Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 138 Borrowing the power of 1 state, stepping into the realm of foundation building

Chapter 138 Borrowing the power of a state, stepping into the realm of foundation building
In the main hall of Qingdan Daomen, Zhang Li stood opposite the white-robed and white-haired Taoist.

This Taoist is the master of Qingdan Daomen, the one who guards the fairy world here, Qingyuzi.

Zhang Li tricked Taoist Muyi and the others with the illusion of the spiritual weapon Yunze gossip mirror, directly entered the hall, and then awakened the sleeping Qingyuzi with incense.

Taoist Qingyuzi was once the master of the Qingdan Taoist sect, in charge of the Qingdan Temple, and his cultivation had reached the half-step Nascent Soul.

Originally, the Qingdan Taoist sect could be a vassal of other immortal worlds and be protected by other great sects.

It's just that the Qingdan Taoist sect is the inheritance of the alchemy way, and they hate fighting.

At the beginning when the fairy world and the spiritual world broke apart, Qing Yuzi used the power of the fairy sealing talisman to defend the land by himself.

With 300 disciples of Qingdan Daomen and [-] million people, he divided the world into a state with a radius of [-] miles.

Originally, Qingdan Daomen thought that their five hundred miles of heaven and earth could become a paradise.

Qing Yuzi also felt that what he did was right.

These five hundred miles of mountains and rivers are rare blessed places in the world.

Indeed, for thousands of years, the entire Qingdan Prefecture had a strong atmosphere of alchemy practice, and the people everywhere lived and worked in peace and contentment.

But later, as the spiritual energy in the world continued to thin out, all kinds of high-quality elixir disappeared in the five hundred miles of heaven and earth.

In addition, thousands of years ago, the world changed drastically, and there was an attack from the fairy world elsewhere, which caused the world of Qingdan Prefecture to shatter.

Over the past thousand years, the way of heaven in Qingdan Prefecture has been weakened rapidly, and it has become unsustainable.

Qing Yuzi himself fell into a deep sleep because too many people died and his soul power was consumed too much.

"I really didn't expect that today's Qingdan Daomen, Qingdan Prefecture, is so developed."

In the hall, Qing Yuzi showed grief on his face, shook his head, and sighed: "It's my fault..."

I wanted to stand aloof from the world, but in the end I watched the Dao die.

There are only so many people left in such a huge sect with millions of people.

Only now did Qing Yuzi realize that he was wrong.

"Practice in the world, people have to compete with the sky, Tao and Tao must also compete."

A gleam flashed in Zhang Li's eyes, and he nodded: "If you don't fight for the way, you will be weak."

If you are weak, you will die.

Before Zhang Li, he also devoted himself to practice and didn't want to care about external affairs.

But in the mortal world, everything is in trouble.

Until today, when I came here with a sword, I finally had a clear understanding in my heart when I saw the decline of this side of the fairy world.

To practice is to fight.

Fight for life, fight for way.

Qing Yuzi sighed, turned to look at Taoist Mu Yi standing in the hall, and nodded: "Unfortunately, I know too late."

If he had known earlier that he could not blindly avoid the fight, otherwise he would perish together with Dao, how could he, Qing Yuzi, become an independent state?
"Zhang Daoyou, now that Qingdan Prefecture is about to collapse, please let the people here go."

"When they go to the mortal world, they will not break the rules of the mortal world."

After pondering for a while, Zhang Li nodded.

The surviving people's souls entering the mundane world will not change the general trend of the mundane world, and it will also allow him to gain some merit and vows.

Seeing Zhang Li nodding his head, Qing Yuzi breathed a sigh of relief.

Glancing at Taoist Mu Yi, Qing Yuzi looked at Zhang Li again: "I, a disciple of the Qingdan Taoist sect, would also like to be supervised by Fellow Daoist Zhang, so that I can practice with peace of mind in the ordinary world."

"I also hope Fellow Daoist Zhang will give them a chance to survive."

Accept supervision in exchange for the opportunity to practice with peace of mind.

Zhang Li couldn't agree if he didn't enter this world in person.

When I came here and fought against the disciples of Qingdan Daomen, I understood that they were all alchemy practitioners, and they didn't have many ways to fight, and they didn't pose any threat to him or ordinary people.

Not only is there no threat, but it is even a great opportunity to control so many alchemy practitioners.

Pill Dao, Qi Dao, and Talisman Dao are all auxiliary Dao in the practice world, which can provide assistance for Dao practice.

Hearing Qing Yuzi's words, Taoist Mu Yi had a flash of sadness on his face.

He looked up at Qing Yuzi, and said softly: "Old Ancestor, what about you..."

Shaking his head helplessly, Qing Yuzi showed a look of desolation on his face: "I am old and incompetent, let the fairy world here collapse, the sin is unforgivable, and I will die with this world."

As the guarding earth immortal, Qing Yuzi's fate is already doomed.

Not to mention that his current strength is infinitely declining due to the collapse of the power of the divine way, even if he is deeply cultivated, he cannot escape from the earth fairy world that is about to collapse.

This is the ending that has been set countless years ago.

In the attack between the Earth Immortal Realm, the guarding Earth Immortal who was trapped in one place fell unknowingly.

Hearing what Qing Yuzi said, grief flashed across Mu Yi's face.

"Hehe, thank you fellow Daoist Zhang for your incense, otherwise, I wouldn't even be able to wake up."

Swaying his sleeves, Qing Yuzi looked at Mu Yi with a calm expression on his face, "Go and call all the disciples from the Guanzhong, I want to teach the secret teaching of the alchemy of Qingdan Daomen."

"These things, you have to pass on."


The place where Qingyuzi preached was in the square at the gate of Qingdan Daomen.

He sat cross-legged on the stone steps, and below him were all alchemy practitioners in Qingdan Temple.

There are only about 140 people in total, among them there are old men with full hair like Mu Yi, and some young children with unkempt hair.

A large sect with tens of thousands of disciples has unknowingly fallen to such a point.

Zhang Li was sitting on the stone bench next to the stone steps, listening to Qing Yuzi explaining the secret alchemy method of Qingdan Daomen.

Not far away, many people in tattered clothes came and bowed and saluted at the edge of the square.

In the eyes of these common people, Qingyuzi is like a fairy.

Even if Qingdan Prefecture fell, they never disrespected Qingyuzi.

Zhang Li sat there, and at first he could understand Qing Yuzi's narration of Dan Dao, but then his thoughts gradually dissipated.

He felt that his soul power was slowly blending with the world, as if hanging from the sky and seeing a green world.

This is only a hundred miles of heaven and earth, with mountains, big rivers, mountains and forests, and clear water.

There are common people who work at sunrise and rest at sunset, have elixir to grow, and swallow the essence of the sun and the moon...

Zhang Li can feel that at this time, there is endless nostalgia from heaven and earth.

This is a kind of nostalgia and reluctance when it is about to die.

"One side of the world is about to die..."

This is what Zhang Li feels in his heart at this moment.

This avenue of hundreds of miles of heaven and earth is about to collapse.

Ahead, Qing Yuzi stood up after finishing his alchemy.

His figure has become illusory to the extreme.

Everything about him is connected to this Dao of Heaven and Earth, and if the Dao of Heaven falls, he will not be spared.


In the void, there was a roar of thunder, and the dark sky seemed to be torn apart by the giant claws of a strange beast.

Beyond the sky and the earth, it was all darkness.

This darkness is going to swallow this world.

"Let's go."

Qing Yuzi stood on the stone steps and waved to the disciples in front of him.

His eyes fell on those people who were listening to the sermon, he sighed lightly, then cupped his hands and said, "Qing Yuzi is sorry for you."

A group of disciples stood up at this moment and bowed to Qing Yuzi, while the common people bowed their heads lowly.

"Zhang Daoyou, please." Qing Yuzi cupped his hands towards Zhang Li.

The cracks in the void are getting wider and wider.

Zhang Li nodded, stepped forward with one step, his body rushed into the air, and a golden door of light appeared in front of him.

This is the gateway to the mundane world.

A golden light turned into a ladder and fell down.

"Come on."

Mu Yi led the disciples of Qingdan Temple to protect the common people, and quickly ran out of the steps and out of the gate.

The cracks in the sky are getting bigger and bigger.

The whole world is getting darker.

Qing Yuzi let out a low sigh, only a faint halo that was almost invisible was left on his body.

"It took 3000 years to become enlightened, 8000 years to be free and easy, and guarding for thousands of years, and finally ended up being fascinated..."

"Cultivation in the world is not in control..."

Qing Yuzi's sigh came.


In the crack above the sky, there is a strong wind gathering, raging towards the earth.

The big trees on the mountain forest collapsed, and several pavilions of Qingdan Temple on the top of the mountain were brought by the strong wind and collapsed directly.

"Zhang Daoyou, there will be no date later." Qing Yuzi looked at Zhang Li and said softly.

Zhang Li nodded, arched his hands, flew up the steps, and then stepped out into the light gate.

To take this step is to return to the mundane world.

Standing in front of the light gate, streams of pale golden light fell on him.

A strange color flashed on the chapter facade.

This is the blessing of this world.

The last power of this world gathers.

This Fang Tiandao is grateful to him for taking away all the common people, those disciples of Qingdan Temple.

Blessings from heaven and earth.

This is similar to the power of human merit and virtue, but it is also clear and solid.

This power entered the Sea of ​​Consciousness and landed directly on the Fengxian Yuanfu, making the aura on it even more brilliant.

No matter how weak it is, it is still the power of the Great Dao, a power that is infinitely purer than Zhang Li's own soul.

This power can add a trace of mysterious and mysterious power on the Fengxian yuan talisman.

This trace of power is the embodiment of the power of heaven and earth.

The power that practitioners in the world are diligently pursuing!

The power of the avenue.

This trace of power is of no use to Zhang Li now.

But when one day he steps into the Nascent Soul, or even above the Nascent Soul, this little power of the Dao may be his chance to move forward.

The power of the avenue merged into it, and Zhang Li stepped out without stopping.

After taking a step, his expression changed drastically!


In the void, a tumbling cloud of thunder light vibrated and fell towards him.

Obstruction from the mundane world!
The mundane way of heaven wants to devour the way of heaven in Qingdanzhou, but this trace of power of the way of heaven finally gathers on Zhang Li.

Behind him, the world is about to collapse.

In front of him, thunderclouds brewed in the mundane world.

Hand over the power of the avenue just obtained?
If it was Zhang Li in the past, he would throw out the power of the Dao without hesitation.

Life is important.

But at this time, he didn't do that.

Turning around, he looked at the world that was about to collapse.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Li raised his head.

"Greed, stinginess, weakness, you haven't learned any of the responsibility, determination, and bravery that should be in the power of humanity."

"Because you have always regarded yourself as a weak person, and you have never dared to face it directly."

"In such a state, whether it is Dongzhou Heavenly Dao or other immortal world avenues, it can swallow you up."

There was light in Zhang Li's eyes, and there was an indescribable aura rising from his body.

"If you are more magnanimous, I might be able to share some benefits with you today."

"Now, let me teach you how to give up."

After the voice fell, Zhang Li raised his hand.


At least a million shining high-grade spirit stones appeared.

Millions of high-grade spirit stones contain the aura of [-] million low-grade spirit stones.

The aura contained in it was so rich that it knocked away the surrounding clouds.

Zhang Li pointed out without blinking his eyes.

In an instant, millions of high-grade spirit stones shattered!

The endless aura turned into a long dragon, enveloping the hundred miles of heaven and earth.

The originally collapsing world was stabilized because of the spiritual energy emanating from the millions of top-grade spiritual stones.

In an instant, in the entire Baili world, the spiritual energy was so condensed that it was about to turn into raindrops, gathering into a thick blue mist.

On the top of Zhang Li's head, the power of the soul combined with the power of merit and aspiration, wrapped the immortal amulet, and condensed into a big golden seal.

In charge of mountains and rivers.

"Qingyuzi, are you willing to take charge of this hundred-mile mountain and river, and live and die together?"

There was an indescribable majesty in Zhang Li's voice.

This majesty comes from his tyrannical power of soul, from his endless and mighty merits, and from the conferring talisman that can seal one side.

The figure of Qing Yuzi, who was about to dissipate, came in a flash, landed in front of Zhang Li, and bowed.

"Qingyuzi, wish."

As his words fell, streaks of golden light gathered on the big golden seal on Zhang Li's head and fell on Qing Yuzi's body.

Qing Yuzi's illusory body kept flickering, and the infusion of spirit and merit power made him turn from illusory to solid.

"Qingyuzi, it's hard to survive this one hundred miles away, and you need to replace it, are you willing?"

Zhang Li spoke again.

The highway in Qingdan Prefecture has collapsed.

Now, a new avenue of power is needed to support it.

Qing Yuzi naturally does not have the power of Dao, but Zhang Li does.

When his golden seal is pressed down, the power of the Dao will be infused.

Qing Yuzi didn't speak, and bowed directly.


Earth shakes.

Qing Yuzi's figure dissipated in place.

Endless golden light exploded, enveloping the world within a hundred miles, and then dragging it into the mortal world.

Straight into the mundane world.

Behind, there seemed to be long claws clawing down in the dark void, smashing at least thirty miles of heaven and earth into pieces.

Ahead, the clouds that originally gathered in the mortal world will wrap the rest of the world and keep fading away.

When the golden light outside Qingdan Prefecture dissipated and landed on the original Panlong Ridge, there was only a radius of twenty li left.

The twenty miles of heaven and earth seemed to be a whole of their own, wrapped in a blue spiritual mist.

The power of the Dao of this world is controlled by Qing Yuzi, who only obeys Zhang Li.

In this twenty li world, Zhang Li is the master.


At this moment, Zhang Li, who was hanging quietly above the twenty miles of mountains and rivers, surged with true energy, which could no longer be suppressed.

He no longer suppressed it, and directly let go of the blockade on the realm.

Endless spiritual energy converged towards his body, and then poured into the meridians.

Originally blessed by the power of Yizhou Avenue in Qingdan Prefecture, and infused with the aura of this area of ​​heaven and earth, Zhang Li's body shone endlessly with aura.

Break through the peak of Qi training and enter the realm of foundation building!
The foundation of the immortal way is built, and the foundation of the avenue is forged!
In the dantian meridians, the rushing true essence began to liquefy and solidify.

Around the body, the originally scattered aura seemed to be controlled and no longer scattered.

Originally, it was necessary to use escapism to hover in the void, but now, Zhang Li is like a light cloud, hovering motionless on the hundred-foot sky.

The spirit power that had been suppressed seemed to have a place to vent, and the three hundred miles wide sea of ​​consciousness expanded rapidly, directly turning into five hundred miles.

The golden mist of the mighty mind and soul beat like the sea.

Five senses, six senses, spiritual perception, all stepped into another realm.

Shouyuan, body, dantian, and meridians are all in a brand new realm.

Forge the foundation of the road in one day, and you will be happy in the world from now on.

"see it?"

"Originally, you were able to obtain the changes in the world brought about by my promotion."

"You shouldn't be too greedy."

"Also, you have to understand that even I can get out of your control, let alone those experts from the Earth Immortal Realm, those masters from other realms?"

Zhang Li's voice had a teaching tone.

Around, the breeze is turbulent, like a child who knows his mistakes, whispering to himself.

"Don't worry, I said that I will send you a piece of the fairy world."

"I will do it."

Zhang Li said lightly, then turned around, looking at the figure of Qing Yuzi gathered behind him.

"Between life and death, it seems like a lifetime away..." Qing Yuzi turned his head to look at the vast world around him, his face full of emotion.

In one day, he changed from guarding the earthly fairy world that was about to collapse, to becoming the guarding guard of the [-] li mountains and rivers on one side of the mortal world.


"Qing Yuzi, pay homage to the Lord." Qing Yuzi straightened his clothes and bowed to Zhang Li.

There are divine powers shining interlacedly on him.

Millions of high-grade spirit stones, the essence of hundreds of miles of mountains and rivers gathered together, and the conferment of the mountains and rivers avenue, gave Qingyuzi at this time a power not inferior to that of ordinary golden cores.

It's just that like Zhu Yunshan, his strength can only stick to his own god's domain. Once the mountains and rivers of twenty miles away, they will decline rapidly.

But this twenty-mile God's Domain is infinitely stronger than Zhu Yunshan's God's Domain.

The essence of millions of high-grade spirit stones, the last essence of five hundred miles of heaven and earth, are gathered in this twenty miles of heaven and earth.

The power of God's Domain locked the escape of spiritual energy.

Among the twenty miles of mountains and rivers, even a stalk of green grass is a spiritual grass.

Taoist Muyi and other disciples of Qingdan Taoist sect, as well as the common people from Qingdan Prefecture, all stayed around the twenty-mile world.

Zhang Li will also arrange for the disciples of Jingyuan Temple to come here.

Also, other martial arts practitioners can also have the opportunity to practice here.

Here, it will surpass the burial place of the sky demon, second only to the holy place of cultivation in Huaxian Prefecture.

The key point is that this place is different from Huaxian State. There is no need to change the way of heaven here, and there is no one-month time limit.

In other words, here, you can practice all the time.

Zhang Li walked out from the clouds, and in front of him, a group of Habayashi guards stood upright.

Zhao Ji, who was wearing a brocade robe and a golden hair crown, stepped forward quickly.

"Sir, I was wrong."

Zhao Ji stood three feet in front of Zhang Li and bowed to the ground.

"It was my ignorance that caused the chaos in Panlong Ridge, which is three hundred miles away."

"It's my arrogance, trying to get my hands on a power that doesn't belong to the mortal world."

"From now on, all the affairs of the Zhao Kingdom will belong to the court, and all the affairs of the common people will be returned to the court, and the forces outside the world will be brought under the control of Jingyuan Temple."

Three hundred miles away, Panlong Ridge collapsed, and countless people were displaced.

When Zhao Ji heard the news in the imperial city, he was completely frightened.

It's not that he has never seen a strong man, nor is he ignorant of the power of practice in the world.

However, he was still intimidated by the power of the earth fairy world.

Only now did he understand why Mr. Zhang didn't let the Zhao Guo Shrine Hall participate in the matter of Huaxian Prefecture.

This kind of thing that transcends mortal cultivation is not something that ordinary warriors can participate in.

Hearing that Mr. Zhang came here to suppress it on his own, Zhao Ji hurriedly mobilized an army and came in person.

"You can come here in person, which is quite a bit of responsibility."

Looking at Zhao Ji in front of him, Zhang Li spoke lightly.

"In this world of great controversy, you have to judge the situation. If you don't, if you make a mistake, you will be lost forever."

Zhang Li whispered and looked up at the sky.

I don't know whether to say this to Zhao Ji or Tiandao.

Or, to himself?

Three days later, Zhang Li led the three hundred practitioners in Jingyuan Temple and left Zhao Guo.

Go to Daqin Town Magic Division.

(End of this chapter)

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