Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 125 Merit and virtue become a seal, Tang Jin imperial fief

Chapter 125 Merit and virtue become a seal, Tang Jin imperial fief

The way of heaven in the earth fairy world is the way of heaven in the mortal world.

Today's mortal way of heaven is nothing more than the combination of the remaining power of heaven and earth with the power of humanity after the spirit world and heaven scattered into the earth and fairy world.

Although the mortal world is determined to devour the heavenly way of the earth fairy world and reunite with the spirit world, the heavenly way of the earth fairy world does not reject the mortal world.

Because the mortal way of heaven is actually a part of the way of heaven in the earth and immortal world.

Zhang Li has the favor of the mortal world and heaven.

In front of the Heavenly Dao of Huaxian State, Zhang Li is the patron of the Heavenly Dao of Huaxian State.

Because of the way of heaven in the earth fairy world, there is no emotion, no thoughts, no turmoil.

Compared with the mortal world, which is full of humanity, cunning, cowardly and greedy, the heavenly way of this earthly fairy world is the real ruthless way.

This is the real ruthless way!
This is the real way of heaven!

A thunder bead entered the cloud and thunder, and the thunder light pursued it all over the sky, piercing through the roof of the blue tiles in the lobby, and crashing into Tang Jin.


As soon as Tang Jin raised his hand, a cyan aura turned into a light shield the size of a palm, blocking the thunder.

Lei Guang shattered the light shield, and then disappeared.

As the thunder light dissipated, the other thunders seemed to have found their landing position, and they all turned into thunder snakes and came towards Tang Jin.

Tang Jin gritted his teeth and glanced at Zhang Li: "Wait, this body, the deity is going to be fixed!"

After the words fell, the thunder light fell like rain, pressing down on Tang Jin's body.

Tang Jin flew up, and Lei Guang chased his figure, converging into a silver python, roaring in mid-air.

Tribulation and thunder can only be crossed, but cannot be avoided.

Tang Jin naturally knew.

He just adjusted his figure while running, took out a long knife with him, turned around, and slashed at Lei Guang.


Not only was Lei Guang not cut into pieces by a single blow, but he wrapped Tang Jin's entire body, and the endless thunder fire wanted to burn his body clean.

so strong!
The Cloud Thunder Tribulation in the Earth Immortal Realm shouldn't be so strong.

Unexpectedly, the complexion of Tang Jin, who had such a powerful thunder light, changed, he gritted his teeth and roared.

Below, looking at Tang Jin who was wrapped in thunder and fire, Zhang Li shook his head slightly.

Since Tang Jin had killed Qu Chongming, he would naturally inherit the Immortal Seal Talisman.

Now he doesn't want to use the Divine Dao power of the Immortal Sealing Talisman, it will trigger the endless punishment of the Heavenly Dao.

Either receive imperial edict, or die.

Zhang Li has already felt the message sent to him by Tiandao, hoping that he can smash another thunder bead.

It's just that the heavens in the earth fairy world are more stingy than the ordinary heavens.

Just give a few points of the perception of gathering clouds and thunder, and want to exchange for another thunder bead?

Zhang Li threw the second thunderball into the cloud and thunder, then turned to look at Qu Chongming's body lying on the ground.


I practiced for a lifetime, so I was buried here.

Practice in the world is dangerous, and one does not know when bad luck will come.

As a practitioner, the only thing you can do in it is to work hard to improve your cultivation.

Shaking his head, Zhang Li squatted down, took out the two storage bags from Qu Chongming's waist, and then looked at the eight phantoms standing still in front of him.

Raising his hand, his palm fluttered.

The clever formula was formed, and the phantom shook, turning into a palm-sized, simple bronze round mirror with illusory light and shadow.

This is Songze's treasure, the Yunze Eight Diagrams Mirror.

Low-grade magic weapon!

Treasures that surpassed high-grade magical artifacts.

Treasures in the world, from mortal implements to magical implements, are all entrusted by practitioners in the Qi-Cultivating Foundation-Building Realm.

These treasures are not bad in power, but they lack spirituality.

The spirit weapon of the Golden Core Realm Imperial Envoy is completely different, it can be refined with the power of the soul, hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness and nourished, it is extremely agile.

Spirit weapon, the biggest characteristic is a spirit word.

The soul prompting can run according to the trace set by the controller, and can automatically activate the storage means in it.

This Yunze gossip mirror possesses three miraculous means.

The first type is to transform into eight phantom incarnations, each with [-]% of its own energy, blood, spirit, and soul power, and can be easily used.

Of course, this needs to consume the power of the spirit crystal hidden in the gossip mirror.

The second method is to transform into an avatar, which has [-]% of its own combat power.

These methods are simply variants of incarnations outside the body after the Nascent Soul.

The third method is to gather clouds and gas and turn them into an illusory world with a radius of hundreds of feet, creating an illusion to make the other party lost.

Only those whose soul power surpasses their own can break through this illusion.

It is through this gossip mirror method that Master Songze has escaped countless times.

If not, how could he, an Earth Immortal who had already broken the realm of the gods, live for so long?

Outsiders thought that he had long since fallen, but they didn't know that he was in Songze City.

Just now, Immortal Songze also used this method to confuse Zhang Li and let him be invaded with his hands tied.

Fortunately, the power of Zhang Li's soul is not inferior to that of Immortal Songze, and he can see through the illusion, so that Immortal Songze's soul will be swallowed as soon as it enters the sea of ​​consciousness.

The formulas in Zhang Li's hands are changing, and the aura on the ancient bronze mirror is intertwined.

This is from the memories of the Great Immortal Matsuzawa, about the manipulation of this mirror.

Only with this tactic can one control this magic mirror.

Slowly, the entire bronze mirror turned into a mist, blended into his body, and then floated into the sea of ​​consciousness.

As soon as the bronze mirror entered the sea of ​​consciousness, it hung under the Immortal Sealing Talisman in horror, trembling slightly.

The Immortal Seal Talisman seemed very satisfied with the performance of the bronze mirror, and lightly swayed a few golden lights.

Zhang Li did not refine the bronze mirror, but only temporarily existed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Putting away the bronze mirror, Zhang Li looked up at the first position in the lobby.

There, there is an incense burner with a few sticks of high incense, floating with wisps of fireworks.

Walking forward, Zhang Li inserted his hand into the incense ash, and took out two blue-black jade rings.

storage ring!
This is what Zhang Li saw on Yunlan Mountain, the storage equipment worn by the elders of the Golden Core Realm.

If you don't reach the Golden Core Realm, you don't have enough strength to protect this precious storage equipment that costs hundreds of thousands of spirit stones.

If you don't reach the Golden Core Realm, you won't be able to get this storage ring, which is very precious in the practice world, and only high-level monks are eligible to have.

Among the two storage rings is the collection and wealth of the great immortal Matsuzawa.

Carefully putting away the two storage items, Zhang Li turned around.

This storage ring is also sealed, and it is the imprint of the remnant soul of Immortal Matsuzawa. It will not be possible to unlock it in a short time.

Fortunately, Zhang Li had seen the method of cracking it from the memory of Immortal Matsuzawa, and he could break it slowly after taking it back.

Turning his head to look outside the lobby, the thunder light transformed by the cloud and thunder was as bright as a star, illuminating half of the sky.

A few foundation-builders stationed in Songze City stood beside the city wall in the distance, their expressions extremely dignified.

The power of this thunder is so strong that even thousands of feet away, they all feel like their hairs are bursting.

If he was hit by this lightning, he would not die, but his muscles and bones would be shattered, and his path would be cut off.

Tang Jin, who was surrounded by the thunder light, had a ferocious face at this time, and a vigorous evil spirit was emitted from his body.

He resisted the thunder with all his strength, but the thunder seemed endless!
This thunder is only going to kill him before giving up!
Sensing Zhang Li's gaze, Tang Jin lowered his head, his eyes full of killing intent.

After so many years of planning, he was just one step away!
Only one step away, he would be able to break free from the shackles of the Immortal Sealing Talisman, and no longer need to bear the erosion of various forces beyond his control.

He has no strength to support, and God's Domain is already on the verge of collapse.

It is his only chance to take advantage of the family to leave.

However, now this only opportunity, he is going to fail to grasp it!

He couldn't take it anymore.

Suppressing Tang Jin and taking his body by means of sealing the immortal talisman, but not really devouring all his power.

If Tang Jin swallowed everything, he would still be Dong Mingshen.

His original intention was to take advantage of Songze's seizure of Zhang Li's body, and make a surprise attack to seize all the benefits.

He didn't dare to do that in Mingshen City.

If he gave up his God's Domain in Mingshen City, even if he snatched Zhang Li's body, he would not be able to get out of the God's Domain, and would be directly killed by those strong men under his command.

On the contrary, he deliberately accepted Qu Chongming as his disciple, just to protect Zhang Li and leave Mingshen City safely.

He figured everything out.

Everything is developing as he envisioned.

But the final result is not what I thought.

Matsuzawa, who should have snatched his body, died.

Yun Lei, who shouldn't be so strong, is so strong that even he can't stop him!
Countless years of planning have all failed!
Accept the Royal Seal?

He only has a remnant soul, residing in Tang Jin's body, even if he wants to be granted the title, he will fail because Tang Jin's spirit is awakened.

Staring closely at Zhang Li, he yelled "Tang Jin".

It's all him!
He was the one who killed Songze!
He was the one who moved Lei Guang!
Pushing away the thunder in front of him, "Tang Jin" rushed straight to Zhang Li.

Even if it is death, this villain must be killed together!

This was "Tang Jin"'s last thought.

The figure flew down outside the lobby, and the thunder light wrapped around the body, "Tang Jin" moved forward step by step.

It was as if he was carrying tens of millions of mountains on his back, and every step he took, the green bricks under his feet would shatter.

He gritted his teeth, stared, dragging a knife in his hand, and walked towards Zhang Li step by step.

He is going to kill.

Zhang Li stood there, not moving at all.

"Tang Jin" ascended the steps.

Lei Guang shattered the soft armor on his body.

"Tang Jin" stepped into the threshold.

Lightning shattered the golden crown of his hair.

"Tang Jin" stood in front of Zhang Li.

All the thunder light is like a light cocoon, surrounding his body.

Looking at "Tang Jin" who was three feet away, Zhang Li didn't move.

However, the Immortal Sealing Talisman in his sea of ​​consciousness vibrated slightly, triggering a flash of spiritual light on the bronze mirror below, quietly scattering halos of light around Zhang Li's body.


Above the sky, endless clouds and thunder burst, and the clouds surged.

The originally shrouded clouds rose to the sky, turned into layers of auspicious clouds, and scattered towards the surrounding sky.

Earth Immortal Inheritance Completed!

The fairy sealing talisman has become the owner's thing.

Here, Songze City has a new owner!

For a hundred miles around the world, there are halos of light flashing away.

This is the change of power in this world.

The light cocoons on "Tang Jin" slowly dissipated, and the grimness disappeared from his face, leaving only calmness.

"I know he doesn't like me."

Tang Jin looked at Zhang Li in front of him and spoke softly.

"From the moment I was accepted as a disciple, I knew that he had other purposes."

"I don't mind."

"Without his shelter back then, I would have died long ago."

"Without his training, it would be impossible for me to step into the Golden Core Realm."

It seems to be speaking to Zhang Li, and it seems to be speaking to myself.

It seems to be a memory, and it seems to be telling a story.

Back then, Tang Jin was just an ordinary young man in the world of immortals, and he didn't even have the opportunity to practice.

Kneeling at the gate of the city for three days and three nights, he was qualified to practice.

All the way, he participated in dozens of battles in the fairy world, and went through life and death for Mingshen County.

But he still couldn't catch the eyes of Immortal Mingshen.

If he didn't value his cultivation aptitude, Ming Shen Daxian would not accept him as a disciple.

Between Zheng Chuge and Tang Jin, Mingshen Daxian's favoritism can be seen by everyone.

Resources, treasures, exercises, everything that is left by Zheng Chuge's selection is Tang Jin's.

"Because he, Zheng Chuge, was born in a family of practitioners. His foundation, connections, and talents are all better than mine."

A smile appeared on Tang Jin's face, and he shook his head: "I have been arguing with him for so many years, and only then did I know why he was specially trained."

"Originally, he was the one chosen by Master..."

Originally Dong Mingshen chose Zheng Chuge to leave Mingshen County with his soul.

It's just that Dong Mingshen chose him at the last moment.

"Leave the Immortal Sealing Talisman to Zheng Chuge, and I will carry the spirit to this place."

"My good master, you really don't leave me anything..."

Shaking his head and taking a deep breath, Tang Jin looked at Zhang Li with a slight smile on his face.

"Thank you."

If Zhang Li didn't make the move, Tang Jin couldn't be Tang Jin.

Because the thunder light triggered by Zhang Li shattered Dong Mingshen's soul, Tang Jin was able to regain control of his body and obtain the fairy seal.

Unlike Dong Mingshen, Tang Jin accepted the Immortal Seal Talisman and became an Earth Immortal.

Now, as long as all the power of heaven and earth pours into him, Tang Jin will immediately become a fairy and take charge of Songze County.

In the future, Songze County will be renamed Tang County.

Tang Jin said thank you to Zhang Li, I really need to thank you.

Without Zhang Li, how could Tang Jin have such a chance?

"Anyway, without him, I wouldn't be where I am today."

"His last wish was to kill you."

Slowly raising his hand to break the knife, the corners of Tang Jin's mouth curled up slightly.

"His wish, I naturally want to fulfill it for him."

He stabbed before breaking the knife, inserted it into Zhang Li's chest, and then slowly pierced through his body.

The smile on Tang Jin's face changed from calm to flamboyant, and then slowly turned into shock.

Zhang Li in front of him disappeared.

Three feet away to the left, Zhang Li did not move at all from the beginning to the end.

Tang Jin was shrouded in the illusion created by the Yunze gossip mirror.

"You, you, who are you—"

Tang Jin stared at Zhang Li closely, gritted his teeth and growled.

His complexion began to twist.

He has already accepted the seal of heaven and turned into an earth immortal!

This hundred miles of heaven and earth are all under his control, and they are all his domain of God!

Even if the power of his incense is not enough, even if the power of this immortal talisman is weak, but he is an earth immortal, the master of this land with a radius of a hundred miles!

Naturally, he couldn't compete with the strong Earth Immortals of the same level, but under the Earth Immortals, there was the ninth level of Jindan, and he could suppress it from the realm of the soul.

This is the rule of the earth fairy world.

This is the avenue of the earth fairy world.

The way of heaven in the mundane world returns to the way of humanity.

In the world of earth immortals, the way of heaven belongs to the earth immortals!

But now, he couldn't see the person in front of him clearly.

"My name is Zhang Li."

"From the mortal world."

Zhang Li spoke softly.

Mortal world?

Tang Jin's face flashed coldly, and he raised his hand.


It's just an ant in the mortal world.

In front of him, such an ant could be wiped out with a wave of his hand.

But he raised his hand, and with a single wave, Zhang Li in front of him could be torn apart by endless wind.

But his hand didn't wave down.

In front of him, above Zhang Li's head, a golden talisman flickered with aura, floating quietly.

Surging merits and wishes surged, turning this talisman into a three-foot seal.

The seal of authority, the seal of merit.

The moment the big seal was formed, Tang Jin's legs softened and he fell to his knees.

On top of his head, a thin Immortal Sealing Talisman fluttered, as if it could no longer support his figure before the golden seal.


The big seal fell, and a golden light was printed on the immortal sealing talisman above Tang Jin's head.

The golden seal is more solid.

The sealing talisman on top of Tang Jin's head also had golden traces, and it was no longer illusory.

Tang Jin, who was kneeling on the ground, changed his expression. He looked up at the talisman above his head, and after a long time, he bowed his head slightly to Zhang Li in front of him.

"Subordinate, pay homage to the Lord."

Sealing Immortal Talisman, the imperial seal is complete.

Those who are sealed, life and death are under control.

Tang Jin didn't want to die.

What's more, this sealed Immortal Talisman possesses far more power than before.

Accept the imperial seal and become a fairy immediately.

Become a real earth fairy!
Zhang Li looked up at the clouds slowly dissipating on the sky.

He participated in the whole process from thunder calamity to royal seal.

Pay a lot, gain a lot.

The Dao of Heaven in the Earth Immortal Realm is more generous than he imagined before.


Not far away, a spiritual light burst.

Several figures flew over.

"I snatched the Immortal Sealing Talisman, and the Immortal Sealing Talisman of Immortal Songze appeared!"

"Becoming an immortal, who is qualified to become an immortal in Songze City?"

"Kill, seize amulets!"

Tang Jin looked up at Zhang Li.

Zhang Li nodded slightly.

Tang Jin stood up and turned around.

At this moment, within a radius of a hundred miles, the sky and the earth trembled.

"The deity, Tang Jin, was ordered to take charge of the hundred miles of Songze County in Huaxianzhou."

"There are Heaven and Earth Talismans as evidence."

"Authority belongs to the Dao."

"Shou Baili is to guard the immortal position."

The voice is mighty, like thunder resounding through the heaven and earth, and it can be heard everywhere in Huaxianzhou for eight hundred miles!

(End of this chapter)

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