Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 146 Sword Dao Improvement, Combining Golden Elixir

Chapter 146 Sword Dao Improvement, Combining Golden Elixir

The abbot of Jingyue Temple?

Zhang Li looked up at Ying Wuya.

Ying Wuya has a serious expression on his face.

"Mr. Zhang, you know that Ying has been the Emperor of Qin for more than a hundred years. His martial arts practice may not be as good as Mr. Ying's, but he dares to boast about his ability to govern the country."

There is confidence in Ying Wuya's voice.

Of the five mortal kingdoms, Great Qin is the most powerful.

To be able to govern such a powerful country for a hundred years, to overwhelm all parties, and to win Wuya is not only dependent on the No.1 strength in martial arts.

"This Jingyue Temple only covers a radius of 150 miles. The people on the territory are scattered, and the monks in the temple are also lacking in spirit."

When Ying Wuya talked about the shortcomings of Jingyue Temple, there was a lot of disappointment in his tone.

According to what Ying Wuya said, if Jingyue Temple is really strong, it might not be able to resist the demon cultivators ahead.

Most of the practitioners of the magic way gather in the five magic cities, and it is not so easy to enter the Jingyue Temple.

"If I take charge of Jingyue Temple, it won't take me ten years to turn from defense to offense."

Ying Wuya's eyes were shining brightly.

"This is also the reason why the poor monk wants to hand over the Jingyue Temple to you." A gentle voice sounded not far away.

Zhang Li turned his head and saw a white-bearded old monk wearing a moon-white monk's robe standing there, smiling and walking quickly.

With a slight smile in his eyes, the old monk looked at Zhang Li and nodded slightly.

"Mr. Zhang's name, I heard that Wu Ya has mentioned it before."

"See you today, it's really extraordinary."

The old monk clasped his hands together and saluted Zhang Li slightly.

"Poor monk Ciyuan, abbot of Jingyue Temple."

"According to your mortal world, the poor monk is the earth immortal guarding the boundary of Jingyue Temple."

Mingwang Prefecture does not have the name of Earth Immortal, but it is evidenced by guarding the Fu Zhao.

The abbot of every monastery is the person in charge of the Immortal Sealing Talisman.

The Buddhist cultivation in Ming Wangzhou is different from other Buddhist cultivation methods. It is not very good at gathering merit and aspirations. On the contrary, it has more research on the methods of attacking Buddhism.

King Ming Buddha is also the legendary Dharma protector of the fairy world, who is good at attacking.

It was the first time Zhang Li saw Ciyuan, and he raised his hand in return.

The Immortal Sealing Talisman in his sea of ​​consciousness vibrated slightly.

The Immortal Sealing Talisman held by the one in front of him is not weak, with the help of the power of the Immortal Sealing Talisman, he can at least exert the power of the seventh or eighth level of the Golden Core, or even the peak.

In the Earth Immortal world where the Nascent Soul does not leave, this level of strength is considered top-notch.

Monk Ciyuan cast his eyes on Ying Wuya, nodded and said, "I may not be bad at studying Buddhism, but I dare not mention the ability to govern one side."

"If Wuya can take charge of Jingyue Temple, it will be a blessing for the people under Jingyue Temple and all the monks in my Jingyue Temple."

Ciyuan's words are very sincere.

He didn't stay in the small courtyard, but just told Ying Wuya and Zhang Li that the situation was overturned, there was a change in the magic cultivators in the Five Demon City, and the situation in Jingyue Temple was critical.

Perhaps because he already knew about the fact that people from Ningyue Temple came to snatch the Buddha fruit relics, Ciyuan lowered his voice before leaving: "Wu Ya, there are some things that you need to decide early on. In Mingwang Prefecture, only those who hold the Immortal Sealing Talisman can be qualified." Possess Buddha fruit relics."

If one's own strength does not match one's identity, one will eventually become the target of others' robbery.

Even in a place of Buddhism like Ming Wangzhou, not everyone would abide by the established rules.

Even if we abide by it openly, what about secretly?
Monk Ciyuan left, Zhang Li and Ying Wuya looked at each other.

"Hehe, it's useless to think too much, I'll try the way of being in charge of one side in the earth and fairy world in the future." Ying Wuya let out a long laugh.

Although controlling the Immortal Sealing Talisman can improve his strength and status, and can seal the world for hundreds of miles, it is really an extremely difficult choice for a powerhouse like him.

A strong man like him should be able to rule the world.

Zhang Li pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay."

Ying Wuya is in charge of Jingyue Temple, as long as he guards the 150-mile radius, he can guard the passage of Zhenmagic.

In this way, the mundane world is really safe.

Since Ying Wuya is willing to take charge of Jingyue Temple, the passage to Mingwang Prefecture can be opened in the future.

Thinking about it this way, it is really a good move for Ying Wuya to take charge of Jingyue Temple.

It's just that the sacrifice is not insignificant.

Ying Wuya is really a decisive person.

"I see Brother Ying's martial arts practice, combined with the power of Buddha fruit relics, has the appearance of a cohesive golden body."

"It just seems that there is still little understanding of the realm of martial arts practice, so that the defense is sufficient, and the power of attack is lacking."

Zhang Li looked at Ying Wuya and spoke loudly.

This is how he felt when he was watching Ying Wuya fight against the Demon Dao Jindan powerhouse.

Blessed with the power of Buddha fruit relics, he was unable to kill the demon cultivator at the third level of the Golden Core.

Ying Wuya's eyes lit up, he nodded, and regretfully said, "That's true."

"My spiritual power is not enough, and my own physical strength is just enough to build a foundation."

"The ability to borrow the power of the Buddha fruit relic is due to your martial arts guidance in front of the Xuankong Temple, Mr. Zhang."

At the beginning, Zhang Li showed the seventh-level realm of the great master of martial arts, and there is no blame for anything.

This gave Ying Wuya enlightenment.

Ying Wuya now borrows the power of Buddha fruit relics to transform into a golden body, which is the means of the great master's seven-level innocence.

It's just that Ying Wuya's martial arts cultivation realm is not enough, this Wugui golden body is not stable enough, and he sacrificed a lot of attacking power.

Zhang Li knew all of this.

"Come on, let's try our hand." Zhang Li chuckled, his figure moved slightly.

His figure was so fast that he didn't even have an afterimage.

This made Ying Wuya startled, and he clenched his fist slightly.


The power of his Buddha fruit relic was instantly aroused.

It wasn't him who activated it himself, but when his life was threatened, Relic activated it independently.

He turned his head, and Zhang Li was behind him with a smile on his face.

In Zhang Li's palm, a little bit of sword energy flashed.

Before Ying Wuya moved, Zhang Li's figure had disappeared in place.

This speed is so fast that it cannot be sensed!
"Seven Steps Invincible Oriental Mirror?"

Ying Wuya whispered in his mouth, clenched his fist and punched out.

He couldn't help it.

Around the body, the golden light was struck, and the sword energy of Zhang Li's fingertips seemed to cut through the golden light of his body.

With a punch, Zhang Li's body in front of him seemed to be crushed directly.

But in Ying Wuya's eyes, the fist wind hit Zhang Li's body, first swayed slightly, and slid to both sides.

There is no blame for the seventh level of the martial arts grand master.

Can dissolve all kinds of power.

Although his punch was mighty, half of his fighting power was taken away.

Then there is another kind of power, which reduces the power of the fist wind.

Ying Wuya looked at Zhang Li's feet.

At this time, Zhang Li's feet were floating half a foot high, and his figure was like a light cloud.

"This is another level of the Grand Master's realm?" Ying Wuya looked at Zhang Li and said in a low voice.

He could feel the extraordinary power of this cultivation base, but he couldn't see through it.

"After you have no blame, you will not fall."

Zhang Li whispered in his mouth, clenched his fist, and punched out.

A golden gate emerged and rushed towards the golden light around Ying Wuya.


The gate collapsed, and the golden light was turbulent.

With Zhang Li's martial arts cultivation at this time, he couldn't break Ying Wuya's golden light.

Even a strong person in the Golden Core Realm can hardly break the protective golden light.

Zhang Li punched this punch in order to let Ying Wuya feel his strength.

The eighth level of the martial arts grand master will not fall.

Speed, power combined.

"Strength is born inside and used outside..."

"There is no blame for everything, and then you will not fall into the realm..."

Ying Wuya stood there, whispering in his mouth, seemingly absent-minded for a moment.

The power of Qi and blood in his body was constantly turbulent.

Zhang Li left quietly without affecting Ying Wuya's perception.

Fighting against Ying Wuya, he also gained something.

The power of the Buddha fruit relic lies in him, that is, the demon pill in charge.

Ying Wuya can borrow the power of the Buddha fruit relic, and he can also borrow the power of the demon pill.

If he had used the power of the demon pill to turn Yunze mirror into a long sword just now, he would be able to break Wuya's golden light with a single strike.

Back in the small courtyard, Zhang Li tried to figure out his own realm of practice, and slowly blended the power of the demon pill with his own martial arts and immortality.

For several days, neither he nor Ying Wuya left Jingyue Temple.

Yuanhe Taoist and others have been on duty everywhere.

According to Taoist Yuanhe's report, many places under Jingyue Temple's rule have traces of demonic ways.

While on duty, Taoist Yuanhe also fought against a demon cultivator.

Fortunately, there are magic tools given by Zhang Li and talismans for body protection, and the monks who insisted on coming to Jingyue Temple came just now.

In the past few days, some of the mortal warriors have fallen, and many have been injured.

However, according to everyone's feedback, this kind of scene not only did not make people timid, but on the contrary gave them more fighting spirit.

Practicing in Mingwang State, the aura is rich, there are many strong people, and the cultivation base and combat power will be improved unconsciously.

If it weren't for not being able to stay here for a long time, no one would be willing to leave.


In Zhang Li's small courtyard, he and Ying Wuya split each other with one blow, and each took a few steps back.

The golden light on Ying Wuya's body vibrated, and the sword energy between Zhang Li's fingers lingered.

"That's right, Brother Ying can gather strength and speed with the power of the Buddha's relic, which is even more powerful."

Zhang Li dissipated the sword energy in his hand and smiled lightly.

Hearing his words, Ying Wuya showed emotion on his face and shook his head.

"Mr. Zhang, if you are in charge of the Buddha fruit relic, I am afraid that your combat power will far exceed mine."

In the past few days, he was more and more frightened when he proved martial arts with Zhang Liyin.

Zhang Li's Martial Dao Realm has a bottomless feeling.

"Thinking about it, Mr. Zhang is not far from breaking through the peak of the great master."

"Winning someone is also looking forward to it..."

The farther Zhang Li goes on martial arts, the farther he can see when he wins Wuya.

Although he was the one to do this kind of thing back then, it is also a blessing that someone is leading the way on the way of martial arts practice at this time.

It didn't take long for the two of them to retreat and practice.

The demon cultivator of the Five Demon City hid under the control of Jingyue Temple and attacked and killed several guard points.

The monks of Jingyue Temple, as well as ordinary warriors, suffered losses.

One of the half-step Jindan Realm powerhouses in Jingyue Temple who went to inspect was besieged and killed, and escaped with serious injuries.

Ying Wuya discussed with Zhang Li, and asked those ordinary warriors to withdraw, leaving only the Grand Master and Grand Master realms outside.

The fighters in the Grandmaster Realm cooperate with the monks in Jingyue Temple, and their combat power is already impressive.

In close combat, the strength of the warrior is not bad.

Zhang Li and Ying Wuya each led a group of warriors and monks from Jingyuan Temple to inspect the wilderness.

"People from Ningyue Temple have withdrawn, leaving Jingyue Temple alone. I don't know what Jingyue Temple will look like in the future." Seeing Ying Wuya and Zhang Li leaving Jingyue Temple, Elder Cizheng whispered.

The other monks beside him looked at each other with complicated expressions on their faces.

Buddhist monasteries like Jingyue Temple and the others are not afraid of confronting demons head-on.

But this kind of magic cultivation penetrates and erodes continuously, and it shakes the foundation of the Earth Immortal's control the most.

"Actually, if Layman Ying Wuya is willing to hand over the Buddha fruit relic—" the speaking monk stopped talking.

Everyone else shook their heads.

Who would be willing to hand over such treasures?

Besides, even if the people of Ningyue Temple took away the Buddha fruit relics, can they really help Jingyue Temple with all their strength?

Elder Cizheng shook his head, and was about to speak, when suddenly he was slightly taken aback, and said in a low voice, "The host called us to the main hall."


Walking in the wilderness, under Zhang Li's crotch is a black tiger more than one foot long.

Heihu looked around vigilantly, with a faint golden light shining on his body.

Between the opening and closing of his eyes, the demonic power on Heihu's body seemed to be stronger.


With a low growl, Heihu carried Zhang Li on his back and rushed to the hill ahead.

The accompanying monks and warriors hurriedly followed.



The sound of the long sword being unsheathed and roaring resounded.

When everyone caught up, they only saw a pile of rocks on the hill, scattered armor, and broken magic weapons.

"A demon cultivator was lurking, and I defeated him, but it was a pity that he escaped."

Zhang Li drew out his sword slowly, his expression calm.

Moxiu escaped naturally did not escape, but was swallowed by the incarnation of Qi Ling.

For the incarnation of Qi Ling, the more energy and blood of the magic cultivator's soul that is devoured, the stronger the accumulation of strength will be.

Ordinary warriors knew about Zhang Li's cultivation and combat power, so he felt normal at this moment.

The number one strongest person in the mortal world should be able to slay demons so neatly.

Those monks in Jingyue Temple showed a trace of surprise in their eyes.

Mr. Zhang is really strong!

Along the way, Zhang Li shot in front of everyone and killed a demon cultivator who was half-step foundation establishment.

In this battle, his sword light was crisscrossed, and the thunder light was shining. Within three feet, the magic light was suppressed and shattered.

The surrounding monks and warriors were all dazzled.


In the distance, there was a roar from above the mountains.

A vigorous demonic energy soared into the sky.

In contrast, is the shining golden light.

Buddha light.

"I gonna go see."

Zhang Li whispered, and with a movement of his body, he had already harnessed the sword light and turned into a rainbow to walk away.

The monks and warriors behind could only watch this scene with envy.

Sword cultivator can control the light of the sword, fly into the sky and hide from the ground, and control the sword across the sky.

Zhang Liren was in mid-air, and within a few blinks, he could see the place where the fight was ahead.

Ying Wuya, dressed in golden light, confronted a demon cultivator at the Golden Core level.

The magic energy on this Moxiu's body turned into a black armor, and the long knife in his hand was full of magic, and every blow could smash the surrounding rocks.


Zhang Li drew his long sword out of its sheath, the light of the sword was like a sword, and the sword energy of ten feet cut down from the sky!

Before he knew it, his sword seed had germinated, and several green leaves fluttered in the wind.

In the sword light, there is the shadow of sword intent!
"Sword repair!"

The demon cultivator shouted, raised the knife in his hand, and a blue-gray knife light swept out, colliding with Zhang Li's sword light.

The cyan sword light shattered and turned into blossoming green lotuses.

The green lotus shattered, and then pieces of petals scattered around, cutting the surrounding world in an instant.

The fragment of the sword light did not disappear, and after a slight sway, it turned into a blooming lotus again.

In a confrontation with Jindan Realm, although lost but undefeated.

This is what Zhang Li does now.

With the power of swordsmanship and the power of martial arts, he can take over the world.

Qinglian revolved around Moxiu's body, and Ying Wuya, who was covered in golden light, punched every step, and the shadow of the punch made Jindan Moxiu retreat step by step.


Demon cultivator at Jindan Realm fought hard to be smashed on the shoulder by Qinglian, and received a punch from Ying Wuya, his face turned pale, he vomited blood and ran away.

Standing in the same place, Zhang Li and Ying Wuya looked at each other and laughed aloud.

"It's just a magic way, that's all."

(End of this chapter)

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