Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 162 The Flood Dragon Clan Falls, Zhang Lifeng Immortal Fire Spirit Island

Chapter 162 The Flood Dragon Clan Falls, Zhang Lifeng Immortal Fire Spirit Island

Zhang Li stood by the sea of ​​fire, his body surging with energy and blood.

The remnant soul bowed, and when the Huoyuan bull tribe bowed in front of him, the power of merit and virtue shining with golden light gathered on Zhang Li's body and poured into the sea of ​​consciousness.

When the power of merit gathered, the sea of ​​clouds of merit in his sea of ​​consciousness underwent earth-shaking changes.

Like a catalyst, the sea of ​​clouds, which was originally thin, suddenly became thicker, giving off a pale golden gleam.

The merits and virtues of the mortal world are the accumulation of the power of mortals, but the power of mortals' cultivation is too weak, and the power of merits and virtues is lacking.

The merits of the earth immortal world are due to the incompleteness of heaven, and the merits are relatively weak.

At this time, Zhang Li received the merits of practicing the world, which complemented the originally missing level of power, allowing the power of merit and virtue to continue to vibrate.


The power of the three kinds of merit and virtue is gathered together, and the power produced is not strong, but the level is infinitely high.

Zhang Li has a feeling in his heart, maybe this is the power of the divine way before the collapse of the fairy world?

Along with his enlightenment, the golden Immortal Sealing Talisman in the Sea of ​​Consciousness kept surging, with streamers flashing on it.

It seems that this fairy talisman has sensed a familiar aura, and its power level has also been raised.

On the entire talisman, there are a few more faint cloud patterns.

A majestic force surged above it.

This kind of power is like the power of heaven.

There was a golden light in Zhang Li's eyes, and his eyes swept across the phantoms standing in front of him.

He raised his hand, and several immortal sealing talismans flew down.

These talismans were all drawn by Zhu Yunshan.

As long as you mobilize the power of heaven, you can become a strong earth immortal.

The Immortal Sealing Talisman enveloped those phantoms of remnants of souls, instantly arousing the power of the surrounding world to surge.

Between heaven and earth, there seems to be a layer of clouds condensed.


A faint thunder light flickered among the clouds, as if it was about to turn into a thunder calamity.

But within a few breaths, Yun Tao began to dissipate.

Without the blessing of the power of heaven.

The way of heaven in the practice world has collapsed, and it cannot give enough blessings to the practitioners of the Shinto way.

No wonder Zhu Yunshan didn't use the Immortal Sealing Talisman in the practice world.

It turns out that the practice world collapsed due to the collapse of the heaven and earth, and without the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, the Immortal Sealing Talisman only has its own power to stay, and it is impossible to achieve immortality.

Several remnant souls who were sealed can survive, but they cannot improve their strength.

These few Fengxian Talismans can only have the power of the first foundation establishment.

Without the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, it is not immortal, and the level of strength is only foundation building, and it is imprisoned in one place and cannot leave.

This may be the reason why Zhu Yunshan chose to become an immortal in the mortal world.

Zhu Yunshan disdained to become an immortal in a practice world without the power of heaven, but the few people in front of him were already extremely happy.

At least, with the Immortal Sealing Talisman on their bodies, their remnant souls will not dissipate and perish directly.

There was a gleam of spiritual light in Zhang Li's eyes, and the meritorious power in the sea of ​​consciousness matched the Fengxian yuan talisman.

The Fengxian Yuanfu turned into a pale golden seal.

There is a fairy light shining on the big seal, and this breath has a little more majesty than the previous mortal days.

The four large characters on the original printing surface were divided into eight characters.

"Control the mountains and rivers, suppress the world."

With the appearance of the mark, it seemed that some kind of mysterious power had been touched, the phantom above the golden seal flickered, and a pale golden blue dragon emerged.

The golden seal flew out of Zhang Li's sea of ​​consciousness, and imprinted on the heads of the remnant souls who had just been sealed in front of him.


The golden light shining from the golden seal poured into the bodies of these remnants, making their bodies solid.


This is the imperial blessing of the power of heaven!
There is no way of heaven in the world of practice, but there is above this golden seal!

From then on, these Earth Immortals became Zhang Li's family members.

With the blessing of the power of the heavens, combined with the power of the earth immortals, the cultivation base of these earth immortals has also rapidly improved, reaching the peak of the foundation-building state.

In the future, the promotion of their cultivation will be related to the power gathered in Zhang Li's Fengxian yuan talisman.

If this celestial talisman can be promoted to one level, all the relatives of the earth immortals here can step into the Golden Core Realm.

The cultivation base is the pinnacle of foundation establishment, and the longevity has been greatly extended. Although it cannot be immortal, it is difficult to fall.

As long as the Immortal Sealing Yuan Talisman exists, he can be reborn with the power of the Yuan Talisman.

"Greetings to the Immortal Lord." A total of seven Earth Immortals who were full of aura bowed to Zhang Li again.

When the Immortal Sealing Talisman landed on their bodies and the golden seal was engraved on them, they already knew everything.

From then on, they are Zhang Li's dependents, and it is impossible for them to betray.

The golden seal on Zhang Li's head vibrated and turned into a seal of immortality and fell back into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The energy and blood in his body surged, and his body was full of spiritual light shining.

At this moment, because of the feedback from the power of the seven family members, his martial arts cultivation base and immortal cultivation base began to break through.

Originally, the cultivation base of the first level of foundation building directly rushed to the second level of realm in an instant, the true essence surged in the meridians, and the dantian was filled with true essence.

His whole body's energy and blood condensed, and the shadow of a dragon elephant appeared behind him.

At this time, on the body of the dragon elephant, there are interlaced auras of light and gods, and the body is solid.

Behind Zhang Li, a pair of pale golden light and shadow wings spread out, reaching a width of three feet.

Each light feather is like a blade, revealing a golden cold light.

Martial Dao Grandmaster has no blame on the seventh level, and does not fall on the eighth level. Today, Zhang Li's martial arts cultivation has stepped into the ninth level of the Grand Master Realm, which is also the perfect state of the Grand Master Realm.

Break empty.

Get rid of all emptiness, condense with your strongest energy and blood, and finally turn into a golden body of martial arts.

Martial Dao Golden Body is the Golden Core Realm of Martial Dao.

Zhang Li's Martial Dao realm at this time has already reached below the Golden Core, which is equivalent to the peak realm of Immortal Dao Foundation Establishment.

Feeling the surging power conveyed by the wings behind him, Zhang Li showed a smile on his face.

These wings can attack and defend, and can increase his combat power several times.

Especially in terms of speed, it is so fast that it is unimaginable.

The change in his body made everyone present look strange.

This is the exercise of a Qi refiner, and it is a bit like the exercise of a demon clan.

Is this person in front of you a human race or a monster race?
The breath on Zhang Li's body slowly solidified, he calmed down, and then looked up at the seven family members whom he had sealed just now.

Only one of them is a human race, and the others are all monster races.

Two from the Huoyuan Buffalo Clan, two from the Flood Dragon Clan, and two more, one from the Wind Wolf Clan and one from the Cloud Leopard Clan.

These seven earth immortals control the surrounding three hundred miles of heaven and earth.

Because here is only three hundred miles in radius, it is an island, and although the sea area outside is shrouded in divine power, it cannot be completely controlled.

Zhang Li looked at several people and asked where it was.

"Immortal Lord, this is the barren sea of ​​Luowuzhou."

The patriarch of the Huoyuan bull clan, the two-horned man spoke.

The barren sea.

This made Zhang Li a little disappointed.

He was going to the northern region of Luyangzhou, and Ao Jin hoped to return to the barren sea.

"The sea of ​​desolation..."

"How is the Flood Dragon Clan now?"

Zhang Li asked.

Hearing his words, the faces of those members of the Huoyuan Barbaric Bull Clan and the patriarch of the Huoyuan Barbaric Bull Clan turned dark.

"Immortal Lord, Ao Ju, the patriarch of the Jiaolong clan, was besieged by the two overlords of Luo Wuzhou 300 years ago. He was seriously injured and imprisoned in Fengtianya."

"The Jiaolong clan suffered heavy casualties, and the dragons had no leader, so they could only flee to the depths of the open sea to remain."

Because of the defeat of the Jiaolong clan, the monster clan near Luowuzhou lost their backing and were plundered and attacked by the human race. It was extremely miserable.

The place where Huoyuan Buffalo lived, this Huoling Island was rich in fire-type spiritual materials, and it was originally occupied by the Huoyuan Buffalo clan, relying on the mining of spiritual materials, they lived a pretty good life.

But from the defeat of the Jiaolong clan, the human race attacked and killed more than half of the Huoyuan bull clan, and the rest were enslaved to mine spiritual mines every day.

In Luowuzhou and the surrounding areas, the monster clan is now scattered, without strong support.

The human race is enslaving the monster race everywhere.

The patriarch of the Huoyuan Buffalo Clan named Qing Mang narrated in a low voice, and when he glanced at Zhang Li who folded his wings and transformed into a human image again, there was a gloomy look in his eyes.

Even if Zhang Li rescued them and seemed to treat them well, so what?

Or the human race.

"Immortal Lord, even if we are sealed, we will not be able to withstand the attack of the human race."

"It is the Iron Body Sect who invaded Fire Spirit Island, and there are three Jindan Realm experts in the sect, with tens of thousands of disciples."

The remnant soul of the cloud leopard tribe looked at Zhang Li and spoke in a low voice.

There was a hint of worry on the faces of the other immortals.

Even if they had the power to establish a peak foundation because of the conferment of the Earth Immortal, they still couldn't stop the attack of the three Jindan Realm.

"Iron Body Sect?"

There was a gleam of light in Zhang Li's eyes.

It's just three Jindan realms.

With the seven foundation-building peaks teaming up, plus himself making a move from the side, it might not be impossible to suppress.

Unless the opponent's three golden cores come together.

That's impossible.

It is impossible for any sect to move the strongest power away from the mountain gate at once.


In the distance, there was a shock.

"You wild bulls, are you being lazy again?"

"It's really a bunch of things that can't get rid of their inertia."

With a loud shout, a tall and strong man with a blue long-handled battle ax in his hand walked quickly.

The big man kicked away the scattered boulders, and after a few ups and downs, he had already reached the sea of ​​fire.

"If you don't mine three thousand catties of fire source stones today—"

Before he finished speaking, his eyes had already fallen on Zhang Li and those imperial immortals, and he stared: "Who are you?"

He clenched the long ax tightly in his hand, and sneered: "No wonder these bulls are disobedient, so there are foreign enemies sneaking in."

"It's just right, I can leave this broken island with a lack of military exploits."

With a loud shout, the big man raised the long ax in his hand and slashed at Zhang Li.

From beginning to end, there was no intention of letting Zhang Li say a word.

This is the dominance of Iron Body Sect.

Seeing the long ax slashed down, Zhang Li didn't move.

He doesn't need to move.

Behind him, Earth Immortal, a member of the human clan wearing a green robe, stepped forward, a phantom of a long sword appeared in his hand, and then stabbed out with a sword.


The long sword flew the battle ax in the big man's hand, and then with a sweep of the blade, he chopped off one of the big man's arms.

A sword cultivator at the pinnacle of foundation establishment.

Zhang Li's eyes lit up.

This kendo cultivation base is not bad.

Slowly retracting the long sword in his hand, a complex expression appeared on the face of the fairy in the green robe. He shook his head and turned to look at Zhang Li.

"Immortal Lord, my name is Tang Yunhao. I was originally a disciple of Lu Yangzhou's Fearless Sword Sect, but it was lost in the hands of Yu Lingdao, and the remnant soul was gathered into Yu Ling Banner."

Different from the other monster races, he is the main soul in Yuling Banner.

He was brought from Luyangzhou by the Yuling Dao Foundation Establishment Realm.

Zhang Li nodded, and said, "Fearless Sword Sect, the number one Sword Sect in Luyangzhou, known as the Three Thousand Swordsman who sweeps the world, but has been suppressed by Yunlan Dao Sect."

Tang Yunhao was taken aback.

The fairy lord in front of me, who sealed him, even knew about Lu Yangzhou.

Could it be that he also came from Luyangzhou?
It's just that there is no serious Shinto inheritance in Luyangzhou, so it is impossible to have such means of conferring immortality.

"Ah—you are all going to die!" The big man lying on the ground with a broken arm screamed in pain.

Zhang Li frowned, and Qing Mang in front of him stepped forward and kicked the big man's neck, causing him to pass out immediately.

Zhang Li looked around, and then said: "My name is Ao Jin."

Ao Jin?

The name caught everyone by surprise.

This is the name of the Jiaolong clan.

The two remnant spirits of the Flood Dragon Clan hurriedly stepped forward, and one of them, an old man with a white beard and one horn, stared at Zhang Li: "You say you are Young Master Ao Jin?"

Recognize Ao Jin?

Zhang Li raised his hand, and a golden light flew down.

This is a piece of dragon scales.

The immortal reached out to take the dragon scale, and the information in it turned into light and shadow and threw it into his body.

The person in front of him is not Ao Jin, the young master of the Flood Dragon Clan, but Ao Jin's contract master.

He came here in the name of Young Master Ao Jin to help the Jiaolong Clan.

The expression on the old man's face changed, and he handed the dragon scale to the Flood Dragon Clan beside him.

Both of them read the message in the dragon scales, and then bowed to Zhang Li and knelt down on one knee.

"Ao Ran, Ao Guangyue pays homage to the young master."

The young master of the Jiaolong clan!
The Jiaolong clan ruled the barren sea, and they were the co-lords of all the monster clans in Luowuzhou.

The other Huoyuan bull clan and those imperial immortals immediately bowed down and bowed down: "Greetings, young master!"


With the help of Ao Ran and his fellow Earth Immortals, Qing Mang took half a day to capture all the Iron Body Sect's garrison supervisor disciples on Huoling Island.

After all, it was just an island, and Iron Body Sect had only three foundation-builders and dozens of qi-training disciples on it.

The practice path of the Iron Body Sect is a very standard body training trend.

Trained to protect the strong body against Gangsha, the body is as strong as gold and iron.

Zhang Li didn't make a move, but just watched the fight between the Huoyuan bull clan and the disciples of the Iron Body Sect.

The blood of the Huoyuan Bull Clan is powerful, but their fighting methods are poor, and they are far from being able to exert their combat power at the same level with the same strength.

If it weren't for Ao Ran and the others sitting in the formation, the Huoyuan Bull Clan would not be able to defeat the disciples of the Iron Body Sect stationed by ten times their strength.

After dealing with the disciples of the Iron Body Sect stationed there, Zhang Li finally had time to take a good look at the current situation.

This fire spirit island has extremely rich fire source spirit stone veins, as well as various other accompanying spirit materials.

The Fire Origin Brutal Bull is born chasing fire, and is naturally friendly to the power of Fire Origin.

Originally, this was the basis for the survival of the Huoyuan bull clan. When the monster clan was prosperous, the Huoyuan bull clan was respected by all parties.

Not only can they find fire veins and fire-type spiritual materials, they can also mine spiritual materials and have the ability to refine spiritual materials.

But since the Jiaolong clan fell, the Huoyuan bull clan was also enslaved by the human race in Luowuzhou to mine spiritual materials.

"Young master, Patriarch Ao Ju was imprisoned in Fengtianya. Countless monster clan powerhouses went to rescue them, but they were lost and could not return."

"Patriarch Ao Ju sent out news that no one should go to Fengtianya to save him."

Ao Guangyue looked at Zhang Li, bowed and said: "I beg the young master to reorganize my Jiaolong clan with all my strength, otherwise the bloodline of the Jiaolong clan will be cut off, and the patriarch will never return."

(End of this chapter)

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