Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 159 Today, Zhang Mou is willing to guard this gate of heaven, who will attack it?

Chapter 159 Today, Zhang Mou is willing to guard this gate of heaven, who will attack it?

Sealing Talisman!
Holding the Immortal Sealing Talisman in his hand, Zhang Li turned around and looked at the sword cultivators in Muyun Prefecture.

"Everyone, Muyun Prefecture has collapsed. If you want to stay in this world, you need enough earth immortals to support it."

The Immortal Sealing Talisman in his hand fluttered lightly, with a calm expression on his face.

Need enough earth immortals.

Now, Zhang Li has enough sealing talismans in his hand.

So, who will be the guarding earth immortal?
The sword cultivators in Muyun Prefecture looked at each other with determination in their eyes.

"I, Xu Zhaoyu, would like to be an Earth Immortal and support Muyun Prefecture." A young man in a white robe with bloodstains on his clothes took a step forward and whispered.

"I, Zhang Conglin, would like to become an Earth Immortal for Muyunzhou." Another young man with a green robe torn to pieces, revealing his white inner lining, also took a step forward.

"Zhu Tao wishes to be an Earth Immortal."

"Xiao Ren."

"He Queyang."


A sword cultivator stepped forward and cupped his hands towards Zhang Li.

Gao Yugong next to Zhang Li opened his mouth, his face flashed with excitement.

If Muyun Prefecture collapses, he will be the first to fall.

At this time, although the heaven and earth of Muyun Prefecture collapsed, as long as someone propped up the heaven and earth of Muyun Prefecture, it would still be a state.


In Zhang Li's hand, one by one talisman rose up.

The jade-colored streamer wrapped these immortal sealing talismans, and then landed on the heads of each sword cultivator.

The immortal sealing talisman poured into his body, and Jianxiu's body began to appear unreal.

Streams of mighty sword light rose.

This sword light is the combination of the power of the divine way and the practice of the way of the sword.

The fief is a fairy.

When a kendo practitioner becomes an earth immortal, the sword in his hand will be a hundred times more powerful!

A sword light shot up into the sky.

In this sword light, there is Senhan's sword intent.

Not the complete sword intent, only [-]%.

But enough.

With [-]% sword intent and the power of heaven and earth guarding the earth immortal, you can directly become invincible under the golden core!


The second sword light rose.

The sword light was bright and fiery, as if it would burn through the world in front of him in one go.

This world, protected by the sword light of the long sword, carries a palpitating power.

With the sword in hand, the blood is burning.

"Protect me, Muyun State!"

Someone whispered.

"Muyun lives forever—"

Gao Yugong raised his head to the sky and howled, the sword light on his body turned into an endless stream of light, rushing towards the surroundings.

A sword light followed closely behind.

This sword light can be called invincible under Jindan.

The second sword light up.

This sword light is still invincible under Jindan.

The third sword light.


One hundred and eight sword lights converged into a torrent.

Such a bright sword light turned into a long dragon and rushed out.


The golden bell spirit weapon that imprisoned the world in the void was smashed into pieces by the sword light dragon.

In the void, Dongzhou powerhouses fled in panic.

If you don't leave, you can only die here.

Who would have dared to imagine that this Muyun Prefecture would create hundreds of Earth Immortals in one breath?

Earth Immortals claim to be immortal, as long as the power of heaven and earth is still there, they cannot be killed.

Abandoning the physical body and only using the method of Shinto practice to seal, the display of such combat power was the main means of guarding the spiritual world back then.


The sword light dragon swept back in the void, and then smashed those Dongzhou practitioners from the mortal world to pieces.

What about the foundation building environment?

Before this long dragon of sword light, there was no chance to resist it.

The long dragon raged and swept across, and there was no enemy in the entire void.

Ao Jin behind Zhang Li opened his mouth wide, looking at this scene with a blank face.

He thought that Zhang Li would have means.

But he didn't expect that Zhang Li would have such a means.

Zhang Li also looked up.

The void collapse has stopped.

With the support of one hundred and eight earth immortals, the world of Muyun Prefecture can be left behind.

But that's not enough.

There is no way of heaven in Muyun Prefecture.

Even if these one hundred and eight Earth Immortals wanted to stay here, their cultivation would continue to decline due to lack of merit.

The only way now is to reshape the way of heaven for this world.

It is impossible to truly shape a state's way of heaven, not even a powerful person above a Nascent Soul can do it.

In order to cultivate the way of heaven in the mortal world, Zhenjun Zhu Yuan and Venerable Mo Huan both paid countless prices.

The way of heaven in the immortal world is no easier than the way of ordinary heaven.

"I said, to return your side of the fairy world, and now this promise can be fulfilled."

Zhang Li whispered in his mouth, and there were streams of mysterious aura rising and flowing around his body.

On top of his head, the Seal of Immortality Yuan Talisman turned into a golden seal.

Suppress one side of the world.

As the golden light on the golden seal circulated, the entire world of Muyun Prefecture began to change.


Above the sky, an endless sea of ​​clouds is reflected.

That is the vault of the mortal world.

As the sea of ​​clouds emerged, then the sky and the earth shook, and the light of clouds suddenly appeared.

The whole world was suddenly surrounded by blue sea water.

The moist sea breeze blows in.

"This is--"

Ao Jin widened his eyes and let out a low cry.

"This is the East China Sea."

Zhang Li looked up at the sky.

Over there, it seems that the way of heaven resides in the clouds.

"Why, I brought Muyunzhou, you dare not accept it?"

Zhang Li let out a long laugh and spoke loudly.

As his words fell, the sea water around Muyunzhou turned into huge waves, surging in.

Then, the entire Muyun State continued to rise and oscillate above the sea water.

On the sky, clouds descended one after another and turned into a cloud of mist, covering Muyun Prefecture with a radius of about [-] miles.

This cloud and mist separated the heaven and the earth, and also locked the aura that had not dissipated in Muyunzhou.

In the future, the islands in the three hundred miles of heaven and earth will be a blessed land that is hard to find in the world.

The aura in this world is only slightly inferior to other earth immortal worlds.

"Good trick!"

Beyond Yun Tao, there was a voice.

Zhang Li turned his head to look over, and saw a big man in pale gold half armor standing on the cloud head holding a three-pronged fork in his hand.

Dongzhou powerhouse!
The tyrannical energy and blood power emanating from this person is at least in the middle and late stages of the Golden Core Realm.

This is a strong man who can overwhelm the entire mortal world!
Such characters could not have appeared in this mundane world.

But at this time, Muyunzhou is in harmony with the mortal world, and this strong man came through the power of Muyunzhou.

Muyun Prefecture has become a springboard and passage to break through this world.


The three-pronged fork in the big man's hand trembled, and a stream of golden light enveloped the blue sea water, turning into a roaring dragon.

The long dragon crashed towards the newly formed island below.

With the surging power of this long dragon, it can definitely shatter the island in one blow.

Above the sky, the clouds are surging, but there is nothing they can do about this long dragon.

This long dragon was driven by a peerless powerhouse, and his strength was no longer what the Heavenly Dao could suppress.

The power of one blow can shatter three hundred miles!
Not to mention the cultivation of this big man, the three-pronged fork in his hand must be an extremely precious treasure.

At least it is also a superb spiritual weapon!

Such treasures, in the hands of a golden core master, can sweep the mortal world.

Behind Zhang Li, Ao Jin stepped out and turned into a dragon.

"Brother Zhang, I'll block this blow, you go quickly."

His voice came with an extremely dignified tone.

He can only block this blow, and he may fall.

But if he didn't block the blow, if Zhang Li was killed, he would die too.

He has a contract with Zhang Li.

"You can't block this blow." Zhang Li said softly.

As his words fell, a faint spiritual light emerged around him.


Piles of spirit stones appeared around him, carrying aura soaring to the sky.

300 spirit stones!

The appearance of a large number of spirit stones caused the aura of the surrounding world to turmoil.

With these spirit stones, it is enough.

With a wave of Zhang Li's hand, all the spirit stones shattered.

At this time, the three-pronged fork in front of him had brought the long dragon to crash towards Ao Jin in front of him.

Ao Jin's body was full of monster power, but he could only keep retreating in front of the long dragon.

If you don't escape, you can only fall.


The shattered aura of 300 million spirit stones turned into a beam of light.

This beam of light illuminates the entire world.

This spiritual beam of light is so strong that it penetrates the surrounding world and seems to penetrate several worlds.

Void, you can see pieces of phantom floating.

With the shattering of the 300 yuan spirit stone, and the blessing of the aura of Muyunzhou below, the surrounding world finally has an invisible force.

"It's not bad, and I know how to resist." Zhang Li watched this layer of power appearing in the sky, and whispered in his mouth.

This is the manifestation of the power of heaven.

Back then, Heavenly Dao did not resist the Dongzhou invasion.

Tiandao even thought that he could attract the power of Dongzhou practitioners to come to this world to enhance the power of the whole world.

Now, the power of Dongzhou is revealed, and it is implicated with Dongzhou Dixianjie.

That is to say, as long as the other side invades, it will definitely devour the power of the world.

This made Fang Tiandao panic.

Zhang Li's move at this time is to attract the power of heaven to bless him.

If Tiandao doesn't make a move, he turns around and leaves.

The way of heaven in this mortal world is swallowed up, what does it matter to him?

Of course, Tiandao chose to attack with all his strength.

Then he Zhang Li will not hold back.

Rays of thunder emerged from his body.

Thousands of thunder beads condensed into a sea of ​​thunder.

"Everyone, it is our responsibility to guard the land, please borrow Zhang's help."

Zhang Li's voice sounded.

On the island transformed by Muyun Prefecture below, one hundred and eight sword lights rose.

These sword lights combined with Zhang Li's thunder lights.

The guarding earth immortal on the island does not necessarily need to be transformed into a human form.

At this time, they are a sword light.

Jian Guang and Lei Hai coincided.


The sea of ​​thunder rose, submerging the blue sea dragon in front of it.

The long dragon formed by the three-pronged fork was submerged by the thunder sea, and the long dragon roared and wailed in pain.

The complexion of the Dongzhou Golden Core man changed drastically, he stepped forward and ran towards Lei Hai.

Han Muye's figure moved, and he flew down in front of him.


As soon as he raised his hand, Ao Jin, who was in the sea of ​​thunder behind him, turned into a set of blue battle armor, covering Zhang Li's body.

A great monster in the Golden Core Realm turned into a body armor.

This battle armor has the power to resist the Golden Core Realm.

Before the big man could make a move, Zhang Li had already punched out.


A golden gate appeared.

This time the court is different from other times.

The golden gate flew out, directly hitting the void, and crashing back together with the golden armored man.

A strong man in the middle stage of Jindan was knocked back by a punch!

Although this punch was struck by Zhang Li, it was not done by him alone.

His power is just an introduction, the real power is the blessing of the power of heaven and earth.

In the mortal world, the way of heaven is added to the body.

At this time, he, Zhang Li, is the spokesperson of this world.

His fist is the fist of heaven!

A door flew out, Zhang Li did not stop, and punched again.

Punch after punch, layers upon layers of gates sealed the void in front of them.

Borrowing the power of heaven and earth, relying on one's own blood and bravery, seal the gate of heaven!

Above the sky, a huge gate appeared.

This gate is the connection between this world and other worlds.

Now that the enemy of Dongzhou has already invaded this place, let's gather this courtyard openly.

Zhang Li stepped forward and stood in front of the gate.

One person guards the gate of heaven!

Behind him is a sea of ​​thunder.

Under the sea of ​​thunder, there are sword lights soaring into the sky.

In front of the gate, a strong Dongzhou appeared.

The breath of these strong men is dignified, and it seems that each of them has the power to smash the world.

"It's rare to have someone as strong as you in Xiniuzhou."

"Surrender, I will spare you from death."

"Boy, I'll give you a chance to worship under Wo Sen and Daomen."

The cultivators of Dongzhou drank in a low voice, their auras surging, and none of them were below the Golden Core.

At least eight Jindan Realm!
With so many Jindan powerhouses gathered, as long as they rush into the mortal world, they can destroy the entire mortal world.

Standing in front of the gate, Zhang Li's face remained unchanged.

He raised his hand slowly, and a long sword appeared in his palm.

On the long sword, there is a bright sword light.

"Sword intent? Still a sword cultivator." Among the Dongzhou practitioners, someone whispered.

"So what, he didn't even condense the golden core, even with the blessing of the power of heaven, he couldn't stop it."

Someone looked at Zhang Li with disdain, and there was a killing intent in his eyes.

"If you don't get out of the way, I will kill you."

The big man with the long knife in his hand shouted, the cold light on the long knife flashed, as if it was going to smash Zhang Li and the space behind him.

The big man who was knocked back by Zhang Li's punch even gritted his teeth and stared at Zhang Li.

His weapon, the three-pronged fork, was still lost in the sea of ​​thunder.

He could feel that the power from his weapon was getting weaker and weaker.

This made his own strength fade quickly.

Dongzhou's practice method is to match his own cultivation base with his own blood forging weapons.

At this moment, Lei Hai churned, trapping the weapon, and his cultivation base also dissipated.

"Want to kill me?"

With a smile on his face, Zhang Li raised the long sword in his hand.


This is provocation!

A cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Realm dares to directly challenge the eight Golden Cores!
The big man with the knife couldn't bear it any longer, and chopped off the long knife in Zhang Li's head.

There are layers of blood on the edge of Sen Han's blade.

This is because the evil spirit carried on the long knife is too strong, which has caused the turmoil of the power of heaven and earth.

This knife is not weaker than the water dragon hit by the Jindan Daxiu's three-pronged fork just now.

If Zhang Li didn't have the blessing of the power of heaven, he wouldn't be able to stop the knife at all.

Fortunately, he is not alone now.

Behind him is a sea of ​​thunder.

This sea of ​​thunder is blessed with 300 million spirit stones, and the power of heaven manifests after a thousand thunder beads are detonated.

The power of Lei Hai can directly suppress and kill a half-step Nascent Soul Daxiu!
Zhang Li watched the sword light cut down, and directly stabbed out with the long sword in his hand.

Behind him, a small green tree emerged.

The tree of swordsmanship.

As the long sword stabbed out, the thunder light in the sea of ​​thunder merged with the sword light, turning into a lightning phoenix.

"call out--"

The phoenix screamed, and headed forward.

Blue-red flames radiated from the phoenix's body.

The fire of the phoenix is ​​immortal!
The blood light on the long knife was ignited by the fire of the phoenix.

The strong man in the Golden Core Realm of Dongzhou paled instantly, let go of the long knife in one hand, and retreated quickly.

Zhang Li held a sword in his hand and stood in front of the golden gate.

Behind him, one hundred and eight sword lights criss-crossed, turning into the figures of sword cultivators.

"Today Zhang is willing to guard this gate of heaven, who will attack it?" Zhang Li glanced over and said lightly.

 I've been a little busy lately, so the updates are not timely.

  I will do my best to write well.

(End of this chapter)

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