Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 152 Inheritance of the True Monarch, Departure to the Southeast

Chapter 152 Inheritance of the True Monarch, Departure to the Southeast

Become the master of heaven!
Zhenjun Zhu Yuan's words were like a thunderclap, and went straight into Zhang Li's heart.

"Do not want to."

Zhang Li's answer sounded instantly.

This is his voice from the bottom of his heart, and it is also his most frank response.

Zhenjun Zhu Yuan didn't give him the space and time to think and weigh, and he got the real answer directly.

This is the real king's method!
Even if there is an immortal talisman in the sea of ​​consciousness, the spiritual weapon Yunze mirror, and the power of merit and virtue, they can't resist the real monarch's search at all.

"Hehe, I never expected that you would not want to control the Dao of Heaven." Zhu Yuanzhenjun smiled and looked at Zhang Li with a more gentle expression.

"When I asked Mohuan, his answer was the opposite of yours."

The answer is the opposite.

So, where is Lord Mohuan now?
"I will suppress him at the bottom of the North Sea glacier and freeze him forever." As if seeing Zhang Li's question, Zhenjun Zhu Yuan spoke again.

The bottom of the glacier is frozen forever.

Zhang Li only felt a slight chill all over.

If I had given the wrong answer just now, would I have to go to the bottom of the glacier to accompany Lord Mohuan?

Not necessarily.

I'm afraid I don't have the qualifications to go to the glacier.

Looking up at Zhu Yuanzhen Jun, Zhang Li's expression was red and sincere.

"Senior, this junior thinks that the Dao of Heaven has its own cycle of reincarnation. If you cultivate yourself, you can seek longevity and be invincible, but it's best not to be contaminated by the Dao of Heaven, which will cause many unreasonable entanglements."

This is Zhang Li's perception.

He traded with Tiandao, he had calculated Tiandao before, and he was calculated by Tiandao.

However, having comprehended the memory of the Heavenly Dao in front of Zhenmensi, he felt more and more that practice should be pure, without too much involvement.

It’s true that with great power comes great responsibility.

But seeking more power that has nothing to do with oneself for no reason, and then involving unnecessary responsibilities, I am afraid that it will be in vain in the end.

Zhenjun Zhu Yuanzhen looked at Zhang Li, stared at him for a while, then shook his head and sighed softly.


"If I could see through like you back then, maybe I wouldn't be imprisoned here..."

Have a story?
A trace of curiosity flashed in Zhang Li's eyes.

It's just that Zhenjun Zhu Yuan obviously didn't want to say more, so he turned his head and looked into the distance.

"You are sober and know what you want."

"As long as you don't contaminate the way of heaven, and don't try to become the master of the way of heaven here, I will be happy to see you grow up."

"The turmoil in the Earth Immortal Realm will interfere with the advancement of the mortal world here, and the mortal world of Dongzhou is eyeing it. A big battle is just around the corner."

"If we want to be quiet," turning around, a pale golden aura flashed in Zhu Yuanzhenjun's hand and landed on Zhang Li's shoulder, "Cultivation is fighting."

"do you understand?"


Compete for resources, space, and that rare first-line opportunity.

Zhang Li nodded.

Zhu Yuanzhenjun's spiritual light fell on his shoulders, as if the whole world was suppressed.

He could feel that he was more involved with this world, and the perception he got from this world was clearer.

It is mutual support, not mutual control.

Cultivate your own way by borrowing the way of heaven and earth.

Is this the way of cultivation of the true king in front of me?

Zhang Li didn't know if this counted as teaching the Dharma or leaving a legacy.

But just relying on this implicated perception is an opportunity that is hard to find in the world.

The deeper one's cultivation is, the more one needs to understand the Dao.

"Thank you senior."

Zhang Li bowed slightly.

Since people are willing to give away opportunities, it is their affection.

This kindness, accept it, and repay it when you have the opportunity in the future.

This is the reason why many strong people in the practice world are willing to give opportunities to the juniors they value.

Karma is implicated, and no one knows whether a good deed will be rewarded in the future.

"Don't go to the Earth Immortal Realm often, so as not to lead to turmoil in the Heavenly Dao."

"Resources can be used, but there must be a limit. It is not necessarily a good thing to rashly increase the power of the world."

"By the way, looking at your practice, you mainly focus on the way of swordsmanship. Other methods of practice seem to be a bit crude. Is there any doubt about your daily practice?"


What is happiness?

Happiness is having someone guide you on the path of practice.

Happiness is seeing how far the path of practice can go.

Zhang Li hurriedly explained some of the incomprehensible points in his practice, and then Zhu Yuanzhenjun answered them in a few words.

Zhu Yuanzhenjun also gave advice on various deficiencies in Zhang Li's practice.

"Your practice inheritance should be considered good, but you have not yet obtained the true essence. I have some ancient inheritance techniques in my hand. You can use them for reference, but it is best not to practice rashly."

"The world is changing, and the way of practicing kung fu should also change, but all changes remain the same, and the degree of speed is the process of your own cultivation."

"It's also a way for you to practice martial arts."

"The way of martial arts is indeed the most compatible with the mundane way of heaven. It was born out of the long-standing era when demons ruled the mortal world. It developed when demons ravaged the world, and it has been sharpened continuously. After all, it has a chance to become a way to reach the sky."


Zhang Li stayed in the Demon Town Tower for most of the day, basically listening to Zhu Yuanzhenjun's narration.

Such opportunities do not come often.

In the future, even if he came to the Demon Suppressing Pagoda, it would be impossible for him to ask Zhenjun Zhu Yuan for advice all the time.

He is a small foundation-building realm, how can he have the qualifications to delay the time of a true monarch?

From Zhang Li's point of view, the reason Zhu Yuanzhenjun was willing to teach him something was simply because he felt that he still had some talent and seemed to be able to make a difference.

For this powerful man, idleness is idleness anyway.

"If you have any problems in your practice in the future, you can come to me."

"If I don't practice in retreat, I will help you answer it."

"For the time being, don't go to the fourth basement of the Town Demon Tower, let alone go to the Shepherd Demon State."

"Your cultivation is still far behind."

After Zhenjun Zhu Yuan confessed, his figure dispersed.

Zhang Li hurriedly bowed to see him off.

When Zhenjun left, he turned around and saw Xiao Qing'er standing not far away.

"Young Master Zhang, Zhenjun asked my servant to help you practice." Looking at Zhang Li, Xiao Qing'er showed a smile on her face.

"How about I give you double cultivation?"

Zhang Li glanced at her, and disappeared on the third basement floor of the Zhenyao Tower.

Double repair?

With a big green snake ten feet long?

Forget it.

In the empty space on the third basement floor of the Town Demon Tower, Xiao Qing'er stomped her feet, her expression turned into resentment.


Zhang Li waited for half a month in the Jingyuan Temple, and after blessing and branding all the Fengxian Talismans refined by Zhu Yunshan, he sent Shen Yuan to Mingwang Prefecture.

He himself went to Chu State together with Ao Jin who had left the customs.

Ao Jin used twenty chalcedony beads to infuse the two demon pills with demon power, which took nearly a hundred days.

This hundred days of practice has made his cultivation much more stable.

Originally, this infusion process would take longer, but Ao Jin was able to succeed nearly half of the time earlier because he was more proficient in the operation of the demon power and faster.

Although this kind of work of extracting the aura from the chalcedony beads and transforming it into demon power and refilling the demon core is very tiring.

The demon power contained in the second demon core is stronger, and it is already a gold core four-layer complete demon core.

Zhang Li took the demon pill and gave Ao Jin three chalcedony beads.

This made Ao Jin even more delighted.

Zhang Li went to Chu State together with Ao Jin, Xu Shu, the censor of Zhao State Yushitai, and Taoist Yuanqing, the master of Jingyuan Temple.

After Xun Kuang, the grand sacrificial wine of Jixia Academy, entered Ming Wangzhou, he did not stay long under the rule of Jingyue Temple, but went to the place where other temples were garrisoned.

Now, the new sacrificial wine of Jixia Academy is about to take over.

Zhang Li took Ao Jin to Chu State, on the one hand to observe the ceremony, and on the other hand to discuss how to deal with the East China Sea issue.

There is another reason.

There are people who practice the world from Jixia Academy.

This is the secret searched by Taoist Qing.

Behind the Jixia Academy is the practice of the world's Imperial Spirit Dao.

Not to mention that the guarding task of the Yuling Dao was not completed last time, the two foundation-builders who stepped into the Altar of Transformation Immortals died.

It is normal for Yulingdao to send people to investigate.

According to the information detected by Jingyuan Temple, many spies from Jixia Academy sneaked into the blessed land outside the altar of Huaxian, wanting to enter the altar.

It's just that all the people who sneaked in disappeared without a trace.

This time when Zhang Li and the others went to Jixia Academy, they had to face people from the cultivation world.

This is why Zhang Li took Ao Jin there.

Ao Jin's cultivation has been stabilized now, although he can't do his best due to the suppression of heaven, but this suppression is not aimed at one person.

Although Fang Tiandao has been greatly improved now, he still does not allow the Golden Core Realm to make a move.

On the big river, the sails are like clouds, and the boats are like weaving.

The river is full of smoke and willows, reflecting the emerald green mountains in the distance.

This is the south of Zhao State, the border of Chu State.

"The land in the southeast is rich and rich, and it's true after looking at it now." The three-masted ship sailed down the river, and the middle-aged man in green shirt standing at the bow spoke softly with emotion on his face.

He is Xu Shu, the imperial censor of Zhao State, who was born in Luojing and has a good literary talent.

Yushitai is the basic board of Zhao Guoguo Prime Minister Su Ming, and Xu Shu is naturally representing Su Ming, representing Zhao Guochaotang to Chu Kingdom.

Zhang Li stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the mountains not far away.

The mountains in the southeast are all small hills, and there are few taller ones, which seem to be half covered by clouds and mist, and they look quite immortal.

The southeast has heavy water vapor.

"Uncle, that is Yuntai Mountain."

Daoist Yuan Qing who was standing beside Zhang Li spoke softly.

Yuntai Mountain?
When Zhang Li came from Yunlan Mountain, he was entrusted by Lin Chaoyang, hoping to take care of the Lin family in Yuntai Mountain.

He came to the mortal world and knew the Lin family.

A family of thousands of years of practice, with some background, can be regarded as a hermit family.

The Lin family has good tea like Gui Yunxue, so they don't have to worry about money.

"Because the mountains are closed by clouds and mists, the Lin family in Yuntai Mountain can't pick Gui Yunxue now." The young man standing behind Taoist Yuanqing is Zhuo Jin sent by Taoist Qingxun to follow.

Although Zhuo Jin's cultivation level is not high, but he is a relative of Taoist Qing Xun's secular descendants, so of course he is taken care of.

Taoist Qing Xun had already quietly told Zhuo Jin about Zhang Li's preferences and some things to pay attention to.

Sure enough, when Zhuo Jin mentioned Gui Yunxue, Zhang Li's expression changed.

"Haha, I heard that Mr. Zhang is a tea lover." Xu Shu smiled and looked at Zhang Li, "Mr. Zhang, there is still time to go to Jixia Academy, otherwise, let's go to Yuntai Mountain to see ?”

Xu Shu's words made everyone on the bow turn their heads to look at Zhang Li.

"Alright." Zhang Li nodded.

From the information he knew, the changes in Yuntai Mountain were related to the changes in the aura of the mundane world.

I don't know if this change is good or bad.

Zhang Li agreed, and the big ship naturally found the forward position to dock.

Taoist Yuan Qing and the others changed their clothes, followed Zhang Li and got off the boat quietly, heading towards Yuntai Mountain.

There are more than ten people in the group, even Zhuo Jin, who has the lowest cultivation base, is already at the peak of his sense of energy.

Although Xu Shu is a Confucianist and Taoist, his martial arts cultivation is not bad.

The scenery along the way is good. The more you go towards the mountains and forests, the more you can feel the water vapor ups and downs, like fairy fog.

"Demon?" Ao Jin, who was following Zhang Li, whispered softly.

He was wearing a well-tailored brocade robe and a hair crown on his head. Although he looked only twelve or thirteen years old, he had a bit more air.

Outsiders said that he was Zhang Li's little boy, but Taoist Yuanqing and the others knew that this was not a little boy.

Everyone respects him more.

Zhang Li looked back at Ao Jin.

As for the induction of monster aura, Ao Jin, the golden core monster who was born in a flood dragon, has the most say.

"Grass and trees belong to cultivating monsters. If there is another chance, it is possible to control the clouds in a radius of tens of miles."

Ao Jin explained in a low voice.

The monster of vegetation?

Zhang Li thoughtfully looked up at the world covered by clouds and mists.

Walking forward quickly, a tall jade gate stands at the end of the stone steps in the clouds and mist.

"Everyone, this is the forbidden area of ​​Yuntai Mountain, please go back." The two middle-aged men in Tsing Yi who were stationed outside the gate looked at each other, took a step forward, and opened their mouths.

They are all warriors who sense the atmosphere, but they can't sense Zhang Li's cultivation on the opposite side.

This made them a little more careful.

"Please go and report that Jing Yuanguan and the Royal Envoy Xu are visiting." A middle-aged man in brocade clothes took a step forward and spoke in a low voice.

A jade tablet appeared in his hand.

View of Jing Yuan?

The two guards were shocked and looked at Zhang Li and the others.

"All distinguished guests, please wait a moment, I will report to the Patriarch right away."

One person cupped his hands and hurriedly ran up the mountain road.

The other person was busy respectfully saluting and then stood aside.

That jade badge is true.

After a while, a group of people came quickly in the cloud and mist.

The person in front seemed to be over seventy years old, with a trace of real energy on his body, and the bloody gangsha that only a great master of martial arts can have.

"The honored guest came to visit, Lin Zhennan greeted you late, forgive me for my sin—"

The old man had a thick voice and a smile on his face. He glanced over and saw that everyone was standing. His gaze fell on Taoist Yuan Qing, and his eyes lit up immediately.

"Lin Zhennan met real Yuan Qing."

"I really didn't expect it to be the master of Jingyuan Temple, and my Lin family is full of splendor."

Lin Zhennan met Taoist Yuanqing.

He really did not expect that Daoist Yuanqing, who is in charge of Jingyuan Temple, the most powerful Taoist sect in the world, would come to Yuntai Mountain.

The corners of his eyes moved slightly, and his heart trembled slightly.

In today's position, Taoist Yuan Qing is not the protagonist.

His eyes could not help turning to Zhang Li who was at the side.

"This is my Thunder Immortal Master of Jingyuan Temple, Mr. Zhang Lizhang." Daoist Yuan Qing stretched out his hand and said loudly.


Lin Zhennan was shocked, and bowed to Zhang Li: "Lin Zhennan pays his respects to Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Li nodded, glanced around, and then said lightly: "You know that I have a relationship with your Lin family, right?"

Mr. Zhang has a relationship with the Lin family!
Among the accompanying people, except for a few who knew about this relationship, everyone else's eyes widened in amazement.

The members of the Lin family also raised their heads excitedly.

Immortal Master Jing Yuanguan Thunderbolt is the most powerful person in the world!
(End of this chapter)

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