Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 151 Are you willing to be the master of this world?

Chapter 151 Are you willing to be the master of this world?
Sword Intent!

This is the sharpest meaning of sword cultivators in the world, and it is the foundation of the eternal existence of swordsmanship.

Zhang Li has never regarded himself as a real swordsman since he practiced.

He dare not.To practice kendo is not only to have a sword in your hand, but the most important thing is to have a sword in your heart.

When a person has a sword in his heart, the way of doing things will change.

When he was in the world of cultivation, Zhang Lineng didn't come out for three years, just to hide his golden fingers.

He was able to weigh the pros and cons, and finally chose to come to the mortal world as a guarding disciple.

But after he practiced the way of swordsman, unconsciously, he acted more decisively, wandering between life and death several times.

He had deliberately told himself not to be a swordsman, but to use the way of the sword as his way of protecting the way.

But it wasn't until he competed with the Golden Core Realm in Ming Wang State that he fully understood that cultivation is to cultivate one's mind, and now that he has a sword in his hand, he has no choice.

If you want both the sharpness of the long sword in hand and the state of mind to act cautiously, it will ultimately fail.

Lifting the sword is the sword cultivator.

The road of practice should go all the way without fear.

After figuring this out, he knew how to act as one, and he no longer suppressed the fighting spirit in his heart. Before he knew it, the kendo sword seed on his arm sprouted, grew, and turned into a small green tree.

The sword intent contained in this green tree is many times thicker than that of the previous sword.

This is also the reason why Xiao Qing'er was surprised when he stabbed out with a sword at this time.

Such a sword is already comparable to fighting against the Golden Core Realm.

On the cyan blade, there is a half-foot-long translucent halo.

In this light, there is a sharpness to cut through everything.

Sword intent.

At least [-]% of the sword intent has been condensed.

The sword qi gathers and the sword light comes out, and only when the sword light condenses can there be sword intent.

The Sword Intent is known as invincible and invincible, and it is the sharpest way of protecting the way of practitioners in the world.

The way of swordsmanship is not only the way to protect the way, but also the way to practice.

A flash of sword light pierced out.


Xiao Qing'er pointed her fingertips on the edge of the sword.

The light blue sword light directly cut off the monster light on her fingertips, making her face panic, and she had to take a step back.

She stretched out her other hand and grabbed Zhang Li.

But Zhang Li's figure suddenly dispersed, and then appeared beside her, and then stabbed out with a sword.

This speed, this response, is simply not something that ordinary practitioners below the fifth floor of the Foundation Establishment Realm can have.

Martial arts practice, vertical and horizontal between square inches.

If kendo is an invincible hand with a three-foot green edge, then martial arts can be said to be invincible before the boxing edge.



One after another sword light stabs or picks, cuts or strikes, not three feet away from Xiao Qing'er's body.

The Martial Dao Great Master has the eighth level, the state of not falling, which makes Zhang Li's speed much faster. He walks with the sword, and stands beside Xiao Qing'er, like the shadow of a tarsus.

That sword light is extremely agile, it is really an antelope hanging horns, flying into the clouds, and there is no trace of every move or style.

The combination of kendo and martial arts is wonderful!

"It's not a small improvement!"

Xiao Qing'er was entangled by the sword light, and a golden core demon was powerless to fight back.

Such sights made her angry amidst her astonishment.

Who is the Golden Core Realm?

Is this the other way around?

With a low shout, Xiao Qing'er propped up a monster light barrier around her body, blocking a sword light.

The barrier shattered, and the blade swept across her chest.

Xiao Qing'er didn't care about the invasion of the sword light, she made a seal with her hands, and a series of blue arrows gathered in front of her, shooting towards Zhang Li.

The arrows are transformed by her demonic power, and each arrow is comparable to a magic weapon.

The strength of the Golden Core Demon is beyond doubt.

As soon as the arrow appears, there is a huge blessing of breaking the world.

At this distance, the arrow is no different from a long sword, and it stabs directly.

too close.

Too fast.

An inch short an inch risk.

Although the close combat allowed Zhang Li to maximize his swordsmanship and martial arts, it also made this combat more dangerous.


Zhang Li's body was shattered by the arrow.

Xiao Qing'er was slightly taken aback.


This is the guy that Zhenjun focused on, and was killed by himself?


Her complexion changed suddenly, and her figure abruptly moved three feet to the left.


The cyan bright long sword swept across from where she was before, and there was a sharp sword whistle.

The sword edge slashed across Xiao Qing'er's dress, making the sound of the veil being torn.

Spirit weapon phantom!

The one who fought with Xiao Qing'er just now was just Zhang Li's phantom with [-]% combat power.

It's just that he controls the phantom body with all his strength, and the combat power displayed can actually fight Jindan!
Xiao Qing'er let out a low hiss, and her figure turned into a ten-foot green snake.

For monsters, even big monsters with super-spiritual intelligence, although manifesting a monster body with stronger fighting power, they are usually unwilling.

Because just like a sword cultivator must unite his heart and hands, if a demon wants to practice by transforming into a human, and embark on the avenue of cultivation, he must maintain his human body for a long time.

Just like this, Xiao Qing'er manifested her demon body at a critical moment, even if she broke her cultivation, at least several years of hard work would be ruined.

In the green snake's eyes, there was surprise and a hint of anger.

It was careless just now and didn't flash.

It's just that it didn't expect Zhang Li's swordsmanship to be so strong.

If you can be so tyrannical after just leaving, how can you still get it in the future?
Zhang Li, who was holding a long sword, did not retreat, raised his left hand, and a pale golden thunder bead shone on his fingertips.

Fight with all your strength against the great monster of the Golden Core Realm?
Not impossible!
Zhang Li felt his blood boil.

The green snake roared "呵呵", and anger flashed in its eyes.

"Okay, this kid is deliberately making you angry." A voice rang out in the void, and a blue cloud of light enveloped Xiao Qing'er's body, turning her demon body away, revealing the appearance of a banshee again.

Xiao Qing'er bowed slightly with surprise and gratitude on her face.

This ray of blue light not only made up for her previous loss, but also improved her slightly.

This is her compensation and reward.

"Thank you sir."

She looked at the white-haired Taoist with his hands behind his back in the void ahead, with a calm expression.

Zhang Li turned around, put away his long sword, and bowed to the Taoist.

"Junior Zhang Li pays homage to Master Zhu Yuanzhen."

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan, the ancient overhaul who was willing to guard the demon tower, is a powerful existence beyond the Nascent Soul Realm.

This one is the most powerful person in this mortal world.

Not only because of his tyrannical cultivation, but this one is willing to sacrifice for the world's way of cultivation, staying in the Demon Suppressing Tower, and protecting the mortal world.

From the light and shadow of Tiandao's memory, Zhang Li saw Zhenjun Zhu Yuan several times taking action to maintain the longevity of life in the mortal world.

Looking at Zhang Li in front of him, Zhenjun Zhu Yuan waved his hand and asked Xiao Qing'er to leave.

"Actually, you already knew that I exist, and you came today just to see me, right?" Zhu Yuanzheng raised his hand, Zhang Li felt a breeze, and helped himself up.

Zhang Li looked up to see Zhu Yuanzhenjun with a smile on his face, nodded and said: "This junior is indeed here to see Senior Zhenjun."

To face such a strong person, all he has to do is to be honest.

He knew that for Zhenjun Zhu Yuan, he absolutely knew everything he wanted to know, and it was meaningless for him to hide anything.

Conversely, since this person has never had any ill intentions towards him from the beginning to the end, even if he won't give him a chance, he won't hurt himself.

"You came from Luyang Continent, and then you practiced in Jingyuan Temple. You behave decently, and you have acted several times to save ordinary people."

Zhu Yuanzhenjun walked forward slowly with his hands behind his back, whispering in his mouth.

Zhang Li followed behind him, listening to him.

"You can know how to accumulate merit, and you can not get lost before the huge temptation of the Fengxian Talisman, which shows that you have a good heart."

"Also, entering the earth fairy world and returning decisively shows that you still have feelings for this mortal world."

Turning his head and looking at Zhang Li in front of him, Zhenjun Zhu Yuan said something that made his back sweat.

"Being recognized by the Demon Swinging Clock shows that you are not a pedantic person."

Swing the clock!
This true gentleman even knows about his own artifact spirit avatar!
Zhang Li bowed slightly, and said, "There is no right and wrong in the Tao, and there is no good or evil in the Dharma. All practices are clear in the heart and seen in the practice."

Only when you see your nature clearly, you can see your true self.

Practice is the process of seeing and perfecting the true self.

Along the way, the more prosperous he sees, the more Zhang Li can understand himself.

His words made Zhenjun Zhu Yuan slightly taken aback.

A faint cloud of light rolled over him.

A great cultivator who surpassed the Nascent Soul Realm, and a strong man who has guarded the mortal world for countless years, was unexpectedly changed by a sentence from a younger generation who was in the Foundation Establishment Realm.

It wasn't that Zhu Yuanzhenjun's xinxing cultivation base was not stable enough, but that these words touched him, and it had been so many years that he had never seen such a thorough xinxing person again.

"Haha, good, good." Zhu Yuanzhen Jun looked at Zhang Li in front of him, and let out a long laugh.

"I see that your cultivation has been smooth, and your cultivation base has advanced rapidly, and I plan to warn you, but now it seems that it is unnecessary."

"With this kind of heart, the road can be expected."

The road can be expected.

This is the affirmation of Zhang Li by a powerful and powerful man.

For other practitioners, they can brag about it for a lifetime if they can get such a comment from Zhenjun.

But Zhang Li is different.

In his opinion, he must have a bright future in this life.

The True Monarch in front of him was just one of the mountains that he wanted to climb.

"Zhenjun, the junior is still willing to listen to the teachings." Zhang Li said with his hands clasped.

His words made Zhenjun Zhu Yuan laugh out loud.

It's not that Zhang Li has no reverence for a true king's power, but he doesn't have the humility to engrave reverence in his bones.

It is probably because he is not from this world in the first place, and he lacks the innate fear of the strong, right?
Zhenjun Zhu Yuan was a high-ranking and strong man in the past, and he was stationed at the Demon Suppressing Tower in this mortal world, which is the best in the world.

In this way, there is really no one who can talk to him face to face like Zhang Li.

At this moment, the two of them were talking so easily and casually, which made Zhenjun Zhu Yuan feel a little bit embarrassed.

He couldn't remember how many years he hadn't talked to anyone like this.

"Don't think that I have no selfish intentions in sitting in the demon tower."

"It wasn't for the protection of this rare treasure, I would have lost my lifespan long ago."

"If you don't become a true immortal, everyone is in danger of losing their lifespan."

Guarding the mortal world is not all for the righteousness of the world, and the road of practice, even the power above the Nascent Soul, is also difficult every step of the way.

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan's words were a little more friendly and a little more fireworks.

Listening like this makes Zhang Li more comfortable.

This is the real practice, not an indifferent fairy god who does not eat the fireworks of the world.

He's not a real fairy, but he insists on putting on the airs of a fairy.

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan was obviously in a good mood, and he and Zhang Li were walking and chatting on the third basement floor of the Demon Town Tower.

Zhang Li had a lot of doubts about the mortal world, the world of immortality, and the world of practice, so he just happened to ask about this great power when he met him.

"When the fairy world collapsed and turned into countless fragmented worlds of practice, I landed on Luyang Continent with fellow Taoists."

"Because the spiritual energy dissipated, a huge battle against spirits broke out in the practice world."

The battle of fighting spirits is not a battle of one continent, but the whole practice world wants to rob the spiritual energy of the spirit world.

The original spirit world is also a vast and boundless existence, and the strong among them are also extremely powerful.

This battle lasted for tens of thousands of years, and finally the spiritual world collapsed, and the guarding earth immortals brought the power of heaven to transform into the earth immortal world, and the world of practice took away the spiritual energy, continuing the foundation of the great way of the world of practice.

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan and many experts in the practice world stayed in the mortal world to guard the passage, originally for the purpose of suppressing the immortal world.

But as the mortal world is declining, people from the Earth Immortal world rarely come to the mortal world.

On the contrary, many forces in the practice world quietly seek to do business with the earth fairy world in exchange for treasures such as spiritual stones and elixir.

The task of guarding the passage has changed from the original defense of the fairy world to the subsequent prevention of large-scale transactions.

"If the Earth Immortal Realm is allowed to detect the reality of the practice world, the consequences will be disastrous."

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan shook his head and said softly.

The earth immortal world sticks to one side, but the aura is abundant, and the practice world is too vast, and the aura slowly dissipates.

Unknowingly, the strength of the Earth Immortal Realm has far surpassed that of the practice world.

"Senior, is the practice world really in decline?" Zhang Li asked with some doubts.

"It is said that the spiritual energy in the practice world dissipated so quickly because the heavens collapsed and the spiritual energy could not be condensed. Also," Zhenjun Zhu Yuan squinted his eyes and lowered his voice, "Many old folks followed the method of the earth and fairy world and reunited with a small party. Fairyland."

The non-existence of the Dao of Heaven is one aspect, and on the other hand, the remnants of the ancient fairy world have quietly joined forces to establish a small fairy world that draws support from the power of the practice world, imitating the earth fairy world.

When the Little Immortal Realm was first established, there were people who invited Zhenjun Zhu Yuan to go, but they were rejected.

After that, the Little Immortal World almost cut off contact with the practice world, and no one would come to the ordinary world.

"With the disappearance of the guarding passage, many of the previous arrangements have been lost in the long river of time."

"Many fairy worlds also collapsed without a trace."

Looking at the illusory world in front of him, Zhenjun Zhu Yuan had a complex expression and whispered softly.

A great power who has survived from ancient times to the present has seen countless changes in the world.

Be it the Earth Immortal World or the Cultivation World, according to this trend, they will all eventually collapse.

Zhang Li knows that some things cannot be changed by manpower.

"Senior, I don't know where Lord Mohuan is now?"

"The way of heaven in this mortal world..."

Looking at Zhenjun Zhu Yuan, Zhang Li spoke in a low voice.


Lord Mohuan.

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan turned around and his eyes fell on Zhang Li.

The moment his eyes fell, Zhang Li seemed to be pierced by a sharp sword all over his body. From his body to his soul, everything was about to be frozen.

"Are you willing to be the master of this world?" Zhenjun Zhu Yuan looked at Zhang Li and said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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