Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 137 Qingdan Prefecture, Zhang Li beats 1 state with 1 sword

Chapter 137 Qingdan Prefecture, Zhang Li crushed a state with a sword

The sharpness of the world is in the palm of your hand.

Standing in the sky, Zhang Li's eyes revealed a gleam of clarity.

He finally understood what went wrong with him recently.



He is just a little monk, he has his own little secret, and he dare not tell others.

For so long, he had no one to rely on, and no one to confide in.

He can know his friends all over the world, but no one dares to reveal his secrets.

Who does he dare to tell that he has the golden finger that fuses everything?
can not say.

Can't even say death.

He seems to be able to move the world in the mortal world, but in fact he has no background.

He has only himself.

All along, he has been used to calculating carefully.

However, the way of practice is really calculating, if you shrink back, you can step onto a higher level?


He once felt that he could not be a sword cultivator.

Because from the beginning to the end, he was unwilling to face hardships and dangers.

He felt that with his golden fingers and the endless wealth he had quietly gathered, he could practice quietly.

Safe practice.

It wasn't until this moment that he understood, how can there be any stability in practice in the world?
If you want to practice, you have to go against the sky!

Why can the world's sword cultivators overcome thorns and thorns?
Because the sword in their hands is their way.

Invincible, indomitable, never back down!
If the mundane world plots against me, then I can earn everything I want with the sword in my hand!
It is meaningless to make friends with the way of heaven.

No wonder those great powers finally embarked on the road against the sky.

Even if Zhang Li doesn't practice against the sky, he doesn't need to submit to the sky.

His way is under his feet and in his hands.

With the enlightenment in the heart, the silent cultivation of the immortal way, the true energy in the dantian kept surging.

On his body, a wave of aura soaring to the sky was rippling, which could be seen dozens of miles away.

"It's Mr. Zhang!"

"Thunder Immortal Master!"

"Thank you Immortal Master for saving your life!"

"The fairy master is here to save us!"

On the mountains and forests around Panlong Ridge, many people bowed and bowed down.

The earth dragon turned over, mountains and rivers collapsed in a radius of dozens of miles, and countless fertile fields were damaged.

The thatched huts were swallowed up, and the rocks on the mountain forest rolled around, like the end of the world.

All the people were at a loss and thought they were going to die.

At this time, Youzhang Li stood in the sky with one person and one sword, like a god, and suddenly he had a backbone.

Daodao's vows and merits gathered and rushed towards Zhang Li.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, the golden light of the soul shines, blending with the light of merit.

This is the merit, the power of vows, from the living beings, not from the heaven and the earth.

Merits and virtues can be turned into incense and the power of cultivating the divine way.

Merits can also directly blend with the power of the soul, improve the quality of the power of the soul, and enhance the power of the soul.

Before the golden core, I didn't know the beauty of merit.

After the golden elixir, there are merits and virtues to cleanse the soul, and the practice is twice the result with half the effort.

This is also the main reason why Zhang Li is willing to make a move today.

He is not a saint, how can he do things that are not beneficial at all?
If you take action to save people today, you can calm your depression and gain endless merit.

You can also understand your own way.

He is established, and he is not just a person who retreats.

Standing with a sword in hand, Zhang Li turned his head to look down at the master of the worship hall who suffered heavy casualties.

Nearly a hundred warriors who came to Panlong Ridge for worship, now less than half are left.

In the deep mountain stream ahead, there is still a spiritual light gushing out, revealing the chaos that people dare not face directly.

"Look for the local government to help the people."

"Here, I will guard it."

Zhang Li's voice sounded.

Standing in the air, there is a soothing majesty in his voice.

That fairy-like figure made the warriors and common people around him feel at ease.

Unknowingly, the power of merit and virtue is more mellow.

Zhang Li could feel the turbulence of the heaven.

God, dissatisfied.

Dissatisfied with Zhang Li's move, blocking the integration of this side of the fairy world.

Down below, in the mountain stream, the means of suppressing the passage had collapsed under the interference of those masters of the worship hall due to exhaustion of strength.

The power that was supposed to be able to directly seal the passage to the Earth Immortal Realm finally failed in the end.

In that channel, faint spiritual energy began to gather and turned into a long arrow, shooting towards Zhang Li.

The arrow flew across the void and arrived in a flash.

Zhang Li's expression remained unchanged, pointing out the long sword in his hand.


Arrows shattered.

He was motionless, and the edge of his long sword was shining.

This is the method in the earth fairy world?

But the level of half-step foundation building.

Zhang Li's eyes were shining brightly.

No wonder this side of heaven wants to devour this side of the fairy world.

It turns out that this fairy world has really declined like this.

The gushing aura was not as rich as imagined, and it was far behind Huaxian State.

"Rush out!" Someone growled in the mountain stream.

Seven or eight figures rushed out and ran in all directions.

Zhang Li stood where he was, suddenly eight phantoms flew out around him.

Spirit weapon means, eight phantom bodies.

Each one has only [-]% of his strength.

Eight phantoms blocked the rushing figure, and raised their hands to punch.

The golden gate emerged, knocking down all those rushing figures and returning.

The power of one person can stop the immortal practitioners from one side from moving forward!

The warriors watching the battle from a distance, and the common people in the mountains and forests in the distance all stared at this scene with wide eyes.

"Master Immortal, you really are invincible!"

"Mr. Zhang in Jingyuan Temple, can protect the world!"

Vigorous power of vows and light of merit gathered towards Zhang Lizhou.

In the mountain stream, several figures rushed out, but they were raised by the eight phantoms, and the eight thunders blasted back.


In the mountain stream, the clouds were turbulent, and the aura slowly fell silent.

This is returned?
The eight-way phantom dissipated, his eyes narrowed, and Zhang Li moved, rushing towards the deep mountain stream below.


A pale golden light curtain rose and blocked in front of him.

He raised his hand, and a cyan cloud thunder shot out from his hand.


The thunder light shattered the light curtain and knocked away the two Taoists in green robes.

The golden thunder light locked on the Taoist's body, his face was full of pain.

It's only the ninth level of Qi training, and they were the ones who directed those Qi training practitioners to rush out.

Holding a long sword in his hand, Zhang Li stepped into the mountain stream with one step, and immediately felt a bit of aura around him.

In the eyes, the verdant forest is full of pieces of spiritual grass.

"Stop him!"

Someone growled.

Three Taoist priests in green robes flew forward with a green ding tripod in their hands. The ding tripod spun and turned into three large bronze tripods, and smashed down on Zhang Li.

Each of these big tripods must weigh more than [-] catties, and they came with the golden wind, and they wanted to smash Zhang Li into minced meat.

Without the cultivation base above the second floor of the foundation building, it is absolutely impossible to block this blow.

There are several methods.

After all, it is the Earth Immortal Realm.

The long sword in Zhang Li's hand shook lightly and turned into nothingness.

He let out a low shout, and the phantom of a golden war elephant emerged from behind, solidifying instantly.

Stand still and punch out.


A three-foot-tall golden gate flew out, blocking the three tripods.

The gate collided with the big tripod, sending the tripod flying.

The three practitioners at the eighth level of Qi training vomited blood and retreated in defeat.

The power of a punch is so terrifying!
Is this a cultivator that can exist in the mundane world?
Those practitioners who were going to stop Zhang Li all looked at Zhang Li in horror.

Zhang Li used martial arts and body skills, his footsteps were three feet high, and a practitioner in front of him who was practicing Qi was panicked and fled.

Can't stop!
"Quick, look back."

"The villains are here, go to the temple to see the master."

"Why is this person so tyrannical from a commonplace?"

There were constant exclamations, and Zhang Li followed behind these qi-training practitioners who were running away in disorder, or punched casually, or slashed out with a long sword, and the antelope hanged its horns.

At this time, he made a move again, and he felt a little different.

After wrestling with Xiao Qing'er and other golden core demons, it is no longer difficult to fight against Qi training practitioners under the foundation.

When everyone raises his hand, he can perceive its strength level and feel its means.

Is this the limit?

One step at a time.

Unknowingly, his established practice realm has already surpassed his cultivation level.


Seeing these people's moves, Zhang Li can take his time and easily deal with each of their spells or swordsmanship.

Many of these practitioners attack with the technique of fire, and many of them manipulate alchemy.

A few even threw out a few good-looking elixir, smashed it at him, and then the elixir burst.

These methods all show that the practitioners here have a good alchemy inheritance.

Walking forward quickly, Zhang Li saw a Taoist temple on the hill ahead.

The Taoist temple is mottled and somewhat dilapidated.

On the door plaque, there are four big characters of "Qingdan Daomen".

Sure enough, it was a alchemy cultivating sect stationed in the Earth Immortal Realm, which is only more than a hundred miles away.

Standing in front of the Taoist temple, those Taoists breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hmph, what arrogance after all, dare to challenge me in front of my Qingdan Daomen's gate."

"I really don't know how to live or die, don't be afraid, the Lord will make a move."

Two practitioners of the ninth level of Qi training stepped forward quickly, stood in front of the stone steps, and waved their hands.

Those practitioners who retreated from the Qi training realm all retreated to the Taoist temple, leaving only the open door.

Zhang Li can feel the power of the divine way in the Taoist temple.

It's just that this power is so weak that it can't even arouse the induction of the Immortal Sealing Talisman in his sea of ​​consciousness.

The Immortal Sealing Talisman didn't even bother to crush this divine power.

I remember that when I was in Huaxian Prefecture, only the power of the divine way that could suppress a county and the Jindan realm could cause the turmoil of the Fengxian Yuanfu.

Looking at the empty door in front of him, Zhang Li walked in quickly.

As soon as you enter the Taoist temple, the fragrance of the medicinal pills around you is condensed and does not disperse.

It seems that this is a sect with a profound inheritance of alchemy.

"Fellow Taoist, since you have come to my Qingdan Prefecture, you can pick the elixir outside my Qingdan Temple."

"Don't hope to hurt my Qingdanzhou creatures."

A thin Taoist in a lavender Taoist robe stood on the stone steps tens of feet away, looking at Zhang Li.

The aura of the Taoist is strong, and there is also a Taoist aura entangled, obviously in the realm of foundation establishment.

But from the Taoist body, Zhang Li couldn't see the evil spirit, only the slightest smoke and fire.

Seeing Zhang Li looking at himself, the Taoist shook his head and said in a low voice: "The poor Daoist Muyi is the master of this Qingdan Temple."

"My Qingdan Guan inherits the way of alchemy, and I am not good at fighting."

"Qingdan Prefecture is now only a hundred miles away, and it is on the verge of collapse."

Looking at Zhang Li, the Taoist sighed softly: "If it weren't for the fact that we couldn't support it, we wouldn't want to migrate to the mortal world."

But whoever can practice in the immortal world, who wants to go to the mortal world where the spiritual energy is exhausted?

Zhang Li can sense that the heavenly way in this world has only meager strength left, and it is not even as good as the heavenly way in the mundane world.

Hundred miles of heaven and earth, the way of heaven has declined, and there is indeed no way to support it.

Taoist Mu Yi looked at Zhang Li, raised his hand, and pushed out a wooden box.

The wooden box flew down in front of Zhang Li, revealing a trace of strong medicinal power.

"This is a hundred pills, all of which are treasures of my Qingdan Daomen."

"I also hope that fellow Taoists will leave my Qingdan temple, and don't hurt my disciples."

Zhang Li's eyes fell on the wooden box.

The elixir in the wooden box is strong, and it is definitely an elixir that can be swallowed by the Foundation Establishment Realm.

"If I don't take these pills and leave, fellow Taoist Mu Yi will explode all the pills and fight me to the death, right?"

Zhang Li raised his head and looked at Taoist Mu Yi.

Taoist Mu Yi's face remained unchanged, and he nodded lightly.

"My Qingdan Taoist sect is not good at fighting, but I am confident in the elixirs I have refined."

It is a reckless act to injure the enemy with the bursting of the elixir to arouse the power.

It's just that for alchemy practitioners who are not good at fighting, such methods are also life-saving methods.

"Are you going to give up this world?"

Zhang Li looked at the Taoist in front of him.

Taoist Mu Yi nodded.

"Then, how will this Fangtiandi send me?" Zhang Li said again.

Taoist Mu Yi was taken aback.

He saw that Zhang Li's expression was not joking.

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist, it's not that easy to support a world." Shaking his head, Taoist Mu Yi spoke.

"There are less than [-] people left in Qingdan Prefecture, and countless cultivation inheritances have been cut off, and the aura of heaven and earth will also be exhausted."

"Fellow Taoist came from the mortal world, can you feel Fang Tiandao's involvement in Qingdan Prefecture?"

"The Dao of this world has died, and it won't take long before it will all be swallowed up by the mortal world."

Even the members of their Qingdan Taoist sect are leaving, so why are they talking about handing over this place to others?

If there is half a way, their Qingdan Daomen will not be willing to leave this fairyland.

But so what if you don't leave?
This fairy world is about to collapse and fall into darkness.

If you don't leave, you can only perish together with this fairy world.

"Muyi Daoist friend, there is still a senior guardian earth immortal in Qingdan temple?"

Zhang Li's words made Taoist Mu Yi's complexion change, Taoist priests in blue robes stepped out from the surrounding courtyard pillars, with heavy breaths on their bodies.

"Hehe, that's all, that's all, I know you can't give up." Taoist Mu Yi snorted coldly, raised his hand, and a ray of spiritual light turned into blue, covering the wooden box in front of Zhang Li.

The other Taoists were also flames and auras, flying towards Zhang Li.


The blue light exploded, Zhang Li and the wooden boxes in front of him all burst.

The bluestone shattered and flew around.

A large pit with a radius of three feet appeared in the courtyard.

"Dead?" Looking at the empty courtyard, someone whispered.

"Maybe he's dead?" Someone breathed a sigh of relief and said in a low voice, "This person is arrogant and doesn't know the power of alchemy at all."

The other Taoists also showed relaxed expressions on their faces.

Zhang Licong's sword strike outside the passage made everyone terrified.

Although he didn't use heavy hands to cover up the killing all the way, he still injured many people.

Zhang Li's martial arts, swordsmanship, and lightning methods are all extremely suitable for fighting.

These methods of protecting the Dao cannot be resisted by alchemy practitioners of the Qingdan Daomen.

Fortunately, in the eyes of all alchemy practitioners, Zhang Li was too arrogant and deserved to be killed.


Taoist Mu Yi let out a low shout, flew forward, and shot out three pills.


The pill exploded, knocking away the clouds floating in front of him.

In the courtyard in front of him, there is no big pit with a radius of three feet, and there is no figure of Zhang Li.


He turned back in horror and looked at the mottled hall behind him.

In the hall, a faint aura of divine way emerged.


"The disciple is incompetent, let the foreign enemy disturb the ancestor's sleep!"

Taoist Mu Yi gritted his teeth and rushed into the hall, the scene in front of him made him stand there in a daze.

In the main hall, before the long case, the ancestor who had been sleeping for an unknown number of years was bowing to the outsider.

In the young man's hand, he held a stick of incense that was lingering in the clouds.

"Thank you fellow daoist for helping me with the power of incense, otherwise I am afraid that I will never wake up again."

The white-robed and white-haired Taoist whispered softly with emotion on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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