Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 144 Devouring the Golden Core Realm and Obtaining the Magic Sky Umbrella

Chapter 144 Devouring the Golden Core Realm and Obtaining the Magic Sky Umbrella

At this time, Zhang Li has turned into the appearance of Qi Yang from the Wuyin Gate, not only the appearance, but also the aura of the soul.

This is the means of weapon spirit avatar.

After devouring Qi Yang's spirit, energy and blood, he can naturally imitate everything about Qi Yang.

The Magic Sky Umbrella magic weapon was still stuck on Tang Sanji's back, and Taoist Rakshasa's palm was still on the handle of the umbrella.

Such a picture does not need to be justified.

Of course, Taoist Rakshasa would never defend against Moxiu, who was always unscrupulous in his actions.

"Qi Yang, um," Taoist Raksha flashed a gleam in his eyes, and suddenly raised his head, "Come on."

Following these words, streaks of blue magic light radiated from his eyes, covering the surrounding world.

Can a strong man in the Golden Core Realm be able to fathom it in the Foundation Establishment Realm?

If you really want to refine the magic weapon with all your strength and suppress that warrior, you can't be distracted?
If Jindan Realm wants to kill a Foundation Establishment Realm, he doesn't need to do anything, just a look is enough!

With Taoist Raksha's shout, Taoist Qiyang in front of him was shocked, the smile on his face froze, and his eyes lost focus for a moment.

"Qi Yang" walked forward stiffly.


two steps.

Three steps.

half zhang.

Three feet.

Taoist Raksha raised his empty palm.

Right now!

"Qi Yang" suddenly flashed a blue light in his hand, and a streak of blue sword Qi suddenly cut out.

Within three feet, the sword is invincible.

The cyan sword energy swept across Taoist Raksha's palm, cutting off half of his palm.

Blood gushed out, Taoist Rakshasa was stunned, and before he retracted his palm, the cyan sword light had already stabbed him.


The sword light was blocked by the magic light spontaneously aroused by Taoist Rakshasa.

If Taoist Rakshasa hadn't raised his hand just now to use magic means to kill "Qi Yang" in front of him, he wouldn't have been defenseless and had half of his hand cut off by a sword.


The sword's edge touched the magic light, and "Qi Yang" flew backwards.

Qi Yang turned into Zhang Li, and a high-spirited sense of swordsmanship surged on his body.

The person was in mid-air, Zhang Li had already slashed out with a sword again.

This sword carried a golden thunder light.

The way of the sword and the way of thunder coincide.


The sword light wrapped in thunder light hit the magic light, smashing the magic light into pieces.

Until this time, Taoist Rakshasa, who had his palm severed, screamed, let go of the Huantian Umbrella, hugged his severed palm, gritted his teeth, and a layer of dark magic light erupted from his body.


The thunder light and the sword light collided and turned into a piece of brilliance, which dispersed separately.

With the combination of the way of thunder and the way of swordsmanship, it can break through the protective light of the Jindan realm demon cultivator.

Even if it takes advantage of the sharpness of the sword and Lei Dao's ability to restrain the magic way, it is already unimaginable.

Zhang Li's current cultivation base is only a beginner in Foundation Establishment, but he is actually a strong demon who can surpass a big realm and challenge the Golden Core Realm.

"Who are you--"

Raksha Taoist roared, and the devilish energy in his body surged.

But at this moment, blue halos aroused on the magic sky umbrella beside him, as if he was about to fly away.

Taoist Raksha had no choice but to stretch out his hand again to suppress the Umbrella.

Zhang Li chuckled, and the light of the blue sword in his hand came out again.

This time he didn't make a move to challenge Taoist Rakshasa, but the sword light hit the bloody cocoon of light enveloping Ying Wuya.

The blood cocoon shook, and cracks appeared.


A golden fist struck out, smashing the blood cocoon.

The shattered blood cocoons condensed into a long blue-gray banner, flying towards Taoist Rakshasa's hand.

Without hesitation, Zhang Li raised his sword and blocked the long banner.

Ying Wuya flew up in tacit understanding, the Buddha's light gathered on his body, condensed into a golden armored king, and punched down hard.

The Rakshatao who was standing in the same place changed his expression, looking at the shadow of the falling fist.

Give up the Magic Sky Umbrella that is about to be refined?

Not reconciled.

But if he doesn't give up, he will fight against Ying Wuya's punch.

He dared to take Zhang Li's sword forcefully with his body-protecting magic light, because Zhang Li's cultivation base was not enough, and the power from the sword's edge was not enough to hurt him.

But with the power of Buddha fruit relics urging and blessing Ying Wuya, the power of this punch cannot be resisted by the magic light of the body protection.


From Taoist Rakshasa, a surge of devilish energy surged into the sky.

With a roar, he let go of the Huantian Umbrella, and slapped Ying Wuya with his palm.

The fist collided with the palm, and the golden Buddha's light and the black magic energy intertwined, swirled, and then collapsed.

Within ten feet, a cloud of rocks scattered like arrows.

With a movement of Zhang Li's body, he flew ten feet away, then stretched out his hand and rolled it, the long sword swayed a sword light, and slashed towards the long blue umbrella that hit him.

The Magic Sky Umbrella flew towards him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Taoist Luosha stretched out his hand to hold his magic weapon long banner, snorted coldly, turned into blue magic energy, and flew away.

Ying Wuya let out a low shout, followed closely behind, driving the golden light to chase after him.

Zhang Li held a long sword with a sharp sword light on his body. He first wrapped the Huantian Umbrella, put it in the storage bag, and then followed Ying Wuya's figure.

Counting breaths after they left, a figure appeared in the ten-foot space where the flying sand and rocks had not settled down.

The black phantom is exactly Zhang Li's weapon spirit avatar.

The weapon spirit avatar turned into a breeze, and with one sweep, it enveloped the bodies of those demon cultivators scattered around.

Although these demon cultivators were killed by Ying Wuya, their souls have not dissipated, and their demon energy and blood are still there.

It happened to be cheap for Zhang Li's weapon spirit clone.

Among them, Tang Sanji, who has the highest cultivation level, is already at the half-step Golden Core Realm. After devouring his body, endless demonic energy surged, wrapping the Qiling clone.

A blue-gray translucent golden elixir emerges.

This is an unformed golden elixir, representing a half-step golden elixir power.

Devouring Tang Sanji and other powerhouses, the power of Qi Ling directly broke into the golden core realm.

As the weapon spirit of the magic clock, the power of the weapon spirit clone began to really wake up.

The means of swinging the magic clock, the weapon spirit clone can also stimulate more.

Taking a look around, Qi Ling raised his hand a little.

A cyan wind appeared and turned into a tornado.

If this strong wind hits the cultivator, if he has not cultivated in the late stage of foundation establishment, he will die.

The strong wind tore through the surrounding void, and when the blue-gray wind dissipated, there was no trace of Zhang Li's avatar here.

But after a while, dozens of monks with weapons and more than a dozen warriors rushed over, only to see traces of battles here.

"At least it's a battle between two late-stage Foundation Establishment masters."

An old monk with a white beard wearing a yellow monk's robe folded his hands, and a faint golden light radiated from his body.

He raised his hand, and a golden light emerged from his palm, hitting the surrounding void.

The streaks of golden light merged with the remaining golden light in the void, and knocked out the scattered devil energy.

"It's Layman Ying Wuya who made the move, and there are at least ten demon cultivators—"

The old monk's complexion changed, and his eyes were dignified.

"They are besieging and winning Layman Wuya!"

As soon as the words fell, he already moved and rushed towards the direction where Zhang Li and the others left.

The others quickly followed.

In the sky in the distance, three figures have collided together.


The shadow of Ying Wuya's fist is full of golden light, huge and turbulent, every blow can shatter the magic light in front of him.

Compared with Ying Wuya's fist shadow, Zhang Li's sword light seems to lack its magnificence.

But in the flash of the sword light, cracks could be opened directly on the magic light.

The Raksha Taoist in front could only turn around and swipe out a blood shadow from time to time, blocking Zhang Li and Ying Wuya.

Raksha Taoists are not afraid of Zhang Li, but they can't stop Ying Wuya who is blessed by the Buddha's fruit relic.

The two teamed up, and he could only run away.

Ahead, among the mountains, there seemed to be layers of magic light shining.

"That's the direction of the Five Demon City, this guy has a demon cultivator to support him." Ying Wuya said in a low voice with murderous intent in his eyes.

The Five Devils City is the base of the Ten Thousand Demons State's army of demons in Ming Wangzhou, and there are countless strong demons among them.

As long as Taoist Raksha escapes into the boundary of the Five Demon City, Ying Wuya and Zhang Li can only do nothing.

Hearing Ying Wuya's words, Zhang Li nodded his head, his body shook and turned into a sword light.

The sword light shone, with a shrill scream, it broke through hundreds of feet in a flash, landed in front of Taoist Raksha, turned around and slashed down with the sword.

Twelve thunder lights intersected with the sword light, turning into a sword light barrier, blocking the way of Raksha Taoist.

Taoist Raksha gritted his teeth, raised the long flag in his hand and smashed through several sword lights, but his figure also paused a little.

With just this one meal, Ying Wuya behind has rushed forward.


Ying Wuya let out a loud shout, and the golden light on his body condensed to the extreme, turning into a long golden knife, with a blazing golden light shining from the blade, and he cut it down with one blow.


The protective magic light on Taoist Rakshasa was cut into pieces by the light of the knife like thin paper, and the light of the knife continued to cut at Taoist Raksha without any pause.

Taoist Raksha had no choice but to turn around, and the long flag in his hand turned into a blue spear, stabbing at Daoguang.


The cyan spear trembled, and cracks appeared.

The golden Buddha's light fell on the Raksha Taoist as a hood.

The long knife slashed on the shoulder of Taoist Raksha, causing him to fall off.

Combining martial arts combat skills with Buddha fruit relics, the combat power is so tyrannical.

Zhang Li stood in front of him, watching Ying Wuya cut him down again.

Ying Wuya is a master of the sixth level of the martial arts master, and his martial arts combat skills have reached the peak. At this time, the moves are flowing, and the knives are connected, making the Raksha Taoist completely powerless to fight back.

Although the strong man in the Golden Core Realm had a profound cultivation base, he was repeatedly defeated by a martial arts master who swung his saber light at him.


Ying Wuya slashed again, and Taoist Raksha was cut off, and blood gushed out of his mouth.

The figure retreated, and the figure of the Raksha Taoist shattered directly, turning into a cloud of demonic energy, which dissipated.

In the distance, the rising magic light is approaching.

Ying Wuya stood where he was, with a look of regret on his face.

If you give him time, he can kill Raksha Taoist.

With a movement of Zhang Li's body, he rode the sword light and came to see the surging magic light. He shook his head and said in a low voice, "Let's go."

There are already strong people from the Five Devils City, so they can only leave.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang." Ying Wuya grinned, the golden light on his body subsided, and then flew away with Zhang Li.

In the forest not far away, a pale-faced Taoist Raksha revealed his figure.

With killing intent in his eyes, he stared closely at the direction Zhang Li and Ying Wuya left, and whispered in his mouth: "Sword cultivator, martial artist, the situation in Ming Wangzhou has changed."

A sternness flashed across his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Reporting this matter is more or less a credit."

"When this Jingyue Temple is leveled, I will crush these people to ashes."

"Who do you want to smash into ashes?" A voice sounded behind Taoist Rakshasa.

Taoist Raksha shook his body, turned his head, and suddenly widened his eyes.

"You, you, Mr. Tang..."

Who is Tang Sanji standing in front of him who is not a half-step golden elixir?
But Tang Sanji had already fallen in front of him, and he was the one who made the move.

This is impossible!

He turned to run away, but suddenly his whole body was shocked again.

The surrounding space has changed and turned into a swamp.

He was stuck in the mud and couldn't get out at all.

Around, countless warriors in black armor held long knives and slashed at them.


All of this is an illusion, an illusion inspired by the magic weapon Magic Sky Umbrella.

But how could the phantom brought by the magic weapon Magic Sky Umbrella confuse him, the Raksha Taoist?

He is a demon powerhouse at the third level of Golden Core, and Tang Sanji only has half a step of Golden Core.

"You are not Tang Sanji, who are you—"

Taoist Raksha roared angrily, and kept waving the half-shattered long banner in his hand.

The bodies of every martial artist were crushed by the long banners, but the heart of Taoist Rakshasa sank to the bottom of the valley.

Everything in front of him is an illusion, and he, a triple-level Jindan powerhouse, can't see through it.

This shows that the one who attacked him was at least an existence whose power of soul was stronger than his.

Who is it?

Is it someone from the Demonic Way, or someone from Ming Wangzhou?
Taoist Raksha roared, mobilizing all the means in his body, the swamp around him had been smashed into a mess, but there were more figures of those warriors.

After an unknown period of time, Taoist Raksha let out a cry of pain, and a long sword pierced through his chest.

When the illusion dissipated, there was no trace of Taoist Rakshasa in the forest.

After a while, several figures flew down.

Each of these people has a surge of demonic energy, revealing the power to force the void.

At the Golden Core Realm, at least three Golden Core Demonic Cultivators have arrived.

"A golden core demon cultivator was killed." The face of the person in front was gloomy, and a deep magic flashed in his eyes.

He raised his hand and slapped it with a palm, and the surrounding demonic energy gathered into phantoms.

"It's the Raksha Taoist from the Sanming Demon Sect."

"Illusion, he was called into the illusion."

Several other people had serious expressions on their faces.

The illusion that can make a Jindan third-level powerhouse get lost, this kind of method shocked everyone's heart.

Can make the Raksha Taoist of Sanming Demon Sect lost, who can dare to say that he can see through it?

"The power of the Magic Sky Umbrella?"

"Green Demon Sect?"

The person in front showed doubts on his face, and put away his palms.

"For the time being, don't pursue this matter."

"If one is not good, I'm afraid it will lead to a fight between the Green Demon Sect and the Sanming Demon Sect."

Looking up into the distance, the eyes of this demonic powerhouse with at least the fifth level of the golden core were radiant.

"What we have to do now is to win Jingyue Temple and Ningyue Temple as quickly as possible."


Zhang Li and Ying Wuya met monks from Jingyue Temple on the way.

Seeing that Ying Wuya and Zhang Li were fine, the leading monk showed joy on his face.

Winning Wuya's tyrannical combat power is also a rare help for Jingyue Temple.

If Ying Wuya dies, the strength of Jingyue Temple will suffer a lot.

"Unfortunately, let that guy escape." Ying Wuya shook his head regretfully.

Zhang Li didn't speak.

His weapon spirit avatar has devoured Raksha Taoist and returned quietly.

It's just that the weapon spirit avatar hasn't completely refined all the power of magic cultivation for the time being, and hasn't turned it into its own power.

Back to Jingyue Temple, several experts from Jingyue Temple came to inquire.

Ying Wuya recounted what happened, while Zhang Li added.

Hearing that a Demon Cultivator of Golden Core had sneaked into the realm under Jingyue Temple's rule, the strong men in Jingyue Temple looked very ugly.

Several people left in a hurry, trying to find a way to arrange countermeasures.

After the monks in Jingyue Temple left, Ying Wuya turned his head to look at Zhang Li.

"Mr. Zhang, I didn't expect you to be so strong."

(End of this chapter)

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