Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 155 Against the sky, who gave you the courage?

Chapter 155 Against the sky, who gave you the courage?

In the eyes of mortals, Qi Cultivation Realm is already a fairy god who can fly to the sky and call the wind and rain.

It was not wrong for Zhang Huai to call the practitioners of Yuling Dao in the main hall as Shangxian.

At this time, he looked at Zhang Li contemptuously, and there was nothing wrong with that.

Zhang Li is nothing more than an ordinary guarding disciple, who was lucky enough to use his own strength to become the strongest existence in the world.

But even if he claims to be the strongest in the world, so what if he can defeat Ying Wuya?
Can it be compared with the Foundation Establishment Overhaul coming from the practice world?

Zhang Huai felt that those senior officials of Jixia Academy were all stupid.

The arrival of several Shangxians was not the first time to curry favor with them, but also to act against the wishes of the Shangxians.

Fortunately, they were stupid and gave themselves a chance.

Seeing Zhang Li walking towards the lobby step by step, Zhang Huai smiled lightly.

After today, this strongest person in the world will probably be overwhelmed by Jixia Academy.

Let him see the true power of Jixia Academy.

After today, the world will understand that Jixia Academy is the most powerful force in this mortal world.

Seeing Zhang Li walk into the lobby, Zhang Huai's expression turned calm.

In the mortal world, I must leave in the future.

Having seen the power of the Immortals in the Foundation Establishment Realm, Zhang Huai has already longed for the world of practice.

At this time, Zhang Li who stepped into the lobby paused.


A black half-foot-long vicious dog bumped into the front of him, and was blocked by a palm-sized blue round shield.

Magical artifact, vitality shield.

The vicious dog's body was slightly distorted, and its face was ferocious, as if it was incompetent and furious because it was blocked by the vitality shield.

Just now the quiet attack and kill, the ordinary fifth level of Qi training couldn't find it at all.

I can't stop it.

At the top of the hall, a black-robed Taoist in Pentecost sitting upright showed a strange expression on his face, waved his hand to make the vicious dog back, and his eyes fell on the vitality shield.

"No wonder you are said to be the strongest among the guarding disciples. You are known as No.1 in this mortal world. This magic weapon is indeed extraordinary."

Turning his eyes from Xiaodun to Zhang Li, the Taoist smiled slightly on his face: "How about it, is it different from the world of practice to cultivate in this ordinary world?"

This is the attitude of the superior.

If the vicious dog had bitten off Zhang Li's neck just now, the Taoist wouldn't have said a word.

Now, Zhang Li blocked the blow of the vicious dog, proving that he has the strength of the fifth level of Qi training, and also proved his worth.

At least, he is qualified to stand in front of Taoists.

"Cultivation in the mundane world is indeed different." Zhang Li nodded and spoke softly.

Coming from the world of practice, and having experienced practice travel in the world of earth and immortals, Zhang Li felt a little more about practice in his heart.

Hearing his words, the black-robed Taoist smiled even more, looked at Zhang Li and asked with a smile, "Tell me, what's the difference?"

He asked several guardian disciples.

Some people say that it is better to practice the world to be quiet than to be chaotic in the world of mortals.

Some people say that the mundane aura is cut off, and if I knew it would be so, I would never come.

Others say that the mundane world is full of mediocrity, and there is no courageous advancement in the world of practice.

Zhang Li stood there with a calm expression on his face.

He really has a lot of insights into the practice of the mundane world.

"The most important thing to practice in the mundane world is to cultivate your mind."

"Prosperity fascinates the eyes, enter the world and be born."

In two words, the face of the black-robed Taoist above has changed.

He looked at Zhang Li in surprise.

This kind of comprehension, is it possible for a guardian disciple who has wasted years to have?

Aren't practitioners with such insights all determined to forge ahead and achieve outstanding achievements in immortal cultivation?

Worst of all, it could be the late stage of the Qi training stage and even a chance to build a foundation, right?

"Mortal dust, mortals, are too fragile."

"Cultivating in the mundane world is more about taking responsibility."

"Ordinary practice, if you can't keep the common people in mind, then it's better to leave as soon as possible."

For practitioners who can move mountains and seas with a wave of their hands, the mundane world is fragile, the mundane way of heaven, and mundane creatures are all fragile.

This gap is like the gap between giant elephants and ants.

The giant elephant is naturally extremely powerful in front of the ants.

But the giant elephant is among the ants, if it is all about killing and suppressing the ants for fun, it will feel how powerful it is, is that interesting?

The enemy of giant elephants is lions and tigers, not ants.

"Thinking of the common people..." The black-robed Taoist stared at Zhang Li, with a deep light in his eyes.

He stood up slowly, with a dignified aura like an abyss on his body.

Following his footsteps, his breath pressed towards Zhang Li.

"You want to tell me that you are guarding the disciple and want to protect the mortal world, but I am not, so you should leave as soon as possible?"

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

The Taoist walked forward step by step, the dignified breath pressed towards Zhang Li like mountains and rivers collapsing.

But Zhang Li stood where he was, without moving a muscle, neither his footsteps nor his face changed at all.

This gave the black-robed Taoist a flash of light in his eyes.

"Reporting to Immortal Luo Jinshang, the court of Chu State sent officials from the Ministry of Rituals to inquire about the celebration process on the day of the succession of the grand sacrificial wine."

Just when the battle was about to break out in the lobby, a voice sounded.

Su Lin, who was wearing a green robe, walked quickly into the lobby, and then bowed to the black robe Taoist.

With his arrival, the atmosphere in the lobby became calm, and the originally turbulent curtain also fell back to its original place.

The Taoist named Luo Jin glanced at Su Lin, then at Zhang Li, and then his eyes fell outside the lobby.

"Just follow your ordinary procedures."

After speaking, he turned around, walked through the lobby, and left directly.

"The mundane world should have rules of the mundane world."

Taoist Luo Jin's voice came from the back hall, tinged with illusion.

Above the lobby, Zhang Li turned his head to look at Su Lin who was beside him.

Su Lin arched his hands to him, and motioned for him to go outside.

When the two walked out of the lobby, Zhang Huai, who was standing at the door, looked at Zhang Li, and saw that he was unscathed, his expression did not change, and he was a little disappointed.

Su Lin glanced at Zhang Huai, who was about to take over as the high priest, without the slightest respect, just ignored and left.

After walking a hundred feet away, Su Lin turned around and saluted Zhang Li.

"Thank you Mr. Zhang for coming to Jixia Academy in person, and thank you Mr. Zhang for being willing to stand up for me at Jixia Academy."

Taking a deep breath, Su Lin straightened his waist and lowered his voice: "Don't worry, sir, my Jixia Academy has been passed down for thousands of years. After going through vicissitudes, I will never change my adherence to the Dao."

After speaking, he saluted again, and then walked away quickly.

Looking at Su Lin's back, Zhang Li's eyes revealed a halo.

It seems that there are some things that I don't have to do by myself for the time being.

Looking up at the sky, Zhang Li smiled.

This is the practice of the mortal world.

No wonder Zhu Yuanzheng would tell himself not to interfere too much in the affairs of the world.

Sometimes, the courage to really do your best is the power that really shakes people's hearts.

"I did some research, and there are 13 Taoist priests who have come to the mortal world."

After Zhang Li, Ao Jin's voice sounded.

"Among the 13 people, four of them are in the Foundation Establishment Realm, and the rest are accompanying, below the Foundation Establishment Realm."

Not a lot.

So many foundation-building realms have come to the mortal world, which is already considered very important.

"They all came directly from the northern region of Luyangzhou. It is said that many of them are in the northern region because of the mission they received."

"Because it is far away from the sect, there is no way to send strong people here."

Zhang Li knew about Lu Yangzhou's development of the Northern Territory.

Yunlan Daozong also arranged a lot of manpower in the Northern Territory.

Of course, there won't be many truly strong people in this kind of land reclamation mission.

The strong always want to sit in one side, so where would they go to such a desolate place?
After the development is completed, maybe one or two people will go to pick peaches.

"Among the four foundation-builders, this Luo Jin is relatively gentle."

"The other three Foundation Establishers have already taken most of the people to the East China Sea."

Go to the East China Sea to negotiate with the people of Dongzhou, and discuss how to distribute the interests of Muyun Island, and even the interests of the entire mortal world.

For the practitioners of Yuling Dao who came to this mortal world, they just came here to reap some benefits.

As for whether it will bring disaster to this mortal world, is this something they need to consider?

"I went to the East China Sea..." Zhang Li pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Then when the celebration here is over, we will go directly to Muyun Island."

Anyway, it is closer to Muyun Island than to go to the East China Sea to find those people from Dongzhou.

And in Zhang Li's view, if he doesn't move, the way of heaven will probably push him to move.

The power of the Heavenly Dao of Dongzhou will come with the invasion of Dongzhou, and will devour and crush this Heavenly Dao.

The most anxious thing should be Fang Mortal and Heavenly Dao.

Shaking his head, Zhang Li went back to his small courtyard and closed the door.

Except for Helian Jishu and a few great masters who came to visit, the others never saw Zhang Li's face.

This is what a master of practice should look like.

Although Helian Jishu did not practice in Ming Wangzhou, he also gained a lot of benefits from the advancement of the Heavenly Dao in the mortal world, and now his strength has improved a lot.

His understanding of martial arts is worse than that of Ying Wuya in the ordinary world.

He and Zhang Li discussed the road of martial arts practice, which made the accompanying great masters feel that they have benefited a lot.

Of course, Zhang Li's understatement from time to time made everyone even more enlightened.

Back then outside the Xuankong Temple, Zhang Li evolved the road of martial arts alone and opened the Dao of Tongtian. Looking at it now, he has indeed walked ahead of everyone.

Five days later, the celebration began.

Everyone was invited to the white jade square in the center of Jixia Academy.

A group of Jixia Academy disciples in robes stood there with solemn expressions.

On the high platform ahead, Luo Jin, a Taoist in black robe, stood with a calm expression on his face.

Zhang Huai, who was wearing a uniform and had his hair pinned down with a wooden hairpin, walked towards the high platform led by two guards of honor.

"Zhang Huai, what virtue and ability do you have, you are not worthy to be a grand sacrificial wine!"

A shout sounded.

A [-]-year-old Confucian scholar in a green robe took off the Confucian crown on his head, and then rushed towards Zhang Huai.


Behind Zhang Huai, a green-robed Taoist raised his hand, and a long banner waved out, the spiritual light knocked the Confucian scholar away, and flew down a few feet away, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Zhang Huai looked at the Confucian scholar, snorted softly, raised his head, and continued walking forward.

"Jixia Academy has been passed down for 3000 years, how can you wait for disaster!"

After only a few steps, an old man with white hair stepped forward quickly, reaching out to grab Zhang Huai.

Zhang Huai took a step back, and a Taoist behind him raised his hand to wrap the old man's body with a flash of spiritual light, and shook his hand ten feet away.

Fortunately, many Jixia Academy disciples caught the old man, otherwise this blow would have shattered his bones.

"The inheritance of Jixia Academy is unbroken!"

"It's time for my generation to practice Confucianism!"

A series of voices sounded, and the disciples of Jixia Academy in Confucian robes took a step forward.

Zhang Huai's complexion was extremely ugly.

Luo Jin on the high platform looked indifferent, standing there with his hands behind his back, watching coldly.

"Master Zhu, please come out!"

Under the stage, someone shouted.

"Master Zhu, please preside over the academy—"

"Only Master Zhu is qualified to be the grand sacrificial wine—"

Shouting sounded into one piece.

Streams of qi, blood and aura slowly converged.

At this moment, the situation gathered.

Not far from the high platform is a viewing platform.

Zhang Li and other foreign guests all looked at the square below.

For many great masters, this was the first time they saw such a scene, and their hearts were surging for a while.

On the contrary, the great masters looked much calmer.

To become a grand master, at least one hundred years of practice is required.

In their life, there are countless hardships and dangers, and they have seen many storms.

Such scenes touched them less.

There has never been a lot of these passionate people in the world.

For mortals, besides this blood, what else is there?

Zhang Li stood on the stage, his gaze was not directed forward, but towards the sky.

For him, what he cares more about is the change and induction of the way of heaven.


In the void, there seemed to be clouds and thunder gathering turbulently.

This is the induction of the harmony between heaven and humanity for so many years.

After all, the way of heaven still favors mortals.

A smile appeared on Zhang Li's face, and his eyes turned not far away.

Over there, a group of white-haired old men walked quickly in gray linen clothes.

"Master Zhu!"

"Master Zhu is here!"

In the square, a student from Jixia Academy turned around with surprise on his face.

The person at the front of the group of white-haired old men was tall and pale.

Zhu Zhengxi.

The disciple of Dajiujiu has been presiding over the existence of the academy.

This person is the real new candidate for the academy's wine offering in the minds of all the academy's disciples.

"Zhu Zhengxi..." Turning around, Zhang Huai gritted his teeth and whispered with a solemn expression.

On the front stage, Luo Jin looked at Zhu Zhengxi and those elders from Jixia Academy who were walking quickly with a smile on his face.

"My generation practiced, be careful and hand as one."

"Cultivate yourself, cultivate the Dao, guard the world, guard the people—"

Zhu Zhengxi walked forward step by step, layers of mysterious halos rose from his body.

There seemed to be a big hand rising above his head.

"Ordinary people dare to go against the sky?"

Ahead, Luo Jin chuckled, with a stern look on his face: "Who gave you such courage?"

"My heart is one, that is, my heart is the heart of heaven, and my way is the way of heaven!"

Zhu Zhengxi shouted loudly, and the big hand on the top of his head hit Luo Jin directly.

Transforming the way of heaven with one's own way, so it is!
There was a bright light in Zhang Li's eyes.

Zhu Zhengxi still has the forbearance of Jixia Academy, in fact, he just wants to use the way of heaven to transform Confucianism and Taoism today!

Let the way of heaven take pity on Confucianism and Taoism, and bestow the way.

good means.

It's a pity, how can mortal power be against the general trend of cultivation?


The big hand on Zhu Zhengxi's head suddenly shattered.

On Luo Jin's body, there was a pair of pale golden scissors floating in the aura that soared to the sky.

"With your little ability, you are not qualified to fight with the old man."

He turned around slowly, looking at Zhang Li.

"What about you?"

"Want to try?"

"Okay." Zhang Li took a step forward, and the real energy on his body roared and turned into clouds!

(End of this chapter)

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