Chapter 168 Chaos Star Sea

The Yunlongzhu is indeed an extremely important treasure for the Jiaolong clan.

The same is true, Ao Qingyun of the Jiaolong clan will take action to snatch it.

It's just that this treasure is protected by several Jindan Realm experts, and it's not something that the current Flood Dragon Clan can snatch away.

According to what Tang Sanchuan said, this Cloud Dragon Ball was discovered in a secret place in the barren sea.

Staying on Jinhua Island was not just to set up traps to attract the Jiaolong tribe.

This is just incidental.

It's just that a few Gold Core Realm experts want to take this opportunity to study this Cloud Dragon Ball.

It would be even better if he could attract the Flood Dragon Clan and get some credit.

Zhang Li stood on the attic, looking into the distance, moved his body, and left quietly.

Just now Tang Sanchuan told him a lot of secrets, with these secrets, it will be much easier for him.

Hiding his whereabouts, he came to a house in a short while.

The house is small, but well guarded.


As soon as Zhang Li arrived at the door, someone came to intercept him.

He stretched out his hand, and there was a golden light in his palm.

"Elder Tang Sanchuan ordered me to deliver medicine to Elder Zhao Lin."

The golden light in the palm is Tang Sanchuan's hidden imprint.

Represents elder status.

The practitioner on duty stepped forward, took a closer look at the mark, nodded, then turned around and led Zhang Li into the mansion.

The layout of the house is somewhat elegant, but the pile of rocks lacks structure, which shows that the owner of this mansion is not a truly elegant person.

Passing through the courtyard, Zhang Li was led to a forty-year-old woman in a plain dress.

"I've met Mrs. Zhao." Zhang Li cupped his hands, as if he was very familiar with the person in front of him.

The woman nodded slightly, and said, "Thank you, Elder Tang."

"My husband is in seclusion. If there is anything for him, I will pass it on."

Zhao Lin, Golden Core Realm Overhaul.

It was the one who intercepted Ao Qingyun before.

Later, with the help of Zhang Li, Ao Qingyun crossed the catastrophe and became a demon cultivator in the Golden Core Realm.

According to what Ao Qingyun said, if he survives the Golden Core Thunder Tribulation, he can kill Zhao Lin like a dog.

These words are bragging.

After all, Zhao Lin came back alive.

Although he was seriously injured, he was not directly slaughtered as Ao Qingyun said.

Tang Sanchuan reckoned that Zhao Lin was indeed seriously injured this time.

On Jinhua Island, Zhao Lin was seriously injured, and another one encountered a powerful sea monster when he went to explore Qingmu Island, and his life and death were unknown.

In this way, after the few resident Golden Core masters leave, there will only be one Golden Core Realm stationed on the entire Jinhua Island.

Fortunately, Wuhua Sect also knew about this, and was already trying to find a way to send another Jindan expert to Jinhua Island.

At this time, it was normal that Mrs. Zhao in front of her didn't let Zhang Li meet Zhao Lin directly.

After all, it was seriously injured and retreated, so it was really hard for outsiders to see it.

"Mrs. Zhao, this is the elixir prepared by Elder Tang." Zhang Li handed over a jade box.

Then, he looked at Mrs. Zhao in front of him, and lowered his voice: "Elder Tang asked me to come, and there is one more thing."

Madam Zhao looked up at him.

"Elder Tang asked me to take Ao Shuangyue away."

"This monster is related to the key to the Jiaolong clan besieging Jinhua Island."

"Elder Tang suspects that Elder Zhao Lin's serious injury is also related to this demon."

Zhang Li spoke softly.

His words made Mrs. Zhao narrow her eyes.

As Zhao Lin's Taoist companion, she knew how much Zhao Lin valued Ao Shuangyue.

Zhao Lin wanted to practice double cultivation with Ao Shuangyue but failed, and his heart was full of this banshee of the Jiaolong tribe.

Even if she is an orthodox Taoist couple, in Zhao Lin's eyes, she is far inferior to Ao Shuangyue.

Looking at Zhang Li in front of her, Mrs. Zhao's eyes flickered.

Taking advantage of Zhao Lin's serious injury, send Ao Shuangyue out?
"Is it Elder Tang, or someone else?" Mrs. Zhao looked at Zhang Li in front of her and asked in a deep voice.

Hearing her words, Zhang Li smiled.

"Mrs. Zhao, several seniors in the Golden Core Realm will leave Jinhua Island tomorrow. Elder Sun Quan is afraid that their journey will be lonely, so he asked Elder Tang to arrange it."

Mrs. Zhao's eyes lit up at Zhang Li's words.

Elder Sun Quan is the only great cultivator on the island currently stationed at the Golden Core, the third level of the Golden Core Realm, and the deacon elder in the Wuhua Gate.

He arranged to send Ao Shuangyue to those great monks in the Golden Core Realm. On the one hand, he wanted to please them. On the other hand, one of the Flood Dragons was sent on a mission, which was considered an explanation for the island siege.

The best of both worlds.

As for offending Zhao Lin, even if Zhao Lin is not seriously injured, he is just a practitioner who has just entered the Golden Core, dare to go to Sun Quan's dignitary?
What's more, Zhao Lin was seriously injured this time, and he didn't know when he would recover.

"Okay, I will give you this demon to take away."

Mrs. Zhao nodded, looked out of the lobby, and waved her hand.

But a moment later, a female cultivator whose hands and feet were bound by chains was dragged in by several burly banshees.

These banshees with big arms and round waists all have ferocious faces and strong bodies. They dragged the female cultivator and threw them in front of Zhang Li.

Zhang Li looked down and saw that this female cultivator's cultivation had been banned and almost cut off.

His face was fine, but it was pale and less bloody at this moment.

It seems that Mrs. Zhao took advantage of Zhao Lin's retreat and made a lot of trouble.

"I'll take her to the pier right now."

"Don't worry, ma'am, this matter is over."

As Zhang Li said, he stretched out his hand to hold the chain in the nun's hand, lifted it up and left.

Behind him, Mrs. Zhao showed a smile on her face.

"Hmph, ma'am, this little bitch is not dead, it's really a good thing for her."

A banshee with a pig's head looked at Mrs. Zhao flatteringly.

"Yes, it will be sent out."

Another banshee also spoke.

Hearing what the two said, Mrs. Zhao smiled and shook her head slightly.

Sending it to those few Jindan overhauls, and then bringing it back to Luowuzhou, these days will be more miserable than staying on Jinhua Island.

This is what she wants to see.

Zhang Li was holding the female cultivator in his hand, and a faint spiritual light outside his body covered his body, and outsiders could not detect it if they did not have a golden core.

He quietly walked out of the city gate, and then walked onto the pier.

But he didn't send the nun to the two big ships that he said would leave tomorrow, but turned around to a remote corner.

"Go and tell Ao Qingyun that the three Jindan Realm will leave with Yunlongzhu tomorrow."

"On that big ship."

Zhang Li pointed to a five-masted ship docked by the pier.

His words made the female cultivator who had closed her eyes open her eyes with surprise on her face.

"You, who are you?"

The nun stared at Zhang Li.

Not many people know Ao Qingyun's identity.

There are even fewer people who can accurately tell that Ao Qingyun came near Jinhua Island.

"Ao Qingyun knows who I am."

As Zhang Li spoke, he raised his hand, only to see a pale blue sword light flashing past.


Jian Guang directly chopped the chains on the female nun's hands and feet.

"Sword intent!" the female cultivator whispered.

Not to mention Jinhua Island, even on Luowu Island, there are not many strong people who practice swordsmanship.

There are even fewer who can cultivate sword intent.

Who is this?
"You can find Ao Qingyun, right?" Zhang Li looked at the female cultivator whose chain had fallen.

The nun nodded.

Zhang Li raised his hand to shake off a golden light, turned around and left.

Watching Zhang Li leave, the female cultivator held onto the golden light that Zhang Li gave him, hesitated for a moment, then quietly fell into the water, and then disappeared.


A day later, Jinhua Island was full of spiritual lights.

Although most of Jinhua Island had been burnt by the sky fire, and it was scorched black, it couldn't conceal the aura that filled the city at this time.

Surrounded by teams of guards, dozens of dignified practitioners walked out of the city and onto the pier.

A Jindan practitioner led the disciples on duty on the island to the bow of the boat.

The big ship started slowly, the sails were full, and the golden light was shining.

"Sun Quangong sends you fellow Taoists."

The white-bearded Taoist standing on the pier spoke loudly.

Only a few people on the big boat bowed their hands, and the others didn't even bother to return the salute.

A third-level Jindan who was dispatched to a desolate island, it is impossible to see him again on Luowuzhou, why should he care?

Only the real elites on Luo Wuzhou should be valued.

There are several big forces in Luowuzhou, among which there are many strong ones, and the third level of Jindan Realm also depends on the background and potential.

Sun Quan stood on the pier and watched the big ship leave with a smile on his face.

Tang Sanchuan who was standing behind him bowed and said: "Congratulations Elder Sun, from now on, this Jinhua Island will have a radius of [-] miles, and you will be the real king."

These words made Sun Quan even more proud.

He turned around and patted Tang Sanchuan on the shoulder, nodded and said: "Sanchuan, I need you to help me in the future."

Tang Sanchuan hastily bowed excitedly.

Sun Quan laughed loudly, flicked his sleeves, and left directly as if he had stepped on a green cloud.

Starting today, Jinhua Island is his sole decision.

Not only Jinhua Island, but also in the surrounding waters, he, Sun Quan, has the final say.

This is where he is happy.

For outsiders, the most important thing is to improve one's cultivation.

However, Sun Quan has no hope of improving his cultivation base in this life, and most of his lifespan at the Golden Core Realm has been consumed, so there is not much left.

For the rest of my life, I will be a king of the sea on Jinhua Island, how good is it?


The big ship leaving Jinhua Island was fast.

On the deck, the expressions of the three great monks at the Golden Core level were indifferent.

The person who took the lead was the Jindan eighth stage, a strong man who could have a place in the entire Luowuzhou, the deacon elder Yue Teng of Zhenyuezong.

Elder Yue Teng is the leader of this investigation into the secret place of the Yaozu.

It was also he who brought back the Cloud Dragon Ball from the secret place.

According to the calculations of the other two Golden Core overhauls, if Elder Yue Teng can unlock the secret in Yunlongzhu, I am afraid that the ninth floor of the Golden Core is not far away.

Once stepping into the ninth level of Golden Core, they will be the strongest existences in Luo Wuzhou.

If the Nascent Soul does not come out, the ninth floor of the Golden Core can rule one side.

"Elder Yue Teng, Jin will go to study the Cloud Dragon Ball again."

The black-bearded old man standing beside Yue Teng cupped his hands towards Yue Teng and said in a low voice.

Another Golden Core Realm beside him also surrendered.

Of these two Jindan Realm experts, one is Jin Yunzi, who is at the fourth level of the Golden Core, and the other is Luo Jiachen, who is at the fifth level of the Golden Core, and they are both well-known experts on Luo Wuzhou.

It is a rare existence in the world that the cultivation base of the Golden Core Realm can reach the sky step by step, and the cultivation base can be pushed to the fourth and fifth layers of the Golden Core Realm.

Jin Yunzi is the elder of the Golden Body Sect, and Luo Jiachen is a practitioner from the Luowuzhou Wilderness Alliance.

There are many casual cultivators on Luowuzhou, and most of them reside in the wasteland.

The wilderness is a barren land that occupies more than half of Luowuzhou, and it is a holy place for casual cultivators of the human race.

Killing can't be stopped here, and countless low-level casual cultivators have honed their cultivation in it.

Either die or become strong.

For Luo Wuzhou Manxiu, who practices the method of body training and regards himself as a Qi refiner, the real fight is what they like most.

Luo Jiachen is the leader of a Qi Refining Alliance group in the wasteland. This time he was invited by Elder Yue Teng to come here to find opportunities.

Although he and Jin Yunzi had nothing to gain, Elder Yue Teng had agreed to give them the Yunlongzhu before.

But the time is limited, only before returning to Luo Wuzhou.

So they are now fully comprehending and don't want to waste a little time.

"Okay." Elder Yue Teng nodded with a smile on his face.

This is an agreed matter, and he will naturally not object.

As a strong man at the eighth level of Jindan, Elder Yue Teng also has the bearing he should have.

Jin Yunzi and Luo Jiachen went back to the cabin, Elder Yue Teng stood on the deck and looked at the clouds on the sea in the distance.

The speed of the ship was extremely fast, and the five-masted ship was already a rare large ship in the sea area.

I heard in the past that there are dragon boats of the Jiaolong clan in the sea area, pulled by three dragons, the captain is three hundred feet long, and has nine floors above it, like the city of clouds and clouds.

But this is just legend.

The human race who drove the Jiaolong clan to the depths of the barren sea and occupied the territory of the Jiaolong clan searched everywhere, but they did not see this dragon boat.

After a day's boat trip, Jinhua Island is already thousands of miles away.

Thousands of miles a day, this is still a five-masted ship that does not speed up at full speed.

Elder Yue Teng knew that both Jin Yunzi and Luo Jiachen had told the disciples who steered and steered the ship to slow down.

Even, the road is slightly detoured.

He doesn't care about these little tricks.

After finding the Yunlongzhu, Elder Yue Teng already felt that his cultivation had reached the point where he could not improve.

If you want to improve, the opportunity may be on the cloud dragon ball.

This time when he returns to Luo Wuzhou, he will be closed to death.

If he doesn't reach the ninth floor of the Golden Core, he won't leave the level.


Elder Yue Teng frowned when the big ship sailed to a sea area surrounded by mountains and islands.

This is not the waterway to Luowuzhou.

Off course?

He snorted coldly and waved his hand.

A golden light flew down and went to the cabin behind.

After a few breaths, three tall practitioners in green robes stepped onto the deck.

These three are the disciples who control the course and speed of the big ship, and they are all at the eighth level of foundation building and above.

"I met Elder Yue Teng."

The three bowed quickly.

Yue Teng glanced over, with a hint of gloom in his eyes.

"Why did you go to the Chaotic Star Sea?"

Chaos Sea of ​​Stars.

The three disciples looked blank.

Chaotic Star Sea is a dangerous place in the barren sea. It is said that it was because there were powerful and powerful people fighting back then, which caused the surrounding sea area to become chaotic.

If you enter the sea of ​​chaotic stars, you will not be able to distinguish things.

There are also powerful monsters in the sea resident here, who are not afraid of swords and guns, and have strong defenses.

Back then, the Yaozu had conquered and suppressed the Chaotic Star Sea several times, but they all failed.

This place, the human race does not want to set foot.

"I don't know, I followed the chart given by Senior Jin Yunzi." The one at the helm among the three disciples whispered.

Jin Yunzi?
Yue Teng's face darkened, and he said in a low voice, "He gave you the chart himself?"

The disciple's face flashed blankly, he shook his head and said: "That's not true, it was a servant with the seal of the deacon elder of Jinhua Island who came to find me, and said that it was the sea chart that Elder Jin Yunzi gave me..."

A servant of Jinhua Island?

Elder Yue Teng's complexion changed, he wanted to speak, and suddenly raised his head.

Between the scattered islands in the distance, a little bit of stars lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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