Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 154 Zhang Li, why don't you come to see the immortal?

Chapter 154 Zhang Li, why don't you come to see the immortal?

Helian Jishu, the Heavenly King of Beidi Town.

King Xuan of Qin Guozhen wins without bounds.

There is also Huang Xianyu, the owner of Wuhuang City in the East China Sea.

These three are all acquainted with Zhang Li and have seen Zhang Li's cultivation methods.

Zhang Li smiled and cupped his hands, Taoist Yuan Qing who came with him, and Zhao Guoyu's envoy Xu Shu also greeted with a smile on his face.

There are at least eight grand masters in the hall, two of them are newly promoted grand masters, and Zhang Li was also fed back by the way of heaven when they were promoted.

Unknowingly, the powerhouses in the entire mortal world have changed.

The number one martial artist in the world back then, Ying Wuya, went to Ming Wangzhou, and Xun Kuang, the grand priest of Jixia Academy, went with him.

Dongfang Jing, Prime Minister of Zhao State, could not retreat, the master of Baigong Palace in Wei State died, and Kongwen, the abbot of Xuankong Temple, fell.

Cultivation in the world is like a great river rushing through waves, layer upon layer, and finally the front wave disappears, and the back wave hits the sky.

"Mr. Zhang, the matter of Muyun Island in the East China Sea—"

As soon as she sat down, Huang Xianyu stepped forward and spoke in a low voice.

Several other people also cast their eyes on Zhang Li.

The turmoil in the East China Sea has now reached the point where it is difficult to suppress. The Dongzhou army that invaded the East China Sea is more and more strong.

Dongzhou's aura is still alive, and there is no martial arts, but there are low-level qi practitioners who use aura to cultivate.

According to Zhang Li's knowledge, among the Dongzhou powerhouses who have come to this world, the strongest ones are estimated to have four or five levels of combat strength.

Their method is to use their own cultivation essence, and then use weapons infused with aura to fight against the enemy.

Many of these methods are mainly placed on their own weapons.

For example, the bows and arrows in someone's hands all contain aura, inspired by the blessing of true energy, and the power is tyrannical.

There are also people who have long swords in their hands that are in harmony with their own qi, blood, muscles and bones, and the human sword is one.

These people are people who are trained with weapons, and people die with weapons.

Zhang Li remembered that there is a method of blood refining in the Demonic Dao, which is such a method of cultivation.

"City Master Huang, don't worry, Uncle Zhang is here this time to discuss the matter of the East China Sea." Taoist Yuan Qing looked around and said calmly.

"I, Jing Yuanguan, as the leader of the Taoist sect, guard the sect in the mortal world and maintain the stability of the world, and do my part."

Do your part.

The former Jing Yuanguan didn't dare to say that.

It is different now.

Guarding the sects in the world, the Zhenmagic Division will do its best to suppress Ming Wangzhou, the inheritance of the Xuankong Temple will almost be cut off, and Yuanmo Mountain and other sects will not be able to protect themselves.

As for the Jixia Academy, it might still have some strength, but Jing Yuanguan didn't take it seriously.

Not to mention the number one powerhouse in the world like Immortal Master Thunder, how many great masters can be produced in the blessed land in his hands in time?
It won't take long for the number of great masters in Jingyuan Temple to break through ten.

Only with strength can we have confidence.

In the main hall, everyone looked at each other with a hint of joy on their faces.

Powerful people from all walks of life gathered at Jixia Academy to observe the ceremony, offer wine and succeed to the throne, and also to discuss how to deal with the attack on Dongzhou.

"Jingyuanguan really deserves the name of the leader of the Taoist sect. It has always put the safety and righteousness of the world first."

"That's right, Daoist Yuji sacrificed himself in the battle on Muyun Island back then, which is admirable."

"Hey, fortunately Jing Yuanguan stood up, otherwise, it would be unimaginable..."

The flattery in the hall has no effect on Zhang Li's state of mind.

Daoist Yuan Qing beside him only smiled and nodded slightly in response.

Huang Xianyu breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Zhang Li, and nodded slightly in thanks.

In his opinion, if one wanted to defend against the enemies of the East China Sea, only the truly strong would take action.

The one in front of him is the strongest person he knows.

"By the way, I wonder if the new sacrificial wine has been decided? Who is it?" Taoist Yuan Qing turned to look at the old man in green robe and black beard.

This is Su Lin, one of the deans of Jixia Academy, half-step Grand Master.

He is also the grandfather of the academy elite Su Zizheng.

Su Zizheng is not qualified to accompany him in this hall.

In the main hall, there are at least half-step grand masters who are strong, or come on behalf of various forces.

"The name of the new sacrificial wine is Zhang Huai, yes," Su Lin's voice froze slightly, and he said in a low voice, "it's the disciple of Xun Kuang's sacrificial wine from the previous generation."

"A disciple from another generation?" Taoist Yuan Qing frowned slightly.

According to the rules of Jixia Academy, the new sacrificial wine is not directly designated, but needs to be cultivated in the secret place of the Academy, and then selected.

Generally, you have to wait for the candidates to come out from the secret place before you can almost make a decision.

This is also the reason why the outside world does not know who is the new sacrificial wine.

The rules are like this, in fact, every session of sacrificial wine in the past was produced from a few top experts in the academy.

Xun Kuang has disciples, and there are several powerful teachers or elders in the academy.

According to calculations by Jing Yuanguan and Zhao Guochaotang before, the one who is most likely to become the new sacrificial wine is Xun Kuang's disciple, Zhu Yunxi who is half a step into the grand master realm.

Zhu Yunxi is a master of Confucianism and Taoism, and his calligraphy and painting attainments are the best in the southeast.

He has also been in charge of various affairs in Jixia Academy.

It is the court of Chu State, many high-ranking officials are Zhu Yunxi's disciples.

This year's sacrificial wine was not Zhu Yunxi?

In the hall, other people looked at each other.

Su Lin lowered his head slightly and did not speak.

Taoist Yuan Qing nodded, but did not speak again.

No matter who the chief sacrificial wine of Jixia Academy is, it is their private matter.

Even for Jing Yuanguan, it is not a bad thing if the Jixia Academy's grand sacrificial wine is less capable.

After that, there was a small banquet, and the unique light wine and dishes in the southeast water town were served.

For the strong men in this temple, these things are nothing.

It was just because it was a reception for Zhao Guojing Yuanguan and his party, the banquet was a little more cheerful.

After the banquet was over, Zhang Li and the others were arranged in a rather elegant and unique courtyard.

"Mr. Zhang, I feel that something has changed in Jixia Academy."

After the waiter left, Xu Shu, who came to Zhang Li's wing, lowered his voice and spoke softly.


The only thing that can change Jixia Academy is someone from the practice world, right?
Are these people interfering with the selection of new sacrificial wine candidates for Jixia Academy?
Zhang Li nodded, Taoist Yuan Qing looked gloomy and said, "Although I, Jing Yuan Temple, will not interfere with the affairs of other families, if the establishment of the new sacrificial wine is unfair, the poor Taoist will not sit idly by."

Fansu guards the sect with the same spirit.

What's more, Jixia Academy is guarding the southeast, and now it is facing the enemy of the East China Sea.

If something goes wrong here, it will inevitably affect the whole world.

Jing Yuanguan couldn't escape either.

"Master Uncle, Master, Su Zi is asking to see you." Zhuo Jin walked in, bowed to Zhang Li and Taoist Yuan Qing, and then spoke.

Su Zizheng.

The elites of Jixia Academy who accompanied them into the city today.

Zhang Li looked up at the entrance of the small courtyard, Su Zi in green robe was walking forward quickly.

Before reaching the stone steps, Su Zi was bowing to Zhang Li, then lifted his robe and knelt down on the ground.

"Mr. Zhang, I ask Mr. Zhang to uphold justice for Jixia Academy and Master Zhu."

His words made Taoist Yuanqing narrow his eyes.

Xu Shu on the side clenched his fist slightly, his face darkened.

Zhang Li looked at Su Zizheng at the bottom of the stone steps, and said indifferently: "Arranging you to receive us today is the intention of your grandfather, and also the intention of other people in Jixia Academy?"

Su Zizheng was slightly taken aback by his words, and looked up at Zhang Li.

"Because of this, at least you can save your life before we leave." There was no fluctuation in Zhang Li's voice, but Su Zizheng's eyes widened.

He opened his mouth, moved his lips a few times, and then nodded: "Sir, you are right. I am a disciple of Master Zhu, and I am also the chief disciple of Jixia Academy's generation."

"The first person Zhang Huai wants to kill is Master Zhu, and the second person he wants to kill is me."

Zhang Huai, who is about to take over as the Grand Priest of Jixia Academy.

Zhang Li turned his head to look at Xu Shu, and then at Taoist Yuanqing.

Taoist Yuanqing nodded and took a step forward.

"Su Zizheng, neither Jing Yuanguan nor Zhao Guo will meddle in other people's family affairs for no reason, but if something really happens to Jixia Academy, we will not sit idly by."

His tone was firm and reassuring.

Su Zi was looking at Taoist Yuan Qing excitedly, and hurriedly kowtowed his head on the stone steps.

"Guanzhu Yuanqing, my Jixia Academy has been—"

"Su Zizheng, what are you doing?" A voice from outside the courtyard interrupted Su Zizheng's words.

A middle-aged man in a gray robe walked in quickly, his eyes fixed on Su Zizheng who was kneeling in front of the stone steps.

"Kneel down in front of outsiders, fabricate and slander our Jixia Academy, you chief, what face do you have to stay in Jixia Academy?"

The middle-aged man raised his head to look at Zhang Li, then at Taoist Yuan Qing, cupped his hands and said, "It's because my family education in Jixia Academy is not strict, everyone, don't blame me."

"I'll take this son back to teach him well."

Saying that, the middle-aged man raised his hand and grabbed Su Zizheng's head.

Under this palm, the aura flickered, and it actually had the power of mid-stage Qi training!

At least it is also the combat power of a grand master!

Daoist Yuan Qing couldn't take this palm!

This is a demonstration?

Is there such a strong person hiding in Jixia Academy?
The expression on Xu Shu's face changed, and he raised his hand, pointing out a cyan word "Ding" on his fingertips.

The methods of Confucianism and Taoism are worth a thousand pounds.

He couldn't help it.

Not to mention that he also came from Confucianism and Taoism, just because he is the representative sent by Zhao Guoguo Prime Minister Su Ming, he cannot allow Su Zizheng to be taken away in person.

He also has his responsibilities.


The word "Ding" shattered three feet away from the middle-aged palm.

Xu Shu who made the shot was shaken all over, his footsteps were unsteady, and he took a few steps back, the bluestone under his feet shattered.

The palm of the middle-aged man was still pressing down on the top of Su Zizheng's head.

Taoist Yuanqing snorted coldly, and a talisman appeared in his hand.

The talisman turned into a pale golden light curtain, covering Su Zizheng.


The palm collided with the light curtain and was blocked, and then the light curtain exploded, knocking the middle-aged man out of his palm.

"Guanzhu Yuanqing, this is a private matter of my Jixia Academy!" The middle-aged man stared at Taoist Yuanqing with a hint of anger in his eyes.

On his body, the condensed true energy began to surge.

"Private matters?" A light blue talisman appeared in the palm of Taoist Yuanqing, his face unchanged: "Jixia Academy is guarding the sect, and every move is a major event in the world."

His words froze the middle-aged man's face, and his expression changed. He glanced at Su Zizheng, who was still in shape, hummed, turned and left.

Taoist Yuanqing looked at Su Zizheng.

"Mr. Zhang, the Master of Yuanqing Temple, Master Zhu was imprisoned, the seniors of Jixia Academy were suppressed, and the people of Yulingdao intend to unite with the people of Dongzhou..."

Su Zizheng's words made Daoist Yuanqing look extremely solemn.

Xu Shu on the side was even paler.

This time, there are more than ten practitioners from the practice world, and the strong ones are even more powerful.

Jixia Academy is invincible, and with the inheritance, the opponent directly controls Jixia Academy.

These people were not interested in running a mortal sect, they were investigating certain things.

After investigating the matter clearly, he will leave, and he doesn't even pay attention to what happens in the mundane world.

For the strong in the world of practice, who would care about these mundane matters?
It was only later that Zhang Huai went to report quietly, telling about the invasion of Dongzhou, the war in the fairyland of Mingwangzhou, and other major events.

Moreover, Zhang Huai also suggested that people from Dongzhou join hands to explore Muyun Island in the East China Sea, and even explore the fairy worlds in various places together.

Those experts in the cultivation world did not expect that there would be so many changes in the ordinary world.

There were also differences between them.

Some people are going to explore the world of immortality, some people are going to cooperate with Dongzhou, and some people want to turn around the world of practice and pass the news back.

Because of this disagreement, Su Zizheng and the others had a chance to breathe and make arrangements.

If not, how could he have the opportunity to meet Zhang Li and the others?
"They finally chose to explore the situation in the Earth Immortal Realm while contacting Dongzhou."

"Because Master Zhu objected to cooperating with Dongzhou, they imprisoned Master Zhu, and then changed the candidate for the new sacrificial wine to Zhang Huai."

Su Zi gritted his teeth and spoke in a low voice.

Cooperate with Dongzhou?
Explore the fairy world?
It's really the mentality of a practitioner, arrogant, selfish and greedy.

With so many benefits, of course they must be exclusive.

Whether it's commonplace or the world of immortals, they are not taken seriously.

"Don't believe Su Zizheng's words."

"He just held a grudge because Zhu Zhengxi betrayed the academy and implicated him."

Outside the small courtyard, a voice came.

A young man in a blue robe walked quickly with a smile on his face.

"Zhang Huai met Mr. Zhang, met the Yuanqing temple master, and met Xu Yushi."

Zhang Huai.

The new Jixia Academy Grand Prix.

He is only in his thirties, and his Confucian and Taoist aura is weak, and his cultivation is only in the middle stage of Qi Condensation.

This level is not bad even if it is bad, and it is regarded as an elite among its peers.

But such a person, can he be qualified to be a great power among the mortals and become the great sacrificial wine of Jixia Academy?
"Zhang Huai, you villain!" Su Zi gritted his teeth and growled in a low voice.

Zhang Huai sneered, and cupped his hands towards Zhang Li: "Mr. Zhang, some venerable immortals want to summon you."

"Come with me."

After speaking, he waved his sleeves, turned around and left.


Indeed, as those who come from the cultivation world, they are indeed qualified to summon any guarding disciple.

The guarding disciples are just ordinary disciples who are below the third level of qi training and whose lifespan is cut off. They are not even qualified to face the strong ones who may have foundation building cultivation.

Zhang Huai's attitude made Priest Yuan Qing's complexion change.

Zhang Li waved his hand and walked down the stone steps.

"I gonna go see."

He was also very curious about what kind of master came to Yulingdao this time.

On the side of the corridor, Ao Jin, who was dozing against the pillar of the corridor, grinned and turned into a breeze to follow.

Following Zhang Huai through several courtyards, he finally came to a lobby.

Standing in front of him, Zhang Huai reported loudly: "My lords, the guardian disciple Zhang Li will bring you here."

Speaking of this, he turned his head and glanced at Zhang Li.

"Zhang Li, why don't you come to pay respects to all the sages?"

(End of this chapter)

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