."

"You have a bright future."

The voice of Matsuzawa Daisen is illusory, full of infinite temptation.

As long as you hand over your body, you can borrow the cultivation base and insight of the great power of the earth immortal, and accumulate unimaginable wealth to rise rapidly.

This kind of transaction, even the sect behind it will not object.

If he is a real emissary of the practice world, a real guarding deacon disciple, Zhang Li might really be tempted.

Unfortunately, he is not.

What he wants is freedom.

Is it still him who was taken away?


With the sound of a breeze blowing, Immortal Matsuzawa's figure dissipated, and attached to Zhang Li's body like a veil, and then turned into a light blue-gray mist, drilling into Zhang Li's sea of ​​consciousness.

Zhang Li stood there, motionless.

It's like being taken away by the Great Immortal Matsuzawa and beginning to be refined and controlled by him.

Seeing Zhang Li's stiff body, Qu Chongming chuckled, and the aura on the palm of his hand shone with spiritual light, turning into countless golden runes, wrapping him.

At this moment, a look of madness appeared on his face.

In charge of the Immortal Sealing Talisman, become an immortal immediately, and become the top existence in this world.

Even if the power of this Immortal Sealing Talisman has weakened, it is still a Talisman that can turn into an Earth Immortal.

Possessing this talisman saved him countless years of hard work.

Anything that borrows the power of imperial seals to continue life, or double cultivation of immortals and gods to attack the golden core, those are all vain.

It is real to go directly to the sky in one step, hold the immortal sealing talisman, become an earth immortal, and be recognized by the heaven!

The moment Qu Chongming and the Fengxian Talisman met, within a radius of one mile, the clouds surged, and the aura fell from the sky like rain.

The way of heaven is favored, and the way is added!
Qu Chongming, whose body was surrounded by Dao Dao's divine light, smiled more and more intensely, and his body gradually blurred.

Become an immortal in one step, and become an earth immortal stationed in Huaxian Prefecture!

But Immortal Songze, who took away Zhang Li's body, occupied Zhang Li's body, quietly left this world, went to practice the world, and continued to practice.

Everything is perfect.

Because for so many years, in every 300 years of transactions, such things often happen.

At this time, the remnant soul of Immortal Songze had fallen into Zhang Li's sea of ​​consciousness.

When he transformed into a green robe and white bearded Taoist, his face revealed a look of extreme horror.

There is no end to the sea of ​​consciousness, and the divine light is rippling.

Is this the Sea of ​​Consciousness that a Foundation Establishment Realm can have?
This is the Sea of ​​Consciousness that can only be opened up by those at the Golden Core Realm!

If only the sea of ​​consciousness is vast and the soul is condensed, not only will Immortal Songze not be surprised, but will be extremely happy.

But, above the sea of ​​consciousness, what is that?
The golden clouds covering the entire sea of ​​consciousness, is that the power of merit and virtue?

How can it be?

Even the strongest Earth Immortal in Huaxian State cannot gather and control so many merits.

Not to mention Huaxian State, even in the entire Earth Immortal Realm, there are not a few Earth Immortals who can have so many meritorious wishes.

If he can swallow these merits and vows, Immortal Matsuzawa can become No. 1 in the fairy world here in one step!
This is the greatest opportunity in this life?


Immortal Songze's face was pale, and he stared at the golden talisman above his head.

"Sealing Immortal Talisman..."

"Sealing the Immortal Yuan Talisman, didn't it mean that the Yuan Talisman disappeared after the collapse of the fairy world..."

Daxian Matsuzawa whispered softly, and the aura in his eyes slowly faded.

A pale golden spirit python flew out, swallowing the remnant soul of Immortal Matsuzawa in one bite.

Soul Devouring Python.

An Earth Immortal who has lived countless years.

The remnant soul of a strong man comparable to Nascent Soul.

A powerful person who controls a county in the earth fairy world and controls countless wealth.

It was just swallowed up.

In the world, there is no more Immortal Matsuzawa!
The body of the soul-devouring python that swallowed the remnant soul turned into blood-colored beads again, flying down and spinning around the Immortal Sealing Talisman.

The soul of Immortal Matsuzawa was devoured just like that?
Zhang Li, who seemed like a spectator the whole time, was a little surprised.

As if sensing Zhang Li's emotions, the Immortal Sealing Talisman shook and swept the blood-colored beads down the waves of the Sea of ​​Consciousness below.

Beads of blood fell into the sea of ​​consciousness, and strands of spiritual memory turned into light and shadow and drifted away from it.

In this light and shadow, there are not only the memory of the soul-devouring python's practice, but also the life imprint of Matsuzawa Great Immortal.

The picture was a bit messy.

After a while, the Soul-devouring python shuttled through the forest and dragged a goat into a crack in the rock wall.

After a while, the Great Immortal Songze, who controlled a county, condensed the power of incense and fire, and realized the practice of heaven.

After a while, the Soul-devouring python fought against the strong man, and the whole thing was sealed into a dark space.

After a while, Songze County was besieged, and Songze Daxian's divine domain was breached, and he took advantage of Qu Chongming's power to hide.

Although the picture is messy, Zhang Li can understand it.

From the memories of the Great Immortal Matsuzawa, he understood how to gather merit and aspirations as incense, and how to use merit and aspirations to practice the divine way.

Soul forging, virtual and real changes.

He also saw how Qu Chongming helped Immortal Songze and hid here.

Fascinated, Li Daitao froze.

He understood better why the Great Immortal Dong Mingshen and the Immortal Songze, both of them great powers of Earth Immortals, were not as powerful as his Immortal Sealing Talisman.

Iterative inheritance, the power of immortality fades.

All the memories are the accumulation of his self-cultivation and understanding!
This is really a great opportunity!

Isn't what Zhang Li lacks now is this kind of understanding of the realm of high-level practice?


Layers upon layers of aura shone on Qu Chongming's body.

In the sky above the lobby, the clouds were churning, and there seemed to be lightning flashing in it.

"After this cloud and thunder forging soul, I can become a real earth immortal." Qu Chongming's eyes were shining brightly, he took a deep breath, and glanced at Zhang Li who was standing still.

"Senior Songze, please lend me your protective treasure, the Yunze Bagua Mirror."

"If you block the cloud and thunder, I will pay you back."

Qu Chongming spoke in a deep voice.

Unfortunately, Zhang Li didn't give him the slightest response.

"Senior Songze, if I can't survive the catastrophe of cloud and thunder, Fang Tiandao will not let you go."

Qu Chongming said one more sentence, his eyes fixed on Zhang Li.

Unfortunately, Zhang Li still didn't answer.

Qu Chongming's expression darkened, he raised his hand, and patted Zhang Li.

He just raised his hand, his complexion changed suddenly, and he looked up to look beyond the layers of light curtains.


With a muffled sound, the light curtain that originally enveloped the entire lobby space shattered.

A figure flew down, rolling bloodstains on the bluestone bricks above the lobby.

It's a servant in the Chen Mansion.

Qu Chongming stared at the figure walking in from outside the lobby.

"Tang, brother..."

Tang Jin.

The city lord of Mingshen City, the disciple of Dong Mingshen, the strong man in the earth fairyland, and Tang Jin, the strong man of the fourth-level Jindan realm who has been granted the imperial seal.

Master of Gold Medal.

"Qu Chongming, you have disappointed me so much." With Tang Jin's words, Qu Chongming's complexion instantly turned pale.

"You, you are not Tang Jin, you, you are—" Qu Chongming stared at the walking figure in horror.

"I'm Tang Jin, not Tang Jin." Tang Jin showed a slight smile on his face, glanced at Zhang Li not far away, and then at Qu Chongming.

"Aren't Daoist Brother Songze and you, Qu Chongming, very clear about this move?"

"Seize the home!" Qu Chongming exclaimed: "You, Dong Mingshen, you took Tang Jin away—"

Dong Mingshen is an Earth Immortal, and it is impossible for him to leave the land of immortality.

But he snatched Tang Jin, a disciple of the Golden Core Realm, and gave up his status as an Earth Immortal.

In this way, he can leave the land of sealing immortals!

"I already have a dissatisfaction with this deity, how can this deity stay?" Tang Jin, or Dong Mingshen's eyes were full of coldness.

"Is it so easy to get the edict of the real deity?"

"Without the training of the deity, would Tang Jin be where he is today?"

Dong Mingshen, who was full of anger at those who betrayed him, and who took Tang Jin away, roared.

There was a tyrannical aura surging in him, as if he wanted to choose someone and devour him.

Looking at the flustered Qu Chongming in front of him, Dong Mingshen grinned: "Sure enough, Fellow Daoist Songze can hold his breath."

Compared with Qu Chongming, the indifferent Zhang Li is indeed much calmer.

But in Dong Mingshen's view, Zhang Li at this time is already Songze.

"Fellow Daoist Matsuzawa, I'm also interested in the body from this practice world."

"Give it to me."

Keeping his eyes on Zhang Li, Dong Mingshen pointed to Qu Chongming beside him: "He can give it to you."

Qu Chongming's face was pale, and he looked up at the surging clouds and thunder, and then at Dong Mingshen in front of him, feeling desperate for a moment.

Whether it was Yunlei or the one in front of him, he couldn't resist.

"What if I don't want it?" Zhang Lifang who was standing there didn't speak until this moment.

After reading the memories of the Great Immortal Songze, Zhang Li has a deep understanding of both Shinto practice and the world of immortals.

At this time, I have enough confidence to speak again.

In terms of cultivation and combat power, Tang Jin, who was at the fourth level of Jindan in front of him, could kill him with one hand.

But when it comes to the power of the divine way, the level of power of the Immortal Sealing Talisman, the person in front of him doesn't even have the qualifications to climb in front of him!
The Fengxian Talisman was originally drawn by a great power in ancient times who combined his own cultivation base with the power of the Dao of Heaven, and borrowed the power of the Dao of Heaven.

With this talisman integrated into the body, it can control the world on behalf of the Dao.

This is the origin of instant immortality.

Such a sealing talisman is also the original sealing talisman.

It is called the Fengxian Yuanfu.

Sealing the Immortal Yuan Talisman, the power is pure.

In the world of earth immortals, only the first-generation earth immortals became immortals with the immortal sealing talisman.

The first generation.

When some earth immortals fell due to the collapse of the divine domain, were killed by the strong and fell, and after all parties fought and fell, the immortal seal talisman was condensed again, and the immortal could be sealed again.

But the power of this Immortal Sealing Talisman will be weakened by one level.

It's not the combat power you have, but the induction and recognition of the way of heaven, as well as the upper limit of the practice of the way of God.

In addition, the level in the strict Shinto practice has also been weakened.

In today's Earth Immortal world, there are not many Earth Immortals who control the Immortal Seal Yuanfu.

Each of the five Earth Immortals in Huaxian State is not the first generation of Earth Immortals.

When Zhang Li saw Dong Mingshen and Great Immortal Songze, he sensed the disdain from the Sea of ​​Confidence Sealing Talisman, which was the disdain for the Immortal Sealing Talisman they controlled.

The Fengxian Talisman, which has been iterated and passed down several times, is not worthy of lifting shoes in front of the Fengxian Yuanfu.

This strict division of the divine way reminded Zhang Li of the division of the bloodlines of the monster race.

Because Ao Jin has the blood of a flood dragon, he is naturally much nobler than Zhao Hu and Tu Zheng, who were born from ordinary beasts.

Zhao Hu and the others didn't dare to raise their heads in front of Ao Jin.

At this moment, the Immortal Sealing Talisman in Zhang Li's sea of ​​consciousness vibrated slightly, and a light red golden bead swirled around.

The beads that have been washed out of memory appear more agile.

Hearing Zhang Li's words, "Tang Jin" laughed out loud.

"It seems that Brother Songze would rather die than give up this body to me."

"If I didn't want to get this body and leave the earth fairy world, do you think they can come here so easily?"

"You and I are both broken in the realm of the gods. It's meaningless to live in the fairy world here. It's better to go to the world of practice for a long time."

"Anyway, I, Dong, have given up on God's Domain, so there is nothing I dare not do now."

"Tang Jin" snorted coldly, raised his hand, and slapped Qu Chongming with a palm.

In this palm, the endless aura instantly turned into frost, freezing Qu Chongming's body in place.

A master at the sixth level of foundation building has no power to fight back against a strong man at the fourth level of Jindan.

Unable to even resist, Qu Chongming's body was directly frozen, and his blood was cut off.

"If I kill him, your Immortal Sealing Talisman will lose its carrying body and will drag out your spirit and re-condense it."

"You can't get this body."

Seeing the recondensed runes on Qu Chongming's head, "Tang Jin" smiled lightly.

That's why he was so sure he would win.

In this round, he has planned for so long, and he is absolutely sure of victory.

Be it Qu Chongming or Songze, Dong Mingshen is the one who gets the best deal in the end!
From then on, he was the Dong Mingshen of the practice world, no longer the Earth Immortal Dong Mingshen.

Possessing the wealth of two states and counties in the Earth Immortal Realm, as well as the memory of a lifetime of Earth Immortal cultivation, he can quickly become a great power in the world of practice.

At that time, how happy and free, no longer need to be suppressed like in the world of immortals!

Why not be an immortal?
However, Dong Mingshen's smile slowly froze on his face.

The condensed Immortal Sealing Talisman did not directly drag out the soul of Immortal Matsuzawa as he thought, but fell towards the top of his head.

This talisman did not condense into Songze.

There is only one reason for that.

Matsuzawa, already, is dead!

"You, you, you are not Matsuzawa—"

Ren Fengxian's talisman entered his body, "Tang Jin" stared at Zhang Li in front of him, growling in panic.

Zhang Li smiled lightly, and looked up at the gathering clouds.

Ten miles of clouds, surging like waves.

"When did I say that I am Matsuzawa?"

"I've always said that my name is Zhang Li."

Raising his hand, a light golden thunderball flew towards the sky, Zhang Li looked at "Tang Jin" in front of him.

"Fellow Daoist Tang, let's talk about it after you have survived your thunderstorm."

Fengxian Thunder Tribulation.

There is no thunder catastrophe in the immortal realm of the earth, only cloud and thunder.

When Zhang Li comes, there will be thunder disaster!

Thunder and punishment on behalf of the sky!
At this moment, Zhang Li was surrounded by the power of heaven.

The Heavenly Way of Huaxian State!
(End of this chapter)

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