Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 160 One sword guards the gate of heaven, ten thousand husbands cannot open it

Chapter 160 One sword guards the gate of heaven, ten thousand husbands cannot open it
One person, one sword, shake the gate of heaven!

Zhang Li holds the sword in his hand, and the sword light is lingering around his body.

Behind him, the kendo cultivation base of the hundred and eight sword cultivators was stimulated and gathered on him.

At this moment, on the originally verdant tree of kendo, bright red stamens unfolded, and the delicate and beautiful petals revealed an intoxicating halo.

This flower is the flower of Kendo.

One hundred and nine kendo flowers are either swollen to the point of bursting and are about to open, or have already revealed their fragrance and are shyly half-opened.

Among them, there are two flowers on the top, one is a flower that looks like a nasturtium lotus, and it has already unfolded more than half, and the other is a flower that looks like a orchid, with reddish golden light shining through the stacked petals.

Of these two flowers, one is the result of Zhang Li's kendo practice, combined with the Qinglian Sword Code and ordinary swordsmanship.

One is the kendo practiced by Gao Yugong, an immortal who guards the earth, which condenses the perception of swordsmanship of an immortal who guards the earth for countless years.

As the flowers on the tree of kendo appeared, Zhang Li's mind was filled with phantoms of practicing kendo.

The sword skills cultivated by the one hundred and eight guarding sword immortals were revealed in his heart.

He doesn't need to study these sword skills, as long as he integrates these perceptions into himself, he can turn everything into his own.


The tree of swordsmanship swayed in front of Tianmen, and the sea of ​​thunder behind it surged, converging with Tianmen and the island transformed into Muyun Prefecture below.

All the power gathers, superimposes, and finally merges into the power of heaven, blessing Zhang Li.

The brilliance of this power formed a light curtain that repelled the void, protecting Zhang Li's body.

In the eyes of the Dongzhou practitioners on the opposite side, this power is too strong, so strong that they don't even have the courage to look directly at it.

These Dongzhou cultivators all came from the Earth Immortal Realm.

In the Earth Immortal Realm, the most powerful are basically those who guard the Earth Immortals and possess the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Realm.

At this time, in the eyes of these Eastern Continent Jindan powerhouses, the flowing light outside Zhang Li's body is the golden light protecting the body of Nascent Soul.

That is to say, Zhang Li, who is blessed by the power of heaven, is a great power beyond the Jindan realm in the eyes of outsiders.

"Impossible, how many people in the world can become Nascent Soul? He is just a small foundation, how could he have such strength?"

An old man in the Jindan realm roared, raised a long spear in his hand, and rushed towards Zhang Li.

The spear turned into a flying crane in mid-air, with its wings spread out, and its long beak pecking towards Zhang Li.

Spearmanship has been cultivated to a very strong state, and half a step of artistic conception has already been displayed.

No wonder this guy has the courage to challenge Zhang Li.

Behind the golden core old man, the other two golden cores looked at each other, their eyes shone with aura, and their figures moved forward slightly.

As long as Zhang Li didn't show the strength to suppress Jindan in this shot, they would join forces and kill Zhang Li directly.

Dongzhou spent a lot of money this time, just to invade the mortal world of Xiniuzhou, and then use the mortal world as a springboard to step into the fairy world of Xiniuzhou.

The immortal world of Dongzhou is basically unified and closely related to the mortal world. Unlike the immortal world in Xiniuzhou, which fights independently, the mortal world is weak.

From Dongzhou's point of view, such Xiniuzhou is a piece of fat.

It is very easy to annex the mortal world of Xiniuzhou. After occupying the mortal world, devour its heaven, and then annex the earth fairy world one by one.

In this way, the territory of Dongzhou Earth Immortal World will become bigger and bigger, and its strength will become stronger and stronger.

According to rumors, it is said that if the territory occupied by the Earth Immortal Realm is large enough, it is possible to produce powerful Earth Immortals whose strength surpasses that of the Nascent Soul Realm.

This is also the reason why several top guarding earth immortals in Dongzhou are willing to promote the annexation of the earth immortal world in Dongzhou.


The flying crane with the long spear rushed three feet away from Zhang Li in an instant.

At this time, Zhang Li's face remained unchanged, and he slashed out with a long sword in his hand.

From the tree of kendo behind him, a flower flew out and joined his sword.

The moment the flower and the sword meet, they directly condense into a chain.

The meaning of kendo.

There is sword intent in this sword.

This is the condensation of what a Muyunzhou sword repairer has learned all his life.

The chain vibrated, causing the power in the thunder sea behind to surge, like a thunder dragon attached to the chain.

The lightning chain flew forward and hit the head of the white crane transformed from the spear.


With a twist of the chain, Feihe's neck was locked and wound layer by layer.

The white crane let out a painful wail, flapped its wings continuously, but could no longer move forward.

The old man's face paled instantly, his hands trembling, trying to recall the spear with all his strength.

Zhang Li glanced at him, and pointed out a sword formula with his fingers.


There was no hesitation, no sloppiness.

There is a sense of coldness in this sword, without any compassion.

At this moment, Zhang Li's heart seemed to be controlled by a layer of indifference.

At this moment, he is not himself, but the spokesperson and leader of Xiniuzhou Heavenly Dao.

Sword light cut down.

The ten thousand zhang long sword light flashed across.

The flying crane transformed from the spear in front of him was chopped off by a sword.

The old man in Dongzhou Jindan Realm, who had practiced double cultivation with Long Spear, immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, and his aura immediately dropped.

Above his head, a bright golden elixir flew out and then shattered.

The golden core shattered, and the cultivation base fell under the golden core.

This is the disadvantage of Dongzhou practice.

The body and the weapon are combined, and the power of the magic weapon and the spiritual weapon is used to practice. Although the cultivation speed is extremely fast, the combat power at the low level is far beyond the same level, but at the high level, there are shortcomings.

The vast majority of combat power is concentrated in weapons, once the weapons are damaged, one's own cultivation will be greatly damaged.


The Qianzhang sword light cut into the void, opening a crack in the originally dark void.

In this crack, there is a trace of spiritual energy surging.

Practice the world?

After the crack is the world of practice!
Zhang Li recalled what Ao Jin said at the beginning, it was to break open the world of the East China Sea, and come to the ordinary world from the barren sea outside Luowuzhou.

The crack vibrates and slowly dissipates.

But this is just appearance.

Zhang Li can sense that there is a passage connecting with the practice world.

Not only he sensed it, but also those Dongzhou powerhouses in the Jindan state sensed it.

They stood there with changing expressions on their faces.

Including the three-pronged Jindan state of the imperial envoy at the beginning, there are a total of nine Dongzhou Jindan major repairs, and three of them have been injured by Zhang Li at this time.

The one with the three-pronged fork was tempered by Lei Hai, and his cultivation base was already on the verge of falling to the golden core.

The big man with the knife who shot at Zhang Li was also pale.

His knife was burned by Zhang Li with the phoenix flame, and the power of blood refinement in it was about to dissipate.

Once the power of blood refinement dissipated, the long knife became a thing without an owner, and he had no sustenance for his cultivation, and he would directly drop the golden core, not even the third layer of foundation building.

As for the old man with the spear just now, it was the most miserable.

The weapon was broken, his cultivation level dropped, and he would never have a chance to return to the top in this life.

Unless he can refine another treasure with higher level than the spear.

This is more difficult than him rebuilding the golden core.

Zhang Li pointed forward again with the long sword in his hand.

The sword light on his long sword returned to the tree of swordsmanship behind him and turned into flowers.

The flowers are a little more solid than before.

"Who else is coming?"

Zhang Li's voice was indifferent.

Ahead, those Jindan realms all took a slight step back.

No one wants to come.

"Hmph, we're here to spend time with him."

"His cultivation base is not enough. To mobilize the power of heaven and earth, he must rely on the aura exploded from the spirit stone."

"When the aura dissipates, his strength will drop."

A Jindan realm holding a big ax spoke in a deep voice.

These words caused a gleam of light to flash in the eyes of the other Golden Core Realms.

"That's right, it's impossible for those Earth Immortal Sword Cultivators to maintain their own strength all the time, they don't have enough incense."

Not far away, a Taoist wearing a green robe and holding a long flag in his hand shouted.

He has the aura of immortality in the world of practice.

People who control spirits.

The foundation-building realm of Yuling Dao was actually mixed with Dongzhou practitioners.

People in the practice world have studied a lot about the mundane world, and what this Foundation Establishment Realm of the Spirit Control Dao said is true.

The aura in the mundane world is so thin that it is almost cut off, and it is not enough to support the long-term manifestation of heaven.

And those sword cultivators who have just become guarding earth immortals have very weak soul cultivation and divine power.

They can't last long.

As long as the aura dissipates and the power of the Earth Immortal fades away, Zhang Li will still be Zhang Li.

An ordinary foundation-building environment is nothing more than an ant in front of several Jindan Daxiu.

Reminded by this Yuling Dao Foundation Establishment, several Eastern Continent Golden Core practitioners who had already wanted to quit stopped in their tracks.

Not only did they suffer a huge loss today, but those who returned intact also suffered a great loss of face.

If they can't take down Zhang Li who shakes the Shoutianmen, their prestige may be very little left.

Looking at Zhang Li, who was covered with sword intent and surrounded by flowers on the tree of sword intent behind him, the few Jindan realms took a small step forward.

If you don't shoot, force the opponent to consume strength, and finally suppress him.

This is a good way.

Seeing this scene, a gleam of joy flashed across the face of the Yulingdao Foundation Establishment Realm who spoke out.

Most of the Yulingdao disciples who came with him fell during the turmoil in Muyun Prefecture just now.

Whether it's foundation building or qi training, there is no chance of survival in the battlefield where sword qi is everywhere.

Because many experts in the same industry have fallen, the original cooperative relationship with Dongzhou practitioners may not be able to be achieved.

After all, the cooperation between practitioners stems from strength.

Without strength, who would know what you are?
At this time, he made a sound and showed his value.

As long as Zhang Li was successfully killed, he would be somewhat credited.

"No aura, no incense..."

A golden aura floated in Zhang Li's eyes.

He lacks these things?
The long sword in his hand suddenly disappeared, and he raised his hand with a wave.


Piles of spirit stones flew down.

A pile is 1 yuan.

One hundred piles is 100 million yuan.

Zhang Lishenzhou, there are hundreds of piles of such spirit stones.

Anyway, he has no shortage of low-grade spirit stones now, and he still has so many high-grade spirit stones worth as much as 20 billion low-grade spirit stones brought back from Huaxian Prefecture.

This is just the accumulation of one county in Huaxian Prefecture.

In Huaxian State, he can gather more wealth.

The appearance of a large number of spirit stones made several Jindan Realm stunned.

They were born in the fairy world, and there is no shortage of spirit stones.

The spirit stones in the Immortal Realm of Dongzhou are richer than Huaxian Prefecture and Mingwang Prefecture that Zhang Li went to.

For practitioners in the earth fairy world, low-level spirit stones are of little use.

But Zhang Li, a practitioner stationed in the mortal world, could have so much wealth in his hands, which was beyond their expectation.

With these spirit stones, Lei Hai can be activated.

Even if the power of heaven cannot be kept alive, at least it can last for a long time.

ten years?

20 years?
30 years?
"Light has Lingshi—" a Jindan realm whispered.

It's just that before he finished speaking, a golden light appeared in Zhang Li's hand.

A golden wooden box was opened, and inside were sticks of light golden high incense.


Dozens of incense sticks exuded an intoxicating aura of merit and virtue.

These incense sticks are enough for the sword cultivators stationed in Muyun Prefecture to practice for dozens or hundreds of years!
The voice-controlling dao foundation-builder looked at the spirit stone around Zhang Li's body and the incense in his hand, and was a little at a loss for a moment.

This is the mundane world...

Even the great juniors in the practice world, there are few who can be so rich, right?

This is not right...


With the revelation of the spirit stone and incense, the sea of ​​thunder behind Zhang Li began to surge.

The waves rose, bringing endless turmoil, and thunderbolts raged towards the front.

This thunder can suppress and kill Jindan Realm!
It's not just thunder, what matches with thunder is Dao Dao Jian Guang.

Seeing the flash of thunder, the expressions of several Eastern Continent Golden Core Realm experts changed drastically.


A Golden Core Realm holding a big ax let out a low shout, turned around and left regardless of the others.

If I don't run away, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape.

Several other Golden Core Realm didn't care about those practitioners below the Golden Core, and all flew away to escape.

Suddenly, there was chaos in the void.

The cultivator of Yuling Dao was even more frightened, and a spiritual light lit up on a formation plate in his hand, which led his body to move and rushed towards the void passage that Zhang Li had cut just now.

There was indifference in Zhang Li's eyes, watching all this.

The endless thunder burst, directly tearing the bodies of thousands of Dongzhou practitioners in front of them.

These thunderbolts tore apart the body, devoured the flesh and spiritual energy, and integrated the spiritual power of those practitioners into the heavenly way and turned it into nourishment.

Feed by the flesh and blood power of these Dongzhou practitioners, the power of heaven inside and outside the Tianmen surged, faintly showing the appearance of being promoted again.

Unknowingly, the power of heaven in the mortal world is already extremely strong.

This is also the reason why Zhang Lineng can sweep the Dongzhou powerhouse after the blessing of the power of heaven.

The thunder light shrouded the practitioners under the golden core and shredded them, but those who were in the golden core could escape.

It's just that they just left Leihai's range, but they saw Zhang Li's figure standing in front of them.


A Jindan realm shouted, and raised the long knife in his hand.

"Everyone, cooperation will benefit both. You Dongzhou and my Xiniuzhou don't have any enmity. Why don't we communicate with each other in the future and form an alliance and trade, how about it?"

Zhang Li standing in front suddenly spoke.

His words made several Golden Core Realm panicked.

no grudges?
Those thousands of practitioners died in vain just now?
But what does Zhang Li's words mean now?
Everyone looked up at Zhang Li in front of them.

"Inside and outside Tianmen, we can set up a trading market."

"I have the Immortal Sealing Talisman in my hand, various elixir and spiritual materials, and weapons brought from the Earth Immortal World and the World of Practice."

"If you are interested, we can set up a trading place in the void outside the Tianmen."

With a smile on his face, Zhang Li looked at the crowd: "You guys have lost a lot today, if you just go back like this, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do business."

"Do as I say, and it won't take long for you to control massive resources."

"At that time, who else in Dongzhou would dare to disrespect you?"

There was endless temptation in Zhang Li's voice.

This is the method of Shinto practice, the use of merit and soul power.

As it happens, he will.

(End of this chapter)

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