Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 145 Mr. Zhang, how about I take over as the abbot of Jingyue Temple?

Chapter 145 Mr. Zhang, how about I take over as the abbot of Jingyue Temple?

Ying Wuya is a proud man.

The Great Qin Emperor, Martial Arts No.1.

In the mortal world, he was once the pinnacle of the world, running rampant in the world.

Once upon a time, the Dao of Heaven in the entire mortal world used him as a benchmark for practice.

If it wasn't for Zhang Li's arrival, who knocked him back with a sword three hundred miles outside Luojing City, forced the power of heaven to bless him, and let his cultivation level step into the fifth level of the martial arts grand master, he would still be the number one in the world who has no pursuit.

Zhang Li's sword stab awakened Ying Wuya.

It turns out that there is still a long way to go to practice in the world.

Great Master, it is far from the end.

And before the Xuankong Temple, Zhang Li's martial arts cultivation base stepped into the seventh floor, opening up the heavenly avenue for martial artists in the world.

Martial arts practice can step into another realm.

Martial arts, like immortals and demons, can live forever, and can fly to the sky and escape from the earth.

Returning to Daqin from the Xuankong Temple, Ying Wuya has completely lost interest in the power of the mundane world.

Without much thought, he passed the throne to the crown prince, and then stepped into the bottom of Zhenmasi and entered Ming Wangzhou.

For the past three months, he has been fighting in Mingwang State every day, fighting monsters and demons.

He felt the benefits of martial arts practice more and more.

Martial arts combat skills allow him to exert strength far beyond his opponents at the same level.

In close combat, he can directly leapfrog and fight back.

Practicing martial arts made his spiritual sense and reaction far surpass other people.

Even those Buddhist immortals who practiced the same method of body cultivation were far from his opponents at the same level.

Sitting opposite Zhang Li, Ying Wuya whispered about his feelings in Ming Wangzhou during this period.

What is the general situation in Mingwangzhou, how is the Buddhist practice in Mingwangzhou, and what is the general situation in Wanmozhou.

Also, the combat power and means of the magic practitioners.

Of course, the most important thing is the way of martial arts practice, the way forward.

"Master once said that after a great master of martial arts is a golden body of martial arts."

"I use the power of Buddha fruit relics to condense my golden body with the method of martial arts practice, and I can be said to be invincible among the same rank."

Ying Wuya looked at Zhang Li, his eyes were full of light.

It is the way of martial arts that Zhang Li deduced. He practiced it with his own strength, and he could indeed achieve it.

A faint golden light enveloped the body, and the power of Buddha fruit relics turned into a layer of golden light for body protection.

Zhang Li raised his hand to sense it, and the defensive power of the golden light was indeed extremely strong.

Today, I watched the battle between Wu Ya and Taoist Rakshasa, the golden light protecting the body can block the attacks below the third level of the Golden Core.

Taoist Rakshasa and Tang Sanji, two demon powerhouses with golden core combat power, were unable to break through this defense, and could only rely on the power of magic weapons to slowly encircle and defeat Wu Ya.

"The defense is strong, but the attack is weak." Zhang Li withdrew his palm and spoke softly.

The level of power contained in the Buddha fruit relic is the half-step Nascent Soul, which is the lifelong practice of Buddhism.

With the power of the Buddha fruit relic, Ying Wuya should be able to easily crush practitioners below the fifth level of Jindan.

It's just that Zhang Li saw in today's battle that Ying Wuya still couldn't really control the power of the Buddha fruit relic, and could only turn it into a passive defense.

This is because of the simulated power of the golden body combined with the martial arts golden body method deduced by Zhang Li.

After all, Ying Wuya's own cultivation is not enough.

"Unfortunately, relying solely on the power of Buddha fruit relics is not the right way after all." Ying Wuya also sighed softly, with a look of loss and regret on his face.

Zhang Li is not interested in the power of this Buddha fruit relic.

To borrow the power of the Buddha fruit relic, one must use one's own body to receive the Buddha's light.

His Zhang Li is not like being illuminated by the Buddha's light, and there is no hidden secret in his body.

Ying Wuya wasted a lot this time, so he wanted to practice and use the power of Buddhist practice in Jingyue Temple to supplement the depleted power in the Buddha fruit relic.

Zhang Li is in the quiet room, practicing quietly.

He himself made several shots today, and with the help of the power of Leifa and Sword Dao, he was able to fight against a Demon Dao Jindan Realm.

He can feel his greatest strengths as well as his flaws.

The realm of martial arts practice and the power of the soul are Zhang Li's greatest advantages.

The unfalling realm of the eighth floor of the martial arts grand master can completely carry the power of the Jindan realm's soul.

It's just that Zhang Li himself still lacks the means to urge the power of the soul.

Fortunately, he has the spiritual weapon Yunze Mirror in his hand, which can be transformed into a sword weapon with enough lethality, so he can use it to confront the Golden Core Realm.

If it weren't for the spirit weapon in hand, his combat power would be much weaker.

It's a pity that the imperial emissary spirit weapon needs enough real energy.

His cultivation base of Immortal Dao has only just entered the Foundation Establishment Realm.

This is his biggest shortcoming.

Today's attack, the true energy in the dantian has almost been exhausted.

Or his own lack of cultivation.

Sitting cross-legged and adjusting his breath, Zhang Li raised his hand, and a light blue bead appeared in his palm.

In this bead, a cyan cloud dragon hovers continuously.

Demon Dan.

This is a three-level demon pill that has been infused with perfection.

The reason why Zhang Li waited for three months before coming to Ming Wangzhou was because he was waiting for this demon pill.

Ao Jin spent a hundred days infusing the power of ten chalcedony beads, and finally reactivated this pill, and the demon power in it was perfect.

This pill has been refined in Zhang Li's hands, and the power of the three layers of golden pill stored in it can be exported at any time.

With such a powerful force, Zhang Li himself is of course prevented from moving.

He just needs to pour this power into the spirit weapon and use the power of the spirit weapon to fight against the enemy.

With enough true essence and monster power to activate, the power of the spirit weapon is displayed to the maximum, and it can be cut even at the Jindan state.

This is Zhang Li's real reliance.

The medicinal power in the demon pill is surging, and it can be refilled after being worn out, just like the Buddha fruit relic.

As long as you have a chalcedony bead in your hand, you don't have to worry about not having enough demon power.

This is Zhang Li's trump card, the strongest hidden method.

Of course, now, he has another layer of support.

Artifact clone.


Raising his hand, another Zhang Li figure in a blue robe landed in front of him.

This is his weapon spirit avatar.

At this time, the weapon spirit avatar has swallowed a third-level golden core demon cultivator, a half-step golden core realm demon cultivator, plus other demonic cultivator souls, qi, blood and demonic energy, and has a lot of power reserves.

As far as the power of the spirit weapon is concerned, there is already the power of a spirit weapon, and it is still the kind of spirit weapon that is completely autonomous.

Of course, this is still far from the power of the Demon Swinging Clock itself.

The Demon Swinging Clock is far beyond the level of a spiritual weapon, and it is a magic weapon that can be suppressed.

As long as it continues to devour, how strong the power of the weapon spirit is, I dare not imagine.

Looking at the weapon spirit clone in front of him, Zhang Li's eyes flickered with a gleam.

In his palm, two magic weapons flew down.

One is the long banner that has been broken, and the other is the magic sky umbrella that has absorbed Tang Sanji's energy and blood.

The long banner is a magical weapon of the Taoist Rakshasa. It is not a high level, but it is also a spiritual weapon.

Zhang Li has one of these spiritual weapons in his hand, which is the Yunze mirror.

The Magic Sky Umbrella is a magical weapon that has reached the level of a top-grade spiritual weapon, which is already a half-step magical weapon.

It is also because of this that this thing is extremely agile and has its own spirituality.

Today's chapter is clear.

Huantian Umbrella didn't hesitate to backlash against Tang Sanji and Raksha Taoist.

This scene is very similar to the mundane way of heaven.

Combined with the memories in the Demon Swinging Clock, Zhang Li speculates that the mundane way of heaven should be cultivated by Venerable Mo Huan with magical means.

If it wasn't for the power of martial arts to change the will of heaven, I am afraid that the mundane heaven at this time has already turned into a magic weapon spirit.

The power of humanity is weak, and the power of martial arts is still weak before the way of immortal and demon practice, but the firm will of humanity and the surging will of martial arts can resist the erosion of demon.

This is also the reason why the magic venerable has been quietly hiding in the mortal world for so many years, but failed to swallow the way of heaven with the way of magic.

After thinking this through, Zhang Li felt that he still had a chance.

Ordinary heaven, there should be a chance.

The two spirit crystals shattered in the palm of his hand, and with the infusion of rich aura around his body, Zhang Li spent half a day replenishing all his losses.

Unknowingly, there is still some improvement in cultivation and strength.

Fighting against the strong and watching the strong make a move are both good for the way of practice.

A day later, when Zhang Li walked out of the quiet room, his breath had become more stable.

Yuanhe Taoist and the others all went to participate in the on-duty mission. Together with the monks in Jingyue Temple, they can take care of each other, and they can also learn more about the tactics in the earth fairy world.

The combat methods in a place with abundant aura are different from those in a mundane place where aura is almost exhausted.

Zhang Li was walking in the Jingyue Temple, and saw that the monks around him were in a hurry.

When meeting Elder Cizheng who had received them before, Zhang Li simply asked.

It turned out that the demonic cultivators of the Five Demon City invaded aggressively, and the frontlines of Ningyue Temple and Jingyue Temple were tight.

The powerhouses in Jingyue Temple are basically transferred to the border.

There are also many strong people in Ningyue Temple to reinforce.

Ningyue Temple is far stronger than Jingyue Temple, fearing that Jingyue Temple will not be able to withstand the attack of demon cultivators, so it arranges for the strong to come.

"This time, I would like to thank Layman Ying Wuya and Mr. Han for breaking Moxiu's plot."

Elder Cizheng bowed to Zhang Li and spoke softly.

Although Jingyue Temple didn't know that Tang Sanji and Luocha Taoist, the two Jindan realm demon cultivators, had already fallen, they knew that the demon cultivators who sneaked into the Jingyue Temple's realm this time were extremely powerful.

If it wasn't for Zhang Li and Ying Wuya who killed these demon cultivators and expelled them from the territory of Jingyue Temple, I am afraid that Jingyue Temple will suffer heavy losses this time.

"My mortal world and Ming Wangzhou can be regarded as helping each other, and we should do our best."

Zhang Li smiled back.

Ming Wangzhou is in the hands of Buddhist practitioners. Although these Buddhist practitioners look down on the ordinary world, they will not harm the creatures in the ordinary world.

With the suppression by the Zhenmagic Division, it is difficult for Buddhist cultivators in Mingwangzhou to go to the ordinary world.

But if the territory of Jingyue Temple is occupied by the demon cultivator, the demon cultivator can step out of the town magic division and sweep the mortal world.

Although Zhang Li used half of his own soul and merit power to transform into a magic bell's tool spirit with the help of the immortal sealing talisman, the tool spirit's power was still too weak to suppress the strong demonic power at all.

In the current situation, it is safest to leave the boundary of Jingyue Temple in the hands of the Buddhist sect in Mingwangzhou.


There was a bang not far away, and then there was a sound of explosion.

Elder Cizheng's complexion changed, and he walked forward quickly.

Zhang Li also frowned.

The power of martial arts shakes, and the power of Buddha fruit relics.

Win without a shot.

In Jingyue Temple, someone made a move?

With a movement of his body and a few flashes, Zhang Li had already arrived at the small courtyard ahead.

In the courtyard, two Buddhist cultivators in green robes fell to the ground, with painful expressions on their faces.

After the two Buddha cultivators, the standing Buddha cultivators all looked dignified at this moment.

In front of him, Ying Wuya slowly withdrew his punches, with a look of disdain on his face.

"With this little ability, you want my Buddha fruit relic?"

Buddha fruit relic.

Zhang Li turned his gaze to the standing Buddhist monks.

The first person was only in his thirties, dressed in a moon-white monk's robe, with a string of pale gold Buddhist beads hanging around his neck, and golden light flashed between his eyes when he opened and closed.

A burst of persuasive spiritual power that only Buddhists in the golden core state can only emit.

The cultivation of the power of the soul by Buddhist cultivators is rare among other cultivators.

A Buddhist practitioner can also be regarded as a double cultivation of soul and body.

"You shouldn't refuse." The Jindan monk looked at Ying Wuya with a cold voice.

"Master Wujin, have you forgotten the Buddhist rules and precepts?" Elder Cizheng shouted in a low voice, stepped forward quickly, and walked in front of Ying Wuya.

Seeing that there is nothing wrong with winning, Elder Cizheng turned around just now.

The Buddha's light burst out from his body, and his whole body seemed to be cast by golden light.

It's just that his cultivation base has not yet reached the golden core level, and he is far from the oppressive power of the young monk in front of him.

The monk suppressed Elder Cizheng's power just understatement.

"Rules." The young monk who was called Master Wujin showed disdain and looked around.

"Your Jingyue Temple is adhering to those stereotypes and old customs, which is why you lost like this."

His words made Elder Cizheng look cold.

Master Wujin sneered, flicked his sleeves, and looked at Ying Wuya: "I'm waiting for you to hand over the Buddha fruit relic."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

The other monks followed suit.

The breath of these monks is dignified, and each of them is at the foundation establishment stage.

It wasn't until they all left that Elder Cizheng sighed softly.

"Is it because Jingyue Temple is too weak that I am in today's predicament..."

Seeing Zhang Li and Ying Wuya looking at him, Elder Cizheng whispered, "They are from Ningyue Temple."

The strong man in Ningyue Temple.

Looking at Ying Wuya, the expression on Elder Cizheng's face changed, and he said softly: "Lady Ying Wuya, if the situation is really difficult, you should leave here."

Looking up at Zhang Li, Elder Cizheng sighed again before turning around and leaving.

Zhang Li's eyes fell on Ying Wuya.

"That Master Wujin wants to snatch my Buddha fruit relic, saying that it is too wasteful in my hands." Ying Wuya said with a sneer on his face, and said in a low voice.

According to Buddhist rules, it is not allowed to rob other people's treasures.

But the people of Ningyue Temple directly regarded the Buddhist rules as nothing.

It can be seen that for so many years, the Buddhist belief in Ming Wangzhou seems to have collapsed.

Once the faith collapses, it is difficult to collect merit and vows, and the strength to guard the earth immortals will decline.

Guarding the Earth Immortal is the foundation of one Earth Immortal world.

Ming Wangzhou is now caught in such a vicious circle, the power of the Earth Immortal has declined, unable to stop the strong attack of the Wanmo State, and then because of the defeat at the front line, the faith began to collapse again.

"Elder Cizheng said, you can consider it."

Zhang Li said.

"If you can't stay in Jingyue Temple for a long time, brother Ying can go elsewhere."

Speaking of this, Zhang Li paused, and lowered his voice: "If Brother Ying wants to return to the ordinary world, I can also find a way."

He couldn't help it before, but now he can.

The Artifact Spirit of the Demon Swinging Clock is his avatar, so he can naturally use the avatar's power to control the suppressing formation of Zhenmensi.

As for staying in Ming Wangzhou for too long, Ying Wuya already has the power of heaven in him, so he will be rejected by the heaven in the mortal world, it is easier.

Just smashing the spirit stone.

Not only is Zhang Li not short of spirit stones, there is also no shortage of spirit stones in Ming Wangzhou.

"go back……"

Ying Wuya pondered for a moment, shook his head, and said softly: "I will not go back, nor will I leave this place."

There was a gleam of light in his eyes, and his breath was shaking.

"Mr. Zhang, how about I take over as the abbot of Jingyue Temple?"

(End of this chapter)

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