Guarding the mortal world for 300 years, I am invincible in the world

Chapter 163 Fusion, Wan Lingshi 1 Fire Spirit Orb

Chapter 163 Fusion, one hundred thousand spirit stones and one fire spirit bead
Zhang Li did not expect that he would come to Luowuzhou, nor did he expect that the Jiaolong clan would be defeated like this.

As for saving Ao Ju, he doesn't have the ability now.

But since he returned to the world of cultivation and came to Luo Wuzhou, he would naturally do whatever he could.

What's more, the array board that Yu Lingdao built the foundation with was destroyed, and the passage position that Ao Jin left in the barren sea was occupied by other forces.

For a while, even if Zhang Li wanted to go back to the mortal world, he couldn't do it.

As for going to Luyangzhou from here, don't even think about it.

With his current cultivation level, he is still far from being able to cross the sea of ​​void and travel countless thousands of miles back to Luyangzhou.

It's just that in the current situation, if you want to stay in Luo Wuzhou temporarily, how should you practice?

Zhang Li turned his head and looked around.

In addition to the hundreds of members of the Huoyuan Bull Clan, there are also other small groups with a total of more than a hundred people.

These monster clans were all under the rule of the Jiaolong clan back then.

Stay among the Yaozu, and then help the Yaozu get rid of the oppression of all sides?

Or go to Luo Wuzhou to see the "wild cultivators" of Luo Wuzhou?
Zhang Li did not make a decision immediately.

After communicating with Ao Ran and the others in detail, he turned and walked into the mine.

Whether it is helping the Yaozu or going to Luowuzhou, this Fire Spirit Island is his foundation here.

There are seven dependent earth immortals here, whose golden cores can fight.

Walking into the mine, the blazing flames and the heat wave made him squint his eyes.

"Young master, the fire source spirit stones on Huoling Island are of excellent quality. They are the basic spiritual materials for refining various high-grade magical weapons and even spiritual weapons. In the past, we were reluctant to mine them in large quantities."

"The fire source spirit stone mine is also accompanied by lapis lazuli and feather steel, which are precious spiritual materials, which are useful for refining spiritual weapons."

Qing Mang introduced regretfully, gritted his teeth and said: "Those people from the Iron Body Sect use the fire source spirit stone here to cultivate and torture their bodies."

"A good fire source spirit stone is just wasted like this."

In the eyes of these Huoyuan barbarians, the Huoyuan Lingshi is used to refine weapons, which can show its value, and it is a waste of good things to use it to torture the body.

The Iron Body Sect also didn't feel bad because these fire source spirit stones were snatched, so they were willing to use them to torture their disciples.

Zhang Li walked to the seaside of the fire, raised his hand and picked up a stone with traces of fiery red.

This is an unformed fire source spirit stone.

It's leftovers.

The tentacle of the stone is warm, and if it is guided by true energy, one can feel the heat within.

This fiery breath was drawn into the body and traveled through the tendons, making the muscles, bones and blood seem to be roasted.

The originally silent blood seemed to be boiling.

This fire source spirit stone can really help to beat the physical body.

It's just that the fire source spirit stone in Zhang Li's hand contains too little fire spirit energy, which is of no help to his cultivation.

But if the quality is higher and the quantity is larger, I am afraid that there will be a lot of benefits.

Looking at the sea of ​​flames in front of him, Zhang Li's eyes revealed a hint of spiritual light.

He took a step forward, and his figure fell directly into the sea of ​​flames.

"Young Master, be careful—"

Qing Mang let out a low cry, then widened his eyes, watching the qi and blood around Zhang Li's body condense into a bloody light curtain.

The ninth floor of the Martial Dao Grandmaster is almost impenetrable.

This naturally condensed flame cannot hurt Zhang Li in the slightest.

Standing in the flames, Zhang Li slowly raised his hand.

Behind him, a dragon elephant took shape, with golden light surging from its body.

In his hand, flames were enveloped by blue light.


The aura oscillated, and a light golden fiery red bead appeared in his palm.

"Fire Spirit Orb!"

"how can that be!"

Qing Mang stared at the bead in Zhang Li's palm in horror.

Fire Lingzhu.

The top-notch spiritual material of the fire element contains the power of the fire element, and the fire aura contained in a fire spirit bead is equivalent to a high-grade magic weapon.

In the eyes of practitioners who practice fire-type kung fu, the Fire Spirit Orb is ten times as valuable as the Chalcedony Orb.

The key is that there is nowhere to buy such treasures.

Many fire-type treasures of the spiritual level, as well as the refining furnaces and alchemy furnaces of Dazongmen, are all activated by fire spirit beads.

It is impossible to have fire spirit beads in the mine veins of Fire Spirit Island.

Although the ore vein reserves here are large, they will not have such a high quality.

The ore veins that contain the fire spirit beads are the existences that the entire Luowuzhou must fight for.

Zhang Li turned his head to look at Qing Mang, and then held the Huo Lingzhu.


The Fire Spirit Orb kept vibrating and then dissipated.

When it reappears, it has landed in his dantian.

The moment the Fire Spirit Orb appeared in his dantian, the demon core in his dantian spun, as if it wanted to go straight forward and devour the Fire Spirit Orb.

Yao Dan also wants the power of the Fire Spirit Orb?

Zhang Li's heart moved slightly, but he didn't give the fire spirit pearl to Yaodan.

The true essence in the dantian wraps the fire spirit bead, and then like refining a chalcedony bead, it induces the fire spirit within to travel through the meridians.

This time the fire aura was many times stronger than the fire aura in the stone just now, it was as strong as fire, rushing forward.

Zhang Li's meridians seemed to be on fire, and the flames surged and spread to the whole body.

Outside of his body, flames rose up and merged with the bloody Gangsha.

The gangsha turmoil that originally resisted the erosion of the flames outside the body, not only no longer pushes away the flames, but absorbs the flames outside the body into the body.

Use the power of the fire spirit to refine your body!
Qing Mang looked at Zhang Li who was wrapped in flames in the sea of ​​flames and turned into a golden red light cocoon, the corner of his mouth twitched.

This young master also uses fire spirit energy to refine his body, and his attacks are more ruthless than those of the Iron Body Sect.

However, unlike the members of the Iron Body Sect, Zhang Li's use of fire aura in this way not only consumes very little, but can also induce the fusion of fire aura and purify the quality of the surrounding fire source stones.

Before he knew it, Zhang Li was surrounded by several feet of space, and the flames were ups and downs.

The fire aura in the entire mine began to gather and circulate.

Under the impact of the flame, the blood in Zhang Li's body also began to condense rapidly.

As hard as mercury!

The foundation of martial arts practice is solidified again!

The energy of the fire spirit around his body was too huge, and the power of the fire spirit in his body was too pure, Zhang Li's energy and blood consumption couldn't keep up!

His martial arts cultivation base seemed solid, but only now did he realize that it was still too vain.

This time, after being tempered by the spirit of fire, I felt the fusion of this kind of power.

In the blood, the power of flames is transpiring.


A spear appeared in Zhang Li's hand.

He got this long spear from the Dongzhou Jindanjing who was beheaded by him.

After being tempered by Tianlei, this long spear has become an ownerless thing.

At this moment, with the spear in hand, the spirit of fire that tempered the body seemed to have a place to vent, pouring it all at once.


On the spear, a beam of three-foot flame rose.

The beams of light staggered and twisted, forming a long roaring dragon, slowly swimming above the spear.

There was a fiery red streamer in Zhang Li's eyes, and the spear in his hand stabbed out.

The gun shoots out like a dragon, breaking through the air and moving.

He has a lot of martial arts marksmanship in his hands, he has practiced it, but he is not good at it.

Today, with a long spear in hand, looking for a powerful martial arts practice, I feel my heart is stirring, as if a sense of pride is rising in my chest.

Flame guns pierced out one after another, and the entire mine was impacted by fire aura.

Qing Mang had to exit the mine.

Ao Ran and Ao Guangyue who were standing outside the mine looked at each other with a hint of shock on their faces.

They knew that Ao Jin was an elite of the younger generation of the Jiaolong clan.

Unexpectedly, this young man who signed a contract with Young Master Ao Jin was so strong.

This kind of marksmanship, this kind of means of mobilizing the power of the fire spirit is no weaker than the combat power of their relatives, the earth immortals.

Zhang Li practiced in the flames for three days before he came out.

In the past three days, he has been struggling with his martial arts, and the cultivation of the ninth level of the original martial arts grand master has become more stable.

The marksmanship that can activate the aura of fire is also much more proficient. Before the spear, there is a trace of flame aura, with a faint spear glow.

This spiritual weapon-level battle gun has several methods such as haste, armor-piercing, splitting, and blasting.

These methods are suitable for group battles, and one shot can sweep the world.

Walking out of the mine, he held two pale golden fire spirit beads in his hand.

"Little Lord."

Ao Ran and Ao Guangyue hurried forward and bowed.

"We have cleaned up several islands around Huoling Island in the past few days and captured all the disciples of the Iron Body Sect."

"It's just that there are dozens of Iron Body Sect disciples on Qingmu Island three hundred miles away, and we are powerless to conquer them."

Ao Ran and the others are guarding Earth Immortals, they can only control three hundred miles away, and they are powerless to suppress them.

Qing Mang's cultivation base is not enough to suppress those Iron Body Sect disciples on Qingmu Island.

Zhang Li nodded, his eyes flickered deeply: "Okay, I'll go there."

Slaughtering the disciples of the Iron Body Sect on Qingmu Island will, on the one hand, completely annihilate the Iron Body Sect's control over this place;

In this way, Iron Body Sect will not have enough response for the time being to give time to the Yaozu on Huoling Island.

Qingmang and the others have gathered more than 500 monster clans, among which Qingmang has the highest cultivation level, the fourth-level foundation-building realm, and the other monster clans only have three foundation-building realms.

This is enough to see how cruelly the human race slaughtered the monster race.

Many strong men of the Monster Clan were slaughtered, or brought to Luowu Continent, and became slaves of various forces.

After Zhang Li had a general understanding of the combat strength of the recruited monster clan, he recruited Ao Ran and the others.

"The practice of the monster race is actually more difficult than that of the human race, but because of the power of the blood, it seems that the monster race seems to be stronger than the human race."

"Actually, most of the Yaozu cannot become strong."

"This is also the reason why the monster clans of all parties are no longer able to resist the conquest of the human race after the defeat of the Jiaolong clan."

The earth immortals of the family members shook their heads when they opened their mouths.

The Yaozu seems to have powerful bloodlines, but cultivation is difficult, and there are few strong ones.

Luo Wuzhou's monster clan powerhouses are almost exhausted, and they can no longer be revived.

What Ao Ran and the others meant was to persuade Zhang Li to leave Huoling Island and find the remnants of the Jiaolong clan.

This at least ensures that he will not be killed by the human race.

"I have several inheritances. Although they may not be quick, they may be useful for the cultivation of the monster race."

Zhang Li shook his head, raised his hand, and a few books flew down.

Martial arts.

In the sea of ​​fire, he had experienced the refinement of fire aura on his cultivation.

If it is a monster race, the physical body is inherently tyrannical, and if you practice martial arts and use the power of fire spirit energy to refine, your cultivation base will definitely improve very quickly.

In addition, martial arts skills are mainly for close combat, which is very suitable for Yaozu.

In the past, Luo Wuzhou's qi refiners practiced mainly in the physical body, but they didn't have many close-to-hand martial arts combat skills.

For immortal practitioners, martial arts combat skills are of little use.

Who will let you close?

But Luo Wuzhou is different.

Luo Wuzhou's qi refiner's combat skills are similar to martial arts, and Zhang Li has also practiced the big throwing stele hand.

In Zhang Li's view, martial arts can be spread and practiced among the monster clan.

Ao Ran and the others took the book, opened it and looked at it, all of them were dazed.

"Young master, this martial art needs to be cultivated to cultivate true energy, which is not so easy to achieve." Tang Yunhao, the only human race among the seven dependents, disciple of Lu Yangzhou's Fearless Sword Sect, said in a low voice.

He is a swordsman, and he knows that these combat skills are easy to learn but difficult to master.

"It doesn't matter." Zhang Li waved his hand, and two fire spirit beads appeared in his palm.

"The power in this fire spirit bead is activated, and at least a hundred people can practice for three days."

"These two fire spirit beads are enough for them to cultivate the foundation of martial arts."

Fire Orb!
Everyone was slightly taken aback.

A fire spirit bead is worth at least one hundred thousand spirit stones.

Use these treasures to practice for the monster race?

What a big deal!
"Thank you, young master." Ao Ran said loudly, and then took the Fire Lingzhu with both hands.

Without hesitation, they directly comprehended those martial arts techniques by themselves, and then called the group, selected young people with good comprehension, and began to practice martial arts.

Zhang Li quietly left Huoling Island and went to Qingmu Island.

Accompanying him were Tang Yunhao and Qing Mang.

Qing Mang's cultivation is not bad. Although Tang Yunhao is a guarding Earth Immortal, he is a sword cultivator. Even if he leaves his God's Domain, he can still retain a lot of combat power.

Three hundred miles, it doesn't take long to fly away.

Zhang Li made two shots on the sea along the way, killing a three-foot-long black-shelled demon fish, and repelling a flying eagle that was chasing him.

The crisis in the barren sea comes not only from practitioners, but also from all kinds of monsters that appear from nowhere.

These monsters are different from the monster race with the blood of the monster.

Most of the monsters' spiritual intelligence is not high, and they don't think of themselves as monsters.

They only have killing in their eyes.

"Young master, that's Qingmu Island." Fei landed on a blue reef, Qing Mang stretched his finger forward, and spoke in a low voice.

Zhang Li nodded, holding a long spear in his hand, and flew out.

"Ao Jin of the Jiaolong clan is here, you are waiting to die quickly—"

There was a sound like a thunderclap, and the spear pierced out with a fiery red dragon shadow.

A radius of one hundred feet instantly turned into a sea of ​​thunder.

On Qingmu Island, figures ran away in panic.

The three big guys in the Foundation Establishment Realm either held weapons in their hands, or clenched their fists, and rushed towards Zhang Li.

With the spear in hand, Zhang Li's eyes showed killing intent.

The fighting spirit gathered and condensed into the armor of gangsha.

Martial arts exist for war!

The spear vibrated, and the light of the spear turned into thirteen dragons, stabbing out with one blow.

"Good marksmanship!"

Tang Yunhao's eyes lit up and he let out a low voice, following behind Zhang Li.

Although Qing Mang couldn't see how miraculous this marksmanship was, he could sense that the spear pierced his body, making holes every time.


A long knife blocked the front of the gun, but within half a breath, the long knife was picked up by the dragon shadow.

The big man with the long knife turned pale, and said in a low voice, "I can't stop—"

As his words fell, a long dragon had already pierced his body directly.

The remaining fire dragon danced around, enveloping the two foundation-builders who wanted to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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